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The Chosen Remains [Metatron, Open] Empty The Chosen Remains [Metatron, Open]

Wed Jun 12, 2024 10:34 am
The Chosen Remains [Metatron, Open] Kw232Cq


Like the Shinigami who came before them, Metatron had soundly defeated the Quincy heathens who challenged him. Yet, victory had eluded him as all the Hollows and Arrancar he allied with had fallen or fled. Even the mighty Asher, the one Metatron had been tricked into believing was chosen by God to lead His forces on Earth to purge all sin, had been defeated and killed by their enemies. By disgusting, vile, heretical infidels who dared to call themselves Death Gods, an affront to the one true Lord above.

What was left for Metatron, Heaven's greatest zealot? Those who've observed his statuesque visage since the battle might be led to believe nothing is left for him. Upon regenerating his physical form, the superficial wounds those so-called destruction monks had inflicted upon him vanishing without a trace, the angelic Hollow stood just outside the great chasm, statuesque and unresponsive. For the most part. The unlucky few who wandered the battlefield and came across him were swiftly dealt with as little more than nuisances, after which he would return to his silent vigil. He left none able to report of his existence and presence, not that these monkeys could threaten him.

Beneath the unblemished mask adorning his face, Metatron's thoughts were in constant flux. His first consideration was going into the hole, but unlike Asher and many of his comrades he had not come from the world deep beneath the Earth's surface; he was a Hollowfied human, having been born in this sinful world when Asher encountered Benjamin Davis. Without a home to speak of, the other course of action was continued war with the Shinigami and humans...but he had no army with which to wage that war. Though his zealous belief in himself being the one true chosen one, not Asher, even the delusional Metatron had to admit that would be a tall task by himself. So, where does that leave him?

Enraged. Because of his enemies, but even more-so because of his so-called allies. He had been led astray by Asher, a false prophet. God wouldn't fail, so obviously Asher wasn't chosen by Him. Only Metatron remained. Only Metatron was chosen.

Alone. With no soldiers to lead or allies to call upon.

What to do? Well, there was really only one path forward for him.

Metatron would turn the world to ash.

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The Chosen Remains [Metatron, Open] Empty Re: The Chosen Remains [Metatron, Open]

Fri Jun 28, 2024 9:26 pm
The Chosen Remains [Metatron, Open] Cc273a97c03c9b2e584353292e339435

Tentō Zefā | The Unrefined Paragon

Dying was easy, living was harder.

That was what ran through Tento's mind as he sat alone in his thoughts. Finished recovering in his battle’s from the final clash, he was set out to help clean up any lingering hollows that traversed around the hole. He had grown stronger in that down time but even then, he was not sure if he could be up for that task. The hollows that came with Asher had a multitude of unique abilities, it was much different than simply handling a hollow with their basic abilities or speed. The significance of their energy could be more than a singular Shinigami could face unless they were of the upper echelon, and Tento was not quite that. 5th seat be damned. He had to rely on his fellow Shinigami to work as a team to handle things with versatility, and so far that was going well. But things seemed to be far from over.

Although the assault from the hole’s master, Asher, was all but completely erased after his defeat at the hands of the Gotei United’s Captains. It seemed that the aftermath was long from completed. The issue of research and investigation on the matter was still at large. At least, to the privy of information that he was in contact with. Where Asher came from. How he gathered such a number of powerful and independent hollows and Arrancars. Hollows was one thing. Power controlled the weak in the hollow’s world. It was not difficult for a being like Asher to make lesser forms of hollows bend to his influence and will. But for Arrancars. Beings of corrupted human nature. A twisted half heart and a consciousness, that was something of a higher interest to him. Nevertheless, as Tento stepped onto a different section of the battlefield with a growing sense of purpose. The early morning mist clung to the ground shrouding the landscape in an eerie silence. His breath puffed out in white clouds matching the rhythm of his own steady heart calmed by the wind’s gentle touch. Despite the chaos that laid ahead, his mind remained calm, a steady drumbeat in his chest.

