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Clash of Honor [Tento | Shura] Empty Clash of Honor [Tento | Shura]

Sun Sep 22, 2024 12:24 am

Clash of Honor [Tento | Shura] Cc273a97c03c9b2e584353292e339435

Tentō Zefā | The Unrefined Paragon

The sun had barely risen, casting a warm, golden hue over the 4th division barracks. The tall, muscular figure of Tento, a black swordsman of formidable reputation(good and/or bad depending on who asked), moved with purpose through the corridors. His ebony chestnut brown skin glistened with a light sheen of sweat from his early morning training, highlighting the chiseled muscles that rippled beneath his uniform.
Tento’s day had begun with a rigorous routine. He started with a series of intense sword drills in the training yard, his blade slicing through the air with precision and power. Each swing was a testament to his dedication and skill, honed over years of relentless practice. The clang of metal echoed through the yard, drawing the attention of his comrades who paused to admire his technique as well as those who wished to join in. He was more than happy to! Taking the time to mentor younger swordsmen, sharing techniques and encouraging them to push their limits was something he found himself doing more and more as he became more comfortable tutoring at Shino.

After training, Tento had made his way to grab a meal. His presence commanded respect, and the room fell silent as he entered the small food establishment. He greeted his fellow Shinigami with a nod, his deep voice resonating as he exchanged a few words with his closest friends. Despite his imposing appearance, Tento was known for his approachable demeanor and unwavering loyalty to his team. With breakfast finished, he headed to the room to inspect his gear. Or more specifically, bond. His zanpatuko, as silent and distant it was till the last few years, had grown to be his pride and joy. Friend and mentor and perhaps even a rival in a strange way. Each time he visualized them he felt he was challenging his old self. He wanted to make sure that they were meticulously checked and taking care of. Ensuring its edge was razor sharp that matched the mind that Shiomaru demanded from him. They were a sanctuary, a place where he could focus and prepare for the challenges ahead.

He still had things to do. There was a strategy meeting where he may be asked to offer insights and suggestions. As usual ideally, he would keep his eyes of any ladies and make sure to communicate with a calm, authoritative tone worthy of his position. His experience and wisdom were invaluable to the division, at least he hoped. There were many decades if not centuries over him and yet they trusted him. And he refused to let them be let down.

As the sun set, Tento returned to the training yard for one final session. The day’s end brought a sense of tranquility, and he practiced in solitude, the rhythmic movements of his sword a meditative dance. The stars began to twinkle in the night sky as he finished, a sense of fulfillment washing over him. A day filled with a blend discipline, camaraderie, and unwavering dedication to his craft and his comrades. In the quiet moments, he reflected on his journey, the battles fought, and the bonds forged. He was a warrior, a mentor, and a pillar of strength within his division. And he valued every second of it.

Light in the Dark | End Post

Clash of Honor [Tento | Shura] Tentos10
Kanji Man
Kanji Man
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Clash of Honor [Tento | Shura] Empty Re: Clash of Honor [Tento | Shura]

Tue Sep 24, 2024 9:16 am

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Much like the 11th, Laziness within the 4th was rarely if ever tolerated, Training was the number one priority for the entire division. For Shura, however, her training came in a... different form. Her usual spot atop the barracks went from somewhere to simply lie down, to somewhere to think and contemplate. It was something she rarely did before admittedly, never thinking about the past or future and only living in the present. But lately she'd begun to rethink several things with this being one of the foremost thoughts she had.

However another was observation of those within the training ground on a more thorough level, especially the seated officers. Weaknesses in form, function, viability, potential, all these things impacted the performance of those looking to better themselves. She knew better than most the consequences of a lack of, or even poor, training. The Africatastrophe was more than enough to show her that, and the events that followed only served to further reinforce such things.

No matter how she looked at it, holes in any of these things led to certain death. Had it not been for Lerna, her chances at surviving against Metatron was likely close to zero. This meant there were holes in both form and function, and it nearly cost her life. She could see those chinks now, both in herself and now in others. Every mistake rung louder in her ear, every cry of pain, every overexerted body. It does something to a person when they're brought to deaths door, when their very life is saved by another who has no obligation to do such.

Shura wouldn't say she thought or felt like she owed her life to Lerna, but at the same time the bare minimum was to accept that she likely wouldn't be here without her... or at the very least she'd of been so grievously injured that recovery would still be ongoing. Admittedly her approach to such problems when it came to training others was more than just rough, some would say it was too harsh. But in truth when she saw another make mistakes in sparing, she took it beyond seriously.

Making mistakes in training wasn't deadly, but mistakes in a real fight were. So she resolved to remove such things quickly, and though this caused some to undoubtedly hate her in truth she'd rather be hated and feared than see mistakes repeated again and again... Which was quite ironic in truth.

made by RR of DD, steal and i will sentence you to the true death!
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Clash of Honor [Tento | Shura] Empty Re: Clash of Honor [Tento | Shura]

Tue Oct 01, 2024 12:26 am
Clash of Honor [Tento | Shura] Cc273a97c03c9b2e584353292e339435

Tentō Zefā | The Unrefined Paragon

Up and down, up and down. On and on it went with blade in hand. Shiomaru rested in contentment in its partner's hands as Tento took those light polished steps forward and back with each practiced swing. Hands on the hilt of his blade, one on the top of the other. Connected and tight, yet loose. His arms were smooth and fluid but the core of his being tight and strong. Sweat had long ago started to form from exertion in each swing. The rhythm soothing his senses as he felt calm winds blow in his heart. There was much to still think about. How were his fellow officers, his seated officers for instance?

