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How to explain this...[Joshua/Kaminari] - Page 3 Empty Re: How to explain this...[Joshua/Kaminari]

Tue Jul 30, 2024 11:44 pm

Joshua didn’t take too much prodding to give Kaminari the few moments she requested, turning and surveying the encroaching night. It was a balmy night, and there was a light crowd out milling about. The area was full of food places, so that shouldn’t have been terribly surprising. After a minute or so Kaminari gave the all clear, and Joshua turned around to look her over before giving a low whistle.
“And ya call yerself plain,” he said with a smile on his face before spinning on his heel and starting in a direction.

“Onward, towards delicious food to go with pretty company!” he called out with enthusiasm as he started down the street; if he attracted attention, he didn’t seem to notice or care. He led the way on along a street that bustled with cars and people.
“As I’d said, place has been around for a long time and the food is good. Definitely worth the trip out every now and then, or when in the area on patrol. If ya end up likin’ it, make sure to remember it so you can drop back in. Unless you’d rather I escort ya that is,” he said, looking to Kaminari with a wink.

~We trip and stumble only so that we may stand back up...~

Genpaku's Cast of Misfits and Titans
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The Gotei 13 Advocate
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How to explain this...[Joshua/Kaminari] - Page 3 Empty Re: How to explain this...[Joshua/Kaminari]

Wed Jul 31, 2024 12:02 am
How to explain this...[Joshua/Kaminari] - Page 3 Kaminari_PHS4-08

Kaminari was instantly taken aback by the whistle and compliments. Of course she was plain! Boring brown hair, plain face, nothing spectacular about her figure. Plain, plain, plain! Blushing and looking away, Kaminari just kept quiet and began following him. ‘What a goofball. I doubt he even meant it.’

Kaminari was much more aware of any attention they would grab, constantly looking around at anyone who might stare. She followed behind him, not knowing what to say until he was the one who spoke up. “Uh… Yeah, right,” Kaminari said in agreement. Sure, if she remembers the place. She wasn’t the best at random locations she finds, but if she got an address, she could find it again.

Seeing that wink, Kaminari stuck her tongue back out at him, “Are you just picking on me? If that’s what this whole night is going to be, I promise you I will cast a kido that makes you seven inches shorter in an instant!” Was she telling the truth? Well, this woman could put an arm back on a body and flatten a skyscraper with enough preparation time, so who knew? Seemed serious at least.

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Wed Jul 31, 2024 12:13 am

There is what he was looking for, a reaction of some sort. He’d heard some about the spitfire that Kaminari could be with people, and he’d seen some of it when they’d had the meeting yesterday. He broke out a chuckle and smile at her threat.
“Nah, I ain’t pickin on ya. Ya seem to have a rather low opinion of yerself in the looks department, and I’m making sure to balance that scale a little. Yer more attractive than you give yerself credit for, and only a piece of that is because you can hold yer own. In many senses of the words,” he said; for all that his tone was light and full of laughter, there was no sense of joking in the words.
“Its also cute to watch people blush when ya compliment them, and ya seemed the type, so I guess there was a little picking on ya involved,” Joshua followed up with before there had been much of a beat in the conversation, turning and sticking a tongue back out at her.

~We trip and stumble only so that we may stand back up...~

Genpaku's Cast of Misfits and Titans
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The Gotei 13 Advocate
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How to explain this...[Joshua/Kaminari] - Page 3 Empty Re: How to explain this...[Joshua/Kaminari]

Wed Jul 31, 2024 12:20 am
How to explain this...[Joshua/Kaminari] - Page 3 Kaminari_PH9

“I do not!” Kaminari immediately denied. She had a… realistic opinion of herself, at least in her mind. As he continued, her blush deepened and Kaminari had no idea how to react, except for with frustration and an angry face. Frustration, confusion, and major insecurities were all that had a grip on Kaminari at the moment. Taking compliments was harder than discovering new kido!

“Just… just…” Kaminari let out a low, defeated whimper. “Are we there yet?!”

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How to explain this...[Joshua/Kaminari] - Page 3 Empty Re: How to explain this...[Joshua/Kaminari]

Wed Jul 31, 2024 12:41 am

Joshua let out another laugh as Kaminari surrendered, before waving a hand in a dismissive gesture.
“Fine, fine; I’ll spare ya too much more of the compliments for now. They ain’t empty though,” he said easily, turning the both of them gently as they continued into an alley. Granted, an alley may have given the wrong idea; this was no passage between two buildings, full refuse and grime. This alley brimmed with stalls and restaurants, bars you could reach across the entirety of without getting out of your seat, and several ramen stalls on top of it.
“And just about,” he said, to answer her question. He waved her on, heading into the alley.

He stepped into one of the ramen stalls, grabbing a pair of seats for them and holding one out for Kaminari. The menu was posted up for people to see instead of being passed out individually. Joshua seemed to look over the menu for a moment before looking over to Kaminari.