The weight of his new rank settled on his shoulders, heavier than any armor that could be worn. He scanned the horizon, his eyes narrowing as he sensed the presence of the enemy—a formidable force that had already claimed the life of many Shinigami. It was tense and so far from his realm that it felt divine. A view sitting on top of a skyscraper, similar to Captain Kanae. It was hard to believe that Shura of all people could be defeated so quickly. Even more so when she had a capable partner at her side. But in a sharp moment his teeth gritted in a tight wince as he felt another energy. A person he was even more cautious of. The memory of that defeat was fresh after all, a stark reminder of his failure to his duty and responsibilities. His mind was a whirlwind of thoughts, each one a thread in the intricate tapestry of strategy he was weaving. He could feel the tension in his muscles, a coiled spring ready to unleash its energy. The battlefield was a place of uncertainty, where every decision could mean the difference between victory and defeat.

With a soft howling breeze that seemed to trickle out from his Zanpatuko. His stiff arms grow limp and free. He had moved amongst his men before but not this time. With a wave of his head and soft sentence, their directives were made clear. He needed them away and safe, and better yet, handling other areas to make sure things couldn’t get as bad as last time. His words held a sense of calm urgency and encouragement and offered them silent nods of reassurance. They looked to him with a mixture of hope and apprehension, their trust in his leadership a fragile thing. He knew that he had to be the rock they could anchor themselves to, even as his own mind raced with the enormity of the task ahead.

As the first rays of sunlight pierced the mist, he drew his sword, the blade catching the light and reflecting it in a dazzling display. He took a deep breath, feeling the cool air fill his lungs. The enemy was out there, waiting, but he was ready. His heart was calm, but his mind was tense, a perfect balance of serenity and vigilance. Today, he would face the challenge head-on, determined to face the wall that his superior was overshadowed by, and the memory all of his fallen Shinigami and lead his comrades to victory.

“Shiomaru, lend me your strength...”.

Light in the Dark | End Post

The Chosen Remains [Metatron, Open] Tentos10
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The Chosen Remains [Metatron, Open] Empty Re: The Chosen Remains [Metatron, Open]

Sun Jun 30, 2024 1:48 pm
The Chosen Remains [Metatron, Open] MPftNxw



Pesquisa automatically alerted the bronze woman to two distinct spiritual pressures in the distance. One was familiar, the other unfamiliar. What was going on over there? A Shinigami clashing with a hollow? Since she was situated somewhere near the hole, it wasn't difficult to discern their location.

Rescuing Khaana from the turmoil in Africa had proved uneventful since so few were bold enough to face her. Thus, it could be said that Amaranta had explored this place without experiencing any worthwhile conflict - save, perhaps, her one battle with that crimson-haired arrancar. Before that, a destructive battle with Klein.

Those were good appetizers, of course, and her battle with Klein was closer to a main course, but none of that mattered to her one-track mind at the moment. Whatever was fluctuating and releasing energy so brazenly in the distance, promised ominous tidings, yet worthwhile conflict. The spiritual pressure was akin to a challenge, as though she were being called to face this symbol of immense power.

Grinning from ear to ear, Amaranta raised her sword toward the sky, enraptured by the flames of euphoria that consumed her body. It no longer mattered what the calamity was in the distance - she simply desired to fight and overcome it. To attain ever-elusive glory...

"Fan the flames, Rebelión."

From a distance, another spiritual pressure awakened, rising to critical mass in the blink of an eye. Blazing reiryoku erupted, filling her entire radius with an immense heat wave. Embodying her title in name and physical form now, she glanced down at her flaming claws as her grin grew ever wider. Ah, now she recognized it. The Shinigami's spiritual pressure belonged to... Tento. Even better!

Flexing her legs backward, her fierce gaze locked in on the fluctuating energies in the distance, Amaranta kicked off of the ground with resounding force, catapulting her body toward their location. Like a blazing comet falling from the sky, Amaranta soared toward the battlefield without asking a single question.

If her spiritual pressure didn't rouse their attention, her booming laughter would signify her presence all the same. Fierce sapphires locked in on Metatron as she cast her finger forward, her motion akin to one positioning a hand gun, golden energy forming at its tip.

"Finally, some entertainment around here! Out of my way, Tento! This one's mine!"

Announcing her intentions with a domineering voice, she launched the first strike first attack to commence their chaotic salvo - releasing a burning cero from her finger as it roared through the air to strike Metatron true. Of course, she recognized that he was no small prey. He was undoubtedly a firm departure from any enemy she had faced prior. This was merely a way of testing how well he could take an attack. From there, she'd explore so much more about him. After all, he was the center of her attention now.


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The Chosen Remains [Metatron, Open] Empty Re: The Chosen Remains [Metatron, Open]

Tue Jul 02, 2024 6:16 pm
The Chosen Remains [Metatron, Open] Kw232Cq


More interlopers.