With a shift of focus his sensed recognized her presence. Her trademark location an easy guessing point to anyone trying to find her. She was up there alright, awake and just chilling in thought probably. Thinking. It was a bit of a solitude for her given no one really chose to bother her there. With a flash step he was up there though. Standing at one of the edges of the roof as he looked out at Shura. “Hey hot stuff, what you doing up still?”, Tento said in a slight welcoming tease to a growing friend. He did find it quite fitting, that nickname given her temperament. She spent a lot of time up here, even more when she was troubled..."You trying to be a night owl or something?".

Light in the Dark | End Post

Clash of Honor [Tento | Shura] Tentos10
Kanji Man
Kanji Man
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Clash of Honor [Tento | Shura] Empty Re: Clash of Honor [Tento | Shura]

Tue Oct 01, 2024 8:43 am

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It wasn't surprising to her that any would find her, it wasn't as if she was truly attempting to hide or anything. But more than that, she wasn't surprised at who it was specifically that would choose to join her atop the Barracks. She just shrugged when he asked his questions, not really giving an answer and not really turning to look at him. Though a few moments later she did say something "Loss."

She didn't say more than that, at least not immediately. Her eyes in truth more glazed over than usual, not really looking at anything specifically. Even after her loss to Metatron she'd not grown or trained, she was still just as stagnant as ever before her loss. But there were a few different reasons that all contributed to why this was true, and all of them mere excuses brought about by her brain.

made by RR of DD, steal and i will sentence you to the true death!
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Clash of Honor [Tento | Shura] Empty Re: Clash of Honor [Tento | Shura]

Thu Oct 03, 2024 10:07 pm
Clash of Honor [Tento | Shura] Cc273a97c03c9b2e584353292e339435

Tentō Zefā | The Unrefined Paragon

Shura was someone prone to be here anyway, but the lateness was new. If she was up this late then Tento would have found her wreaking havoc in one of the training fields. Cutting up a training dumming, breaking ground, …maybe beating up a poor soul who got in over their heads with her, etc. But, that was different, this was. She had been acting a bit different than normal. Tento even caught her meditating a bit ago. SHURA!! Of all the people in the 4th who did it, Tento found himself being one of the few who did it the most, and there was not once he could remember seeing her CHOOSE to do it.

There was a long silence where he thought for a few seconds she was ignoring him. There was no loud voice, smart comment, or a bit of that ‘Shura’ vibe he expected when they lightly shit talked to each other in greeting. A shrug, a short straight sentence. ‘Loss’. But what did that mean? Battle? Body? Was her warrior spirit clouded in a fog? He could not see her eyes, but he felt something. There was something over this hot headed lady that had her…not her.

He stood by his spot, letting the wind blow before hitting a still calmness. His eye shifted to her right arm, at least where it should have been. He had heard a lot happened to her, and that was an understatement. What was going through her head? It was like she was not here, just gazing off at the distance towards the past. “Look”, Tento sighed, rubbing the back of his head sheepishly. “I know we give each other shit. But I wanted to check up on you since you are up so late. Given…everything…”. Tento then gave a resolve word, his voice heavy yet light. “Do you want an ear? I’ll cut my shit talking and jokes back if you want. Or I will sit down next to you till you punt me off the roof, 3rd Seat Kurata”.

Light in the Dark | End Post

Clash of Honor [Tento | Shura] Tentos10
Kanji Man
Kanji Man
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Clash of Honor [Tento | Shura] Empty Re: Clash of Honor [Tento | Shura]

Today at 4:19 pm

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Shura simply waved her hand dismissively towards Tento "Eh... It doesn't matter." There were many things she could say, though none of them ultimately mattered or would change anything. All she could see in front of her was a single path, an unchanging, unforgiving path. This was her home now, a broken... destroyed home.

Was there any way of saving it? Or was it just... doomed to perish like everything else? Questions that had no answers, questions that truthfully shouldn't even be asked. "Shinigami fight... and then they die. Every, single, one. Meanwhile our enemies only get stronger and stronger, even in defeat a new and stronger one just takes its place. But Shinigami? When one dies, another weaker one takes its place. I used to idolize the strong within the Gotei, but now?..."

She let out an exasperated sigh "Now just look at us, traitors in our ranks, an innumerable amount dead or wounded, and what do we have to show for it? A destroyed Soul Society. The strongest amongst us fought with everything, yet barely any of us actually won our fight... if it could even be called a fight... in truth it would be more akin to a slaughter than a fight."

made by RR of DD, steal and i will sentence you to the true death!
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