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Envidia's Crest [Veralia/Open] - Page 7 Empty Re: Envidia's Crest [Veralia/Open]

Fri Sep 06, 2024 12:26 pm



"Yeah, she can be insecure, but I think I'll need to be blunt and straightforward about what she means to me."

There was a gruff sigh that left her lips, yet the tone of her voice reflected a sense of hope behind it. It sucked to see Stella in a vulnerable state of mind, and while it would be easy to take advantage of that, something in Veralia was telling her not to. Part of her nature desired to manipulate and use her on their first meeting, but seeing how Stella constantly tried to appease her, comfort her, and be there in every way possible made the redhead slowly invaluable to Veralia.

And that --- was terrifying.

To be there for someone was a foreign concept in some ways for Veralia, so it was nice to be pulled out of those thoughts by Sabriel as her eyes looked up to the purple gaze of her beloved friend.

"I hate to admit it, but you are right."

Her brows furrowed, a static buzz burning in her mind, urging her to avoid such admissions. But was she not strong enough to resist being enslaved by her own element? The answer, resoundingly, was no—she wasn’t going to let her own nature hold her back. She had to push through.

"I haven’t told Stella properly what she means to me. Hell, I haven’t told you either."

Veralia's voice softened, the vulnerability cracking through her usual tough exterior.

"I've been a reclusive bitch in my hole in Hueco Mundo, but I'll be damned if having you two in my life hasn't made it less of a blackhole of misery."

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Envidia's Crest [Veralia/Open] - Page 7 Empty Re: Envidia's Crest [Veralia/Open]

Sat Sep 07, 2024 7:04 am
Envidia's Crest [Veralia/Open] - Page 7 SsMLBbB


That was quite the admission and Sabriel was slightly surprised to hear it. Yet, it did not register on her face and instead she softly smiled. It appeared that all three women felt the same way or at least that was the impression that she was getting. Veralia, Stella and herself were all growing from the relationship that they had with one another. It was a complex dynamic but for Sabriel at least, one that she was thoroughly pleased to be a part of.

Tilting Veralia’s head up slightly so that their eyes met again, she replied gently. “The bonds that we have formed with one another are a source of strength for each of us. To depend on one another and find happiness is not what I expected when I encountered you both but it is a surprise that I have come to cherish. I care for you both, more so than I could have thought possible and I will do whatever is possible to make sure that you are both safe and content.”

Leaning down, she would kiss Veralia again, a warm and tender sign of affection that would prove that every word she had spoken was the complete and utter truth.


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Envidia's Crest [Veralia/Open] - Page 7 Empty Re: Envidia's Crest [Veralia/Open]

Sat Sep 07, 2024 12:08 pm



Those words from Sabriel made Veralia nod in response, and a more relieved expression followed as she let go of some of her tensions. At least she wasn't alone in the sentiment that these chaotic chains of bonds between the women were odd but surprisingly lovely. Looking thoughtfully toward the sands of Hueco Mundo made Veralia contemplate just how many Arrancar, Humans, Quincy, demons, and others she had sent to their doom. Did she deserve such a happy conclusion?

With a gruff sigh, she discarded those thoughts and met Sabriel's eyes again. Before Veralia could respond, she was met with a kiss from the older Arrancar and leaned back into it. Veralia returned it, the warmth of her lips mirroring the fiery intensity that always seemed to burn within her. When they pulled apart, the turbulence of her emotions settled enough for her to find her voice.

"Guess that makes sense. Part of me feels like I don’t deserve all this... but that’s just worthless thinking."

Though still laced with reflection, her voice had lost its melancholic edge. A snort escaped her as if dismissing her previous lament.

"And yeah, I need to just be direct with Stella. I’m not used to all this—friends, caring about someone, all of it. But I don’t want to let it slip through my hands, hate myself later, and become so bitter I lose sight of who I am."

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Envidia's Crest [Veralia/Open] - Page 7 Empty Re: Envidia's Crest [Veralia/Open]

Sat Sep 07, 2024 1:19 pm
Envidia's Crest [Veralia/Open] - Page 7 SsMLBbB


“Just let it all out.” Sabriel chuckled in response, her arms still gently holding her close friend. “I have no doubt in my mind that she adores you, Veralia. The way she talks about you, how she behaves when I bring your relationship up with her and the red colour her cheeks always turn when I tease her about it. She loves you, my beautiful friend and the sooner you confess your own feelings, the better it will be for the both of you. I know how new this is all but have no fear, you will be far stronger together than you could ever be apart.”

Moving back to the previous point for a moment, she would then add. “You deserve to be happy after having suffered so much. It would be a far greater sin to let what you two have fade away.”


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Envidia's Crest [Veralia/Open] - Page 7 Empty Re: Envidia's Crest [Veralia/Open]

Sun Sep 08, 2024 2:36 pm



Veralia nodded to Sabriel's words and reflected on how to proceed while she talked. It was clear that Stella had feelings for Veralia, and Veralia herself didn't want to let the redhead slip out of her life. So, as she bit her lip, the envious Arrancar pondered if she could even give herself to another. Would her envy get in the way? Hell, would it put a target on Stella's back for that matter? Caring for someone wasn't an easy affair, so she let out a gruff sigh and looked back at Sabriel with a resolved glance.

"It’s scary to have these feelings... Discarding everything, being alone—it’s easier. It gives you strength because no one can hurt you, but it also makes you weak."