The air for half a mile in every direction came to a stand still, silence falling upon the region like a heavy cloak. A Reiatsu so filled with hatred it was choking, like black smoke, blanketed everything and everyone. The soldiers Tento had sent away collapsed to the ground, too weak even to stand, but not so weak they would just keel over and die. Instead they were granted a merciful few more seconds before spheres of blazing light descended from above, exploding upon hitting them and leaving naught but ash behind.

Now, for miles, only three distinct Spiritual Pressures remained: A Shinigami's, an aggressive Arrancar's, and a malevolent Hollow's that threatened to swallow them both.

Standing just a few dozen feet away from the chasm was a tall, powerfully built humanoid Hollow with an expressionless face, a head topped by a sharp horn, and glowing wings furled up at its back. The Spiritual Pressure emanating from it grew heavier the closer Tento and Amaranta got to it, until eventually it would feel as if they were on the bottom of an ocean with fiery swords at their neck. Without moving or acknowledging either of them, its body frozen like a statue, a spark ignited just a foot away before swiftly expanding into a massive, horrifically bright Cero that could easily burn eyes looking directly at it. The Cero slammed into Amaranta's own with all the weight of a building, overcoming the woman's burning energy before continuing on in a slightly reduced state to hit her as well.

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The Chosen Remains [Metatron, Open] Empty Re: The Chosen Remains [Metatron, Open]

Thu Jul 04, 2024 7:00 pm
The Chosen Remains [Metatron, Open] Cc273a97c03c9b2e584353292e339435

Tentō Zefā | The Unrefined Paragon

This foe is much stronger than anyone we have faced before. Even this, Amaranta, that you know. Both of them are here, do not let down your guard.

know I know. Of all the timing too. She
Ghost would be enough of a challenge. But this hollow. Gods its like I’m looking at angel of death right now…

With a choking suffocation the air grew thick suddenly. With a start he heard the thump, thump, thump as bodies hit the floor. Coughing and straining as they seemed to be pressed to the floor by gravity itself. With a hitch Tento’s body curled, his tall stature being cut as his knees shook and lowered.

The…the heck? What’s with this sudden pressure? He wasn’t unleashing everything before?!

With a strained sigh of breath, Tento thought and thought. If this was how this guy was going to be, he needed to get his squad out of-. With a beam that seemed to travel at blinding speed. Rays of beautiful light shone upon their bodies. Engulfing Tento’s comrades in a shine before quicking turning them to dust. All before their 5th seat could move to call upon any kido to give them aid. “No, no not again!”. Tento spun as he gritted his teeth and blade. His determination to face this foe growing by the second.

In the not too far off distance he felt it. The Lioness woke up as he felt the shift of her energy. The intensity of her heat felt already as he heard the bitter sweet sound of her battle cry like laughter as she came throw like a wrecking ball. A burst of energy from Tento’s body was felt as his zanpakuto shifted in a wordless transformation in reaction. His left hand reaching out grab ahold of a fan made of feathers, the group of eight reflecting off a brown-white hue in the golden light. His spiritual energy jumped by levels as he squared himself off between this unknown danger only known in relatively, Metatron, and the wall of feminine power he had met a few times on the battlefield already, Amaranta.

However, with how he expected to face death today at the hand of two extremely powerful hollows. He got something else in entirety that was like a hallucination. Was she….trying to fight this guy?? But all records this made no sense, she had allied herself with Asher and his forces. By all means he knew she only cared about a good fight, but she seemed to want to be on their side to get the rush of combat from fighting the forces of earth. Don’t tell me… “You are freakin'”, he said in a sigh of disbelief before seeing the burning cero fire away. “Unbelievable woman!”. Tento yelled out as he flashed out of the way. He was not going to stay by her, for all he knew she was going to fight both of them. A bit of grace of an action as soon her burning cero was overwhelmed, crashing forward towards where they stood in a decreased pace.

With a flick of his fan two feathers shot out in a curved trajectory. Blending in with the wind to break apart and disperse around Metatron. For now. “As if! You can fight hot stuff or stay out of my way. But I am not going to give him all to you. I'M FIGHTING”. With a twirl of his chain Shiomaru began its spin. His fan moving a defensive position in front of himself as he flashed step over to increase his distance.

Light in the Dark | End Post

The Chosen Remains [Metatron, Open] Tentos10
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