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Wed Jun 19, 2024 11:32 am
Stella was a little frustrated with the glove that she had began training with. She didn't feel like she could even get a hang of summoning her weapon with it. When she did it would only last a few seconds before fading to nothing. Maybe she had made a mistake putting it on in the first place? Even with her training with Solomon and his Guidance she wasn't able to do it. Has she truly fucked herself over like this? Is this going to be the end of the road for her powers?

As she made her way around the barracks she would find herself in a training grounds practicing. The weapon still not lasting very much time at all as she tried her best to keep it going. She just couldn't do it. Her fingers on that hand were beginning to bleed from exhaustion as she let out a long sigh as she went over and sit on a bench. Her normally up beat and bubbly demeanor non existent right now as she punched the bench in frustration. Feelings tears beginning to well up in her eyes.
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Mon Jun 24, 2024 3:01 pm
Different solution? (Stella/Ehefra)  P7bwcokjna7


The address from the Administrator potentially would catch the young soldat off guard as Ehefra made her way into the training area. She'd gotten over the initial shock of figuring out that the woman was in the vandenreich, but well as it were, it seemed other things were worthy of her attention as well. A slight wrinkling of the woman's nose as her attention shifted to the blood on the woman's hands as she stopped a short distance away from the woman.

She could already sense the instability in the girl's spiritual pressure. Doubt, worry, or perhaps just the pain of her fingers being all fucked up, it wasn't hard to see why the girl was having trouble forming a bow in such a condition.

Crude and disgusting. An immediate sense of revulsion was felt in the back of her throat. Of all the damn quincy practices, this had to be one of the more alarming. Such an extreme measure. "You alright?" She asked, her voice softening slightly to a less professional tone, concern in her eyes as she looked to the woman. Not insisting, last thing she wanted was to make the girl feel cornered, but there was clearly a desire to help in the Administrator's expression.

She walked off to the side and popped open a box next to the control panel, taking out a first aid kit as she made her way over to Stella. "Here, let me patch those up for ya."
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Mon Jun 24, 2024 4:28 pm
Stella would notice the woman as she would try to wipe her eyes. She had a few tears streaming down her face. Hearing her last name like that had caused her to jump, so she would turn her attention to her. Looking at the woman that she thought didn't like her from their first impressions. She would try to salute her, but once she heard the next part it seemed like she was concerned for her? That was a little strange she thought the woman had a disdain for her.

"I....don't mind if you help me out with my hands. I thought you hated me though, so why the change of heart?"

Stella would ask as she didn't want the woman to waste her time if she didn't like her. There was no point in helping her if she didn't like her. However, she was a higher rank so maybe this was a part of the job? She wasn't even really sure why they had gotten such a terrible start when they had first met.
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Mon Jun 24, 2024 6:01 pm
Different solution? (Stella/Ehefra)  P7bwcokjna7

"Oh? Would you refuse to help one of your fellow soldat if you didn't like them? I had no idea that Miss Bauer was so cold-hearted." She noted with a slight smirk as she began cleaning the woman's cuts out. She was familiar with the symptoms. Tch. It was annoying to see the practice was still being used, even more that some moron had gone and taught this girl to do it? The Sanrei glove was something only for hardened, dedicated quincy. What sort of bastard went and told a girl like this to used a tool like this?

"Who gave you this? This isn't something people should be just handing out to anyone. This old fashion barbaric thing. It's bad enough some with greed for a little extra power use it, but who went and gave this to someone new like you?" She murmured with a furrowing of her brows as she glanced back up to the girl and finished wiping the cuts with an alcohol swab before beginning to bandage the girl's hands. Some little band aids, nothing seemed to big or deep that it'd need gauze. Still, she glanced back up to Stella, waiting to hear who had put her up to this kind of training. The poor thing was driven to tears.
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Mon Jun 24, 2024 6:25 pm
Stella would look down and wince a little at the alcohol. It did burn quiet a bit but she had calmed down a bit now. Her mother had given it to her, but it was her choice to put it on and it was Solomon who had taught her how to do the training. Despite his hesitation when he saw her struggles, but she had done this to herself. she didn't blame anyone but herself.

"Well, my mother gave me her old quincy stuff the last time I went to see them. I decided to start the training on my own, but Solomon taught me how the training works and how I should go about it. He did warn me about over doing it, but I suppose I'm just stubborn."

