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Asahi Furea Empty Asahi Furea

Today at 8:18 pm
Asahi Furea PUV7fLH


Basic Information

○ Name: Asahi Furea
○ Alias:
▕ The Divine Luminary
○ Age: 243
○ Birthday: March
○ Gender: Male
○ Race: Shinigami

○ Affiliation: Gotei United, Sixth Division

○ Alignment: Lawful Good.
○ Marital Status: Single
○ Ideal Mate: Loving, Confident and a nice ass.
○ Special Skill: Giving off labrador energy.
○ Nationality: Japanese.
○ Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual

○ Height: 6'5ft
○ Hair Color: Maroon/Brown
○ Eye Color: Pale Green.

Asahi Furea Ifn8HdJ

Psychological Analysis

Asahi’s a rather compassionate and lawbound man, believing that rules, regulations and codes define someone's way of being able not only to achieve something new but live a fulfilling life above all else. It is also this way that all may act in accordance to not being dickheads in the grand scheme of things, even those who wield a decent amount of strength can adhere to a way of life that will achieve safety and moral dignity. This only leads to a level of confidence that Asahi radiates, a shocking amount of it perceived as insanity even when losing a bout or a situation transpiring that radiates a level of shame for most. Take it on the chin. It takes a level of determination but mainly of body and mind.

There is a level of determination which pulsates itself across the man which many may understand once working alongside him, often engaging in all tasks with a vigor that can be otherwise seen as zealotry. It is because Asahi came from a background which lacked academic ability for a long time, training his body to react to people's micro expression and body language rather than academic ability. This is a struggle he finds even today, writing and reading being an issue to acclimate too and as such, most knowledge is kept close to his soul.

Therein lies a most fascinating weakness in Asahi as a man, determination and confidence escalates to a headstrong need to be at the forefront of major incidents with a clear intent to take the brunt of the pain be it emotional or physical. This has led to the other aspect of Asahi, a fiery opinion which he does not believe to be needed to temper as all have a voice and respectfully must be heard, a man for the people and of the people you could say. It is through this rigidness that Asahi can be found to be relatively careless for his own well being, once more mentally and physically as he’d rather blame himself for the death of a friend than let anyone else remotely begin feeling that type of despair.

Whilst friends can rely on him, enemies find a shockingly merciful man before them that only never truly wishes to end a life. He does believe that taking a life is a final option, rehabilitation being far more suited for criminals of the Gotei and Soul Society as a whole which has bit him in the ass before. Yet when it comes to true combat? That is an odd persona indeed.

Asahi in combat is a rather formidable fighter but has usually two variations, firstly being spar or other higher conflict situations that arise. In essence, why the fuck use Bankai or even Shikai if you can handle it in other ways? He is complimentary that may come across as condescending, though vigilant and understands his own shortcoming in the whole speed department. In essence he is humble enough to happily lose to a colleague if they need that boost in confidence, truly deciding to restrain himself if needed.

In genuine combat is a different matter entirely, seeking to rehabilitate and take down a criminal is something necessary for incapacitation. He will sever limbs or break bones though avoids outright killing someone if possible, even if they are trying to murder him. That in itself is an odd difference though his moral code is far too strong, never actually having to deal with a situation which made him consider: You need to die.


The Furea Family started off as nothing more than street trash in the Rukongai with little to their lives of note, a considerable amount of individuals in the Rukon didn’t exactly care for them until through some backhanded dealings, Asahi’s father before he was born managed to secure himself a small amount of finance. It was through this that by the time Asahi was born, a large child at that, the opportunity of becoming a respectable member of society had been even plausible. It would be better to say Asahi was being groomed as heir for something larger than himself, though held a deep sense of justice from birth and a seemingly warm persona. Literally.

It did not take long for both mother and father to realize that Asahi held a natural aura of warmth, not to the degree of ridiculousness but potent enough to raise the small household by a few degrees. The boy though was groomed from an early age for a Shinigami life, as his father was obsessed with rising from these pitiful streets of the Rukongai. In this, Asahi at an incredibly early age was granted a mentor, Tsubine Shirazumi. Tsubine is an aggressive mentor, little in the way of breaks and easily frustrated by failure. Safe to say Asahi learned that the hard way. Kindness is not a teaching method at the time Asahi enjoyed.

