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The aftermath (Stella/Veralia/Ehefra)  Empty The aftermath (Stella/Veralia/Ehefra)

Sun Jul 14, 2024 10:04 pm
Stella had finally found herself waking up from her injuries. She had vaguely remembered being air lifted back into the city of lights. She was in the hospital, and she knew that but for some reason she felt a strange spiritual pressure in the city. Was it Veralia? Stella doubted it and wondered if she was just feeling things. However that thought would vanish as quickly as it came. The bloodied corpses of her comrades flashed in her mind as she felt herself lose her stomach. She felt horrible. As she tried to sit up her entire body would ache as ehe winced hard.

She'd sigh as she would atleast try to wipe her eyes. It seemed that she was worthless. She wasn't even able to avenge her comrades who had fallen to the green haired demon. Stella would ball her fist as hard as she could, but that wasn't really much. She was still very weak. Remembering the picture Stella would try to look around from where she was to spot her phone. Seeing it on the stand next to her she would try to reach it. However extending her arm she'd wince as she'd feel a familiar anger in her mind. She couldn't even do this.


She'd say. Her voice barely over a whisper as she'd just allow herself to sink further into the bed. a part of her wondering why she was even still alive? Why was she the one who had made it out?
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Mon Jul 22, 2024 1:37 pm


Enter Veralia's Post

There was a heaviness in the chest of Veralia as if a ten-ton weight was sucking the life out of her. All the woman desired was to burn and torture whoever had hurt Stella this badly, but while anger and anxiety gripped her heart, it was clear to her that it was deeper than just Stella being harmed. Observing the mass casualties inferred that whoever did it would be looked into, and they'd eventually figure it out.

Navigating through a haze of bureaucracy, Veralia endured a relentless series of questions and interviews. Each interaction with the authorities, whom she inherently distrusted, grated on her nerves as she wanted nothing to do with any massive organization. But this, she reminded herself, was a necessary ordeal to support Stella in her darkest hour.

When done with her ordeal, a cluster of Quincy conversed in hushed tones outside of Stella's room as Veralia was brought to her location. Ignoring them, Veralia wasted no time charging through the door, her eyes immediately surveying the room. When she spotted Stella in her bed, relief washed over her, but a deep, gnawing concern quickly followed. Without hesitation, she used her Sonido to close the distance in a blink, her movements a blur of urgency.

Without thinking, Veralia's hand reached out, gently enveloping Stella's and caressing it. Words failed her in the gravity of the moment—emotions like these were foreign, uncharted. She was an Arrancar, for God's sake, one who took life instead of caring for it. So why did she feel this way? It was irritating, but her voice, barely above a whisper, carried her turmoil and hope as she asked,

"Are you okay...?"

Her heart raced like a wild animal, filled with a mix of fear and desperate hope swirling within her. Veralia didn't know what to expect by coming here or what she could possibly do to mend the hurt. Yet something primal, an instinct deep within, had driven her to Stella's side, compelling her to witness her condition with her own eyes.

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The aftermath (Stella/Veralia/Ehefra)  WVMWLOu
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Tue Jul 23, 2024 8:06 am
The aftermath (Stella/Veralia/Ehefra)  D7ogcvbp8vy

Ehefra had been more than accomodating. IN all honesty, having someone visit Stella this early from the ordeal wasn't something the medical staff was entirely comfortable with. The woman needed rest, and was still bandaged up from the ordeal. Even if the injuries weren't life threatening, Stella had still been injured. And Ehefra watched Veralia closely throughout the process. She wasn't alone. Several others close to Stella had also showed up. The Perpetrator had most certainly accomplished a lot of commotion by texting everyone on Stella's phone.

Naturally, while Veralia had been getting vetted. Some members of the Vandenreich would have already paid visits, some insisting on it, while others, understanding the need for stella to rest, no doubt would have held off for the time being. All the while, Ehefra watched the arrancar. She had expected that there was something .....particular about the two's relationship. But as she moved into the room after them,watching them recklessly use a step technique to move less than seven feet, and the expression on their face as they reached for Stella's hand. Well, it became a little abundantly clear.

Reproductive instinct most certainly robbed one of their senses.

