Bleach Platinum Hearts RP
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Turn Tears into Hope [Beetle, J] - Page 3 Empty Re: Turn Tears into Hope [Beetle, J]

Mon Oct 14, 2024 3:06 am
Turn Tears into Hope [Beetle, J] - Page 3 YBdW3Sr


As he relented, the fear in Beetle's voice vanished, as if it had never been there in the first place. That smile returned, and it was as if all her energy had magically returned. She did, however, puff her cheeks again in mild annoyance as J refused her offer to carry him back to the Seireitei. As he asked about finding something decent to eat, Beetle looked around awkwardly.

"Um...I can try. I don't really know the Rukongai very well."

Then, he pulled out a handful of money, causing Beetle to take pause. Her jaw dropped at how casual the motion was. Body language was so simple, yet it also said so much about a person. At first, she was hesitant, but, she gingerly took the money. She had no intention of buying something for herself with his money, even if the thought was admittedly really tempting.

"I'll be right back!"

With a burst of Shunpo, Beetle shot off to try and find something for him to eat and drink. Thankfully, she was able to find a few small places selling street food not too far away. Buying from multiple, she brought back a small variety of food for J to eat and get his strength back up, including multiple bottles of water. Yakitori, menchi katsu, daigaku imo, and yakisoba.

Was it the healthiest? No, definitely not, but, Beetle had made sure that there was a variety of foods to draw potassium, carbs, and other things that would at least help him get back on his feet.

The Gotei 13 Advocate
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Turn Tears into Hope [Beetle, J] - Page 3 Empty Re: Turn Tears into Hope [Beetle, J]

Mon Oct 14, 2024 3:18 am
In the silence, J found himself thinking back to all the stresses of the week, the losses he experienced, the horrible tragedies he witnessed. It was only weighing heavier on him. He did his best to push the thoughts back, thinking of what was a blessing in all this hell, such as Mayumi and Kei being safe. That was something to be thankful for. After a while, Beetle returned and he raised his head up from leaning on the rubble.

“Thank you,” he said and grabbed the first thing he saw. Even in his exhaustion, the man ate like a noble. He took time with every bite, was quiet, and sat up straight. It only took a few bites to feel stronger. He took a deep breath, and slowly let it out as his body began working on his food. When he noticed she wasn’t eating, he raised an eyebrow.

“Are you not hungry?”
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Turn Tears into Hope [Beetle, J] - Page 3 Empty Re: Turn Tears into Hope [Beetle, J]

Mon Oct 14, 2024 4:25 am
Turn Tears into Hope [Beetle, J] - Page 3 YBdW3Sr


That smile grew even wider at J's thanks, and Beetle sat down a small ways away from him to give him space. She rocked back and forth, bobbing her head from side to side at the thought of a melody from a song she listened to. However, despite how carefree she seemed, her senses were on high alert, keeping in mind their surroundings on the off-chance that the Hollows that were retreating got any braver and decided to attack while their guards were down.

Her attention glued itself to J as he asked about her. Beetle just shook her head, raising her hands and making a small pushing gesture toward him.

"Nope! You're the starving one. You're the one who needs to eat, especially if you don't wanna be carried back to the Seireitei."

Beetle set her Zanpakuto in her lap, idly playing with the small tanto as she waited. However, as she stayed around the tempting smells of the street food, and, in an ironic twist of fate, her stomach now betrayed her. She immediately froze in place, her face slowly turning redder than the leaves of her Inner World, and Beetle tried to slowly turn around to hide it.

The Gotei 13 Advocate
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Turn Tears into Hope [Beetle, J] - Page 3 Empty Re: Turn Tears into Hope [Beetle, J]

Mon Oct 14, 2024 4:37 am
J kept chewing while staring daggers at her. She was hungry and he was waiting for the proof. Within a few moments, he got it to. Before she started turning away, he was holding food out to her. Still chewing, he raised an eyebrow as she turned away, as if that was going to hide the sound of her stomach. He leaned further, tapped her shoulder and then held the food close to her mouth. “Eat,” he said with the authority of an older brother not tolerating the stubbornness of his kid sister. "Now."
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Turn Tears into Hope [Beetle, J] - Page 3 Empty Re: Turn Tears into Hope [Beetle, J]

Yesterday at 12:48 am
Turn Tears into Hope [Beetle, J] - Page 3 YBdW3Sr


At first, Beetle tried to resist. She had gotten everything to make sure that he was able to have the energy to get up and walk again. She didn't need it! Even if her stomach had betrayed her, she would hold out and make sure that he got the nutrition and energy he neede-


Before she even knew she'd done it, Beetle had taken a bite of the crunchy coating of the menchi katsu. Her eyes widened, stars seemed to shine in her eyes, and she let out a soft squeal as she relished in the taste. It was so unhealthy, but it tasted so good...the flavors basically exploded to life in her mouth. With a light pout, Beetle wordlessly continued to take part of the katsu, eventually reaching to take it in her hands.

