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Joined : 2011-09-01
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arabella - Arabella Levivanthan Gremory [SEMI-APPROVED, 2-2] Empty Arabella Levivanthan Gremory [SEMI-APPROVED, 2-2]

Wed Jul 03, 2013 11:21 am

Word Count:n/a
Posting music: N/A
Power Type: N/A
Power Tier: N/A
Favorite Lyrics:"N/A" - N/A


Name: Arabella Levivanthan Gremory
Age: 601
Gender: female
Orientation: No one

Level Headed: It could be prudent to explain that while in her Sueki state Arabella is rather level headed, able to discern problem situations from potentially useful situations and then react in the appropriate manner. Without really giving much thought on what is going on, she will just assert herself within a situation and then deal with it like it was nothing more than a simple walk in the park, as for the general good part of the time, they are to her nothing but childish squabble , which is precisely why even when she is being appropriately or inappropriately addressed she will most certainly without a doubt keep her composure and then judge the situation as a person who is just viewing the situation even if she’s stuck in the situation or not, it doesn’t most of the time particularly matter, because generally her own sense of self, is calmed and also rather hidden beneath the façade of a rocky emotionless flask which doesn’t really give a damn, either way even though that may not be actually the case, that’s just how she comes off a good deal of the time. So even in situations people generally would run away and scream she is probably going to asses and then deal with the situation even if it kind of causes her a great deal of problems. As running away is not acceptable and losing your cool can most certainly lead to death due to anger making people sloppy as fuck, she understands these things very well and this is why generally speaking she tries to keep a level head a majority of the time.

Cold: Arabella sometimes will act as if people just don’t exist because of either their incompetence or the fact that they had said something wrong to her, she really doesn’t give a damned about people she doesn’t really particularly know all that well. People to her are annoying she never really forgave anyone for what happened in the 1900’s which is generally why her heart to outsiders and the conspicuous prying eyes of many seems to have gone dead for a long time ago, replaced with what you could compare to just a rusted out block of metal that doesn’t function anymore. Even though that is not the case at all, that’s generally going to be how she is perceived as when she is moving or talking she tends to have a monotone voice or even just ignore someone outright, she is never really kind or understanding, but nor is she snobbish or read, she just naturally is giving off this air of freezing cold, it is really just as simple as that for the most part, nothing generally more and nothing generally less then that.

Mysterious: Arabella generally does have some kind of prominent strange air about her, a mysterious manner if you will, being mostly cryptic in what she says and at the same time generally in what she decides to actually do. More often than it is not this is going to be fairly easy to spot when she’s doing things such as generally making comments or remarks, as she doesn’t really tend to be more specific if you don’t know what she’s talking about, as more often then not she just doesn’t find the person worth the time it would generally take to explain it in the first place, nothing more and nothing less than that in general is to be explained, as the reason being if she just decides to do things and explain them all the time, she would have really a hard time even finding some piece of her mind that would be her own and no one else.

Blunt: Nothing really is going to be riddled in her words, well at least if it’s of any real pressing importance it will not be, as she doesn’t actually have anything better to do then more often than the not then to be perfectly honest and state her mind. Unlike most girls she finds the pretty words and girlish demeanor not only disgraceful but also pointless and a general waste of time, then again she is a warrior and for that reason, well she tends to be more brutish then she is a refined and sensible young lady. Precisely the reason that generally she finds herself more leaning on the side of just being perfectly blunt, honest and even , to the point that she will call someone out if they are being a complete and utter dumb-shit, as in her mind it’s just really plain damned stupid for the most part to be acting just that much like an idiot, it makes not only no sense, but it at the same time is just going to waste everyone’s time and hers included. Which is the one thing she dislikes with a passion, she hates to have her time wasted, utterly despises it and it’s an easy way to tick her off, which is why she generally just plain has adopted the art of being perfectly honest and as blunt as humanly or Sueki wise as possible not beating around the bush, like others might but instead getting straight to the damned point.

Honest: Arabella really doesn’t have any motives to lie to people, she just quite honestly does not see any use in the art of lying what so ever, which is precisely why she generally is just going to tell the truth about the matter and the current situation. Mainly because it’s easier that way, but at the same time because despite the fact that she is a vampire. Does not remotely mean that she feels it to be needed to pretend or be false about something that’s going on , there is just no meaning or real reason to actually make up stories. Which means that if she genuinely knows something she won’t say she doesn’t know it, however if she doesn’t feel like sharing it that’s a completely different matter all around in general, because the fact is that she really doesn’t need to tell you shit if she doesn’t feel like it or there’s some other logical reason that would dissuade her from telling you what it is, that you need to know. So in general while she will not lie to you, she may not tell you shit either, because in some cases she just doesn’t either want to, or feel inclined to explain anything.

Loyal: Arabella generally isn’t the type to run away from those that she has either come to respect, or come to serve. One or the other as she is a warrior which means that generally her actions are dictated under a honor system, which means to stay loyal to the one you serve without fault, and to protect and stay with those that you respect and consider to be friends. Of course with that said, it also means that if you do something to make her reconsider you as a friend or as not a friend then she is not above just plain ditching the person if the hassle proves to be more than what she feels to be a level of effort that she is actually willing to invest in the current situation. Different situations may get different outlooks, but generally if It’s something that is stupid, or doesn’t need her to work itself out, she’s just going to not waste the effort or time in the first place, and go to do something that is actually worth the effort, or productive (Such as training in general is) and nothing more then that.