"Miss Veralia. I would appreciate if you not Sonido within the hospital. Stella is stable, but she has still sustained injuries from the conflict. Please exercise restraint." She murmured a bit tersely, but without any real venom. she'd certainly been slave to her own emotions before, but she still had to warn them. The last thing she needed was this arrancar underestimating how slippery the floors were and tearing the room apart on accident.

Still. She stayed at the doorway, allowing the pair a moment and some space.
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Wed Jul 24, 2024 12:42 pm
Stella would be caught off guard by throwing fact Veralia was even in the city. The arancar had been so against the idea of ever coming into the city. Seemingly the thoughts of her dead comrades vanished as she saw the worried expression of Veralia as her hand would lightly squeeze on Veralias as she decided to make a small joke to hopefully calm the arancar down. She had seen the sonido, and silently hoped the arancar would be more careful.

"Better, now that you're here."

She'd give a cheesy line as she tried to make the atmosphere a little more relaxed. As she allowed herself to fall back into the bed as she noticed ehefra in the corner at the door. Blushing slightly at the embarrassment of Ehefra hearing that she would sigh before speaking to the both.

"Sorry for worrying you both. I lost."

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Wed Jul 24, 2024 4:29 pm


Enter Veralia's Post

Tension gripped Veralia's body as an unfamiliar voice called out from the hallway. Her weary eyes flicked back, taking in the visage of Ehera. Giving her a nod that acknowledged the subtle reminder to get a grip, Veralia's expression softened, and she then forced herself to a neutral calm.

"Got it."

Replying in a prompt but weary tone, Veralia soon shifted her focus back to Stella.

Was she really letting herself get worked up over this? It was so—out of character for her. As her eyes were washed over with concern toward Stella, she could tell this woman would be in trouble in the future. Closing her eyes to contemplate, the hollow part of herself would know better than to cut out the woman to save herself, but—that isn't what she desired.

While her thoughts were still churning, Stella's attempt to muster strength for her sake drew a dry chuckle from Veralia and pulled her out of the morbid murmurs of her mind. She hesitated, then managed to find the words.

"Yeah, you should feel better because you finally won and got me to come to this city after bugging me forever about it."

Her tone held a teasing edge, but the usual bravado felt hollow. Veralia's hand moved almost instinctively, gently caressing Stella's cheek. The sincerity in her touch was a stark contrast to her usual demeanor.

"Stella, Don't worry. I'm just happy you are alright. Everything else can be worked in time."

Her voice softened further, and the vulnerability in her eyes mirrored the care she struggled to express. This moment, raw and unguarded, spoke volumes about her unspoken fears and hopes for Stella's recovery.

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The aftermath (Stella/Veralia/Ehefra)  WVMWLOu
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Wed Jul 24, 2024 4:48 pm
The aftermath (Stella/Veralia/Ehefra)  D7ogcvbp8vy

At least she was being careful, and seeing reason. She had almost expected a spike of anger from the arrancar. But no, they seemed rather affixed to the status of the quincy. So a Quincy was in bed with an Arrancar by the looks of it. IT was hard to mistake the ....magnitude of care between the two. No less the way they talked and looked at one another.

Were she some quincy zealot, she was sure she'd be disgusted by it. But she could at least smile internally at the thought of those old fuckheads losing their shit over something like this. But now wasn't the time for chuckling to herself.

"Don't concern yourself with your performance, Stella. Vandenreich personnel are still processing the scene and collecting evidence. As for yourself. I understand that you've been through an extensive ordeal. But don't worry about answering any questions or doing anything other than recovering for the time being." She considered, briefly, asking a few questions. But frankly, that wasn't necessary. They already had data to process from the scene. The nature of the wounds. And of course, the woman's fight with Stella. Questioning Stella could wait.
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Thu Jul 25, 2024 11:25 pm
Stella laughed drly at the comment about the city. She wished she was able to do it without being in mortal peril. While the arancar is here she doubts they'll even be able to do anything fun. She needs to recover and even if they were able to do something fun, would it be fun for Stella? The red head was happy Veralia had made it here but she still doesn't feel great. The corpses of her comrades were flashing in front of her eyes as she felt herself beginning to panic slightly. Veralia should be able to feel her hand tensing up a bit as Stella looked at her, but seemed to be staring past the smaller woman.

