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Mon Aug 05, 2024 1:18 am

“Ah, mostly just trying to get a laugh,” was his response to her first comment. No needling or joke followed, though he did think about it a moment.

After she explained where she tended to roam and turned the question back on him, Joshua gave a small shrug as he replaced his hat on his head.

“I tend to wander through a lot of the districts if I’m bein’ honest. Several places for food, several gambling halls and dens when I’m bored, a few friends from back when I was living out in the Rukongai full time. Really depends on my mood honestly. Sometimes the Seireitei gets...a might stifling,” [i]he said simply. “Mostly out North and West, through Kagarashi and Junrinan. Like I said though, I make my way around.”

~We trip and stumble only so that we may stand back up...~

Genpaku's Cast of Misfits and Titans
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The Gotei 13 Advocate
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Mon Aug 05, 2024 1:34 am
How to explain this...[Joshua/Kaminari] - Page 5 Kaminari_PHS-2

Well, he got the laugh he wanted, even if small, but he also did the same that so many people do: ignored her. Even if she didn’t directly say “you are insert compliment here,” the implication would only be lost on a fucking simpleton.

"A might?" Kaminari chuckled again. The Seireitei was much worse than "stifling." The Gotei's current leadership was fucking moronic in her eyes. There was little more than silence from her own Captain, and the fact that they were allowing Arrancar into their ranks was idiotic. But that was a conversation for a different day.

"Why don't we head out of here?" Kaminari glanced around, seeming a little antsy. She wasn't someone who enjoyed crowds. They always made her feel watched.

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Mon Aug 05, 2024 2:06 am

“I was starting to think the same, actually,” Joshua said, raising a hand to signal for the bill. True to his word Joshua paid up for the food, passing along a few compliments on the food before standing up and heading out of the stall. Once Kaminari had joined him, he spoke up again.
“You feelin’ up for dessert by chance? I know a place near here that’ll still be open and does some great pastries actually. Also know a place that does coffee nearby, if that’s yer thing,” he offered. He wasn’t sure if she was gonna want to cut out here or not, but he figured giving her the option would be polite all the same. For his part, dessert was certainly his next stop.

~We trip and stumble only so that we may stand back up...~

Genpaku's Cast of Misfits and Titans
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The Gotei 13 Advocate
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Mon Aug 05, 2024 5:58 pm
How to explain this...[Joshua/Kaminari] - Page 5 Kaminari_PHS3-1

Kaminari waited patiently, at least on the outside, for him to pay for the meal. She wanted away from these crowds. She didn’t know whether it was the people, the lights, the small spaces… It was all bothering her. She stood on the outside of the alley, having informed Joshua that is where she would be going to wait for him, so he would technically be rejoining her, not the other way around!

Her thoughts were broken by his voice and an offer for dessert. She raised a surprised eyebrow, having thought after what was discussed moments ago, that he’d want to just go home. As she said, she wasn’t exactly being pleasant… “I… Uh, well okay,” she nodded, but it was like she was just giving in to the offer of more free food. “So, why would you want to stick around longer with… well, me?”

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How to explain this...[Joshua/Kaminari] - Page 5 Empty Re: How to explain this...[Joshua/Kaminari]

Fri Aug 09, 2024 1:18 am

Joshua gave a small wave, telling here to follow him after she agreed and started in the direction of the dessert place he’d indicated; Kaminari hadn’t made any comment about the coffee, and to be fair there was nothing saying it only had to be one or the other, so rather than beat around the bush Joshua just decided on the next stop. After a moment, Kaminari asked her follow-up question.
“Two reasons, actually. First, because under all that snark I’m pretty sure I see a genuinely kind person who might be fun to be around if she’d stop bein’ in her own way. As I am in fact a betting man, I’m willing to see if she might make an appearance tonight,” he said, with just the right amount of playful snark in his own voice to make such a comment not come off as an insult or barbed comment. A bit too familiar perhaps, the way a friend might call out a bad habit of another friend, but not with any malice behind it.

