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Joined : 2021-01-19
Posts : 809
Age : 27
Location : Wherever the Thiccness is

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[Spirit Class 6+] Tentō Zefā Left_bar_bleue0/0[Spirit Class 6+] Tentō Zefā Empty_bar_bleue  (0/0)

[Spirit Class 6+] Tentō Zefā Empty [Spirit Class 6+] Tentō Zefā

Tue Nov 08, 2022 2:17 pm

Vizard Profile

I. Basic Information

Hazard Ranks

Power: C
Influence: C
Resources: C

Overall: C

» Name: Tentō Zefā
» Titles: 5th Seat of Squad 4, Member of Kido (Barrier / Healing) section[kinda established, [not established] Vanguard Unit- volunteer combat responders, Shino Academy (Staff aid, Volunteer), Shinigami Men's Association
» Alias/nickname(s): Nothing given

» Appearance Age: 30
» True Age: August 14, 1992
» Gender: Male
» Height: 6 feet 7 inches / 2.04216 meters
» Weight: 220 lbs

» Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual
» Alignment: Neutral Good
» Marital Status: Single

» Hair Colour: Black
» Eye Colour: Brown
» Skin: Chestnut Brown
» Reiatsu color: Peanut-Brown

» Affiliation/Rank: Gotei United / 4th Division: Combat, 5th seat / Soul Society / Shinigami (Vizard)
» Voice: Tengen Uzui, Demon slayer VA: Ray Chase

» Appearance Description: Growing up in the deep south side of the USA, located in the inner city home of one of the most popular locations in the state. Tentō spent a good amount of his days outside. Playing basketball at the local basketball court, or attending one of the city's famous hangout locations in the tourist area with his friends while they listened to music. The various amounts of time outside and activity ensured that his physical body was in shape, slightly muscular from the physical activities and contact, but lean still, not bulky, yet still being 220 lbs.

The combination of that with his 6ft 7 inches height made him a handsome young man. He is of African American descent with a part of his heritage being Native Cherokee. All the time outside didn't not both his chestnut-brown skin through. His eyes are a deep brown, his black hair in the shape of low twists faded on the side. He kept his facial hair nice and neat, keeping it in the shape of an extended goatee that connected fully. Allowing it to be full, but low and outlined smoothly.

» Appearance Picture: [Spirit Class 6+] Tentō Zefā Images10

I. Personality

» Personality: Tentō is one would call an intelligent perverted gentleman. He was raised to be respectful to everyone he meets and to judge them by their character and actions, sadly that would not help with his eyes though. A sociable man that at times could be distant and shy if put in a situation he was not comfortable or confident in. He did give his all in those situations, or any task that was given to him though.

A jokester, an attitude that at times really helped some of his friends feel better when dealing with sad news, he always tried to support them in any way he could, be it giving advice, listening, or just letting them vent. He did it all genuinely with effort.

This excessive goofiness did hurt him at times though, for most people could not handle his laid back attitude most of the time, considering him not appreciative of life, or duty, or a purpose. However, he did, he just felt like there was no need to be stress and stiff about the day to day matters that went and came that he already had plans for or had experience. He only cared to really show his seriousness for the situations that called for it, and that rarely happened.

But that does not mean he doesn't care about something or has pride in himself, it means the exact opposite actually. His mental state is that he will do what he needs to but only give the most important things most of his attention.

» Likes:
+ Martial arts
+ Sports/ Competition
+ Tea
+ Reading
+ Writing
+ Working out
+ Relaxing
+ Jokes

» Dislikes:
- Arrogance
- Dishonesty
- Disloyalty
- Irresponsibility
- Lack of Respect (others and self)

I. History

» History:

Time in the living:

Tentō Zefā grew up like a normal kid, well, as normal as a kid could grow up in a single-parent home in a low-income community filled with drugs and gang violence. His father passed while Tentō was still an infant, leaving only his mother and two older sisters in his life. The temperature was hot and humid, rain falling almost daily as if to be a representation of the gloom within Tentō's family. The only small piece of peace the child could find was at times, the walks through his neighborhood where he cleaned up litter along the way, thinking, sometimes taking a longer path, and enjoying the peaceful scenery and sound within the nearby forestry. He took those moments as healing, and when he was older, close to the start of his teenage years, he took solace in interacting with the children that were younger than him as he watched the community he had grown to know to become more decayed and hallow steadier and steadier as the bodies accumulated from guns and drugs. The kindness and support between each person he interacted with was their own form of protest, and to Tentō, hope. He was critical of those he saw in the same situation as him and helped them be on their own path that would lead them away to the fate of those before them, but he could only do so much and they would have to desire it to, and thankfully, some did.

However, some didn't. And from the cost of seeing people betrayed, tossed aside, killed, Tentō had grown to know the deep meaning of caution and suspicion. The loss of family members stocked flames of rage, towards individuals and the environment that caused the event. Events that replayed over and over like a tape rewinding not just for Tentō and his family, but for everyone. A cycle that was a curse and motivation for him as he steadily grew from a child, to a boy, to a man. The various life lesson imprinted values that would be carried onto Tentō's soul. Grit, dedication, honesty, and humility. This many values and more would be with him in the way he stepped, he talked, and thought. He would treat everyone with initial respect, and based on those actions and things done to him from them, he would respond and adjust himself to them. But still, he considers all life equal to him, for life grows in the same cycle regardless of the person, and that everyone has had their own path and hardships that has shaped them.