During these years of tutelage though, he was taught a brutal form of Iado and Sheathed blade combat to assist in his lack of outright speed. The lifestyle of the Rukongai granted his senses to be further sharpened as Tsubine taught forms of martial combat that others may overlook, allowing his body to react almost on intuition and to survey an opponent's intent by instinct over observation. The latter is easily manipulatable and unbeknownst to the gaining body mass of the boy, so did his instinctive ability to infuse his reiryoku with his body, creating the foundation for the later Hakuda.

One of his youngest friends in the Rukon was none other than Koga, a bit of a ditz but they shared an innate respect for one another. That respect? During a day out in the Rukongai, Koga intended and attempted to rob Asahi. Tsubine’s training paid off and his body responded accordingly, causing a kerfuffle an end result being a friendship of respect. As time passed, Asahi’s father was playing Merchant and politics, eventually raising the Furea name and title. By the time Asahi was going to be inducted into Shino’o Academy, the Fureas were wealthy merchants.

He did not take frankly to the new money lifestyle.

When Asahi was of age to join the Shino’o Academy he was inducted with a slight edge among his peers when it came to outright combat skill and Hakuda, thanks to frequent training sessions with his tutor by this point and instinctively acting in that method. These instincts were only more honed during such a vast regime, though he struggled considerably on anything pen to paper so to speak, once more proving he had talent for hands-on affairs but didn’t really find academic schooling easy in the slightest. Kido was a bitch. It wasn’t too long after receiving his Asauchi that Asahi felt rather close with the imprinting weapon.

That is when the injuries began.

The man was not so accustomed with Zanpakuto to acknowledge their capability and thus when the sealed ability of a heated blade came into view, it injured his hands considerably though through this process met Kaminari. She managed to heal his wounds and finally find someone more academically minded to ease him further into the process, also letting him gain the baseline grasp of Kido. Thank the Cycle. It wasn’t usual at all for a student to already awaken a sealed ability though Asahi seemed to have achieved a vague bond with her.

These years persisted in cultivating Asahi’s keen intuition further, though more so when as a student he sought out the infamous Rio Shihoin. It had been no secret that such a woman somehow could handle elemental issues and thus begged the woman with utmost respect to offer insight into such a bond, though as these conversations grew more, she eventually agreed to help in his Hoho. In combination with the vigorous training sessions with Tsubine on the regular, Asahi managed to gain a very rapid repute for his stalwart sense of justice but combat prowess, a genuinely good man with a warm heart that stood for everything right about the Gotei.

It was under the advice of both Kaminari and Rio respectively that suggested he refine his Hakuda further to pre-emptively prepare for whatever else his zanpakuto may provide to him in the future. After constant weeks of refining his reiryoku for purely defensive Hakuda based techniques, he felt ready though did not awaken his Shikai until after the Academy.


It was after his graduation from the Academy and subsequent joining of the 6th Division that Asahi managed to awaken his Shikai. This was through dedicated talks, rambles and tirades to his asauchi on patrols, meditation moments and overall seeking to engage with his future combat colleague. This still resulted in injury for within the confines of his room with the Furea estate did he achieve it, Mizukume, a shy yet regal woman yet a blade seemingly bound within a sheath of stone that gave off tremendous heat.

Eager and reckless.

He immediately desired to see the blade, absolutely ignoring Mizukumes warnings and found his hands and upper forearm subjected to a horrific amount of burns. Ouch. The man spent days after apologizing to her, promising to do better and heed any warnings going forward as his reiatsu leaked and caused many to feel warmer as time passed. Kaminari was unimpressed. The constant training thereafter with Tsubine granted him more insight than most in the depth of a Zanpakuto, not only helping Furea gain a better headstart than most but teaching him the value of such a friend.

In combat the cost of using his shy companion was consistent burns but that did not matter, as long as she knew that he’d take such pain every time if it meant being able to see her come out of that shell. Ironic. Asahi was so worried about his companion that he unironically halted his growth, gaining a more developed Shikai and larger source of energy as years went on but never understood nor ever seemed to consider the evolution. Bankai. Such a stage would be later throughout his life. On patrol Asahi had an impressive rate of success in hands-on investigatory work, combined with Rio Shihoin conceding to teach Hoho and assist where needed with such a volatile zanpakuto, assured that his ability to control his own reiatsu was solid. He was able to discern lies from body language, react almost instantly to incoming threats before his brain acknowledged it and became a goto man to be sent within the shadier areas of the Rukongai.

A walking lie detector one could say.

The rather repetitive lifestyle though shattered during the demonic invasion of Soul Society.