Competent: Arabella isn’t stupid, far from it the girl is pretty bloody damn smart. However there is a good amount of the time which she just doesn’t let on just quite when pertaining to how smart she is. She just finds it to be easier if someone underestimates how smart she is or how logical she can respond to a situation. If someone doesn’t take the time to do the homework, in her mind that’s completely their problem and sounds like something they should deal with if they don’t want to make a goof-up that might cost them a lot more than a slap on the wrist in general. Generally this is also why she doesn’t find the need or want to talk and converse with others, since simply if you wanted to save both room and time in an explanation that is valid well: she just finds most people to be plain old idiots. It’s quite honestly just as blunt and simple as that , she dislikes stupid people or people trying to be smart , or hell smart people that act stupid for ulterior motives. So most of the time, she doesn’t talk because people in general tend to act like complete, idiots.

Strategist: While she may not be the best at studious tasks, Arabella is pretty well off when it comes to combat scenario’s and dealing with certain situations. Generally though this is because she is accustomed to combat in unfavorable situations, and more than that or more importantly, she keeps a level head and generally does not fly off the handle in rapidly deteriorating situations. Instead she tends to think about things functionally and logically and discern what would be (Feelings aside) the best and more important the more practical course of action that can be undergone. This is very important when it comes to in general how she does battle, and this is seen more than one might think when it comes to her personality, as in general she is a glutton when it comes to strategy based games, or puzzles. Generally anything that stimulates the mind and needs strategy to function is something she is probably going to Excel at more often this is the case because of the fact as said above, she is generally level headed, and more importantly is “Pretty bloody damn smart” in general, and there’s nothing more to it than that right there to be honest.

Appearance: for their appearance look at the main header.


Chapter one: Blood Price

Waking up in a world that wasn’t really old , but nor was it new either it seemed to be one which had no real interest as of the findings of the world at large around her, she was generally a good girl, nothing bad but at the same time not someone really that was good either. But something peculiar was about her too, which was she didn’t bloody well know who she was, she just had woken up having been drained of blood, a descendant of the house of Gremory once of an ancient civilization, awoke drained of blood, and with no recollection of anything in her life before she lay there naked, fucked silly and drained with what looked like a royal count or duke sprawled across her body, a duke which had later gotten up speaking of the fact that he was the last of his line.. so he had to make another in his stead, one that would be fresh and young , he was a young lad but he seemed to be distressed and knocked her out with one savage blow to the center of the body, one blow that’s all it took in general towards the body.

Later when She awoke she had been in a bed at a large mid England country-side estate all the curtains closed, and of a black-out variety allowing no light actually to be able to penetrate these windows, and she had an odd looking katana laying by her bed side, one that had been marked up with strange spells that she didn’t know what they meant , unfinished spells of apparently ancient origin for as she looked at it she felt compelled and drawn to it. And with a kind of interest that she herself at the time could not fathom she reached out, and gripped the blade pulling it out of its as she felt a white hot pain in her mouth apparently the count or who exactly ever it was that had stolen her had indeed or for the most part ended up causing for some strange disposition to have happened to her, she couldn’t remember her name nor who she was but apparently she was now some girl in a rich estate.. or that’s at least what she could gather from her surroundings which where, as she thought about it lavishly adorned with silk satin, and precious metals.

She had begun to wander around then, feeling her body rapidly not quite aging but more then not burning , simply burning her whole body looked about 30, and she felt a white hot desire.. that wasn’t fully realized until one of the servants came by, who she had then grabbed and drug into the room feeding, from the blood and fucking the man completely senseless, as he died in a pool of his own drool, twitching and spaz’ing in his pleasure , only after a decent period of time had she withdrawn her lips from the realm of the male’s neck which was when she had noticed the distinct bite marks that had been left behind, and for the first time but certainly not the last she honestly did wonder “Just what the hell am I” and that was something she really had no answer to just yet, nor would have an answer too for a decent amount of time following these events, all that she knew right now was that as she pushed the sword shut she felt the fangs recede and something change around her.. she felt the yearning be sated and she collapsed on her hands and her feet shivering and crying, not actually knowing what was happening, but she then feeling sleepy went to sleep and began to rest again soundly and peacefully she was sleeping on the floor, which was where the count found her later.

The count though seemed to have other idea’s then to let her just wallow in self-pity he locked her in a tower , giving her books from distant languages and dictionaries to translate these books, seemed to be of fighting styles and she got the clear message, the count didn’t want someone weak, but rather wanted someone that would be useful to his cause , someone that would be able to be of service to be able to proudly stand by his side, and as much as she honestly hated it, she could see that he had a point and picked up her katana, and began to train, not because she wanted too , but if she didn’t advance steadily to his satisfaction he would starve her and she would die, he made this very clear to her, which was why she seemed to actually as much as she hated it continue her fingers curling around the katana handle swinging the sword, stepping forward endless drills that’s what awaited her .. from 1812-1889 , she only was stuck swinging the sword over and over again, swinging the blade was her means of surviving and that’s just really all she cared about at that point in time. She wanted to be alive, and just see how things played out precisely the reason why of course she had ended up mastering the sword in theory. (actual combat was another thing) as it takes 24 hours of continuous practice to perfect your knowledge but she had, minus the one day out of every 7 that the count fuck her silly and allowed her to drink his blood. She had for the next 674,443 Hours constantly been stuck swinging that sword, without any other option unless she wanted to actually die, not to say it did her much good but, then again the count that had drug her and basically locked her up there was a complete idiot, and had very little knowledge on actually how to train someone, effectively as there is a good difference between swinging the sword, it was only in the next era, which she would get the actual experience.

