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How to explain this...[Joshua/Kaminari] - Page 4 Empty Re: How to explain this...[Joshua/Kaminari]

Wed Jul 31, 2024 2:14 am

“No no, I am doing my job,” Joshua said with the same casualness that he’d had so far, as though the offended tone was not particularly affecting him. Perhaps because he’d heard it plenty of times already.
“Perhaps a poor choice of words on my part. With all the goings on down here recently, the Division has been in a bit of an uproar. We have a pretty large Division overall, and there is no shortage of eagerness fer comin down and such. Sometimes though people want breaks, or need them for one reason or another; patrols get traded around, much like I imagine shifts might over in the Second. I’d built up a bit of a backlog of ‘leave’, I guess you could say. And I ain’t so special as to get notable callouts for patrols or anything,” Joshua explained as the drinks arrived. A thought popped into his head and he suddenly eyed the menu again for a moment.

“An order of the gyoza as well iffin’ ya can,” he asked the woman behind the counter. Getting an affirmative he took a drink a the water and poured the sake before turning back to Kaminari.
“I’m mostly just a regular enlisted as it were, or at least I was. So its not surprising that I ain’t getting deployed to all the hotbeds. I go where I’m told, when I’m told,” he said simply.

~We trip and stumble only so that we may stand back up...~

Genpaku's Cast of Misfits and Titans
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The Gotei 13 Advocate
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How to explain this...[Joshua/Kaminari] - Page 4 Empty Re: How to explain this...[Joshua/Kaminari]

Wed Jul 31, 2024 2:43 am
How to explain this...[Joshua/Kaminari] - Page 4 Kaminari_PHS-1

Kaminari gave Joshua a look of suspicion, but let that fall away quickly. She took a breath to calm herself down. She needed some way of feeling relaxed, but was finding that harder as time went on. This was awkward; going on a date with someone you knew wasn’t actually interested in anything real or long term was just… It felt desperate, pathetic… demoralizing. It made her antsy.

“Yeah, I’ll accept that answer then…” Kaminari said after his explanation.

The drinks arrived and Kaminari was visually grateful. She made sure to take a quick sip, knowing a little alcohol would actually help calm the nerves. Letting out a breath after her drink, Kaminari looked to Joshua. “You sound like a man with little to no ambition. Are you not trying to get stronger or something?”

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How to explain this...[Joshua/Kaminari] - Page 4 Empty Re: How to explain this...[Joshua/Kaminari]

Sun Aug 04, 2024 1:11 am

Joshua took his drink, savoring the taste and the atmosphere. The World of the Living was always a lively place, and the comings and goings of those around this food alley made sure there was always something to see. A different kind of happily chaotic energy than you’d find in the Rukongai, and most certainly cleaner than a lot of parts. Kaminari seemed happy for the drink, and maybe it would get her to relax a little. She fixed her gaze back on him, and gave a question.
“Ah, what’s a no name like me supposed to achieve,” Joshua answered back, largely on reflex. Whether or not Kaminari decided to press the issue from the other facts that had turned up in the last day or so was yet to be seen, but Joshua was afforded a moment’s respite at the arrival of their ramen.

“Ah, not too surprisin’ that the soup beat the appetizer here, seein’ as I ordered it late and all,” Joshua chided himself, before making a gesture and diving into his food. After a few bites, and seeing Kaminari take a few of hers, he swallowed his food and looked over to her.
“Soooooo, whatcha think?”

~We trip and stumble only so that we may stand back up...~

Genpaku's Cast of Misfits and Titans
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The Gotei 13 Advocate
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How to explain this...[Joshua/Kaminari] - Page 4 Empty Re: How to explain this...[Joshua/Kaminari]

Sun Aug 04, 2024 3:13 pm
How to explain this...[Joshua/Kaminari] - Page 4 Kaminari_PHS4-02

Joshua’s response prompted Kaminari to raise an irritated eyebrow. The point was to make a name for yourself, so clearly, he had no ambition. Was he really satisfied with his life? Must have a pretty cushy one if that’s the case. Kaminari decided not to press the issue in this particular case. Enough talk about his lack of ambition.

The food’s timely arrival gave Kaminari an excuse to pretend she forgot about it. She nodded a thanks to the waiter before taking up her chopsticks and digging in. She ate slow, enjoying the flavor and not wanting to fill up to quickly. “It’s very good, actually. I guess I will have to memorize its location.” She continued eating...

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How to explain this...[Joshua/Kaminari] - Page 4 Empty Re: How to explain this...[Joshua/Kaminari]

Sun Aug 04, 2024 11:47 pm

“I can give ya the address proper. Could also come around another time with ya iffin’ ya feel like it; good food and good company make for pleasant times,” Joshua said both by way of agreement and a ploy at a potential future outing. If he was a betting man, which he was, she was gonna shoot that idea down. He wouldn’t feel bad about it though. Instead, he’d take several bites of his food and thank the lady behind the counter when she set the gyoza down.

“So, why take me up on the offer of a date? I didn’t expect you to fold yer hand quite that quickly, and I don’t think I was being all that persistent. Food in the Second Division that bad?” he asked, raising an eyebrow as he tilted his head slightly.

