Bleach Platinum Hearts RP
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Joined : 2024-10-17
Posts : 1

Shizuka Sanamizu Empty Shizuka Sanamizu

Today at 8:23 pm

I. Basic Information

» Name: Shizuka Sanamizu
» Alias: None
» Age: 29
» Gender: Female

» Association: Khaana

» Estigma: TBD
» Hollow Hole: Just below the sternum, centered.
» Aspect of Death: TBD

» Height: 5'5"
» Hair Color: Blonde
» Eye Color: Left is blue, right is green

Shizuka Sanamizu AP1GczOJliVGtD9E6_13NA7bK7Xzv0AH9kQmAzfOdni6qxCmB5bVteetAGT923w4z8JZePxsTpJY-6Fiw1r_DPmQ_AoUNT92_XFzVOnRl81uRmLvk8EubldCTF8ry1L6CcEwes5JPq31GqBvlFHsY1Q2lDOn=w306-h460-s-no?authuser=0

» Appearance Written: When referring to her figure, some may find her small or petite. Shizuka is, in fact, quite thin. But it is a good kind of thin that she was able to gain through careful (well, sort of) dieting, a faster than average metabolism, and excellent hygienic care. She has blonde hair, though she does sometimes switch back and forth between blonde and brunette, but she is almost always seen as a blonde. Her hair is so long that it reaches to just below her waist. She can easily reach her hand around her back and grab the ends while still having some left over to hang beneath her fist. Her face is soft but beautiful; having a certain flawless glow to it when she smiles that seems to resemble a goddess. Or, at least, that is how she sees it. She has heterochromatic eyes with her left eye being a bright ocean blue and her right eye being an emerald green.

Shizuka’s body, as mentioned, is quite fit. She has a toned stomach that is often decorated by a small belly ring, though she chooses when she wants to wear it. More often than not, though, it can be seen on her. Her arms are thin but femininely muscular, matched by her legs that stand similarly. On top of that, she has a lovely olive skin tone as she comes from Italian decent, despite her Japanese name. Mixed blood does cause the most precious of babies.

I. Personality

As someone with such a dynamic personality, Shizuka finds herself to be an upbeat type of girl who rarely ever gets upset by much. She enjoys the company of those who are familiar to her, though she is known to dislike large crowds because of a slight social anxiety that she tries desperately to hide. It has definitely improved over the years, and she is able to at least start conversations with strangers as long as someone she knows happens to know them, as well. She is unsure of why she has this issue, but she assumed it happened when she was young and it grew into something a bit more severe. Luckily, through exposure to more extroverted people and becoming friends with them, she was able to adopt a semi-outgoing kind of behavior around strangers that allows her to feel more comfortable with them.

It took some effort, but she found herself able to develop a type of fake confidence when it came to situations she was uncomfortable with. It amazes her to this day that she came so far from a shy girl who never let go of her mother’s leg and always hid herself from people to a fairly independent woman who can take care of herself when she needs to. Since Shizuka attends college, she needed to be able to push herself to be more extroverted because she deeply adores her friendships and believes each one was a blessing to her. The only reason she even made those friends, however, was because she overcame a powerful fear. She is extremely proud of that.

» Likes: TBD

» Dislikes: TBD

I. History

» History: TBD

I. Natural Abilities

» Natural Abilities:
Quick-witted: explain

Physically Fit: explain (hunts hollows, therefore has to be stronger than a normal person)

I. Racial Abilities

» Racial Abilities:
Cero: can use without hurting herself

Sonido: has to use it to keep herself alive but hasn't mastered yet

Regeneration: did not exchange regeneration for power

I. Zanpakutō

» Zanpakutō Name: [What is your zanpakutō's name?]

» Sealed Zanpakutō Appearance: [What does your arrancar's zanpakutō look like? A picture or written bio will do. You can also do both if you wish]

» Sealed Zanpakutō Power: [Some arrancar can express power in their hollow nucleus outside of their resurreccion but to a weaker extent. Keep it simple, remove if none.]

I. Resurrección

» Resurrección Release Phrase: [What is your arrancar's release phrase?]

» Resurrección Release Action: [Does your arrancar do any physical action to release their resurrección? Feel free to remove this if none.]

» Resurrección Appearance: [Describe what their resurrección looks like. It can be written, or you can use an image. You can also use both if you want]

» Resurrección Abilities: [Explain the abilities and powers that your arrancar gets in their form.]

I. Equipment

» Equipment: [If your arrancar has any equipment? Put it here. If they don't, skip this section.]

I. Skill Sheet

(To Find Out about what these skills are for, please READ THIS THREAD before you try doing anything to it)

Please remove regenerar or aumentar depending on which skill you are taking.

General Attributes
» Durability: SS/S/A/B/C/D/E
» Speed: SS/S/A/B/C/D/E
» Strength: SS/S/A/B/C/D/E
» Soul: SS/S/A/B/C/D/E

Will Skills
» Willpower: Elite/Advanced/Adept/Beginner/Untrained
» Deduction: Elite/Advanced/Adept/Beginner/Untrained
» Focus: Elite/Advanced/Adept/Beginner/Untrained

Arrancar Skills
» Cero: Elite/Advanced/Adept/Beginner/Untrained
» Nucleo: Elite/Advanced/Adept/Beginner/Untrained
» Aumentar/Regenerar: Elite/Advanced/Adept/Beginner/Untrained
» Sonido: Elite/Advanced/Adept/Beginner/Untrained

I. Role Play Sample

» Roleplay Sample: [Please show us how you role play by either posting a previous post from another site or creating a new one. We do this so we know your RP skill. If you already have an accepted, you need not do another RP sample]

I. Intent

» Character Intent: [Optional. This is where you can explain the intent behind the character. What this might entail is where you are imagining the character strength-wise, your purpose for creating the character, and potential story beats. This section is to assist the grader in understanding where you are aiming with your character and may be able to provide advice if other aspects of the application do not match. This needs to be no more than 5 sentences.]

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