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Envidia's Crest [Veralia/Open] - Page 2 Empty Re: Envidia's Crest [Veralia/Open]

Mon May 27, 2024 5:09 pm


Enter Veralia's Post

"Aye, I'll have to cross that bridge soon."

With her back against the railing, Veralia's lips let out a soft sigh before she closed her eyes once more to think further. Monongomy, mortality, connection, and affection were heavy concepts to process and sort through. So, her face wrinkled into a slight frown before her eyes opened again.

"Envy is a tiring sin, but I've known it for many centuries and lived alone with it. To begin tasting those who want to appease nice."

With her confession out in the out, she sighed and spoke lowly as she continued.

"I don't want to stop, but I don't want to discard her either."

Rubbing the temple of her head as if to soothe the ache of her own thoughts, Veralia sighed deeply and nodded to herself.

"So perhaps we are the same in some ways. I'll have to just talk to her and sort this shit out."

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Envidia's Crest [Veralia/Open] - Page 2 WVMWLOu
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Envidia's Crest [Veralia/Open] - Page 2 Empty Re: Envidia's Crest [Veralia/Open]

Tue May 28, 2024 10:37 am
Envidia's Crest [Veralia/Open] - Page 2 SsMLBbB


The taller of the two Arrancar could clearly see the weariness in Veralia’s features and Sabriel considered herself somewhat lucky that her own aspect was slightly less demanding. Oh, it certainly had its own challenges and how many times had she found herself standing between two individuals, having become acquainted with both? It was simply a danger of being so open with others as she was and if Sabriel credited herself on anything, it was how to get out of a sticky situation.

“I think that after all this time suffering alone, you have earned the right to a little appeasement, no?” Sabriel replied with a chuckle. “I have found myself in a similar situation just lately and the amount of friends and allies which I have made has increased immensely. It is a curious sensation, to have such contacts who are not simply…mindless drones.”

“As for Stella, I believe that she will accept whatever decision you decide to make. That girl has a massive heart and a lot of courage. She may still need a little seasoning when it comes to becoming a powerful Quincy but the foundations are there. The fact that she has become so close to the both of us certainly proves that she has an open mind.”


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Envidia's Crest [Veralia/Open] - Page 2 Empty Re: Envidia's Crest [Veralia/Open]

Tue May 28, 2024 2:06 pm


Enter Veralia's Post

"Huh, look at me. With all these human emotions. Wonder what my human self would think of this mess."

Snorting in jest, her voice seemed to return to its usual teasing nature. There was still tenseness behind her expression, but she wasn't one to discount Sabriel's words. They were creatures of the darkest aspect of humanity, so Stella should know not to expect a happy ending by attaching herself to Arrancar.

Yet -- Veralia still did not wish for harm to fall on her.

"Yeah, your right. I doubt she'll care whatever I'll do. I'll indulge as I see fit, but I'll try to avoid bringing harm to the woman if I can."

With a melancholy sigh, she glanced to her right side, seemingly lost in her thoughts, before looking back to Sabriel.

"And that's the problem. I know that her naivety will bring bad things to her doorstep."

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Envidia's Crest [Veralia/Open] - Page 2 WVMWLOu
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Envidia's Crest [Veralia/Open] - Page 2 Empty Re: Envidia's Crest [Veralia/Open]

Wed May 29, 2024 8:30 am
Envidia's Crest [Veralia/Open] - Page 2 SsMLBbB


“Stella reminds me a little of myself. A woman who does not seem to care an awful lot about just who she makes alliances with. She does not seem to bear any of the old prejudices and while that will no doubt lead to trouble, I believe that it is also a great strength. To be able to see past the delusions of the Quincy and to make up her own mind is not something that I expect many in her organisation can do. Humans love their stereotypes, after all.” Sabriel replied with a smile. “What Stella wants to do is spread happiness and funnily enough, that is not all that different from me."

Noticing the unhappiness that was still plaguing her friend, Sabriel would softly start to stroke Veralia’s hair fondly. “The road she is travelling on is dangerous and by being as free spirited as she is, our young redheaded friend may end up with foes inside her own organisation as well as outside but I believe that she will come out the other side a far stronger person and wiser too. All we can do is aid her if we can.”

Her expression changed then, to one just a little more devious. “If all else fails, we can bring her here and maybe teach her some of our ways.” It was spoken in jest but as always with the desire Arrancar, there was always a hint of truth.


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Envidia's Crest [Veralia/Open] - Page 2 Empty Re: Envidia's Crest [Veralia/Open]

Wed May 29, 2024 12:26 pm


Enter Veralia's Post

Veralia's right ear twitched ever so slightly as she listened to Sabriel talk about Stella's spirit. With her eyes closing again, she lost herself in thought and figured the trouble that could come with a free soul like that was inevitable. The only thing that could correct it was learning through trial and error. So, with a gruff sigh, her eyes opened again, and she nodded along with what Sabriel said after accepting that fact.

"Aye, ain't shit we can really do but guide her, assist where we can and hope for the best I guess. Death is part and parcel of our life, so it's strange to feel that way about someone."

Taking a moment to bask in the silence, Veralia's stare narrowed to Sabriel when she stated the two could take Stella back to Hueco Mundo and teach them their ways. After a few seconds, a slight smile etched itself across her lips.

"That we can."

Chuckling slightly, she would look back to the village again before turning to Sabriel again.

"I probably should invite her over here anyway. Let her get a feel for our home and see what happens."

Then, as if an afterthought, Veralia tapped her chin and added on.

"Come to think of it, I don't think you've ever seen my home, huh?"

