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Thu Jul 11, 2024 1:41 am

And so, Joshua found himself seated in one of the rooms of the Second Division with his right hand frozen around his Zanpakuto; to say this was not the way he had expected to start this morning would have been a… small understatement. Perhaps a little context is in order.

After the events in Africa, and his exit from the conflict he’d fallen into, he had expected to simply slip out of the battleground and recover. Instead he’d found himself on the metaphorical, yet temperamental, edge of his Zanpakuto’s anger. The wounds on his arm had iced over with the effect Joshua knew to be Naru Kōri’s ability, despite the fact that she’d returned to her sealed state. Said ice had also more or less frozen his hand closed around the weapon. This certainly was going to prove to be a bit of a tricky problem, what with needing to navigate what effectively was a warzone while unable to use his blade. It took a bit of trickery, and no small bit of luck, but he did manage to slip away from the battlefield without taking further injury.

He’d hoped that display of skill would soothe Naru Kōri, but she remained silent and present.

So instead he’d returned to the Soul Society, waving off a few concerned comments at the senkaimon about walking in with a frozen hand(and drawn blade) and saying he was headed for the medics to handle it. He didn’t do that though. He’d figured he could head back home, avoid some notice, and this would pass. Naru Kōri was stubborn, but her temper would thaw with some time he reasoned.

That had been three days ago.

So today he’d gone to the medics, and talked his way around too much of the specifics to try and get help with dispelling the effects of his Zanpakuto. That was proving harder than he’d hoped though, and he’d been passed between several competent medics who had managed to clean up his other wounds and yet had not been able to clear the pressing ones. Which meant that now he was waiting for whoever they had next to throw at this, and hoping that it wasn’t going to be end up being someone higher up the chain that would figure out exactly what it was going on here.

~We trip and stumble only so that we may stand back up...~

Genpaku's Cast of Misfits and Titans
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The Gotei 13 Advocate
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Thu Jul 11, 2024 4:14 pm
How to explain this...[Joshua/Kaminari] Kaminari_PH23

Kaminari wasn’t surprised that her skill was needed. Whatever else anyone wanted to claim didn’t matter: she was the best healer currently in the Gotei. However, when she walked into the examination room and saw what all of her coworkers were talking about, she was taken aback. She stared at Josh, then the hand, Josh, then the hand, and suddenly burst out into uncontrolled laughter. She covered her mouth and put a hand on her stomach, trying her best to regain control of herself, but she couldn’t help it! This was a rare sight; why was he in medical!?

“I am so, so sorry,” she said through momentary chuckles, wiping a tear away with her finger. “That was so rude. Can you still feel your hand, Mr. Jehanna?”

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Sat Jul 13, 2024 11:42 pm

While not exactly the reaction Joshua had expected, he couldn’t exactly blame the woman that walked in. He still raised an eyebrow and waited with mock seriousness until Kaminari got ahold of her laughter before bursting out in a small chuckle despite himself.
“Surprisingly, yes actually,” he offered as a response to her actual question.
“Been a few days, no one else has been able to crack it unfortunately. They keep shuffling me up the chain, so here is hoping you can do something about it,” he filled in, unsure of how much of the story she’d heard before she had come in. He’d maintained the cover thus far, and wasn’t aiming to drop it just yet.

~We trip and stumble only so that we may stand back up...~

Genpaku's Cast of Misfits and Titans
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The Gotei 13 Advocate
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Tue Jul 16, 2024 3:36 am
How to explain this...[Joshua/Kaminari] Kaminari_PH23

"Yeah, I thought so.” Kaminari pulled up a rolling stool to Joshua’s side and began examining his hand. A quick reiatsu sensing and Kaminari confirmed with a third hint what was going on. He pissed off his zanpakuto, but she wasn’t going to just say that. His inner spirit likely wanted to teach him a lesson, and if she ruined that, who knows how temperamental the thing was… “Well, good news and bad news…”

“Good news, Mr. Jehanna, this isn’t kido or an injury, so it’s no wonder that none of my team could get what was going on here,” Kaminari rolled herself over to the computer and began typing up the medical report for the visit. “Bad news is that you’ve gotta put your head together and think a little deeper about why you can’t control this particular… What do we wanna call it… Incident will work.”

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Thu Jul 18, 2024 12:32 am

Kaminari began to look over his hand, and he relaxed some. Kaminari had a bit of a reputation as one of the most competent healers in the Gotei at this point, so if anyone had the skill to break this it’d be her he imagined. At least anyone below the vice captain level that was. If he could help it, he wanted to avoid that course of action; he was pretty sure something along those lines was exactly what Naru Kōri was hoping to force with this stalemate. Despite this…let us call it a disagreement, Joshua and Naru Kōri had a strong bond and that meant the ice was correspondingly strong.

However, the dice did not exactly land in his favor here; Kaminari seemed to have picked up on what was going on, given what she had eliminated as she spoke, but seemed to have elected to take a different approach on how to handle it. In short it sounded like she was dismissing this to some degree, likely planning on advising him to try and soothe the disgruntled spirit.

If Naru Kōri was listening, Joshua wouldn’t have needed to come in the first place.

He reached up, scratching the back of his head with his free hand as he considered what to do about this. Sometimes, best to put the cards on the table he supposed. Or, well, some of the cards.