Through these lessons of life he was given, and through his own effort, he was able to grow up fine. He went to school and university, found finds that he cherished and cared for. Found a career that he could enjoy doing, a product/industrial designer that focused on medical and community development and was about to be married to a women he loved deeply. He was much better than he was as a child, physically and emotionally, and fortunately, some of his friends from back home and children were able to find that end as well. Although some weren't. And from his knowledge that he was a "lucky" one, he gave back. Occasional travels back home would be spent visiting family and friends, relaxing and seeing how everyone was doing. The other half of the time he would spend volunteering in any way he could, be it helping clear up after disastrous, donating materials or items that were in need such as food or school material. Back home, he would also donate time as a volunteer for troubled youth, even though he was only 24 years old, he felt that he was making a genuine impact in some people's lives long term. And he was happy, he was now married.

And then, unfortunately, a pandemic happened. It crept into their lives quickly and silently. Towns were shut down, jobs lost, and people live's lost. Unfortunately, Tentō was one of the people who were sickened. Spending the last few months of his life in the hospital due to complications of a chronic condition he was diagnosed with as a teen, he died unable to see or goodbye to his newlywed wife.

Life after life:

Afterwords Tentō found himself in the afterlife, he assumed. He was not a religious person and so, everything was shocking to him. He was not sure where he was exactly, heaven or hell or somewhere else between. But he did know, that this was place was busy, filled with people, and strangely felt like regular life on earth. People were...well still people. Food and water was still needed for some reason, and he didn't see any demons or angels. He would spend some time confused wandering around until someone garbed in a robe discovered him. After some explanation, and food that came with the realization that he was starving, an unknown fact due to the shock factor. He was given some details about everything. Something about a Shinigami; someone who helps other souls move onto the Afterlife and fight something called a, "Hollow", things that killed/ate these souls and did not allow them to pass on. Given his core feeling of needing to serve and give back still within him, he didn't have much choice. And so, he decided to join the academy. He has grown over the few years that he has been here, but he is not entirely sure if he is ready or good enough to graduate yet and enter the Soul Society as a Shinigami though. Time would only tell.


5 years later, time did tell. Thanks to being put ahead in his Zanjutsu class placed with the 5th years of the class as a 1st year. Tento's course time was shortened by a little bit of time, 2 years. During these years he met a special someone who would become a dear friend and mentor. Hanako Yamada. The Ice Queen of Shin'o Academy who seemed to just be an angry troubled soul through his interactions with her. With bumps and bruises made to start it off, Tento was able to melt the ice shell ever slightly to get a training and sparring partner with the skilled upper class student. At first with just picking each other as partners in class and training after in swordsmanship, hand to hand combat, and a little bit of Kido tutoring from Tento to Hanako. A friendship was somewhat born within the first few months. A sadness came from Tento on the day that his mentor graduated, but also felt joy for her moving on to another stage in life.

In addition. thanks to the intense training with Hanako (and a bit of angry caused by her in the first few sparring interactions) Tento's body discovered that he had an under layer of hollow powers. He was a Vizard. But he did not know this aspect of his identity or power and it seemed that it was not to a level yet that could draw notice. A mysterious Halloween break through was when things began to change. Strange occurrences happened, sounds, sights, people missing. Even marks of an attack. Hollows had snuck into the school! Working with the few students who stayed home due to having no family; Tento worked together and lead their groups to defend the school, rescue/treat the wounded, and defeat the groups of Hollows.

Although....they were never able to find out how the Hollows got in and why....

Pressing onward, him focus in his studies and her focused on her duty. Communication grew rare and then silent. But using Hanako's advice and lessons, the young Tento continued in his studies at the academy with full diligence. Lucky with his exposure, he was able to get a few times learning lessons under experienced and powerful individuals. An upperclassmen student that was close to graduating; Koyo Kuchiki, taught him a bit about Kido and even gave some very fundamental advice about learning one's Zanpatuko's name. Bonding and learning their abilities.

The art of Hoho under the late Captain Kobayashi. Gaining advice and tips to understand the complex start of the art method and how to expand forward in the future potentially. And the course to get there in a healthy manner. He was also blessed to gain further instruction in Zanjutsu with professor Henrex. Gaining a deeper style in the spirit of the sword, and the begining layers to start the development of his own personal style.

In time, his graduation came, and in an unexpected present. A person was there to greet him; a pseudo family as he had no kin in the after life. An old friend who was now the Lieutenant of the 4th Division; Hanako Yamada. With joy he found that his request to join the division was accepted, and after catching up with his mentor/friend, he got the chance to take a tour and learn a little bit about his new home as her as his guide. Eventually, he was tasked to his first mission, a scout and Hollow elimination mission in the world of the living alongside 3rd seated officer Laskt Matiche. Handling the mission by himself with the 3rd seat's observation.