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Envidia's Crest [Veralia/Open] - Page 2 WVMWLOu
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Envidia's Crest [Veralia/Open] - Page 2 Empty Re: Envidia's Crest [Veralia/Open]

Wed May 29, 2024 1:45 pm
Envidia's Crest [Veralia/Open] - Page 2 SsMLBbB


“A sound idea.” Sabriel replied with a nod, joking a little. “Who knows? She might take a liking to the place and not want to leave.” Despite her playful approach to the subject, the dark haired woman had no real malicious intentions. The redhead had been a guest at her palace only recently and while Sabriel had briefly had to wrestle with her more devious instincts, she had managed to fight them off rather well in the end. To have such an innocent and sweet maiden in her personal abode was the greatest temptation for Sabriel and looking back on it now, she thought that she had done rather well.

In response to Veralia’s question, Sabriel would cock an eyebrow and smile. “No. I do not believe you have. It is only fair after you were my guest the last time around. I am curious to see just how you have decorated your own palace, if that is what you have decided to create. With all you have accomplished so far with your followers here, I expect a mansion. You are nothing if not ambitious.”


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Envidia's Crest [Veralia/Open] - Page 2 Empty Re: Envidia's Crest [Veralia/Open]

Thu May 30, 2024 5:09 pm


Enter Veralia's Post

As her eyes peered around the castle, it was a grandiose spectacle for certain, but it wasn't exactly a home. So when Sabriel decided to accept Veralia's invitation to her manor, she was more than happy to return the favor.

"Wise as always, eh Sabby?"

After snickering a bit, Veralia had finally devised a play name for Sabriel. Surely a sign of her affection.

With a casual roll of her wrist, she would then have a vortex of emerald fire rip through the fabric of space around them. Embers of grassy fire spread out in the room around them, giving a dazzling glow of warmth before the reflection of her dark, obsidian-like stone estate was seen in the distance of the blazing garganta.

"Hopefully, it doesn't disappoint."

And with that, she would bow and let Sabriel be the first to enter the portal before shortly following her if she decided to take her invite.

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Envidia's Crest [Veralia/Open] - Page 2 WVMWLOu
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Envidia's Crest [Veralia/Open] - Page 2 Empty Re: Envidia's Crest [Veralia/Open]

Fri May 31, 2024 7:38 am
Envidia's Crest [Veralia/Open] - Page 2 SsMLBbB


“Just what I have picked up during my travels.” Sabriel replied with a laugh, amused slightly by the name that Veralia had decided to anoint her with. She did not mind it and the lavender woman had to admit that at first hearing, it had sounded like ‘Subby’, which at times might have just been as accurate. That being said, Sabriel appreciated the friendship that had been formed between herself and Veralia. Among the Arrancar, it would be fair to say that the horned woman was probably who she was closest to. She had plenty of friends in the human world but in Hueco Mundo? Oddly enough, she did not have many.

Admiring the portal, she would whistle and utter. “That is quite the fancy garganta. I cannot wait to see what lies on the other side. I am sure that you will be anything but disappointed by your work, my dear.”

With that, she would step inside and start to make her way through the oddly green hued portal, using her spiritual pressure to help make her way through..


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Envidia's Crest [Veralia/Open] - Page 2 Empty Re: Envidia's Crest [Veralia/Open]

Mon Jun 03, 2024 5:21 pm


Enter Veralia's Post

"Envy is grandiose, so fanciness comes with the territory."

As a low, playful chuckle escaped her lips, Veralia patted Sabriel's back. When the two would step out of the fiery vortex, her eyes would rest on the impressive dwelling before stepping ahead of her companion.

"Might be a bit overkill, but eh, I've lived a long enough life to build this project over time."

With a wave of her right hand, Veralia's influence would open the door to her estate, leading them inside. Once in the manor, the grand foyer unfolded before them, its high vaulted ceilings adorned with chandeliers casting a soft emerald glow.

The polished obsidian floors led to various chambers, each echoing the dark elegance of Hueco Mundo. To the right, the dining hall showcased a long, dark mahogany table surrounded by black velvet chairs, while the adjacent lounge offered a warmer ambiance with plush sofas around a roaring fireplace.

"Home sweet home."

As her voice echoed, she had a small laugh follow as she glanced at the walls around them; some embellished with tapestries depicting scenes of conquest and shelves filled with ancient tomes, reflecting Veralia's vast interests and warrior past. The subtle scent of burning embers permeated the air, a constant reminder of her fiery power and elemental affinity.

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Envidia's Crest [Veralia/Open] - Page 2 WVMWLOu
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Envidia's Crest [Veralia/Open] - Page 2 Empty Re: Envidia's Crest [Veralia/Open]

Tue Jun 04, 2024 7:37 am
Envidia's Crest [Veralia/Open] - Page 2 SsMLBbB


The eyes of the Arrancar of desire lit up as the two began to explore Veralia’s beautiful home. She had completely outdone herself and a light whistle of appreciation left the woman’s lips as Sabriel admired it. Just how long it must have taken to build such a place was a question that the dark haired woman wanted to ask but for the moment, she was happy simply looking. Veralia certainly had good taste and while it naturally differed from her own, Sabriel certainly approved.

“What is wrong with putting your all into building one's home? After all the years we have spent surviving in Hueco Mundo, I believe that we both desire a lovely place to call our own.” She replied with a short laugh, her arms starting to wrap themselves around Veralia’s waist affectionately. “You have out done yourself, my dear.”

Glancing towards the various tapestries, she would then inquire. “Does this imagery have any significance or are they just lovely pieces of decoration? I cannot help but notice a familiar individual in most of them, one who I rather admire.”


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