2: Slaughtering House:

The Count had eventually let her out, but not actually finishing with her training, no if she wanted to live now he had set up a small ring for her, and would lure in swords man, and fighters from all over the globe with the tempting whispers of money, fame and glory these fights where death matches all the time, she had very little she could do other than to learn as she fought, keen instincts gave her the insight she needed as every time she fought.. she would slowly analyze and then eventually practice the techniques that she saw, even though the fact was she sucked balls the first time she fought, in fact the count had to kill the combatant himself because she had been so utterly overpowered. She didn’t get easy lessons or skills from teachers, no instead what happened was she had to fight, and learn while doing combat, not a pursuit of knowledge but rather a necessity that was the difference between her ultimate survival and her death, without learning the ways of the sword, she would clearly die unable to do anything else other than actually rolling over and dying, she didn’t know what she should do , and quite honestly there was very little else that she could do then fight.

Gradually over time this fighting, it did help her, that was without a doubt, however she didn’t really learn the finesse that she was looking for and desiring and for the most part, what she did learn was just plain old how to swing a sword, and not really wield one how she was wanting to, it was frustrating so even though this did give her a means to refine her skill.. and get injured at the same time, it was not something that taught her enough or what she actually needed to be a swordsman of any real caliber, it just made her a woman who knew how to swing a sword better than most did that is pretty much all it did for her.
3: Blood Purge:

It was around the early 1900’s when the blood purge first took place, this was when the count died as well, and gave her a name “Arabella” which was the name she stuck with, but on that night the mansion was ablaze, and taking as much money and her sword as she could carry, in the moneys case, she fled under the cover of darkness, fighting through vampire hunters.. and forcing herself onwards. She had to refine her skill here hiding in the cover of day and then running at night, she fought on and kept heading for the coast of England, which was without a doubt a hard process, but none the less it was one that had to be done if it was to be her survival, since it was a bad time for sueki, while others fled and died she was sensible… closing off her heart and her tears thinking logically observing the creatures that killed and hunted her kind, seeing what they could do, how they did it, all these things simply where important , very important as a matter of living or dying was basically what it spelled out into when it was the grand scheme of things, not exactly how it happened , or why it happened , but just the knowledge that it happened.. that’s what she carefully studied as her brethren died.. she studied it and kept moving hiding and moving.

These things took time, and it was definitively the time where she learned best about her shadows, while her kind was being hunted she discovered a lot about what she could do, slipping within the shadows and sneaking through the ranks of said shadows, to ensure she would survive, traveling onwards towards the coast that is what she did, killing hunters that got in her way, really she just didn’t have the patience or the time for them ,and thought logically and methodically about how she swung her blade, thinking back to the fights she had, and instead of just randomly swinging she focused on , slicing key vitals, in horizontal slashes, parries , thrusts , and also matching the foot work of the foes, to move back if they moved forward.. to always check her surroundings, to keep her blade clean as it was her means of actually surviving in the first place. Such rudimentary and essential things for a good swordsman was hammered into her as a means of both fight or flight, and in her mind became something that was associated with staying alive, it was ingrained into her mind by the atrocities that happened to the careless of her race, all those that died that she saw, just served as a reminder to why she did what she did.

Although she didn’t stop, rather she just kept moving, her sword which once was sloppy had been tasting the sweet nectar of blood, she had begun taking note generally after each fight what attacks had been more effective than others, and slowly gradually that is was able to refine how she swung her blade, like instead of focusing on just the center of the body, throwing in feigns jabs, strikes to the head and lower feigns to the legs before say striking with the pommel of her katana. These little tricks where learned from her many battles making her way to the coast, she didn’t use what didn’t work and refined what worked well, this was how basically her fighting skill kept taking shape, not through perhaps the actual training, but actual experience and the need for it, as her survival depended on both her fighting skills, and her control over the sueki within, being able to understand her own capabilities was very important, not only very, but if she didn’t learn it quickly well, she would die it was as simple as that.

Eventually though, she made it to the coast, on one of the blackest nights in mid-winter she had slid from the shadows into the harbor, purchasing a ticket and getting into one of at the time what was a rather state of the art kind of vessel for traversing the seas to distant places, this one though she had picked because it was going to japan, far enough away that without a doubt there would be very little actual problems that arose as sueki probably where not in japan, or that’s what she counted on, so after getting in the ship she hid in the cargo bay out of sunlight during the day, and fucked the crew when need be to stay alive, and traveled onwards to japan.

4: Japan:
Once in japan, what Arabella did was sought out a dojo.. looking for the right places to train, the first place she found was teaching laido , which was something she had eventually gotten into, practicing with countless other people, and at first getting her ass quite regularly kicked, she had slowly been learning how to swing the sword quickly and react quicker than the oncoming sword itself, in short she even though she had no need to train the sword anymore continued, she felt like she wanted to train the sword, and so she did, never once letting go of her katana first .. well the first 50 years she was in japan, she seemed to travel in laido institutes and slowly learn how to practice the art as a whole, while it did take time, she got decent at it, refining it against fellow practitioners when it was needed.

Traveling in japan, was a kind of hard-pressed affair for her, because the sun was so glaring there, it was quite detrimental to her if she was caught in it, so during the day she hid or stayed in a house or dojo, and at night she studiously trained both her mind and the sword that she had been through so much with, there really was nothing more for her to do, sex, training and blood, those where the things that generally mattered to arabella as the way of the sword.. had served her well in recent events such as the blood purge, and she wanted to learn how to become much better at the weapon that had quite literally saved her life more times then she could honestly come to count anymore. Which was why she was a ronin, a traveling swordsman coming and going, and constantly clashing with the natives, honing her skill against those she couldn’t beat and learning what she did right from those she did beat, endless practicing and refining, from sword matches that’s what she had begun to work with, fighting for both survival and to get better , she continued honing her skills and getting better as she wanted to or rather felt the urge to work towards near-perfection.