His follow up mission was a chaotic and mind opening experience. Powerful beings were fighting, and to this day Tento still does not know who the fighters and reinforcements were. Only that they were universes away from him in power and had frightening exciting abilities and strength. doing his part only a foot solider. He stayed out of the way of people he would only hinder and slow; deciding to do his part in protecting and rescuing civilians from environmental damage and the effects of battle.

Now given the rank of the 15th seat of the 4th Combat Division. His story continues....


I. Natural Abilities

» Natural Abilities:

Competent strength/hand to hand combat/Aptitude in Movement: During Tento's time alive, he spent it honing his body and mind by practicing the art of combat. In that time he chose to study Taewando, Brazilian Jin-jitsu and Muy Thai. And over the time of five years he had increased his skill to the point that he had earned the rank of 1st degree of black belt in all of them. Fierce and strong in his own right though, Tento was only scratching the surface of his potential in the martial arts at the time of is death. The care of his body and mind together allowed him to break Five 9 in' wooden boards with a single strike, the sharpness of his moves and power has only increased ten fold with his exposure to the after life and his spirit energy.

High awareness/perception: The time of five years doing material arts had given him a lot of exposure to hand to hand combat even more so with perception. The tension of the body, breathing, the slight hint from eye direction; all were used by Tento to learn when his opponent would attack, how, and when. It had gotten to the point that he could image the movement of them, and then break it.

Quick adaptability/critical thinking: Tento's experience practicing Taewando, Jin-jitsu and Muy Thai for over five years in the human world during his living time had done many things for him, one of which was training his body to respond to incoming strikes but as well as to quickly analysis the move done to him or trap he found himself in him. Now dead, he found that the experience had transferred with him, becoming a notable trait of his. During battle, he is able to keep himself calm and quickly think, acting like a hunter and an artist in his action, seeing, creating and deleting various openings and weaknesses of incoming attacks.

Iron will: Tento's time in the living world, fighting as a martial artist as well as the context of his upbringing made sure of one thing for him; he was a fighter. Be it was his stubbornness, hope for a better, or simply pride, the young male would not fall down to anything easily. If he wanted something badly, he would work for it, if he had to fight for something he would, tooth and nail. The competitions tested him over and over, and no matter the number of times he fell, he would get back up. WIth a stronger fire and fierceness than before. His body could push his body past the limits it told itself, but even more, his mind would not break. He would not waiver in his convention, he would not act with unsure actions, only with what he thought was best for him and his belief. Given this, his ability to get up when beaten to a bloody pulp has become one of his stand-out traits, as well as the resolve to lead and at times, give others the resolve to stand when they could not alone.

Vizard symptoms: An unknown part of Tento, even to himself. At times when the young man is filled with extreme rage or in a death situation, his will to live seems to do something to him. Right now it is subtle, but there is a seeding of something, different, with his spiritual signature. Dense and fierce, and when fighting to live it seems to push his power to another level from before, unfortunately, it will make him more violent towards whatever he is facing. Unbeknownst to him and the others, it is a hint of hollow energy.

Enhanced Endurance: Iron sharpens iron as the saying goes. This are is an unique and interesting aspect for Tento. Having not met his inner hollow yet, the physical boost of the Hollow wishing to fight and maintain its survival gives its host a boost to Tento's endurance. With Tento's natural earned toughness due to his past life, and the drilling done by Hanako over the tears before she graduated with Tento's continued discipline. The Soul reapers body is a little bit more durable than the average beings around his level of power. As well as a nice mental toughness.

Above Average Kido / adept Kido knowledge/learning- As naturally gifted with the sword as Tento was, the knowledge lover found that he had an interesting relationship with the demon arts; Kido. Not gifted or a genius in the way of creating Kido from thin air. Tento has found that he is able to learn spells and pick up concepts a little bit faster than others. Not an expert in any right, he is just lucky to have a solid grasp on the foundations of Kido with an equal amount of control due to his careful and dedicated repetition. Not as skilled in the art of true praticionors, he is able to be creative with his kido spells as well as mix and combine some of the mid to low level spells though.

I. Racial Abilities

» Racial Abilities:




Saisenkō (切斬閧, Killing Stroke War Cry):

Tento has developed his own version of this technique. By circulating Kido through his body and bouncing it through his zanpatuko, he is capable of unleashing a building amount of energy till it burns. Acting as fuel that creates a fire. Coating his sword in an additional flame sword that can unleash heat around to dry up water and augmenting his strikes with fire based attacks and his Reiryoku. These flames seem to burn bright and intensely to match Tento's spirit; a calm campfire or an erupting volcano towards challenges.

Beyond the expected abilities or boosts one would expect in the ability to use fire to some degree, with Tento's bond with his zanptauko and growing control over his inner hollow, there is no felt or realistic boost to his capabilities. Instead, he has gained another tool under his belt to use his focus and battle iq to create opportunities in the middle of battle as well as creativity in conjunction with his other skills.