“Secondly; I was gettin’ dessert either way, so it only seemed polite I’d offer,” he said, giving a wink to indicate the less serious nature of that reason. They rejoined the main street from the alleyway and started down the road.

~We trip and stumble only so that we may stand back up...~

Genpaku's Cast of Misfits and Titans
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The Gotei 13 Advocate
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Fri Aug 09, 2024 6:26 pm
How to explain this...[Joshua/Kaminari] - Page 5 Kaminari_PHS4-11

‘So, he’s testing me…’ Kaminari thought. How else was she to take that? He’s a gambling man testing the waters or trying his luck; he admitted it himself. Kaminari did her best to keep a straight, not annoyed, expression after that explanation. There may have not been any intended insult there, but his mindset on the subject was clear. “This is why I should never date…” she muttered before his second.

“Yeah… well, don’t feel obligated,” Kaminari said and began putting her focus on the world around them. “I’ve accepted certain things about myself that a few hours with a continuous flirt is not going to be able to change. Besides, you’re making quite the assumption there, thinking there is any sort of different me that will pop out after some ramen. I’d say I’m pretty clear with my intentions here, and I can read you like a book, so I doubt you have any surprises for me either.”

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How to explain this...[Joshua/Kaminari] - Page 5 Empty Re: How to explain this...[Joshua/Kaminari]

Sun Aug 11, 2024 12:34 am

Joshua looked back over his shoulder as Kamanari muttered, then launched into her little rant. He raised an eyebrow and kept walking while watching her as she spoke, seemingly unconcerned or afraid of running into someone or something. He let her finish her spiel at which point his demeanor took a noticeable change for the first time in the evening. He let out an audible sigh.
“And you have been making assumptions this entire evening, including right now it seems,” he said, his voice not particularly uncheerful yet noticeably sharper than it had been thus far. Before that comment could get settled in between them, Joshua turned to a brightly lit storefront.
“Ah yes, pastries!” he said, some of the cheer returning to his voice as he opened the door. Once Kaminari followed him in, he filled the space between them with chatter about different pastries and a recommendation or two as he selected a dessert pastry of his own. Once Kaminari had made her selections as well Joshua picked up the tab on the lot of them, thanking the man at the register as he led the way back outside.

Joshua stood on the sidewalk for a few moments, chewing on his pastry with a mixed expression on his face that looked slightly out of place. After he’d swallowed the bite he turned to look at Kaminari and gave an almost jaunty smile.

“Well, thanks fer humoring me this evening. Sorry it seems to have largely not agreed with ya though. Did ya want me to get the door for ya?” he asked simply. He kept his tone as cheery and straight as he could; he wasn’t intending it to be passive-aggressive or short, and it largely wasn’t. He also just figured at this point, from how Kaminari had acted, she didn’t have much interest in hanging around any longer.

~We trip and stumble only so that we may stand back up...~

Genpaku's Cast of Misfits and Titans
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The Gotei 13 Advocate
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How to explain this...[Joshua/Kaminari] - Page 5 Empty Re: How to explain this...[Joshua/Kaminari]

Sun Aug 11, 2024 1:10 am
How to explain this...[Joshua/Kaminari] - Page 5 Kaminari_PHS4-07

Well, she got what she came for: a free meal. She knew she wasn’t being the most pleasant, and then still chose not to change it. The whole picking of pastries and nibbling at them while they stood outside the store was awkward. She didn’t speak anymore, and the look on his face made it clear that the night was over. Kaminari was fine with that... sorta. She thought about speaking up and apologizing, but before she could even open her mouth to talk, he did exactly what he deserved to do. He invited her to leave. Yeah, that... that hurt, but who the hell could blame him?

Kaminari shook her head. "I'll be on my way; thank you for the food," she said before bowing respectfully and walking away from the shop. There was no more to be said here, though she had no plans of going back to the Soul Society just yet. She would spend a few hours walking away from the crowds and maybe stare at the stars on the top of one of these buildings... Anything to be away from people.

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