After those 50 years.. she found kenjustu and began to practice it near the start of 1970, she had the urge to continue to train and get better, however she also wanted to be much better than those around her, and continuously in matches would hone her skills, even though often she was overpowered and bested by the more senior practitioners of the art itself, she had to learn and use her senses, take in the surroundings and learn how to fight using those surroundings, and movements feigns and many different cuts jabs, slashes she had to learn and practice these, routinely , to get better at the skill and be able to eventually best the ones that she yearned so bad to be able to beat, even though quite honestly she learned the folly of thinking that she had been perfect. She had been far from perfect and was ashamed at herself for thinking that all the time she had spent in that little tower had made her some great swordsman, no it had made her really just someone who in theory knew how the sword worked, not someone who could really fight all that well what so ever.

Eventually she began to be able to fight on equal with the advanced or seniors of kenjustu, even though they still where much better at the art of the sword, she yearned to learn from the best, to be taught by those that knew how to use the sword, which was why she in her spars would work on her technique rather then overpowering the ones that she was fighting, even if it meant throwing the match, she worked on little things like how the shallow-ness of her cut might have a differing affect from a diagonal crescent cut might in the same direct spot, she began experimenting with different slashes and stances, the foot work, such as the difference between a jab and a blow with the pommel, working on stringing them together, learning her own tempo, she just refined her skills at kenjustu , working towards as close to or as near to competency as she could get for the most part, which was why she had worked on her cutting form, and the strength behind the cutting as both things where crucial, reading the foe’s movements many small things like that, tended to be the things that she actually did focus on.

She kept studiously working on this until she felt she was proficient in the art of kenjustu so say around the time of 2100 she had stopped the art of kenjustu and began to work on her own techniques, refining the skills that she needed to learn, and her own unique styles, through fighting foe’s and allies alike through trial and fail this is how she slowly began to define herself as a swordsman , being able to combine what she needed to and what generally worked for her, that’s what she did and continued doing so for a generally long period of time. Through these kind of actual instances she began to piece together her own style, which combined the principles of laido, and kenjustu in many different ways. Refining these skills took time, and many hours of fighting, and sex and drinking blood, but until recent years when she dropped off the radar during the uprising in the night, she had never gone with her Sueki brethren she had survived on earth feeding and drinking blood having sex. And learning her skills.

Roleplay Sample:
-Combat Rp Sample-
The night was young and soldiers seemed to line the streets of some random town, vampires hunters or so they had been called by the vampires in this day and age, and this was not said however with any fondness or feelings of joy. Instead it was often said with a hiss and a sense of revulsion or even you could go as far as to say a clear sense of disgust wanting to rid these demons from the face of the earth, those that killed vampires seemed to enjoy their job very much however there had been rumors that lately vampire hunters had been turning up dead, not drained of blood but cut in two, as if cleanly hewn in two by some ancient sword from bygone ages that had long pass. Baffled they had gotten a large company of vampire hunters, an armada you could say or just a plain old angry mob would suffice in explanation, however they showed up in the dead of night weapons at the ready and eyes peeled for the first sight of what monster was slaughtering there brethren.

It didn’t take long, there was a girl with short.. black hair a human girl which walked into the light of the moon, her eyes shown with no sympathy only hate.. and revulsion for everything the hunters stood for, a classic black katana hanging on her hip and her hair cleanly brushed as she was adorned in a strange black dress. It was her pale features and hard stare that made them wonder if this was a girl, or a vampire it was confusing for them, not knowing if it was of their race or the race that hunted them, but it didn’t take long, the girl head facing the oncoming mob , the motley assembled armada of vampire hunters present. Only then did she slowly reach down, her pale fingers curling around the hilt of the katana, just looking her eyes only looked as if scanning the threat that was present, and that’s when it obviously hit them and hit them hard. It didn’t matter what this girl was, or if she was human or even vampire, as either way she was dangerous very extremely dangerous to their existence. They could tell that from the first glance, pulling out muskets and stakes and other militia weapons such as maces or even pitchforks (cliché right?).

Then in the dead of night the silence was broken by the punctual roars of many men who hyped up on adrenaline and goaded by their testosterone had decided to engaged the unknown girl , regardless of if she actually was a human, or if she was a vampire. Yet amusing to behold the young girl just had walked forward and slowly began to draw the blade a hissing present as it slid from the sheath the silver gleam of the blade reflecting the light of the virgin moon, the new moon. Of course the men kept coming, walking towards the woman without regard to their own rather short lifespans, thinking this was just another weak little vampire , that would so easily be put down, so easily destroyed by the morning sun. Closing in running fast the mob was nearly on her however the girl calmly clenched the handle of her katana and drew it free the rest of the way blade slithering out in a gleam of moonlight reflected on its blade, as she stepped forward stamping on the ground sliding the foot to the side, dust rising from the movements themselves, blade coming around in a horizontal swipe.