Sword styles:

I. Sealed Zanpakutō

» Zanpakutō Name: Shiōmaru (獅鷹丸, Lion Hawk)

» Zanpakutō Spirit Appearance: The spirit of Tento is that of a lion with a hawk perched on its back. The lion wears a collar which is connected to the hawk's foot, binding them together. They talk as individuals but often state they prefer when they are one individual. The hawk sounds as a woman, whereas the lion sounds masculine.

In Bankai, the two undergo a visual change where they fuse to appear as a griffin. Content that they are whole and speaking in a strange tone that echoes the two individuals that they were prior. They are both deeply honorable, wise and experienced. Often challenging their master to improve and their way of life, through hardship does one find growth and through trial and error does one find pride in their own work.

[Spirit Class 6+] Tentō Zefā OIP.y3eIM8uyExucf57K4GnJggHaEo?w=299&h=186&c=7&r=0&o=5&dpr=1.3&pid=1

» Zanpakutō Spirit Personality: Even in the hardest of times, even in the midst of chaos, Shiōmaru remains unflappable. Their measured words and steady gaze have a calming effect on Tento. Howewer they have high expectations of their partner as a warrior and such believes in discipline and high standards. It is not as if they cannot joke but often time their presence is an oasis of order, and they expects nothing less from their wielder. Given that, surprisingly, Shiōmaru has a wicked sense of humor. They slips witty remarks into chosen conversations and can be quite sarcastic or sassy at time. Catching Tento off guard eliciting laughter. Even sharing in his act of telling deliberate bad or corny jokes just for the amusement of seeing people's predicted reactions.

Beneath this stern exterior lies a heart that cares deeply. They remember all that is a part of Tento and more that is not of him. What he has told them and what they have only witnessed. Birthdays, deep memories, doubts and though. They offer encouragement during tough times, and is always there to listen. Truly Shiōmaru lives by a strict code of ethics. They value honesty, integrity, and fairness. And believes that Tento must be able to lead and act without them even if they will always be there for him.


Tea Obsession: Shiōmaru home, given the timely, can be shelved with a lining of antique teapots. Often they insist on brewing a fresh cup for Tento when they are spending time together.
Secret Poetry: Late at night, they writes haikus about constellations and ravages Tento's mind about the poems he may have written in the day.

» Inner World: A temple deep in the mountains, lion dog statues adorn the sides of the pathway that leads to the inner den of the temple where the spirit is mostly found.

» Sealed Appearance: The sealed state of Tento's sword takes the form of a katana, its blade is more straight than one might expect and it lacks curvature. Its' tsuba is an oval shape with two stars engraved either side. The handle is wrapped in a light brown cloth, a color which the sheathe mirrors. Hanging off the handle is a small chain with a tuft of fur hanging from it.

» Sealed Zanpakutô Powers: A small energy force can be felt around Tentō's body, it can be activated at will. The field has its own powers in that it energizes and refills vitality slightly, thus, it has the ability to feel the energy and health of people around Tento to a certain small degree.

Right now it cannot do it that far from his body, but, it can repel some small objects as they approach his body and allow his mind to be aware of stealthy attacks in order to aid in him responding. In addition to this in this state Tento can generate or manipulate energy within a small vicinity (5 meter circumference) while also having a level of energy attack resistance.

I. Shikai

» Shikai Release Phrase: Soar. Shiōmaru.

» Shikai Release Actions: N/A

» Shikai Appearance:

The appearance of Shiōmaru changes, the blade transforms into a sickle which is attacked to a fan made out of feathers at the end of the chain.

» Shikai Abilities: There are a couple of layers to Shiōmaru's release, requiring its user to be adept at taking advantage of its attributes. Its ability is quite simple, the sickle is used as a flailing weapon by spinning it with the chain and launched to make attacks at the target while the fan is kept in the user's hand due to the true power of Shiōmaru being the fan itself.

By spinning the sickle in the air - whether to make attacks or just idly - it generates energy which is transferred through the chain, stored inside the fan to be released as powerful gusts of wind for various purposes. Tento can utilise this for simply sweeping attacks which release powerful winds in the direction that the fan is aimed at, whether defensively or offensively. It is highly effective at fighting against projectiles as a result.

He has a total of six feathers in the fan, gaining two extra for every rank of Zanjutsu he gains above Adept. Shiōmaru's true power is being able to sacrifice feathers to utilise techniques which he may develop through experience, an example of this which his zanpakuto spirit shows is Shishikyuu (Lion's Breath) whereby giving up a feather he can cause the sickle to create a temporary vacuum around itself by sucking out all the air briefly which can stagger opponents and immediately charge the fan to use a powerful gust of wind as he needs.

He could also pluck the feathers out and leave them in a spot, setting up traps to make the feathers explode in violent winds. The actual application of Tento's feathers are up to his own creativity and ingenuity.

Shikai Weaknesses:

Feathers: Once Tento uses all of his feathers, his shikai cannot generate attacks through the fan. It becomes what is essentially a melee-type zanpakuto where he is just using the sickle. The feathers take a day to recharge and so he must use them carefully.

Allies: The gusts of wind may inconvenience or hurt his allies if he is not careful.