“Ah, seeming like you’ve got the gist of what is going on here then. Then sorry for the misdirection, Miss Kaminari. Its a tad embarrassing to admit when yer Zanpakuto spirit is actin up, and I was hoping someone would be able to break the effect while savin face. I hadn’t thought it’d take someone of quite yer skill to do, but things kept gettin bumped up the chain.”

~We trip and stumble only so that we may stand back up...~

Genpaku's Cast of Misfits and Titans
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The Gotei 13 Advocate
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Thu Jul 18, 2024 12:41 am
How to explain this...[Joshua/Kaminari] Kaminari_PH12

Kaminari raised an eyebrow at his claims, but a smirk remained on her face. She crossed her arms and waited for him to get done buttering her up; that may work on other women, but it wouldn’t on her. How many women fell for this?

You’re cute, but a few compliments thrown my way aren’t gonna to get you anywhere, Mr. Jehanna,” Kaminari slid the stool back over after finishing the start of her report. She tapped her nail on the ice, a small exertion of reiryoku surrounding her hand for her own protection. “Zanpakuto don’t normally just ‘act up…’ I can deal with it, but it is often smarter to not force these issues, unless you want this to happen on a bigger scale… in the middle of real combat… when… I’m not there.”

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Thu Jul 18, 2024 12:55 am

"Then what if I upped the offer to dinner instead?" Joshua responded without missing a beat to her first comment, flashing her a charming smile that had laughter lurking in it. Whether he'd fired off the flirtatious comment as a reflex or not was pointles conjecture, and truth be told he held no thought that she would take him up on such an offer in the first place. She moved on, rounding back to the point.
"Eh, yer right on that end though. She's usually not this...grumpy. In the interest of honesty, some of my previous statements to the other nurses weren't entirely made up. This did come up in the recent dust-up out in Africa. Happened as I was...disentangling myself from a fight I'd gotten into down there. Just sort of happened as I was making my exit. She ain't being all that talkative about resolvin' this issue either, which is why I came lookin' fer help."

~We trip and stumble only so that we may stand back up...~

Genpaku's Cast of Misfits and Titans
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The Gotei 13 Advocate
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Thu Jul 18, 2024 1:05 am
How to explain this...[Joshua/Kaminari] Kaminari_PH23

Kaminari was visibly taken aback by the sudden offer for a date. Thinking back, she couldn’t… remember… the last time… Whatever. Anyways, she quickly moved on from there and allowed herself a moment to think on the seriousness of the offer. It sounded pretty thrown up, like when someone blocks a ball from hitting their face.

“Well, as I said, I can deal with it just fine,” Kaminari said and then gestured toward his hand so he’d hold it up again. Careful not to get smacked by the sword, she placed her hands on either side of the ice and began focusing her reiryoku carefully.

Kamianri could sense some resistance, and assumed it was his zanpakuto spirit trying to keep hold, but the ice began to crack under the strength of her own energy. It took a minute, since Kaminari was trying not to damage his hand under the ice too, but after a moment of intense vibration, the ice shattered.

“There…” Kaminari said and then examined his hand, wanting to deal with anything like frostbite. “It’s probably best not to just throw a date offer out there like that… You never know when the lonely, or even desperate, will take you up on it.”

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Thu Jul 18, 2024 1:14 am

Kaminari elected to deal with the matter at hand instead of directly responding to his offer, which was neither surprising nor exactly disappointing. Joshua’s playful flirtiness sometimes gained him interesting dinners with interesting people, but just as often was brushed aside. Kaminari got to work, focusing on disrupting the ice around his hand. As she did, Joshua could hear a quiet voice grumbling in exertion and frustration until there was a breaking sound and his hand was free. He let out an audible sigh of relief as his hand unclenched, his blade falling from one hand and being caught by the other. He flexed the fingers a few times experimentally as Kaminari took his hand and continued to examine in. She spoke up as she did.

“That didn’t exactly sound like a no, ya know,” he said, with the same playfulness in his voice. When he continued however, some of it had faded to be replaced something more akin to seriousness.
“I know several places that actually have pretty good food a short walk out of the Seireitei, and even some good ones out in the World of the Living. Doesn’t have to be anything too serious; a night out with interesting company and good food might be worth the gamble, no?”

~We trip and stumble only so that we may stand back up...~

Genpaku's Cast of Misfits and Titans
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The Gotei 13 Advocate
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Thu Jul 18, 2024 1:30 am
How to explain this...[Joshua/Kaminari] Kaminari_PH11

Kaminari raised an eyebrow at his playful banter and snatched his hand. Grabbing some of the medical lotion on hand, she made sure to rub it into his muscles, utilizing a small kaido spell at the same time. She was not one to half-ass her work, especially since that could mean someone’s career, or worse, their life. Technically, he was getting a massage, but she’d never word it that way. Of course, she had no problem pressing a little more firmly hard at soft spots nerves, just to… help loosen the muscle. Yeah, that was definitely why she did it…

"A gamble, hm?" Kaminari said, releasing his hand, which would feel warm. Kaminari looked up at him, a bit of curiosity, but frustration in her eyes as well. There was a part of her that wanted to accept; she was never asked out. She didn't think many found her very appealing, which was fine, but still... kinda hurt. "Don't bother," Kaminari said, but there was a very clear hint of self-doubt in her tone.

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