Precisely that moment mob met the cold kiss of her blade, as the quick draw had come around the killer slightly curved blade side of the katana so artfully crafted and cared for- cleanly severed a man’s upper body from the man’s lower body, blood spattering everywhere the crimson color intoxicating in the night, as the blade gleaming dull red dirtied from its pristine gleam by fresh blood: had reversed the blade edge facing her as of course the blade made a returning pass, cleaving cleanly through the ear of another of these supposed “Vampire Hunters”. This slash made it clean through the skull and came out the other side, as if she was calmly strolling through the park, she took a step forward striking a man that came at her right with the tip of the blade just thrusting it cleanly through his eye socket, as this happened well her eyes just calm and serenely without much of a worry in the world drifted to look to her immediate left, the pommel or butt of her katana handle following the movement closely, to deliver a staggering blow to the tip of another man’s pudgy nose, quite clearly and audibly causing a series of sharp, crystal clear cracks in the cartilage whilst she following through shoved the man’s nose up and out of sight, straight into the man’s brain. Only then to with a rather deliberate jerk of the knee bring her foot backwards looking almost tauntingly over her shoulder at another of these vampire hunters. Who doubled over after receiving the quick blow to the groin, her foot pulling up as he fell blade just hanging behind her as it cut the man’s head in two.

Her eyes and heads then turned directly forward and rather smoothly finished the next poor fellow off by rather bluntly bringing her knee forward in a seesaw motion into the man’s groin ( she’s a women so she doesn’t really feel any sympathy for a man’s pain.) Then with a twirl of her fingers she wind-milled her sword’s cutting edge around cutting diagonally straight down the center of the man’s skull while her foot had gracefully slid back planting right behind her, giving her body the forward motion and leverage needed to cut clean through, the man and step back as another of the hunters had their blade pass within inches of her pretty little face barely missing, yet also showing a big difference between her and the humans.

Not Wasting time, her fingers clenched the katana tilting it so it was aligned with her right side of her hip, cutting edge facing out, the katana was wet with blood, utterly wet with blood and with other excrements from the current fighting that thus far had taken place, not a lot of it but enough that she just vaguely glanced fleetingly at her sword a look of revulsion crossing her face from the state that it was currently in but then she just thought to herself “No matter, it just means that the faster I find myself to be done with these ilk, the faster I can take care of the mess on my blade” And with those thoughts in her mind, a small grin had been brought onto the features of her pale and rather smooth radiant white face, blade arcing in a deadly trajectory around her body, the one stationary arm and blade blurring together to make one line of deadly accuracy , a line which bifurcated another of the hunters a large man with some girth about him, not quite old but also clearly not in the best shape. From there she slowly glanced to her right and to her left as two man had almost as if in slow motion raised two close range muskets, (as technology in that day and age really did suck balls) only then proceeding to fire fingers twitching moments before squeezing. Of course that was what she had been looking for , and vaguely in her mind she just in rather a state of annoyance at such a state of blatant stupidity thought “.Well I guess we now know who aren’t the brightest crayons in the bunch, pity.”

So following those pretty accurate words, she had somehow managed too while bending her knee’s duck cleanly under the two oncoming circular lead bullets, which coincidentally found their marks in the opposite owners head, causing blood to spray as both hunters found their skulls, quite regrettably as it was pretty messy- blown open wide. Her head not even moving as her eyes closed and she exhaled blade sliding over her head the dull side of the katana or the back sliding across her shoulder. Moments later one would hear a low grunt, as the blade found its general mark in the temple of another one of these stupid vampire hunters, from there she would twist the blade to make sure the man was dead and then tightening her grip slowly with her wrist bending down some- pulled her katana free of that hunters head. Slowly afterwards shaking her head from one side to the other her hair moving in disarray or general disarray blowing in the southeastern breeze looking up at the moon, before reaching down and picking up a clean rag or napkin rather from the breast pocket of one of the senior (though now dead) vampire hunters fingers trapping the cloth fabric against the flat non bladed edge of the sword and then with her fingers tightening she moved the cloth up, cleaning grime and blood from the blade just to repeat this process some more until it showed with its prestigious gleam, her sword arm slipping up sliding the flat of the katana against its scabbard or sheath until finally the tip was aligned with the entrance of the sheath and then she gripping the sheath with her free hand, slipped the katana with another whisper back in its place, as it made a audible “Click” on the circular sword guard when the metal casing of the entrance of the sheath touched the metal, of the sword guard, energy receeding and her eyes looking somewhat different, she just began to walk off feet moving softly against the ground as she muttered “..If it wasn’t for these vampire hunters.. I’d be happily living in a house without dealing with morons like this.., jeez I need a nap”

General Skills
  • Durability: Master/Advanced/Adept/Beginner
  • General Speed: Master/Advanced/Adept/Beginner
  • Strength: Master/Advanced/Adept/Beginner
  • Weapon Skill: Master/Advanced/Adept/Beginner

Sueki Skills
  • Shadow Affinity: Master/Advanced/Adept/Beginner
  • Umbra Control: Master/Advanced/Adept/Beginner
  • Dependencies: Master/Advanced/Adept/Beginner
  • Sexual Amplifications: Master/Advanced/Adept/Beginner

Last edited by Shizuo on Sat Jul 06, 2013 12:37 pm; edited 15 times in total

arabella - Arabella Levivanthan Gremory [SEMI-APPROVED, 2-2] LzZCuy7
arabella - Arabella Levivanthan Gremory [SEMI-APPROVED, 2-2] BtXe12b
Joined : 2011-09-01
Posts : 2813
Age : 27
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arabella - Arabella Levivanthan Gremory [SEMI-APPROVED, 2-2] Left_bar_bleue59000/99999arabella - Arabella Levivanthan Gremory [SEMI-APPROVED, 2-2] Empty_bar_bleue  (59000/99999)

arabella - Arabella Levivanthan Gremory [SEMI-APPROVED, 2-2] Empty Re: Arabella Levivanthan Gremory [SEMI-APPROVED, 2-2]

Thu Jul 04, 2013 1:07 pm
Shizuo wrote:

Word Count:n/a
Posting music: N/A
Power Type: N/A
Power Tier: N/A
Favorite Lyrics:"N/A" - N/A