Hearing Ehefras voice breaks the trance though, and Stella would shake her head before looking to the two women in front of her. Regardless of what others said about Stella's performance being fine, or not judging it made her feel like she was being absolved of something she shouldn't. Her telling her group they could head out a bit earlier than. her had tossed them right into dangers way. Stella wasn't aware of the quincy hunting shinigami at that point but the red head can't fight the guilt that was still yanking on her mind badly.

"I understand, miss ehefra. I do want you both to promise me you won't go after that demon on your own please. I know you're both strong, but I couldn't live with myself if either of you get hurt on my account."

Stella would speak as she looks at ehefra, and then turns back to Veralia. Giving her a pleading, puppy fog esque look hoping thst she could talk them into not putting themselves at risk. She knew that she doesn't have to worry about Ehefra doing that probably, but she felt Veralia was probably really mad not too long ago.
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Fri Jul 26, 2024 3:19 pm


Enter Veralia's Post

Seeing Stella's hand grow tense caused Veralia's gaze to become distant as her anxiety turned to contempt. Static swelled in her mind as her envious inferno threatened to consume her soul. The knots were beginning to swell in her forehead from the release of adrenaline, stress, and hurt over seeing her harmed in such a way and being unable to do anything about it.

Both women would undoubtedly sense the spiritual energy swirling within Veralia. Her hands trembled with fury as she inhaled deeply and exhaled slowly, a brief aura of grassy light flaring around her. The temperature in the room spiked, though there was never an intent to harm.

Struggling to suppress her anger, Veralia closed her eyes in an attempt to meditate and refocus.

"II'm furious now that I know you're safe. Every part of me wants to destroy the person who did this, but.."

With her eyes opening again, a look of concern washed over her as she caressed Stella's cheek.

"....this isn't the place for that rage."

With great effort, she pressed the fury down, the room gradually cooling as her eyes narrowed with resolve.

"So I'll cooperate with these people, but if I find her, I'll burn the bitch to ashes."

Her voice was steady, but the underlying fury was palpable. Veralia's determination to protect Stella and seek justice radiated through her, anchoring her volatile emotions with a newfound focus.

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The aftermath (Stella/Veralia/Ehefra)  WVMWLOu
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Sun Jul 28, 2024 5:49 pm
The aftermath (Stella/Veralia/Ehefra)  D7ogcvbp8vy

Ehefra nodded lightly toward Stella as the woman expressed their compliance. But all the more, it seemed they were also intent on something else. Soemthing that, admittedly, Ehefra shouldn't be all the slightest bit surprised in regards to.


No doubt the girl's experience with the assailant would no doubt have instilled any number of fears. And in that moment, Ehefra felt her mind shift back to the man that had haunted her own dreams to this very day on occasion. Of course, in her own situation, she had slain her own assailant. She'd glassed him, along with the beach that he'd laid waste to. Even with him dead, she still fetl a slow tinge of fear. That some day, she'd open her eyes, and see him smiling over her with those sharp teeth of his. She remembered the jungle he had summoned to try and torture her in.

She supposed if he had survived, she might very well have had the very same sentiment.

"Get rest. There are a lot of very worried people. People who have been hurt, and people who have been killed. Don't worry yourself about how we'll be handling the person responsible Stella."' She assured the woman, before turning her attention toward Veralia.

"Miss Veralia. If I might see you outside, when you're done." She requested quietly, offering a nod to the arrancar before she turned to step out of the room. Giving the two some privacy. She'd be fine waiting outside until Veralia was ready.
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Tue Jul 30, 2024 1:45 pm
Stella would smile slightly as she couldn't help but the small blush that would color her cheeks. She wasn't used to Veralia acting like this as she took a deep breath before looking over to Ehefra. Seeing her leave the room shed sigh as she would look back to Veralia with a weak smile. Still hiding her pain, but there was still some of the always peppy Stella in there. Speaking to the arancar in front of her, "I know you will. I just want you to be careful, okay? We don't know if she's working with someone else, of if she's just purely on her own."

Stella would give her reasoning as she watched the arancar. Feeling a little bad for being I this situation. Despite the arancars previous complaints she had actually worked with the VR to come and see Stella. She knew this was a far cry from meaning Veralia would join or anything, but it did make her happy she was here. As she watched her she would show her gratitude to the arancar.

"T...thanks for coming to see me."
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