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God of Love
Joined : 2017-05-11
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An Imagination of Darkness [Klein, Liltotto] - Page 2 Left_bar_bleue16000/1An Imagination of Darkness [Klein, Liltotto] - Page 2 Empty_bar_bleue  (16000/1)

An Imagination of Darkness [Klein, Liltotto] - Page 2 Empty Re: An Imagination of Darkness [Klein, Liltotto]

Today at 8:30 am
An Imagination of Darkness [Klein, Liltotto] - Page 2 NlSfqNv

"Biographies, hm. I could give those a shot. I'm not sure whose life I'd necessarily be interested in enough to commit to a full book, but if you have any suggestions, I'm all ears. I do keep science journals around, but those are more in the work library than for fun, know what I mean?"

Klein continued to work, making sure that his sensors didn't run into any problems as they continued to gradually crawl their way through Liltotto's vascular system, branching into further tendrils whenever they met a branching path. Their work was far from over, and wouldn't be for quite some time, simply by way of how much there was to map out.

"Ecology's an interesting subject. I've done some research into it myself, but I don't really know much about the other two, especially not Anthropology. A little too abstract for me."

The other sensors, meanwhile, had less elaborate paths to follow, simply continuing on their way as they burrowed further into Liltotto. Whenever they made significant headway, a small branch split off and anchored itself in place, not only to secure the sensors in place, but to begin collecting samples. Of course, there were some particular samples that Klein was focused the most intently on, and he was slowly getting there. It would just take a little more time.

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An Imagination of Darkness [Klein, Liltotto] - Page 2 Left_bar_bleue42100/16000An Imagination of Darkness [Klein, Liltotto] - Page 2 Empty_bar_bleue  (42100/16000)

An Imagination of Darkness [Klein, Liltotto] - Page 2 Empty Re: An Imagination of Darkness [Klein, Liltotto]

Today at 9:45 am
An Imagination of Darkness [Klein, Liltotto] - Page 2 K0jeVvD

Liltotto Lamperd

Focus was becoming difficult to maintain, feeling as if she was floating in a lukewarm pool. No movement, any form of struggle ceased, she felt properly detached from her flesh - an oddly familiar sensation, if not for the persistent distant screaming in the back of her mind: Something was wrong, something was bad, something, something... An instinct kept crying for her - run, run, run... Liltotto wasn't very certain why, she didn't feel like she was in any danger, if anything this was the most peaceful she's felt in a long time. When did she last... She couldn't recall, it was at the tip of her tongue...

Oh, she almost forgot that she had company, the voice of the arrancar reminded her quickly before she had gone off into her own head. She tried to consider some specific examples, but the names just slipped through her fingers.. Ah, she hadn't really read many biographies in a while... Maybe she should do that whenever she got home, "I understand... Specifics aren't coming to me, but you could look into figures of specific time periods... Like major conflicts within history... Or even just highly influential people within society... It may seem frivolous, but the more accurate accounts can be a rich reading experience..."

That screaming was still there, a distant cry. She wondered what that was about. Everything was fine...

"For Anthropology... you could start with looking into a specific people," Her tone lazily expressed her thoughts, half-lidded eyes vaguely scanning the ceiling as she did so, "Or even a particular religion... Even if the latter's a lot more abstract, it gives insight into beliefs and morals... Their perspectives..."

Architecture... Architecture... That one was a little harder to explain in simplistic terms with no visual examples, "It's a little bit of both an art and a science... Designing suitable occupation or living quarters... It was something I wanted to do when I was little..."

Her mind drifted a bit, dredging up those distant memories, "..Nobody would take me up as an apprentice, was 'too small' they'd say... Smithing, too small. Hunting, too small... I could keep up fine, but it was always 'too small'... But that was kind of just an excuse, wasn't it..? Was being trained up to be a soldier like all the other children... But even that was begrudging..."

Those amber eyes of her's darkened, as a slew of uncomfortable memories surfaced. Ones she often avoided thinking of.

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