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Why a Weirdo? (Akira/Lilith) Empty Why a Weirdo? (Akira/Lilith)

Thu Jul 18, 2024 10:44 am
Why a Weirdo? (Akira/Lilith) I?id=bd83d221d91ee22b041397fdd0519e179cff8148-9181148-images-thumbs&n=13


The consistent chattering of Zathrusta had been unbearable recently, a constant desire to push boundaries whilst flashing imagery of grotesque intent on bystanders that walked with no idea to the entity which moved by. A soft tsk followed shortly after a prolonged tirade at the ranting of turning pink into red, heel twisting on the back of the heel and moving within the concealment of an alleyway. He eventually came to an abrupt halt whilst glancing about, only for lips to open in a rare sharpness for the Vizard, though to any onlooker…He was crazy or definitely on something.

."Enough. I’m uncertain why you’re like this so much recently but this is ridiculous, I can’t focus like this. You’re acting like a child or some novelty villain from a manga, frankly it is fucking beneath you.

There was a rumble in his ear, a growl that was filled with phlegm and malice of which the Inner Hollow did not take too kindly to this backtalk. Akira. The host. It was an insufferable dilemma they found themselves in, a weak willed creature with no spine and a lack of confidence to achieve anything of worth. They could be so much, yet? No….

It was then a painful knot in his stomach followed as he coughed violently, forehead resting on the cold surface of the nearby albeit dirty wall.

."Silence wretch! You have no capacity to comprehend my thoughts, maybe I will claw myself out of this body and find another!

They both knew he couldn’t but it didn’t stop Zathrustas rage regardless.


The Gotei 13 Advocate
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Why a Weirdo? (Akira/Lilith) Left_bar_bleue1570/100Why a Weirdo? (Akira/Lilith) Empty_bar_bleue  (1570/100)

Why a Weirdo? (Akira/Lilith) Empty Re: Why a Weirdo? (Akira/Lilith)

Thu Jul 18, 2024 8:27 pm
Why a Weirdo? (Akira/Lilith) LilithB_Header1
Lilith Blake

‘That energy…’ Lilith closed her phone, hanging up mid-conversation as something tickled the back of her mind. She glanced around at the pedestrians until she could pinpoint it. She couldn’t, but she could follow its direction, the flow of reiatsu leading her to an alleyway. She had just seen a white haired man turn down it, so what she was sensing was probably coming from him. ‘This’ll be interesting…’

Lilith slid her hands into her pockets and continued down the alley until she was about ten feet away from the obviously distracted man. Whatever was going on in his head must have prevented him from sensing Lilith come up. For a few seconds, she stood back and curiously watched him, her one visible eye paying close attention to his body language and any flares in his reiatsu. ‘He’s one of those…’

“FOCUS,” Lilith suddenly yelled toward him, her commanding voice echoing through the alley, though catching no extra attention. Lilith narrowed her eye, waiting to see how he would react, and ready to defend herself if he did anything stupid… At a glance, she could tell he wasn’t a threat. Well, he wasn't a threat to her, at least.

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Why a Weirdo? (Akira/Lilith) Empty Re: Why a Weirdo? (Akira/Lilith)

Sat Jul 20, 2024 11:33 am
Why a Weirdo? (Akira/Lilith) I?id=bd83d221d91ee22b041397fdd0519e179cff8148-9181148-images-thumbs&n=13




Both Akira and Zathrusta mimicked one another, though the latter only internally capable of talking to his host though it was jarring for that briefest moment to feel that similarity. Such thoughts were better kept within the confines of that cage, compartmentalize it and ignore going forward only to find a woman staring at him. The words which left his lips at the sudden turn, fluttering overcoat of white moving as he glanced her up and down, golden iris surveying her energy and any oddities which were shackled beyond normal ocular ability.

."The fuck?!
."The fuck?!

He then coughed softly, shaking his head and attempting to recuperate from the beads of sweat which went down his forehead, sleeve wiping it away as the first excuse that came to mind slithered into the forefront of the mind. It was good enough. The man offering a trained smile to Lilith.

."Pardon me, bad takeout. I’ve been feeling rather ill as of late but who are you?.


The Gotei 13 Advocate
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Why a Weirdo? (Akira/Lilith) Left_bar_bleue1570/100Why a Weirdo? (Akira/Lilith) Empty_bar_bleue  (1570/100)

Why a Weirdo? (Akira/Lilith) Empty Re: Why a Weirdo? (Akira/Lilith)

Sat Jul 20, 2024 9:47 pm
Why a Weirdo? (Akira/Lilith) LilithB_Header1
Lilith Blake

Yeah, no. Lilith could sense the hollow within him. Kid let that flare up a little too much. She could tell by the sweat that he was fighting off as much as he could. She felt bad for him, like she did any other vizard she met. They were victims of what she often compared to a disease. While some learned to control it, others couldn't. She was going to see whether or not this guy was one of those that could.

"Yeah, let's not start this relationship off with lies, hm?" Lilith said as she stepped up to close the distance between them. "Is it getting worse lately?"

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Why a Weirdo? (Akira/Lilith) Empty Re: Why a Weirdo? (Akira/Lilith)

Tue Jul 23, 2024 2:45 pm
Why a Weirdo? (Akira/Lilith) I?id=bd83d221d91ee22b041397fdd0519e179cff8148-9181148-images-thumbs&n=13


Personal space woman.