Tight spaces: Tento has to play carefully in enclosed spaces since the sickle's range is limited, however it might be beneficial by limiting routes to escape his winds. This depends on his own versatility and growth.


Shishikyuu (Lion's Breath): whereby giving up a feather he can cause the sickle to create a temporary vacuum around itself by sucking out all the air briefly which can stagger opponents.

獅子の風を映す | Shishi no kaze o utsusu (reflecting wind of the lion): by giving up a feather, he can create a power storm tornado of wind based on the location of where the feather was thrown, left or activated as a wind barrier covering a 10 meter range. At adept rank, this move can only be done once every 5 posts, in which the cool down deceases by one post per rank above adept that Tento is. Beyond adept rank, energy attacks and proper logical elemental attacks that are less than or equal to Tento's Zanjutsu may be redirected.

風の傷 | Kaze no Kizu (Wind Scar): To do this move, Tento much charge his attack he must swing Shiōmaru for 3 posts total. This move does not sacrifice a feather, but may not be used if all of Shiōmaru feather's are used. By swinging his fan or sickle, Tento can create a powerful wave of yellow flashing wind capable of changing the course of the wind and cleaning a low level hollow in one clean strike when applied at full force. The size of the wave is 10 meters in size and has a range of 10 meters.

I. Bankai

» Bankai Name: "Shiō Gomonzen" (獅鷹 御門前, Lion Hawk Before The Imperial Gate).

» Bankai Release Phrase: "Bankai, Shiō Gomonzen" (獅鷹 御門前, Lion Hawk Before The Imperial Gate).

» Bankai Release Actions: [Player Choice].

» Bankai Appearance: Upon entering bankai, Tento gains a mantle which looks as a lion's mane which hangs down his back. From this mantle two large plumes of feathers sprout as wings and he gains a helmet which goes over his face in the form of a hawk's face. He has armour that goes down his arms which end in a taloned gauntlet over his right hand and a clawed lion's one over his left.

» Bankai Abilities:The power of his bankai expands on his shikai, there is no longer a limit to his feathers due to the sheer amount of them that he possesses in this form. By flapping the wings he can create violent storms and winds that destroy the surrounding environment, launch feathers to utilise as projectiles and initiate more nuanced abilities of his wind manipulation.

The lion's claw is designed to slash and rend wounds onto his targets whereas the talon's a bit more nuanced since it's intended to grab its opponent's head in its claws and eviscerate it by closing the talons around it. Although Tento now has an endless number of feathers, there is a limit to how much he can physically extend himself. Currently, Tento is only able use feather techniques per post limited to his Zanjustu rank. This number is equal to the number of feathers he would have in Shikai. (ie, 6 at Adept, 8 at Advance, and 10 at Elite).

Bankai Weaknesses

Allies: The gusts of wind may inconvenience or hurt his allies if he is not careful is still a concern that Tento must be careful of.

I. Vizard Information

» Inner Hollow Name: Acosador

» Inner Hollow Description:

[Spirit Class 6+] Tentō Zefā OIP.Dqd_94ZukFIQaqm4onM0hQHaJQ?pid=ImgDet&w=179&h=223&c=7&dpr=1

Acosador looks like a tall, well-built muscular man with an obsidian black color covering of his full body makes it hard to tell if he has hair or not. He has a pointed face and sharp pointed teeth that he keeps restrained, causing his teeth to appear normal to the naked eye. At times he wears black clothing common among the Gothic or hardcore type. Usually commemorated with a black leather jacket with a white fur-collar and a pair of sunglasses, or a red and black coat. His body is a mix of two colors, the base being the deep pitch black common throughout his body. But the top is patterned in white/silver lines that make up a decorated look of African pendants, while the bottom half of his body is dressed in red lines that make up the design of what one would assume is Indigenous symbols. Once he absorbs power and stores it within his body, the two sections of lines expand, run all over his body and are expanded all over his face, crossing his eyes.

» Inner Hollow Personality: A twisted version of Tento. Acosador is everything Tento is and more. Arrogant when prideful, calculative when thoughtful, obsessive when passionate, and, lustful when lustful. All sides of Tento but with no or little restraint. Where Tento fights to grow or for fun. He fights to conquer and rule. While Tento holds himself in high esteem, he is arrogant and a bit self centered. While Tento tries to consider people's deeper selves, he tries to USE people's inner self. And while Tento ogles at a lot of women, he would rather… you get the drift.

He has what can come off as a demanding and nettlesome personality, but also somehow is very polite, laid-back, chivalrous, and enthusiastic. He never lies, he just leaves out information. He offers bargains to gain what he wants and he acts in an extremely friendly (though sarcastic) way even towards foes.

» Inner Hollow Powers:

While bestowed with all of the expected powers anyone would see within a hollow. Acosador has an unique ability that involves a system of interaction of damage and energy.

Expected powers-

Soul-Body Separation: This is a simple racial technique that most, if not all, Hollows have access to. And this is no different of a case for Tento's Inner Hollow Acosador. He can feed on souls as any normal hollow can do, separating the living person from their spirit leaving a lifeless corpse as the only remainder. Although he can use this, Acosador much rather prefers ripping the spirit out of a soul after defeating them in battle. Or hunting them down into submission. He rather uses this to force Shinigami out of hiding from a crowd, separating them for the gigai to fight where letting the humans run away in fear.

