Bleach Platinum Hearts RP
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Wake in chaos [ Tento | Lerna ] Left_bar_bleue0/0Wake in chaos [ Tento | Lerna ] Empty_bar_bleue  (0/0)

Wake in chaos [ Tento | Lerna ] Empty Wake in chaos [ Tento | Lerna ]

Yesterday at 8:35 pm
Wake in chaos [ Tento | Lerna ] Cc273a97c03c9b2e584353292e339435

Tentō Zefā | The Unrefined Paragon

Tento walked through the bustling district. This had quickly become one of the few things he could find himself being able to do in these trying times after he received the news about the acting Captain Commander's order. Hunt hollows, open gargantas for movement, and help rebuild in what ways he could. On and on repetition with diligence putting on a bright smile and cheery tone. Trying to be strong. Trying to keep perspective and dim the darkness in people's eyes even just a little bit.

Tento's tall frame casted a long shadow in the late afternoon sun. The air was thick with the scent of sfood vendors and the chatter of people trying to go about their daily lives despite the recent chaos. His eyes scanned the crowd, searching for a familiar face. He felt her spiritual energy in some distance when he reached the far outskirts but it was off. And if the full details of what he heard was true, he could get why. It felt like a weak hollow was present here but it wasn't like the typical signature.

The mixed energy, in addition to that striking blonde Hair and curvaceous figure. Would be hard for Tento of all people to miss. He had no idea what she would be up to now that the Gotei was disbanded and their Captain Commander's status unknown. The uncertainty and fear he could only imagine she was going through right now. If it was still fresh like the wound he expected it was then Tento knew there was a lot of pain she was trying to deal with and others she was trying to hide. The disbandment of their organization had left many, likely including Lerna, adrift and without purpose.

As Tento walked deeper into the district, he could feel the weight of the community's despair. People moved with a sense of aimlessness, their eyes reflecting the uncertainty of their future. Tento's heart ached for them, but his focus remained on finding Lerna. He needed to see her, to offer his support and remind her that she wasn't alone.
He finally spotted her sitting in meditation. A mix of sensation in the air. The vibrant energy that usually surrounded her was gone, replaced by a heavy aura of sorrow. Tento approached her slowly, not wanting to startle her. "Hey, Lerna," he called softly, his voice filled with concern.

Light in the Dark | End Post

Wake in chaos [ Tento | Lerna ] Tentos10
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Wake in chaos [ Tento | Lerna ] Left_bar_bleue0/0Wake in chaos [ Tento | Lerna ] Empty_bar_bleue  (0/0)

Wake in chaos [ Tento | Lerna ] Empty Re: Wake in chaos [ Tento | Lerna ]

Yesterday at 9:02 pm
Wake in chaos [ Tento | Lerna ] E4gdcb6md84

She was a panting mess. The area had been scoured. Burned. Soaked. Poisoned, and more. But it wasn't from her usual shikai training. It was something else entirely. She was fighting the instincts that were boiling up. It was nothing she was unfamiliar with. But something about that damn injection. IT had called out to her. A specific part of her that had perhaps been dormant for a long long time. And in that clearing, she focused. Forcing it down, as she heard that voice whispering in her head. But for once, it wasn't her zanpaku'to. It was as if her thoughts were trying to slowly coil around her neck and strangle h-

She blinked in surprise and turned, and for just a brief instant, her spiritual pressure FLARED, and trio of black sleek lengths poking out of her lower back reared back and HISSED at the voice, that is.... until she saw who it was and froze on the spot. "Zefa?!" She blurted out, startled as she promptly stood up and took a step back, panting for a few seconds as she clenched her firsts, and the black snakeheads that had grown out of her lower back crumpled in on themselves, that glasslike sound trailing as they dissolved and sunk back into her body, panting a few times as she slowly composed herself, and wiped her forehead. The darkness in her sclera lingering a bit as she furrowed her brows.

"Don't...fuck, don't sneak up on me like that..."
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