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Turn Tears into Hope [Beetle, J] - Page 2 Empty Re: Turn Tears into Hope [Beetle, J]

Sun Oct 13, 2024 8:56 pm
Turn Tears into Hope [Beetle, J] - Page 2 YBdW3Sr


She hadn't really expected for her report to be met with silence. She rocked back and forth on her heels for a moment, before sitting down on the ground in front of J, her head canting to the side lightly. Did he not have anything to say? He was a seated officer, she had kinda figured that he would have some kind of response, questions, or even just an acknowledgement. But, guess not.

"...Did something happen? I know a lot of people are suffering right now because of...well, everything, but, you look really upset. Everyone else is kind of just generally panicking. Injuries, losses, damage to equipment, stuff like that. You...look angry."

Beetle's hands gripped her shihakusho rather tightly, trying to offer a smile, one that tried to invite him to talk. More than anything, she wanted to keep filling the silence. It kept her from overthinking, and from bothering her Zanpakuto to no end. It never ended well whenever things got too quiet. But, in a more positive thought, she knew that her desire for knowledge, understanding, and information was never sated, and she wanted to try and use that to help J as much as she could.

The Gotei 13 Advocate
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Turn Tears into Hope [Beetle, J] - Page 2 Empty Re: Turn Tears into Hope [Beetle, J]

Sun Oct 13, 2024 9:27 pm
Did he look that upset? J stared at her for a few seconds, thinking back to the whole invasion, his fight, the people who died, his people that he failed to protect. The man did not realize how much of that he might have been wearing on his face right now. His eyes looked sunken in from the exhaustion, and the usual stoic expression was replaced with either rage or defeat at any given moment. At this time, it was likely rage.

Sighing, J rubbed his face with both hands, as if that was going to some how soften his features up. "I. Am. Angry." he said and that anger was very, very clear in his tone. His voice almost shook with each word, and it took all of his will not to blow something up with kido.

That enraged gaze fell on Beetle for a moment, almost like it could all be thrown at her, but that small smile she somehow kept up pulled at the older brother's heart strings and he calmed down almost instantly. Sitting up straight, J cleared his throat. "Apologies... My anger is not at you."

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Turn Tears into Hope [Beetle, J] - Page 2 Empty Re: Turn Tears into Hope [Beetle, J]

Sun Oct 13, 2024 11:09 pm
Turn Tears into Hope [Beetle, J] - Page 2 YBdW3Sr


Beetle recoiled slightly at the anger she could practically taste in his tone. That smile faltered slightly, turning to an expression of concern. There were any number of reasons why he could be angry, but, either he wasn't wanting to talk about it, or he just didn't think to answer in his anger. He was a nobleman, so, there was a good chance that it was also just a matter of pride, rather than loss. But, some people also reacted to loss differently, and there was the whole five stages that people usually went through.

So, he could also be in the anger stage. But, if it was a matter of pride, that opened an entirely new can of worms. It could be anger that his opponent got away, that they destroyed something precious, that they hurt someone close to him, that they...killed someone close to him. Just the thought made her skin crawl and cause a look of fear to pass over that concerned, yet still upbeat expression for a moment. Beetle slowly, carefully started to get up and move a bit closer to the piece of rubble that J was sitting on.

"Who, then? And...if it's okay to ask, what did they do?"


Last edited by Henrex on Sun Oct 13, 2024 11:19 pm; edited 1 time in total
The Gotei 13 Advocate
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Turn Tears into Hope [Beetle, J] - Page 2 Empty Re: Turn Tears into Hope [Beetle, J]

Sun Oct 13, 2024 11:19 pm
J brought his hands together in front of him, his arms resting on his knees as she stared at the ground at his feet. He was silent for what was probably an awkward amount of time, yet each second was spent in thought. What exactly was he angry at? The arrancar, of course, but this was more than that. He could tell something deeper was bothering him. It took him a while to figure it out, but J was not the type of man to speak his soul to some young woman he had just met. Even if he knew them for years, he wouldn’t say such things out loud… to anyone really.

“Many people are dead… I’m furious with the Arrancar who dared invade our realm, of course,” J said and then sat back up straight. He looked down to this young woman, this… Beetle, and raised an eyebrow. She was odder than he realized. “Why do you seem unaffected by everything?”

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Turn Tears into Hope [Beetle, J] - Page 2 Empty Re: Turn Tears into Hope [Beetle, J]

Mon Oct 14, 2024 12:08 am
Turn Tears into Hope [Beetle, J] - Page 2 YBdW3Sr


She didn't like the silence. She really didn't like it. She tried to move around and keep her brain busy while she waited for his answer, but, it only helped so much. His answer, however, didn't give her much to work with. From how he worded it, that could easily bring it all back to the pride theory she had hypothesized before asking. But, without more info, all she really do right now was speculate, which did little beyond make her more curious.

However, the following comment made her freeze up with that look of terror in her eyes again. Did she seem unaffected by everything? She was just wanting to be positive and try to be someone that people could lean on for optimism and support. Did it come off as cold? She hadn't meant for that to be what she came off as. Frankly, she was having just as much of a terrible time. Everything that was happening; Urahara's betrayal, the destruction of the Senkaimon, the razing of their home, the Eighth Division's barracks having been attacked...

It had brought her back to World War 4, and how 03, 04, and 05 were destroyed. The thought of it started to make Beetle's body visibly tremble, despite the smile she was trying to keep. But, eventually, she calmed herself, and took a breath.