The Furea estate was all but eradicated and Asahi was one of many who fought to the absolute last ounce of strength, pushing himself, his Hakuda and Shikai to a limitation that would collapse some others. It was a horrifically brutal affair but he fought to defend his father and by proxy those around, whilst the ending is relatively self explanatory, Asahi’s father elected to approach the Kuchiki household with the hope to be raised to nobility. It wasn’t a small request though through their connections, good standing and Asahi’s own record as a staunch loyalist of the Gotei, it went through.

As time went on though Asahi did not actually care for the rise, infact finding it more constricting than anything but it was his fathers whim. An intended arranged marriage shortly after between Asahi and Hana Aoyama that fell through due to the former's instinctive notice of it being less than viable, a dispute that crafted a rift between the family as a whole. Politics was annoying. He started spending more time at work and doing his duty than at home after that, finding any disloyal elements once the Demons had been thrust off back to whence they came.

Asahi after the incursion took to finding why he had been stuck to a metaphorical wall with Mizukume, though after some engagements with his colleagues he had come to find that the shyness Mizu feels and his eagerness to cater to it might in itself be the issue. There was little doubt after a tense confrontation between them this was the case, experience with his Shikai had granted him more than enough insight into the reason it held an odd effect around his person….It was mandatory for him to achieve Bankai. So it was to be so. This closeness though proved reckless for Asahi as his first bout with Mizukume ended in a brutal one sided defeat.

The raw solar energy that radiated from this confident, regal beauty was intense enough to damage his eyesight and further still cause 2nd degree burns over his body. If it were not for Rio overseeing this, he would have died. It took a few months to recover but Asahi needed to learn more, eventually investing more within his Hakuda and the defensive applications of such, able to discern natural methods of defense and offense. The second attempt would come quite a few years later, though succeeding in taking down his Bankai alongside obtaining such a thing, still suffered 2nd degree burns and even 3rd degree in some areas. Kaminari and Rio once more saw to his healing.

During this recovery is when things went a little awry for the man, he has been out of commission due to the extent of his injuries but on the cusp of being released saw the hospital he was in being demolished by a terrorist attack. If it were not for such sharp instinct and his reinforcement of Hakuda, he would have died. It then extended into much longer, he was discharged one day before the invasion of Soul Society by Ichigo Kurasaki and took to combatting high level threats like Gillian, a devastating loss to his core to hear of the death of Captain Hakuuya and trying to get his bearings on everything that is to come….



Elemental Reiatsu (Solar): Asahi’s reiatsu is a unique elemental form of heat, in essence the solar energy radiating from the Sun. It is not actually that hot but it can increase the local temperature by a few degrees, even restricted, the man is constantly plagued by sweating and overall need to hydrate more often than most. This has only furthered many people’s misconception that he’s a hot headed fight machine, or others just don’t want to be sweating whilst working. Sad times. He is fundamentally affected by cold based effects more so than most due to this.

Potent Zanpakuto: The one racial ability Asahi can begrudgingly admit he’s been cursed with is a potent zanpakuto, based on Amaterasu the Sun Goddess and having a destructive ability to match has garndered it a rather wicked reputation.


Terrible Kido: Under the tutelage of Kaminari, Asahi managed to grasp the basics of Kido and has still failed miserably at it. In essence, consider the man's ability to handle it below average by all means.

Combat Style Iaido::


Zanpakutō Name: Mizukume.

» Zanpakutō Spirit: Mizukume is a shy, caring individual though her timidness made it difficult for Asahi to get through to her at first. It is though foolish to assume her timid nature correlates to weakness, she does it out of fear fo those around her. The wise yet soft spoken words of Mizukume shift into impassioned, defiant and commanding roars akin to the sun when within Bankai, offering insight as that timid nature all but burns away. Mizu is known to be very remorseful after each use of her abilities though due to the way they harm their user.

Mizukume normally::

Mizukume Bankai::

» Inner World: The Inner world of Mizukume is one of a beautiful bio-luminicent cave with an ever looming boulder in the way from behind, yet still radiating with a serene beauty that one can’t help but admire. It is here where there are plenty of crevices in which one may conceal themselves behind or enjoy a safety from the world outside. In the case of Bankai though it has shifted entirely, creating an entirely new scape of clouds and a single set of stairs that lead directly to what feels like the ever roiling sun that shines down onto everywhere below.

Mizukume Normal World::

Mizukume Bankai Inner World::

» Sealed Zanpakutō Appearance:

Mizukume Sealed::

» Sealed Zanpakutō Power: The sealed power of Mizukume is relatively straight forward, the blade itself is heated to cause 1st degree burns on impact.