Acidic Touch: A rather passive and simple ability for all hollows. Acosador uses it as a means to an end with his physical attacks. As another form of defense separated by his steel body abilities the acid touch acts a painful remainder for those who dare to touch him, or fail to avoid his touch. Acid burns that sting and erode the skin and bone if left with too much of a prolonged exposure.

Cero: This is a very powerful and extremely swift blast of energy. Primarily a close range hunter, Acosador does not choose to use it much. Rather, he often only used it ideally to deal with long range pests. A traditional red colored cero, it could be seen that at desperate times of hunger Acosador could use one to wipe out an entire small town in order to feast on fresh souls. Normally it is fired by his mouth but he is able to send out ceros from other body parts with equal efficiently. His bala's often come from his fists, acting as secondary attacks as he pummels his opponents. In addition, in order to combat speedster, he developed his balas to be able to track trajectory if he focus. Being able to control how they travel to hunt them down or even slow down the speed of their movement to distract the target before quickly changing speed to land an acidic laced bala on their skin.

Garganta: This is the way that all hollows use to travel between different realms. When in use, a black rift literally tears open the fabric of space to pass through. It was pretend standard in its use by Acosador, only using it to travel from the world of the living and Hueco Mundo.

Negacion: Negacion is the technique in which hollows can rescue or "extract" allies from a battle. Opening a garganta from the sky, a ray of light will shoot down onto the targets, as a few moments pass they will be dragged up and into the rift. This is usually done by gillian whom are massive in size and can be commanded by other Hollow for easy "extraction" from dangerous areas.

High-Speed regeneration: Generally self explanatory, all hollows are capable of having the ability to regenerate their bodies in a timely manner. Got Acosador the hollow has a well trained regenation that works in tandom with his iron body. Capable of regrowing limbs in a short amount of time and healing from even the most heaviest battle damage. This is all time consuming though with the more he is damaged and a drain of his stamina and spiritual energy.


Impact Absorption: Acosador's ability is the ability to absorb energy that connects with its body. By focusing on an incoming attack the hollow is able to absorb the impact and store the energy in its body as potential energy which is represented by a "+" modifier on the spirit class. This energy can then be released at a time of choosing to empower the next action equal to the rank in Power Augmentation ie. Adept, Advanced, Elite (%200, %300, 400%).

Impact Release: There are three methods of releasing the stored energy. Offensively, defensively, or supportively. Offensively covers attacks, physical or spiritual, and defensively covers the same. Supportive release of the energy can be used for a quick second wind or to promote the healing process albeit not to the scale of high-speed regeneration.

The conditions for Acosador's power is that it cannot absorb anymore energy after it has stopped meaning while it could absorb a volley of attacks, after he stops absorbing the impact he is unable to attempt to absorb energy again until the energy has been spent. He can safely absorb up to the level of his spirit class but any higher will cause stress and has a high chance of being detrimental to him.

» Hollow Mask Appearance: [Spirit Class 6+] Tentō Zefā 2aea6f4ce209f018e69c5b363bc011e3--bleach-google

» Vizard Powers: Donning the hollow mask gives a general assumption of abilities of a vizard; an increase in spiritual energy, physical strength, durability, and speed based on his power augmentation (100%, 250%, 500% etc). As well as the typical gaining of hollow abilities such as Ceros/bala, regeneration in Acosador's case, acid secretion etc.

However, in addition to these donning the hollow mask also gives :

Saving Roll: Once per thread, Tento is able to manifest his hollow mask somewhere on his body. It has an durability equal to its power augmentation and is on Tento's inner hollow to do this, his hollow views it only as a means of self-preservation to save its own skin as well as a refusal to lose due to its massive pride.

» 2nd Inner Hollow Name: Unknown

» 2nd Inner Hollow Description: Unknown

» 2nd Inner Hollow Personality: Unknown

» 2nd Inner Hollow Powers: Unknown

» 2nd Hollow Mask Appearance: N/A

» Vizard Powers: None

I. Equipment & Resources

» Equipment:

Konso- send souls to soul society

Can Purge Sinister Soul

Kikanshinki- memory substitution device

Gigai- artificial body

Gokon Tekkō V2- tool to force souls out of their body

Jigokuchō- hell butterfly, messenger and quide through the Senkaimon

Denreishinki v2- electronic inter-dimensional communications device used by Shinigami while on an assignment in the Human World.