"Like I said, it doesn't help anyone. Misery loves company. It would only make things, I try and be positive and happy. I'm not unaffected, I'm just...trying my best to keep everyone together."

The Gotei 13 Advocate
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Turn Tears into Hope [Beetle, J] - Page 2 Empty Re: Turn Tears into Hope [Beetle, J]

Mon Oct 14, 2024 12:39 am

‘Sir, you already asked something similar…’

‘I realize… I’m just exhausted.’

‘You haven’t slept in th-…’

“Three days, I know…” J suddenly spoke out loud. He hadn’t entirely realized he came out of that minor meditation he was in. Every moment that went by, he was slowly feeling more and more drained, like he could collapse at any moment. He was famished as well, probably having not eating much in that same amount of time. And as if on cue in one of those moronic TV shows, his stomach decided to make itself known.

J sighed, shaking his head and then went to stand up, but found himself dizzy and dropped to one knee. A quick consideration of his stamina, he realized he wasn't going anywhere. "I may require your help..."

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Turn Tears into Hope [Beetle, J] - Page 2 Empty Re: Turn Tears into Hope [Beetle, J]

Mon Oct 14, 2024 1:43 am
Turn Tears into Hope [Beetle, J] - Page 2 YBdW3Sr


As Beetle waited for a response, she felt herself scanning the man physically once more. It was only then that she realized and noted the Zanpakuto in his lap. It wasn't sitting next to him or at his side while he sat, it was in his lap, like when someone was performing Jinzen. The silence was making more sense now, he was probably talking to his Zanpakuto in his head through the quiet.

That idea was quickly confirmed as the man let slip part of a conversation that she hadn't heard prior. Something about three days, and he was aware of it? That could mean a lot of things, but, given the fact that she had basically repeated herself after he'd asked something similar of her when she first made contact, she had a feeling it was involving his physical condition.

Then, his stomach growled. At first, Beetle tried to keep a straight face, but, a hand soon went to her mouth as she started to snicker, before finally breaking down and giggling. So, that's why he was so grumpy! He hadn't eaten for three days! Well, if he was out here, depending on how quick he was, there was still a chance that he hadn't slept, or, even worse, drank anything for that amount of time either. Neither addition made the situation any better.

Regardless of which one -- or, even worse, all -- of the maladies he was afflicted by, Beetle stopped herself from giggling, stood up and dusted her shihakusho off. She had only taken a step toward him when she saw him stand up, then immediately dropping back down. She started giggling again, this time softer as she took the steps to bring herself closer.

"No problem! Where to, and how would you like to be carried, Lord Saionji~?"

That new smile came with a hint of cheekiness and teasing as she waited for his answer. Given that he was a noble, however, she already assumed that his answer was going to be some kind of manor, or, given his rank, probably some private quarters away from the rest of the Unseated and lower seated members of the Sixth Division.

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Turn Tears into Hope [Beetle, J] - Page 2 Empty Re: Turn Tears into Hope [Beetle, J]

Mon Oct 14, 2024 1:52 am
Beetle received the glare of a century when she started giggling at him. This was why he was going to do this himself, and of course, found that he couldn’t. He hadn’t had the strength and resting for a minute too long allowed the loss of momentum he had been keeping up. And then, this little brat, giggled again when he was too weak to stand. What exactly about needing her help was supposed to be fun-…

Okay, she was mocking him. She made that shit clear. The stare that J continued to drill into Beetle was intentionally threatening this time. "You can leave," J demanded and sat on the ground, leaning his back against the rubble. "I have no need for someone as rude as you."

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Turn Tears into Hope [Beetle, J] - Page 2 Empty Re: Turn Tears into Hope [Beetle, J]

Mon Oct 14, 2024 2:20 am
Turn Tears into Hope [Beetle, J] - Page 2 YBdW3Sr


The glare he sent her way was unnerving, but, she brushed it off...until he made that comment. At first, she froze, her brain immediately starting to analyze, but, she pushed it away. Instead, she sighed as he sat back down, leaning against the rubble stubbornly. The smile faded, and Beetle looked...genuinely crestfallen. But, that look was quickly covered up as she took a step back, both physically and mentally.

"Y'know, just 'cuz you're hungry and tired doesn't mean you get away with acting like a grump who can't take a little bit of teasing."

A cheek puffed out, though the look belied her brain going into overdrive again. If he was so weak to the point of being unable to stand, he was almost certainly dehydrated as well. The sunken eyes and irritability were the most obvious signs. She couldn't tell if he had a headache or was dizzy, but, it would make sense, given the prior events. If the 'three days' part was genuine, then it wouldn't be long before he succumbed. Even if Shinigami had a higher constitution than humans, they couldn't outrun a body's needs forever.

"...I'm sorry for giggling at you. Okay? Will you let me help you?"

The puffed cheek and happy disposition slowly faded, and the tone in Beetle's voice lowered, sounding...afraid. She had grabbed her wrist with one hand to hide her trembling. She didn't want to leave him there. She didn't want to leave him to die.

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Turn Tears into Hope [Beetle, J] - Page 2 Empty Re: Turn Tears into Hope [Beetle, J]

Mon Oct 14, 2024 2:26 am
J had the urge to snap back at Beetle, but none of the energy to back it up. She offered him help again and he sighed, relenting. “Do you think you can find me something decent to eat?” J asked. He stuck his hand into his pocket and pulled out a decent bit of kan. She offered to carry him somewhere, but hell no. He would never choose to be caught in such an undignified state. And the amount of kan he was handing to her would buy a normal person ten meals. “You can get yourself something too.”
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