She would speak honestly to the woman. Having seemed to calm down completely now as she looked at the glove. She was definitely struggling to do anything with it, and if she got sent on a mission she would likely be heavily screwed. As she would look down to the hand with the scratches and bruises she would sigh.

"Since it's already on, I have to finish the training don't i?"
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Mon Jun 24, 2024 6:42 pm
Different solution? (Stella/Ehefra)  P7bwcokjna7

Ehefra blinked as she gave that explanation. Her MOM gave this thing to her? If perhaps she was like... close friends with Stella, she would have just called the woman's mom a stupid cunt right then and there. What sort of mother gives this backwards ass TORTURE device to their daughter without even explaining how it worked? She furrowed her brows a little as it turned out Solomon had explained the use of such a device. Sheclosed her eyes and took a breath as she rubbed her temple.

"This ... is a very extreme form of Quincy training. 'Overdoing it' is the point. Quincy train for several consecutive days with the glove on, often to the point that their hands bleed from forming arrows. Until eventually, they are saddled with a release that they must carefully hold onto until such a time that they need to throw away their future as a quincy. Is at least how it USED to work. Things aren't quite so barbaric these days, but its still not something that anyone but a zealot to the quincy arts aught be doing." she murmured before raising a brow slightly at Stella's question.


She smirked just a little.

"Oh?~ You think your Steingruft administrator can't get this off you and fix you up? Hah. But no." She glanced to the side as Beeps floated in. The cube peeling open to scan the woman as she eyed her hands. "I've had students who eventually wound up pursuing stuff like this. You don't seem to be at the stage where you'll suffer any consequences. The question is if you want to take it off. I may certainly think that it's a barbaric and insipid type of training. And frankly, those I've seen utilize it have managed to fuck it up and needlessly waste themselves in the middle of large scale operations. It's not for someone who isn't a hardened warrior, much less someone without an obsessive need for such a tool. But I'm also not your Mom. IF you are serious about wanting to train with this glove, then I'm certainly not gonna hinder you. But, if you want to have it taken off. I'd be more than happy to help. I'll even help you learn a proper Alternative as a bonus." She noted with a lopsided smile.

Was she perhaps inflicting her bias? Perhaps. But well, seeing the data on one particular individuals particularly poor utilization of the ability had certainly soured he ralready poor opinion of the practice. All that suffering and effort just to not even know how one should be using an ability like that. Not to mention that in any extended conflict it was just flat out a hinderance. Temporary power at such a grave cost wasn't her style, and well. Especially seeing what it was doing to Stella, she sincerely doubted this girl had that kind of dedication. And it irked her a little that she'd been given such an item without proper explanation. But for now she was just concerned about patching the girl up and offering some help.
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Different solution? (Stella/Ehefra)  Empty Re: Different solution? (Stella/Ehefra)

Mon Jun 24, 2024 8:15 pm
Stella would listen to the words and the more teasing nature of the admin. Maybe she had overestimated how negative their first meeting was. She was just used to mainly pretty friendly and good first impressions but there's seemed to start off on the wrong foot. However, Stella didn't want that to continue being the case as she thought more about it. That's not the topic at hand though, and frankly Stella was inclined to believe the woman.

She wasn't sure if she was hard-core enough to train until her fingers bled for days maybe even weeks. Especially not If it was something that would come and go so quickly. She hadn't thought about how fast that form would go, so she would think about it some more. Was there a different way for her to get stronger? One that wasn't quite so dangerous or has such a high risk of not being worth it?

"Truthfully I don't think I should continue with it. My mother decided I should choose my own path, and I don't think i need to take hers. I'm sure I can find a different way to get a boost."

She would speak as she thought about it some more. Her mother specifically wanted her to find her own way, and that's what she was planning on doing. She wanted to be strong, but didn't want to take the same route as her mother. Maybe she could find something that let's her soar past.
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Fri Jun 28, 2024 1:16 pm
Different solution? (Stella/Ehefra)  P7bwcokjna7

Ehefra furrowed her brows slightly at that and folded her arms a bit. "It's not about getting a boost. It's about having proper tools at your disposal. Frankly speaking, an ability like Letz Stil is usually much more powerful. But frankly, they also are antiquated. Simple, straightforward abilities. Which in conventional warfare can be useful,. but only if you are strong enough to back it up." She stated firmly, she snapped her fingers and that big cube floated out from behind her. Beeps, and peeled open, segments detaching as a thin light coursed over stella's hand, scanning her.