Despite the boundless energy and positivity, she ate with a notable amount of modesty, though she still had a wide, beaming smile as she took slow bites, savoring every last bit. A voice quietly called out in the back of her mind, causing Beetle to perk up and open her eyes in response.

'Don't forget that you need the energy just as much, little popillia.'

'I was fine, Ochibamaru...he needed it a lot more. He was starving and couldn't stand.'

'Two fed Shinigami are stronger than one working on an empty stomach.'

As she spoke with the spirit, her expression shifted throughout. First, it was little different, with a light pout, but eventually turned to one of begrudging acceptance. Beetle let out a quiet huff from her nose as she swallowed, mumbling to the spirit -- which, really, was more her just talking to herself.

"I know, I know...but still, he needs it more."

The Gotei 13 Advocate
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Turn Tears into Hope [Beetle, J] - Page 3 Empty Re: Turn Tears into Hope [Beetle, J]

Yesterday at 12:57 am
‘Yeah, thought so…’ J watched her behavior for a few moments and then just focused on his own food. It did not take long for him to feel satisfied. She had brought enough food for three or four meals, so this was good. Once he finished what he would be eating now, he sat in silence and closed his eyes to enjoy the light breeze that was starting up. Even if he wasn’t hungry anymore, it would take some time to get where he was ready to move. And then, for some reason, he was sure she copied him.

"I spoke aloud due to exhaustion. What's your excuse?" he said, a very, very light bit of teasing in his tone. He kept his eyes closed too, as if ready to fall asleep. "Again, thank you for retrieving the food."
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Turn Tears into Hope [Beetle, J] - Page 3 Empty Re: Turn Tears into Hope [Beetle, J]

Yesterday at 1:46 am
Turn Tears into Hope [Beetle, J] - Page 3 YBdW3Sr


...Uh-oh. She hadn't realized that she was talking aloud. As J mentioned it, Beetle froze up, before awkwardly shuffling in place. A light shade of red briefly permeated her features before she settled down, rubbing the back of her head a little.

"F-Force of habit...I don't like when things get too quiet."

Once she finished eating, she fidgeted with her Zanpakuto in her lap, idly sliding it in and out of the sheath, tapping her fingers quietly against the sheath itself, anything to keep herself busy and prevent everything from going silent. When J thanked her, though, she felt a bit of comfort, easing a bit of the antsy-ness.

"No problem. Um...random question, is 'J' really your first name?"

The Gotei 13 Advocate
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Turn Tears into Hope [Beetle, J] - Page 3 Empty Re: Turn Tears into Hope [Beetle, J]

Yesterday at 2:04 am
The tapping, sword-sliding, and all other things she did to make noise confirmed this woman must have some mental disorder, likely that “ADHD” that was so popular in the early 2010s. He said nothing, though it would become frustrating if it continued for too long. Luckily, she decided to fill the air with some conversation. Unluckily, he knew exactly where that line of questioning would likely be going.

"No, it is not," J said, raising an eyebrow. Everything after was prediction through experience. "And no, I won't tell you my real name, because I tell no one my real name. Because I don't want to. And yes, it has been said my own sister does not remember it. Yes, I remember my own name."
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Turn Tears into Hope [Beetle, J] - Page 3 Empty Re: Turn Tears into Hope [Beetle, J]

Yesterday at 1:30 pm
Turn Tears into Hope [Beetle, J] - Page 3 YBdW3Sr


So it wasn't his real name! Beetle perked up on hearing that little tidbit of information, but that energy died down quickly when he affirmed that he wasn't going to tell her, that he didn't tell anyone that. But, that wasn't going to stop her brain from running through every possible male name starting with "J" and seeing which one would fit the best in her head. She wasn't gonna tell him that, though. Jeez, even his sister doesn't seem to remember it...what kind of thing happened to him that made him so avoidant to his own name?

"Because" wasn't a good excuse. It wasn't the real reason. There was always something deeper, even if it ended up being a really simple, basic reason, such as him not liking his name. She wasn't going to press it, though...he clearly didn't like talking about it. What else could she talk about while she waited for him to be ready to move back to the Seireitei?

"...Do you think insecta-style Hollows have more in common with the creatures they take after than we realize?"

When in doubt, science-y question!

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Turn Tears into Hope [Beetle, J] - Page 3 Empty Re: Turn Tears into Hope [Beetle, J]

Yesterday at 6:53 pm
That question was not something he expected. That sounded like something someone from R&D would want to know. J stared at her for a moment, his expression neutral, but his mind heavily criticizing her as an overachiever, a nerd, and a girl who likely named herself.

“Doubtful,” J guessed. “Is this interest in bugs related to your name?”
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