Her voice was stiff at first, as if holding back, but as her brows furrowed, she allowed herself to dive deeper into the truth of what she felt.

"But I can’t say I’m happy like this either. I don’t know if it’s a good idea for a Quincy and an Arrancar to be in a relationship—there’s a weight to my love that she might not understand. But... if she’s willing to risk it, I guess I can harden the hell up for her and see where it goes."

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Envidia's Crest [Veralia/Open] - Page 7 Empty Re: Envidia's Crest [Veralia/Open]

Mon Sep 09, 2024 7:50 am
Envidia's Crest [Veralia/Open] - Page 7 SsMLBbB


“Then explain it to her. Make it crystal clear to her what the possible risks are to becoming an item and let her figure out what she wants to do.” Sabriel gently answered. “I honestly do not think race matters when it comes to love and I doubt Stella cares either. Take a chance, Veralia and see how things go. You will only regret it afterwards if you turn away. You will be stronger with her then you ever would be without.”

It was unusual for Sabriel to hear such things, given how open she was when it came to her relationships but she could feel the nervousness coming from Veralia and naturally desired to ease her friend's doubts. Her embrace was so gentle and the dark haired woman actually found the more fragile side of her friend rather sweet, glad that underneath Veralia’s tough exterior was a more gentle soul.


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Envidia's Crest [Veralia/Open] - Page 7 Empty Re: Envidia's Crest [Veralia/Open]

Mon Sep 09, 2024 9:43 am



Veralia lingered in Sabriel's embrace, letting out a soft sigh as she closed her eyes and pondered things over. Was she overthinking things? It wasn't like her to be this tense about something. This situation is out of her element and norm after having such a solitary existence, so perhaps it is to be expected. Eventually, when her thoughts were organized, Veralia's stare's blood gaze returned to Sabriel.

"Nah, I think I'm just scared of getting hurt."

Even with herself, she just decided to be blunt even if it felt...odd to admit such a statement brazenly. Clenching her fist, Veralia bit her lip for a moment before continuing.

"I can burn everything in my path to ashes, but... to be honest, I’ve never been in a situation like this. The idea of getting hurt by caring for someone outside of myself? Not just using or discarding them, hooking up for sex, or keeping them at arm’s length—it’s a fucking bitch."

Another gruff sigh followed as she cast her gaze downward, the weight of her own words settling over her.

"Guess I'll just have to find the right time to woman the fuck up and just get it done."

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Envidia's Crest [Veralia/Open] - Page 7 Empty Re: Envidia's Crest [Veralia/Open]

Tue Sep 10, 2024 7:11 am
Envidia's Crest [Veralia/Open] - Page 7 SsMLBbB


“There will always be that chance that pain will come from your union and I believe that both you and Stella understand that but that is the risk that comes from opening up to others.” Sabriel responded honestly. “There is no guarantee as to what will happen in the future but I believe that any pain you may feel will mean little compared to the joy that you two will experience together. I understand if you are frightened at the thought of being with another, in a way that is more than just casual but do not be.”

She would tilt Veralia’s head up again so that their gazes met once more, the taller of the two Arrancar determined to not allow her friend sink into misery. “You are incredibly lucky to have captured the heart of such a beautiful and sweet woman. I am most certainly jealous of you both and I hope that you two are able to finally open up.”


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Envidia's Crest [Veralia/Open] - Page 7 Empty Re: Envidia's Crest [Veralia/Open]

Tue Sep 10, 2024 9:56 am



Veralia had a faint blush across her cheeks as she nodded at Sabriel's words. Softly exhaling the tension from her body, she tried to let some of that go and resolve herself as the reddeness gradually faded from her face and she looked back at Sabriel.

"Yeah, that's true. Can't get by in this life without risk and pain. Boy, do I know that."

Snorting, she'd look down at her palm and recount the time and risk it took to develop her strength to where she could protect herself. All the close encounters, beatings and dangerous situations that developed her instinct still didn't compare to leaving herself vulnerable like this. But, if she were get stronger mentally, she'd just have to thug it out in her mind.

"Thanks. The next time I see her, I’ll make it as clear as I can."

With a teasing smirk, Veralia reached out and pinched Sabriel’s cheek, a slightly smug expression crossing her face.

"And careful, get too jealous there, and I might just eat you up as a snack."

Her tone was playful, but there was a warmth in her words that hinted at the deeper bond she was beginning to form with Sabriel.

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Envidia's Crest [Veralia/Open] - Page 7 Empty Re: Envidia's Crest [Veralia/Open]

Wed Sep 11, 2024 8:07 am
Envidia's Crest [Veralia/Open] - Page 7 SsMLBbB


“Good. I am sure that you will make her the happiest woman in the world by telling her so and then you can start on a brand new life together.” Sabriel answered with a soft smile, chuckling slightly as she teased her close friend slightly at the end. “You may not know it but I feel as though you have grown so much in the short time that we have known each other. Who would have thought that you would become such a social butterfly, hmm?”

Musing about Veralia’s teasing in return, the lavender eyes of the taller Arrancar would briefly dazzle with whimsy. “Who knows? I might just let you take a bite if the desire crosses your mind. It would not be the first time that you have had a nibble.” She remembered their life of passion fondly and hoped that one night, they would explore each other again. Yes, Veralia and Stella were an item but Sabriel could not help but muse about just how exclusive they would be together.


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