“Know what yer interested in?”

~We trip and stumble only so that we may stand back up...~

Genpaku's Cast of Misfits and Titans
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The Gotei 13 Advocate
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How to explain this...[Joshua/Kaminari] - Page 3 Empty Re: How to explain this...[Joshua/Kaminari]

Wed Jul 31, 2024 12:52 am
How to explain this...[Joshua/Kaminari] - Page 3 Kaminari_PHS3-16

‘Not empty? Yeah, right. I am not falling for that shit again.’

Kaminari continued following the red-headed hat wearing demon flatterer. He turned into an alley and Kaminari raised an eyebrow. The first hint that her immediate assumption about it being a trap was wrong when she got the first whiff of food. The place was packed, cramped, but strangely welcoming. She looked around curiously, taking in the sights as she followed him to his place of choice.

Surprised by his gentlemanly gesture, Kaminari gave him a suspicious glare as his pulled out her chair and then sat down. She seemed to test the chair with her weight first before sitting comfortably. “Thank you.” She looked up to the menu and decided on her meal immediately. “Yes, I’d like the chicken ramen with extra chicken and an extra egg. I’ll have whatever you’re having for a drink.”

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How to explain this...[Joshua/Kaminari] - Page 3 Empty Re: How to explain this...[Joshua/Kaminari]

Wed Jul 31, 2024 1:05 am

Joshua gave a nod to her answer, and turned to one of the people working behind the counter.
“Chicken ramen with extra chicken and extra egg for the lady, tonkotsu with extra chashu and mushroom for me. Two water, sake. Sake?” he asked, turning to confirm with Kaminari. She had said whatever he was drinking, but he figured he’d double check that call. After getting and answer he confirmed to the lady behind the counter, who repeated it to the cooks who called an affirmative.

With food ordered, Joshua turned back to Kaminari.

“So how long has it been since you made it out here,” he asked, gesturing at the world in general.

~We trip and stumble only so that we may stand back up...~

Genpaku's Cast of Misfits and Titans
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The Gotei 13 Advocate
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How to explain this...[Joshua/Kaminari] - Page 3 Empty Re: How to explain this...[Joshua/Kaminari]

Wed Jul 31, 2024 1:18 am
How to explain this...[Joshua/Kaminari] - Page 3 Kaminari_PH17

“Yes,” Kaminari nodded, agreeing to the sake. She meant what she said! As he finished the order, Kaminari looked around, taking in a few notes of the people, the lightning, the chatter going on… She was glad they didn’t show up at some stuffy ol’ brightly lit, table-cloth using, suited waiter, what is on the champagne menu type restaurant. She would have wanted to leave immediately.

“I was on a mission a few months back,” Kaminari said, bringing her attention back to Joshua. “There was a powerful hollow that needed to be dealt with. We were supposed to just be recon, but that didn’t go like we wanted. What about you?”

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How to explain this...[Joshua/Kaminari] - Page 3 Empty Re: How to explain this...[Joshua/Kaminari]

Wed Jul 31, 2024 1:26 am

“Eh, not too long ago. About four days ago I was out in Africa dealing with...well, all of that. Or helping anyway. Ran into a few problems, might have been a bit stubborn about it. Had to go get some medical help about it; met this really cute doctor to help me out though. Ring any bells?” Joshua said casually, raising his hand and wiggling his fingers with laughter dancing in his eyes. Before Kaminari had too much of a chance to get too worked up at that answer, he continued on.
“Now before that it had been a little bit. I’d mostly dodged patrol duty for a couple months as things rotated around and such. Was stationed out a ways north of here actually, some small town that had seen some Hollow signatures pop up. One of them bein’ sneaky. Was a bit of work actually trackin it down,” he said, thinking quietly back on that for a few moments.

“Overall though, it could have gone worse. Mostly just took up time rather than much of anything else.”

~We trip and stumble only so that we may stand back up...~

Genpaku's Cast of Misfits and Titans
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The Gotei 13 Advocate
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How to explain this...[Joshua/Kaminari] - Page 3 Empty Re: How to explain this...[Joshua/Kaminari]

Wed Jul 31, 2024 1:57 am
How to explain this...[Joshua/Kaminari] - Page 3 Kaminari_PHS3-4

As he talked, Kaminari realized exactly what he was doing. She mentally face-palmed. “Okay, okay, okay… I get it,” Kaminari looked away, feeling real dumb about the question. “Clearly not very good at casual conversation…” Kaminari sighed and was going to say something more when Joshua continued on, moving past his previous mission. That helped the dumb feeling fade a little bit.

Kaminari was taken aback. ‘He dodged patrol duty? What?’

“Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait… What do you mean you ‘dodged’ patrol duty?” Kaminari asked, an eyebrow raised, her tone coming off as if she was personally offended by what that might have meant. “That sounds like you’re not doing your job.”

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