Racial Powers:

Way of the Veiled Strokes : This ability dealt with the intertwining of the Sueki’s Shadow abilities in conjunction with Arabella’s swordsmanship. Therefore, it takes in the formation of veiled assault that resembles certain techniques and prospects of shadow techniques. For instance, the method utilized for Kumitsu, which is ability to cover oneself in an artificial veil of shadow that blocks Reitsu from outside world and from within. Instead of focusing on covering one’s entire being, that maximize the similar affect upon the blade itself. Its primary function revolved around the production and release of a black veil of darkness to a degree. The veiled strokes upon release are not only undetectable, but it doesn’t allow foreign energy, such as Reitsu to deteriorate it’s form or alter anything by denying it’s access similar to a two dimensional being, being unable to interact with a third dimensional being due to their being a dimensional gap. (Aka like Dangai Ichigo vs Aizen) If utilized in dark areas, the strikes are completely void of visual representation, and are like random blade strokes in a completely dark area, rendering ‘most’ people unable to setup a countermeasure to the assault.

Now, if one was to apply the same premise of mimicking different racial abilities into sword strokes, for instance if someone took the concept or function behind Kumopu, which is the ability to burt into an artificial veil of shadows and trans at extreme speeds. Of course, another fashion could be employed by the usage of this same combination, but upon the stroke reaching it’s designated area, it explodes with the dark veil, completely engulfing everything within artificial veil of darkness. Of course, Abarella wasn't limited to this, as this was simple basic applications of the ability, and therefore it could be combined in conjunction with her other sword arts.

Shadow Manipulation: Rather easy to figure out by the name Obviously you might want to know right now that Arabella does possess a higher than normal affinity for manipulation and creation of shadows themselves, making it so that while she’s in the realm of shadows that she in general is going to retain a higher than average skill on manipulating these shadows creating things out of them, and at the same time taking them in and using them for actually being able to fight and function within them and make many techniques from them, as perhaps you might understand better by saying that naturally Sueki have an affinity for the shadows as shown through their special skills and what not, however this is here because her shadows can do a lot more than what is considered to be natural skills in general, making it so that all in all she is enabled to fight to her fullest without much regard or fear of being hindered by the shadows, as what she does with her shadows are much different than one might think a shadow could be used, further manipulating shadows and using them for her benefit that’s generally just what she is good at doing.

When it comes to manipulating shadows through she can do it without much energy expenditure , only because her race naturally uses shadows without much consequence and are children of the night, of course making it so that when they use the shadows they are very skilled at actually being able to fight and sneak around within them, however in this case Her skill actually goes somewhat beyond that and goes above the norm, being able to just do a lot more then actually what you would think a shadow could be used for. Generally you could say this is the reason that her shadows are much more potent then the normal Sueki as just she can manipulate them at will and use them as she sees fit, completely in control over her own shadows, and the surrounding shadows in general, meaning in short while she is able to fight, she also is able to use shadows very adeptly and does so on many situations without very much notice what so ever, not really giving a warning to foe’s or friend when shes slipping into those shadows, there are some characteristics as well though.

-Shadow Stuff: Basically she can manipulate the stuff within shadows fluidly allowing her to both thicken shadows or just plain turn them into a slightly physical object, allowing for physical damage to take place for the general most of the time, or even using these things as a means of making a kind of wall, or attacking with them, causing basically her to be able to adeptly change the state of physical interactions within the shadow, such as turning it from a object that is just the lack of light to something that actually can hurt someone in general. Thanks to this it means that when the manipulations take place she can cause afew things to happen.

1: Pressure
2: Density
3: Physical state
4: Shape change.

Those are the things that she can do on the top of her natural skills, when regarding shadows, and this is why while she can use shadows, she uses them in direct fashions, and as such it means that by no means is the manipulation of shadows going to be Purely to her whimsy but instead it is going to be actually more like she is potently able to use shadows in a restricted mannerism ,depending on what its used and how its being used. However the energy tends to take some amount of energy out of her, and this is different than the normal influence of shadows, as while she cannot use it as versatile as some might, her strength in what she does manipulate, boils down into 4 more potent categories that are going to show just precisely why her specified skills do give some benefits.

1:Greater Manipulation Of Large Bodies of Shadows
2: Durability and stamina in shadow manipulation
3: superior control
4: In depth knowledge

So with those things it means that she is of course held to the general quota that vampires generally find themselves held to, she can manipulate the area around her the shadows at least, to cause generally for a high range of destruction, even though her selection of uses is more limited than what you would consider the normal sueki to be , she uses it though with much more strength in her fields than what a general normal sueki would wind themselves to do in the first place. Plain and simple.

There are of course the natural costs for using techniques of energy, which is why, below there will be explained the natural kind of technique defaults that are generally present, because this is just a natural skill in general.

-Energy Drain: Each time a shadow manipulation is used, of course it is going to take up some general amount of energy, it’s just basic principle, even though it only uses slight amounts of energy, so in general the amount of energy used is only on par with their natural techniques energy drains, not much but it does mean that if she was to fly off and handle and continue to use this, there would be a limit.

-Limited Uses: As I said while it is strong it’s not as versatile as some other shadow users at there, and instead focuses on specified things, and this means that she does have kind of a limited market when it generally comes to working on these type of skills. Just as simple as that, and there is not much more that can be explained in detail on this because as a main rule of thumb, if you have great power in something, you probably are focused on that in general, and that’s the case here, it may have great power but it has limited selection.