» Shikai Release Phrase: "Display your Absence, Mizukume (眯銑芽; Blinding Iron Spear)"

» Shikai Release Action: Asahi slams the bottom of the sheathe into the ground below whiist holstering his blade,

» Shikai Appearance: The blade itself has not changed bar the litany of markings across the length of the sheathe, heavenly symbols and chains seemingly dangling from the white that looks more like marble than any holster should.

» Shikai Abilities:

The backbone of Asahi’s shikai takes the form of a pair of passive stances, the sheathed blade that represents Ama no Iwata and the blade itself being his beloved Mizukume when unsheathed. It is to be noted that he goes into either stance and can’t have both at the sametime.

The first stance is his holstered stance of which the sheath is scolding hot to the touch though passively absorbs light and heat in the surrounding equal to his soul, creating a duller zone of darkness as time passes. Unironically Asahii is able to see just fine within this dwindling area. Every post after activation plunges this zone further until 3 posts have passed, creating a pitch black area that requires external senses than sight to engage in combat in, concealing even the wielder and moving with him. This 3 post zone is the mandatory requirement for his Bankai of which a mirror forms and manifests.

The second part of Asahi’s Shikai is the blade itself, for when she is unsheathed it is a sputtering and burning blade of radiant flame with a heat that can subsequently melt steel and slice through most materials. She can’t be out of the cave for too long though, causing instantly 1st degree burns on her wielders fingers and forearms though 2nd degree when impacting anything else. For each post she is out of the sheath beyond 2 increases the degree of flame on Asahi’s own wounds and covers more of his body. It is intended for brutal burst strikes, as the illumination will disorientate most furthermore for every post she remains sheathed, her potency increases by an additional 50% to a maximum of 150% that after initial unsheathing reduces by 50 every post after. Releasing her blade also retracts the work done when she is sheathed. I.E: 2 posts turns into 1 post.

Presence of the Sun::

Heavenly Entombment::

Her Attention on you::

Divine grasp::


» Bankai Name: "Bring forth your embrace, Mizukume. (端空明; Origin of the Bright Sky)"

» Bankai Release Action: Within the orb of darkness, a spark falls as Asahi unsheathes Mizukume whilst softly speaking her name and striking through the mirror, it bubbles and akin to slag, melts away the sheathe of which wraps around his right arm. Mizukume is released.

» Bankai Appearance: The major difference with Mizukume is the solar circle around the hilt, increasing the size of a weightless No Dachi and granting the right arm armoring that is similar to traditional samurai Armour of bright white.

Mizukume Bankai::

» Bankai Abilities:

Asahi’s Bankai represents the second stage of the story and often the one most end their interest in, being brought out into the light. As such it shifts dramatically into a much more destructive zanpakuto.

Passive 1: The sheathe melts into the mirror and forges a unique alloy that coats Asahi’s right arm in the formation of a traditional Japanese samurai. This armouring protects Asahi’s arm from the heat of the Bankai and seems to absorb the excess heat in order to defend the rest of his immediate body. Any sheathe based technique in Shikai can be used through this arm. He can call forth his Bankai back to his hand regardless of distance. It does grant Asahi a layer of defense, as the surface is scolding hot and on contact can cause 2nd degree burns but the immaturity leaves it wanting for more.

A note is an enemy can actually break this, more segments will mean the wielder's body is less defended. Any segment broken will mean Asahi takes 2nd degree burns in that area. Should the armouring break entirely, every post after the following will cause 2nd Degree burns to spread across the body. This will increase to 3rd degree burns beyond 4 posts.

Passive 2: The blade itself is a long, more curved No Dachi looking weapon with a length of 38 inches. It is a burning incarnation of solar strength, a raw white as radian flames eternally coat the blade in a constant motion akin the surface of the sun's roiling strength. Direct contact of the blade on flesh will cause 3rd degree burns, though naturally causes an aura around him of a scolding heatwave within his vicinity. It is here of which the Bankai grants Asahi the rudimentary ability to manipulate the radiant flames into basic attacks, be it thrusting forth a searing cone of flame or into a multitude of smaller bursts.


Normal Shinigami stuff.
Furea Estate.


General Attributes
  • Durability:
  • General Speed:
  • Strength:
  • Soul:

Racial Skills
  • Hoho:
  • Kido:
  • Zanjutsu:
  • Hakuda:

Will Skills
  • Willpower:
  • Mental Deduction:
  • Focus:

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