Reiryoku And Reiatsu

I. Skill Sheet

(To Find Out about what these skills are for, please READ THIS THREAD before you try doing anything to it)

General Skills
  • Durability: C
  • General Speed: C
  • Strength: C
  • Soul: D

Will Skills
  • Willpower: Grand Master / Master / Elite / Advanced / Adept / Beginner / Untrained
  • Mental Deduction: Grand Master / Master / Elite / Advanced / Adept / Beginner / Untrained
  • Focus: Grand Master / Master / Elite / Advanced / Adept / Beginner / Untrained

Shinigami Skills
  • Hoho: Grand Master / Master / Elite / Advanced / Adept / Beginner / Untrained
  • Kidō: Grand Master / Master / Elite / Advanced / Adept / Beginner / Untrained
  • Zanjutsu: Grand Master / Master / Elite / Advanced / Adept / Beginner / Untrained
  • Hakuda: Grand Master / Master / Elite / Advanced / Adept / Beginner / Untrained

Vizard Skills
  • Power Augmentation: Grand Master/ Master / Elite / Advanced / Adept / Beginner/ Untrained
  • Hollow Control: Grand Master / Master / Elite / Advanced / Adept / Beginner / Untrained

I. Roleplay Sample

» Role Play Sample:

Tento was eager for this, he could tell just in a relaxed form that his Vice Captain had a bigger spiritual pressure than he had. That was pretty obvious though given that she was the second in command for their division; the fighting division no less. She had to have power and skill prowess to earn that title among other things. It was a gift to get this opportunity. To spar against this powerful warrior. Against a mentor. Against a friend. It was bubbling, excitement to see what Hanako had learned and improved on so far in her service to the soul society. Not just that, but what her zanpatuko could do as well!

His sword and body moved, a control pace as it dashed forward. Sword tilted in an angel to the right, his eyes tried to keep track on the shift of Hanako's body as she slipped away. It was slower than he knew she could move. Tamed and testing. And as Tento got close, he did not move his sword. It was an attempt to see how Hanako would respond in an approach. Often he remembered her bein' skillful and offensive, with that knowledge, he wished to seek if that habit had continued or would be a trickster. As someone as skilled as she was back then, improved skill, knowledge, with tricks up her sleeve would be a true challenge. As Hanako move her body away in an elegant slip to the side, sword raised in front of her Tento would slip and turn his torsos, pushing his sword forward in an attempt to clash his sword with hers. However, this attempt was a failure, the quick dance like steps backwards that she took made the poke fall short.

It did not surprise him that that move failed. And so he would press forward, sticking back as he tried to continue moving forward following Hanao's movement as if they were dancing and she was leading them. His arms were up, holding his sword like a probe. It jabbed over and over again. Teasin seeking strikes to feel her out. One aimed for the middle of her body, torso. Second down towards the left leg. Then another one, feinting before going towards the right shoulder. Tento did this while trying to respond to Hanako's shifts and deflects, each one gaining a little speed with each follow up attempt as more and more focus was given. It was done with care just like in his other spars. One trying to be somewhat like a combat simulation, but not enough trying to deal serious damage.

Tento did not have a shikai, all he had with the pieces of a larger puzzle. Flash steps, kido, and his sword. A true bare bones of the basics, but he knew them. Maybe was even pretty good at them. But how would that really fair to this level of a test? "Thanks. I know it will all come with time and effort. But sometimes I wonder if I am at a wall that I can't surpass ya know??", he said as he continued to follow her as she danced backwards. Body tense and sharp, shifting slightly in short movements trying to not waste energy in dodges. It was wasted though, for each one that Hanako was a feint that Tento took as a serious attempt. "I can only imagine how much of a shock that was. If it helps at least, you still look as enchantin' as ever", he said with a soft smirk. He then let out a few sighs, shifting his body to keep his movements active in avoidance of her probing strikes with her sword's tip. "It is a shame you're not that old. You could teach me so many more things".

Was it wise to be talking like this during a spar....probably not. But, Tento would be Tento after all.

"So what caused the headaches to start any way? That was a good result, but I wonder if something happened before that could help cause more memories to come back. Unless you have everything everything now??". His body stopped at her comment about her sister's beauty. The softer laughter of Kumomi made his eyes shift to her. He had to admit there as beauty there, but after a second Tento eyes came back to Hanako. A soft gaze at her hips before a his eyes sheepishly and quickly move back to watch her eyes. His next words would come very quietly. "If we're talking about the most......debatable ".

He raised his sword up and prepared to move once again. "Oooooh that is an interesting thought. What is it?", he asked feinting an overhead strike, before shifting the position and trying to do a light slash to the torso to the torso. He was focused but also a bit absent minded. He did not noticed the allure of her dropped guard and the fact that it could be a trick.


Last edited by Ottozeo on Wed Aug 28, 2024 7:26 am; edited 31 times in total
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[Spirit Class 6+] Tentō Zefā Left_bar_bleue0/0[Spirit Class 6+] Tentō Zefā Empty_bar_bleue  (0/0)

[Spirit Class 6+] Tentō Zefā Empty Re: [Spirit Class 6+] Tentō Zefā

Tue Nov 08, 2022 2:21 pm

[Spirit Class 6+] Tentō Zefā Tentos10
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[Spirit Class 6+] Tentō Zefā Empty Re: [Spirit Class 6+] Tentō Zefā

Tue Nov 08, 2022 4:47 pm
Topic organizer:


Pre grad of shino >>> SOLO

--- fresh out of shino

--- seaside

--- some time out of shino, visit

---Africatoroophe act 1; pre, act, and post

---Later + more time in the 4th + Shino 2nd visit

---Africatoroophe pre act 2 ?