Natural Racial Skill powers:

• Kumopu: The ability to burst into an artificial veil of shadows and dash to a target location at extreme speeds and reform back to your usual form. This ability is the Sueki version of Shunpo and Sonido, granting them similar speeds but with a shadowy visual effect. During the moment they are shadows, they become invincible but cannot attack until they have left the shadowy state. The state will only last between the jumping point and landing point.

• Kumitsu: Generally Arabella shows that she is very competent when it comes with kumitsu to the point she has even been able to analyze and create a sub-skill from her own, this has come from understanding and time, as while she is most certainly not perfect at this however it is to say that she does have a decent understanding of the technique how it works, and in general the reason that it needs to be used. It is also partially due to this that she is good at hiding her energy and resonating trace energies, to drop off the grid, in short she may not be perfect but she is however pretty knowledge- filled when it comes to this skill field, so if she doesn’t want to be found? Chances more likely than not are going to be you are not going to find her.

• Kumotabi: Sueki latch onto the darkness of shadows and of the night all around them, churning darkness around their feet. After a few seconds of this, the churning becomes an enveloping whirlpool of shadows around their feet that can expand and contract to hold multiple people depending on the reitsu levels of the Sueki using the ability. Once everyone has been highlighted by this ability, the user stops channelling it. The darkness sucks the Sueki into it and disperses. This ability can suck in other races so long as the user allows it. Anybody that stands on the swirling darkness that isn't granted permission to travel by the user will not move at all.

During travelling, the Sueki fall through what seems to be an endless chasm of darkness lit by candles on strands of dark material that sway to and fro. The distance required to make it to the other world is about a mile of falling. At the bottom is another swirling vortex that spits Sueki out at the other end.

• Blood Sucking Nymphs:: Arabella like all other sueki are driven off of blood and sexual intercourse, and for a fact this is the one aspect of being a Sueki that she finds to be slightly less than desirable, for the reason that while having sex, she tends to feel funny, and not in a good way, as she generally is going to feel a lot of pain, more so than the pleasure, making her loath to have sexual intercourse but also knowing that it is a general necessity to have sex and general intercourse so for the most part, she doesn’t want to be a slut, or someone who is dependent on sex, but she has no other choice, I mean if she doesn’t do it she will die, so basically she just in short is enduring it, and keeps doing it just so that she can stay alive.

• Child of the Night: Arabella is most certainly a child of the night, so when the conditions are right, she is able to for the most part see and move both quicker and with the desired affects that most will feel in this kind of environment instead of what someone normally will feel, causing her to become slightly stronger, such as 10% stronger, not at all a lot however it is a slight boost, which is why in night combat just like her sisters and brothers, Arabella is no push over, as like the Sueki are dubbed “Child of the night” They tend to and she tends to fight her best under the cover of darkness, being able to fight and undergo rigors much easier or with less struggle then what you might find in the middle of the day, precisely the reason why she generally is out and about at the night, and inside when it’s not night.

• Night Watcher:Most Sueki have the ability to generate a veil of shadows around their eyes, thus granting them night vision. Everything becomes brighter as if somebody had flicked the brightness switch on a video game to the max. This can be stopped by removing the shadows from your eyes. Visually, the Sueki's whites in their eyes turn gray then black.

• Solar Frailty: Arabella like other sueki when she is in the sun tends to begin smoking, and rapidly aging, but unlike her sisters she is highly weak to the sun, going as far as to spontaneously begin combusting and generally causing for her to die in moments, but in everything else besides the sun that generates lights, tends to have really no actually big affect on her.

• Human State: Of course Arabella when her blades not actually drawn it means that she is in this mediated state, not because she’s forcing herself all the time in it, it’s only that her blade actually suppressed and then kind of you could say held it all closed, making it so she stays in a state of humanity unless her sword is drawn for everyone to see, or out of the sheath at least. Making her when her blades not drawn, the same as a 5-5 human being.

Unique Techniques/Powers:

Shadow Blast: Considering the way she manipulates the shadows themselves, this is a technique which generally is going to use the energy of the attacks as well as going about using shadows gathering them in a confined space in the grasp of the users palm, from there this will grow becoming a midnight black ball which without much substantial adorning features will rest giving off a blackish smoke itself, of course this ball of shadows is around a bowling ball in size, and when fired will shoot through the air with high speeds, however because it is shadows she can also directly fire it through shadows to strike in random area’s meaning in short that of course, shadow blast is a kind of distance blast, although when it blows up it covers around a 25 meter radius with condensed Shadows, which deal the force of a normal explosion, and roughly the same amount of power In expenditure as a cero.

Shadow Alignment : Shadow alignment is rather peculiar, what it does is when used it aligns the attacks that are shadow based within the shadows around the foe or area, basically this attack happens by aligning the shadows in a 100foot radius, and then using them to strike within a highly compressed dense and sharp line, which shoots out from around the user in a cutting wave , aligning within the ring. The cutting damage is enough to break through steel with some level of ease, and again this technique is initiated through simply saying the word “Shadow Alignment Scream” and from there the shadows will converge inwards aligning on a certain point before quite shortly after that being spat out in those blade like attacks.

Shadow Rupture: Shadow rupture occurs after the user while holding their hand open cuts the front of the palm, the blood spills out and after quickly the user thrusts it into a shadow from there the shadows converging in a radius of around a quarter mile is going to be able to explode upwards creating damage from the change in density and physical interactions with pressure and the shadows themselves, this damage is very quick and very volatile being a lot like a rupturing volcano in all regards to how it actually explodes, the force here though comes at a price, as shadow rupture cannot be technically used quite often, it takes time to relax, and then time to recharge after it has been used, it has a decent amount of strength to it as well.