~We trip and stumble only so that we may stand back up...~

Genpaku's Cast of Misfits and Titans
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The Gotei 13 Advocate
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How to explain this...[Joshua/Kaminari] - Page 4 Empty Re: How to explain this...[Joshua/Kaminari]

Mon Aug 05, 2024 12:22 am
How to explain this...[Joshua/Kaminari] - Page 4 Kaminari_PHS-1

“Sure,” Kaminari said in quick decision. She held out a pad and pen that came from her purse and held it out to him. Once Joshua wrote down the address, she put it back in her purse before dropping the line. “As long as you’re paying.”

"The food there is fine; I usually cook my own though. I accepted because I have not been on a date in the last ten years," she answered, looking off toward some random spot in the alley, clearly annoyed by her truth. "Besides, turning down free food and a night away from the hospital sounds like a dumb decision."

"I high doubt that either of us believe this has the possibility of going anywhere significant," Kaminari said as she finished another slurp of ramen. "I have not exactly been nice since we arrived," she explained, hinting at intentional behavior. "And I prefer a man with at least some ambition who doesn't dodge my questions like you have been. Besides, I'm clearly not very many people's type either."

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How to explain this...[Joshua/Kaminari] - Page 4 Empty Re: How to explain this...[Joshua/Kaminari]

Mon Aug 05, 2024 12:40 am

Joshua obliged and wrote down the address. As Kaminari finished her comment Joshua would cover his heart and feign pain before chuckling. He took a drink of the water before answering.
“That, or you’re mostly dealin’ with recently injured or concussed folks who couldn’t count the number of fingers on yer hand if you were holding it in their face,” he said. He didn’t give much of a chance for a response though as he continued.
“Or, contrary to both of those options, it could be because you don’t seem like you give many people a chance in the first place. Mostly keepin’ to yerself and such that is, hard to get to know what people actually think of ya when yer not even talkin’ to em’,” he continued, his tone still light but with more focus in what he was saying.

“As fer the rest of what you were sayin’; romantically, unfortunately no. It seems yer not much interested in playin’ any hands at that particular table if you get my meanin’. Wouldn’t have been a good first impression if I was chasin’ ya for real either; as you said, you haven’t exactly been playin’ nice thus far this evening. My compliments though were not hot air, much as ye may not want to hear them,” Joshua said, his tone more direct than previously. It would be wrong to say that Joshua sounded angry, annoyed, or even really serious in a negative way; he still sounded upbeat in a sense, but his attention was more pointed than it had been in the conversation previously.

~We trip and stumble only so that we may stand back up...~

Genpaku's Cast of Misfits and Titans
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The Gotei 13 Advocate
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How to explain this...[Joshua/Kaminari] - Page 4 Empty Re: How to explain this...[Joshua/Kaminari]

Mon Aug 05, 2024 12:47 am
How to explain this...[Joshua/Kaminari] - Page 4 Kaminari_PHS-3

Kaminari was clearly enjoying her food. While he talked, she glanced up at him, but didn’t take too much focus away from her meal. Soon, she was slurping up broth. Setting the now empty bowl down on the table, she let out a relaxed sigh. Finally, her full attention was on her ‘date,’ and she allowed a small smile to form.

“Look, if you were actually serious with all of that, then thanks,” Kaminari said and then rubbed the back of her head. “I don’t get out much, and when I do it’s like a day in the Rukongai. And I’m not good at taking compliments anyway, but who is?”

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How to explain this...[Joshua/Kaminari] - Page 4 Empty Re: How to explain this...[Joshua/Kaminari]

Mon Aug 05, 2024 12:58 am

“I myself am quite good at taking compliments; alas, I get so few that perhaps I have fallen out of practice,” Joshua said, feigning pain once more with a dramatic tilt back of his head and completed by the laying of the back of his hand against his forehead. His hat fell, but was caught with a casual ease by his other hand. He held the pose for only a second before his grin found its way back to his face. He took another gyoza from the plate, pushing it over towards Kaminari in case she wanted any of the remaining. He chewed contently for a few moments, savoring the food and the atmosphere. It was evident that Kaminari appreciated the food as well, given that much of her attention had been on it while he'd been talking. Luckily, Joshua was not someone easily offended.

“Where do you find yerself out in the Rukongai. I tend to be out there a good bit when I’m not out on patrol. The Rukon is a big place, don’t get me wrong, but I ain’t ever spied you out fer a walk there.”

~We trip and stumble only so that we may stand back up...~

Genpaku's Cast of Misfits and Titans
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The Gotei 13 Advocate
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How to explain this...[Joshua/Kaminari] - Page 4 Empty Re: How to explain this...[Joshua/Kaminari]

Mon Aug 05, 2024 1:06 am
How to explain this...[Joshua/Kaminari] - Page 4 Kaminari_PHS-4

“Is that you fishing for a compliment? What… handsome? Nice hair? Nice smile? Funny? Pick one,” Kaminari said with a blush and a turn of her head, but she wasn’t mad. It was more out of embarrassment for saying any of that. She figured he would poke some fun at her any moment too, since that has been his thing all night! Then, she rolled her eyes and finally let out a small laugh.

“In this section called the Shojin. I find I can relax there,” Kaminari explained. “I haven’t spied you out there either. Pretty sure I’d recognize the hat and the hair, especially the combination of them. What do you do out in the Rukongai?”

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