Who was she to be so casual around a Vizard of all things? It was an odd circumstance for certain but one which he didn’t appreciate too much insight into. An idle movement of each hand saw them to his side, arms a little more tense than one may enjoy due to it and ready to unleash any necessary Kido to subdue this person. Curiosity killed the cat and this kitty may be an outlier in the heart of the City.

."You’re rather knowledgeable about my disease aren’t you miss? Though I can’t recall when a day goes by that it is considered normal. It’s not an easily judgable thing when you’ve had a passenger aslong as I have.

An idle glance went over her form, looking for any details to indicate her race or profession.

."Have you met my kind before?


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Why a Weirdo? (Akira/Lilith) Empty Re: Why a Weirdo? (Akira/Lilith)

Tue Jul 23, 2024 6:18 pm
Why a Weirdo? (Akira/Lilith) LilithB_Header1
Lilith Blake

“No need for that, kid,” Lilith said, noticing his defensive demeanor. Dropping her arms back to her side, she narrowed her eyes at him, a small warning in her features. “If you start something in the middle of this city, when I have family living here, I will be forced to arrest you, or whatever citizens law thing they have here. Either way, it won’t be good for anyone, so don’t do anything stupid.”

"Once or twice, not many,” Lilith said casually and held out a hand. “You can call me Lilith. So, how long have you had to deal with your inner hollow?"

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Why a Weirdo? (Akira/Lilith) Empty Re: Why a Weirdo? (Akira/Lilith)

Tue Jul 23, 2024 7:32 pm
Why a Weirdo? (Akira/Lilith) I?id=bd83d221d91ee22b041397fdd0519e179cff8148-9181148-images-thumbs&n=13


Native? Huh.

Akira didn’t expect to meet someone with both family in the City of Lights and insight into Inner Hollow. Some form of connection to Ehefra perhaps? She didn’t seem to be Quincy, though her remark of kid didn’t half trigger both Zathrusta and Akira with a slight eye twitch. The open palm reaching out was met with a firm handshake in return, before exhaling softly.

."You’re rather bold but I don’t believe such an issue shall transpire, considering my ability to control this. Family in the City of Lights though? Interesting. Apologies for the tension, I have to be on alert for all manner of issues recently.

He didn’t wish to elaborate further to her major inquiry but a deflection for another time..

."It’s been a long time that I’ve been ill so to speak, though the timeframe is difficult. What were the Vizards you met like? Oh, pardon me. I’m Akira.


The Gotei 13 Advocate
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Why a Weirdo? (Akira/Lilith) Empty Re: Why a Weirdo? (Akira/Lilith)

Tue Jul 23, 2024 7:58 pm
Why a Weirdo? (Akira/Lilith) LilithB_Header1
Lilith Blake

“Bold or confident?” Lilith asked, a more confident smirk on her face. She figured she would be able to handle this man if he decided to do something dumb. Luckily, he had the sense to keep calm and just converse with her. She preferred that, since if things did get bad, she’d have to explain herself to certain people… She wasn’t really wanting to deal with the paperwork that would pertain to damages.

“Alright, Akira,” Lilith said and then gestured for him to walk further into the alley with her. She put both hands behind her head and held them there as she walked. If he refused to walk, she’d grab him by the collar and tug, giving him a firm ‘come on.’ “The other vizards I met struggled like you do. One took her own life when she killed the woman she loved, the other gained control and is living life.”

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Why a Weirdo? (Akira/Lilith) Empty Re: Why a Weirdo? (Akira/Lilith)

Tue Jul 30, 2024 6:14 pm
Why a Weirdo? (Akira/Lilith) I?id=bd83d221d91ee22b041397fdd0519e179cff8148-9181148-images-thumbs&n=13


This was a rather odd engagement to be in the middle of but slipping away was the plan, until Lillith found a hand around the collar, dragging his shoes against the tarmac temporarily before relinquishing to her superior strength. Dammit. It had been so long he had successfully concealed Zathrusta, not it would seem every passerby had some form of inkling to the monstrosity within his core. Each step taken after was a little more relaxed, listening to the story.

He had heard it before.

."Most of us are hollowfied before even having the chance to dispute this issue, those who live on eventually lose control one day because of an emotional incident that drags their infestation externally. I’m aware of the stories. I am a little curious though about this one who lives life, no different than I do I imagine?

Yet the internal parasite cackled.

."It sounds like this one may not have their hands stained in vermillion, Akira..


The Gotei 13 Advocate
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Why a Weirdo? (Akira/Lilith) Empty Re: Why a Weirdo? (Akira/Lilith)

Tue Jul 30, 2024 6:24 pm
Why a Weirdo? (Akira/Lilith) LilithB_Header1
Lilith Blake

Yeah, anyone knowing of Vizards heard the stories of how hollowfication normally went. It was the same thing every time the story was told. They hollowfied, they killed people, and then they were killed. Luckily, more Vizards were learning to control it. All some needed was a bit of guidance by their own kind.

“I couldn’t say,” Lilith replied. “I wouldn’t know much about your life to make the comparison, now would I? I can tell you that they have a job, their own apartment, and avoid Shinigami, likely in the same fashion you do. They aren’t stupid enough to enter the City of Lights though.” Lilith stopped walking to face him, raising an eyebrow at him. “So explain something to me, Akira. Why the hell are you in a big city like this when you sure as hell know you could hurt someone?”

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