"This here is Beeps. My Primary Bow. She doesn't seem to have a lot of immediate combat applications does she? But she's still invaluable. She can fire arrows for me, and also track and feed me information about a fight. If I need to focus, she can make adjustments and calibrations in the midst of battle. It's like having a copy of me helping me plan out a fight. She's far more valuable than a 'Boost'. And frankly, I'd never trade her for power. Sheer strength is a crutch." She stated firmly and folded her arms, flashing a lopsided little grin.

"Tell me, girly. What is it you want to be? More than just nebulously stronger. What is it you want to accomplish? Cuz you see. This thing?" She reached in and promptly wrapped a hand around the glove and tyapped one of the stabilizing prongs on it. "Removing this is easy. I just pop it off. Not like you've been training long enough for it to cause such a detrimental loss or anything. You'll likely just be a bit amped up and tired later today. But theres more I can help you with. I myself have studied vollstandig, my own and some other peoples, and so I know a fair bit about it. I even modified my own to fit my needs. So with a bit of work. I could see about helping you develop yours as well. Not to mention helping you fill out your other skills." She noted with a pat on the woman's back.

"The stringruft is more than just about technology. It's about innovating what is most valuable. Sure, technology is one component of that, but our comrades are also part of that. Something that hopefully, one day I'll instill in my Steinies."
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Different solution? (Stella/Ehefra)  Empty Re: Different solution? (Stella/Ehefra)

Sat Jun 29, 2024 5:44 am
Stella would listen to the woman and look at the robot, so that's what it had been used for? It certainly was an interesting "bow" although Stella didn't use a bow at all either really. She uses an axe, but she wasn't sure if she could be all utility based and what not with her axe. It seems Ehefra was really good at making things with her own reishi. As ehe looked at the cutesy named robot she'd nod at the woman's question.

"If you would be okay with it....I'd like to train with you and try to learn volstandig."

She would make her decision as she looked down to the glove. Her mother had said she wanted Stella to take her own path, so that's what she's going to do. She would raise the gloved hand to Ehefra as she would wince slightly. It did still hurt quite a bit so she didn't want to make it hurt worse.

"Take the glove off please. I'll just take it easy this evening to make sure I don't crash out from the reishi and stuff."

She would add on just so the woman would know sje wouldn't immediately go back to training. She felt like that wouldn't be her best course of action so she would simply go back and hang out with her roommates. Maybe Natasha would be home for her to hang out maybe watch a movie with. Or maybe Natsumi would be there and they could all do something.

"I think I needed up jumping the gun on this training anyway. I think the other would fit me more. I want to be able to be more than just a strong swing with my powers."

She would admit she'd like to be able to do other stuff with her abilities. Her fighting style had been very predictable and not very impressive truly. Usually if she couldn't over power something the fight would become much more difficult to win.
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Mon Jul 01, 2024 7:56 pm
Different solution? (Stella/Ehefra)  P7bwcokjna7

Ehefra raised her brows slightly and then smiled slightly as Stella seemed to promptly gravitate towards wanting to be trained by her. It was a familiar feeling to be certain, usually not with someone already this developed, but well, she still recognized the look in Stella's eyes. A pupil eager to want to become what Ehefra was, or something akin to it in potency. Hm. She certainly seemed to have the interest, and even if it had not panned out, the girl HAD put in a fair bit of effort into this training, enough that she'd bloodied her hands.

"We'll start with this." She stated, gently tapping the glove itself. " This glove has been restricting your ability to absorb reishi from the environment, so when its removed. You're going to feel a surge of power, in those who have fully trained with the glove, this power is what results in Letz Stil, you won't feel it to that extent, but you will still feel yourself exhausted if you aren't able to control yourself." She pointed out, gently grasping one of the prongs.

"Focus on your energy, and control the intake of Reishi as best you can. Don't worry, this won't last for too long before you start to feel the recoil."

A little crack as she pried the prong from the woman's wrist as she popped the glove from Stella's hand, and promptly broke the seal the glove provided. And Stella would feel that surge of energy. They were already in the training area, so there would not be any danger. She watched closely as Stella would be suddenly introduced to a sudden boost in her ability to take in reishi. It wouldn't be anything insane, but all the same, it'd be noticeable. And she was curious to see how the girl would respond to the sudden energy.
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