---Act 2

---Post act 2

---Pre act 3

Act 3

post Act 3

Soul Society Invasion
Post invasion


On going:

incomplete: >>> SOLO so far

Last edited by Ottozeo on Tue Oct 08, 2024 10:43 pm; edited 42 times in total
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[Spirit Class 6+] Tentō Zefā Empty Re: [Spirit Class 6+] Tentō Zefā

Sat Nov 12, 2022 8:55 am
This particular ability should be removed, since this is an ability tied to at least Menos-level Hollows, which is too strong for Tento's current level.[/adm]
God of Love
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[Spirit Class 6+] Tentō Zefā Empty Re: [Spirit Class 6+] Tentō Zefā

Sat Nov 12, 2022 2:38 pm
Hazard Ranks
Power: D
Influence: D
Resources: D

Comments/Notes: N/A
Tier: 4-4
Hazard Rating: D

Application Approved

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[Spirit Class 6+] Tentō Zefā Empty Re: [Spirit Class 6+] Tentō Zefā

Mon Nov 14, 2022 8:02 pm
Kido Spell list:

Offical Site list pending

Beginner- up to 31, incantation only. minor of modifications such as Renji Abarai using shakkaho as a torch but no more.

adept- doesn't need incantation but cuts power by half. May modiffy kido with increased output or one simple attribute which wasn't in the original spell. (personally gonna say up to 51 with no issue)

advanced- doesn't need incantations but cuts power by 1/4. Spoken-after incantation is now possible where the individual can empower the spell after firing it rather than needing to announce the incantation. A shinigami can begin to be a bit more creative with their kidō's shape and attributes but should still be reminscient of the original spell. Additionally, a shinigami at Advanced can begin utilising the Seals and Barrier type spells in the Bakudo field. (personally gonna say up to 70 with no issue)

elite- doesn't need incantations but cout power by 1/10. Can cast 2 kidos at once by mixing incantations. (Up to 89 with no issue)

master- Sacrificial Kidō and those that number above number 89. A Kidō Master can abandon the usage of the incantation for the spell with no loss of power and freely manipulate their kidō spells in such a manner that they are sorcerers' of extreme versatility and power in their magic.

Personal Kido list: pending/ none submitted

Last edited by Ottozeo on Thu Apr 20, 2023 10:45 pm; edited 4 times in total

[Spirit Class 6+] Tentō Zefā Tentos10
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[Spirit Class 6+] Tentō Zefā Empty Re: [Spirit Class 6+] Tentō Zefā

Mon Nov 14, 2022 9:17 pm
Cannon Kido from Show


#1 Sho
#4 Byakurai
#11 Tsuzuri_Raiden
#12 Fushibi
#27 Kongōbaku
#31 Shakkahō
#32 Ōkasen
#33 Sōkatsui
#43 Gaki Rekkō "Rain from above. Corner and smite them. The lord of my spirit, shepard tho I am sheep,
#57 Daichi Ten'yō
#58. Tenran
#63. Raikōhō
#73. Sōren Sōkatsui "Ye lord! Mask of blood and flesh, all creation, flutter of wings, ye who bears the name of Man! On the wall of blue flame, inscribe a twin lotus. In the abyss of conflagration, wait at the far heavens."
#78. Zangerin
#86 Hyōga Seiran

#1 Sai -
#2 Shibireyubi
#4 Hainawa
#8 Seki
#9 Geki -
#10 Hōrin
#14 Noren_Mekuri
#21 Sekienton
#26 Kyokkō
#30 Shitotsu_Sansen
#37 Tsuriboshi
#59 Inemuri
#61. Rikujōkōrō "Carriage of thunder, bridge of a spinning wheel. With light, divide this into six!"
#62. Hyapporankan
#63. Sajō Sabaku
#64 Hakufuku
#66 Tanma Otoshi
#73. Tozanshō
#75. Gochūtekkan
#79. Kuyō Shibari
#81. Dankū

Barriers and Seal:


Last edited by Ottozeo on Mon Sep 02, 2024 7:28 pm; edited 7 times in total

[Spirit Class 6+] Tentō Zefā Tentos10
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[Spirit Class 6+] Tentō Zefā Empty Re: [Spirit Class 6+] Tentō Zefā

Sun Nov 20, 2022 9:06 pm

[Spirit Class 6+] Tentō Zefā Tentos10
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[Spirit Class 6+] Tentō Zefā Empty Re: [Spirit Class 6+] Tentō Zefā

Fri Feb 10, 2023 9:12 am

30 points: General Speed: Adept -> Advanced
30 points: Zanjutsu Adept -> Advanced

[Spirit Class 6+] Tentō Zefā Tentos10
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[Spirit Class 6+] Tentō Zefā Empty Re: [Spirit Class 6+] Tentō Zefā

Tue Mar 21, 2023 4:43 pm
[adm]Updated Hazards.

Power: C
Influence: C
Resources: C

Overall: C[/adm]

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[Spirit Class 6+] Tentō Zefā Empty Re: [Spirit Class 6+] Tentō Zefā

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