Shadow Stretch: Not Precisely an attack what this does is stretches the range of the surrounding shadows, doubling them for the turn it is used, this also doubles the ranges of any other attacks that have been used after this has been activated, which is why shadow stretch is not going to last more then a turn when being used, however it can be spammed after a turn of cool down following the turn that it has rather been used in combat, shadow stretch is taxing mainly because it drains a decent amount of energy when it is being used, not precisely from how annoying it is but more because how much strain it puts on the mind to push the domain of her shadows out that far.

Shadow Crash:Shadow crash is rather simple, it can as well work with her blade or just her body. What happens is shadows envelope the users form, and quickly become dense, from there the body or striking object crashes into the intended target, dealing around 200% the average damage that the attack itself would do, so say she slashed someone, the damage from that slash generally would find itself doubled, and there is a explosion following it as well, generally this explosion is going to take around a 25 meter radius or 100feet around it out with it, in the bang. While it does not have a wide radius what the attack does have is a potent explosion, equal to the drain of a cero and the equal of the cero in explosive damage, just compacted in a small area.

Shadow Fangs:Shadow fangs happen when the user strikes out with their hand and bites their lip, the blood that then trickles in the mouth is swallowed allowing for a shadow like pair of spikes to be shot out at high speeds, they can penetrate through tough armors and punch through spiritual attacks most of the time, these fangs are about the size of small daggers, and do no explosive damage, just rather when they are used they shoot faster than what the average high velocity round would be traveling at, and does much more damage than what a high velocity round would inflict at the same time, so shadow fangs is around the level of attack energy drain wise that a Bala would be at for arrancar in short meaning it generally does not drain a lot from the user.

Shadow Spikes: Quite simple by focusing the shadows around the area of her feet then manipulating the density and hardness of those shadows, she can generate in the shadows within 5foot of her and these will shoot out narrow needle like spikes, these can break through steel and cement with ease, and do not blow up, however each spike is around 5 feet tall and the circumference of a pin-head, many of them shoot out, at a time, which makes the ground look like a briar bush, or some spilled nail infested area, in short it is littered with many of different needle like protrusions which while they do not blow up, are going to hurt rather something fierce if you happened to be hit by them due to both numbers and just basic fact.

Shadow Roar: Shadow roar, is when the user takes in a deep breath their cheeks bulging only slightly consuming shadows within the given area, from there generally the shadows become exhaled in a blast that covers around a 350 foot radius, circular anyways, this blast will explode outwards generating possibly only 7 times the explosive damage in radius that the blast originally was, this blast has the energy drain of around 3 cero, and takes a 2 turn cool down after use, precisely why while it is useful it is not going to be used often, as it generally just drains for the most part, too much energy to actually be benifiting to her in the first place.

Shadow Crusher: Shadow crusher happens when she bites down on both fingers and manipulates the shadows in the vicinity raising them over her head the blood from the fingers drips into the shadows as they rise, increasing strength from there the shadows expand and drop down on the surrounding area, or the foe if in sight anyways, to deal bone crushing weight and damage. The weight itself is enough to pancake a building when it falls down, but the energy drain for this is around that of half a cero, being that it both takes energy to do and energy to position it, this technique does however have a cool down, taking generally around 2 turns to cool down after its been used once. She must have absolute focus to pull it off.

Shadow Rush: Shadow rush is kind of like a sprint, it allows the user to quickly by syncing with the shadows to travel short distances between the shadows, the only difference is while in use she both can be attacked but also can attack, so you could say that it is a double edged sword which allows for both rapid movement , and surprise attacks but also runs the risk of being injured while these movements are actually taking place. So generally this technique drains a bala’s amount of energy when it is used, not much but it does drain considerably more than her natural transportation skills in the first place, this is because of the difference use, being combat oriented and not primarily travel oriented, and as such it does not work well when traveling long distances, only able to travel in the line of sight.

Shadow Elbow Blow: Shadows are drawn and concentrated at the elbow, from there it strikes the opponent, and generally is a short range close combat attack, the damage basically is just amplifying the normal force present, increasing the force of the blow by around 3x the normal amount. This technique doesn’t have anything else particularly that is special to it besides the general boost the force of the blow is getting, and is nothing much either other than that in the first place, meaning that of course once used it is just going to drain a bala’s amount of energy, well slightly under that amount and doesn’t have a cool-down because it’s just boosting what can be described as a “Simple Process” . If used multiple times she runes the risk of breaking her body.

Shadow Walk: Merging with the shadows, this is not for combat. Basically what it does is by using a slight amount of energy it will conceal and then mimic the shadows and light patterns around the user, basically allowing them to walk undetected within the shadows, further though it hides energy signatures while in general use, making it ideal not actually for fighting but instead for recon and other kind of sneaking affairs. Though the only problem is when this is in use, she cannot attack or fight people until she reverts herself into her prior actual state, because she must focus on concealing herself within the shadows or the shadows over the following turn will generally dissipate and the technique of hiding will fail all together. It should be mentioned that while being used, it drains the bala’s worth of energy each turn, not just one time because of the fact that if it’s in continued use ,or a state of elongated use it must be able to keep up the concealment which naturally believe it or not ; takes energy. This can be sensed by Trackers, Or Sound Users.

Shadow Sight: This can’t be used directly in combat as well, although it can be used for spying on someone, basically by linking her vision directly with the shadows in the designated area, she can visually discern and perceive what is going on by those shadows allowing her a wide range of vision and a pretty decent means of collecting information without actually being in harm’s way. The only problem is that when this is in use, it damage’s the iris and the rods and cones in the users eyes, meaning that if used more than 4 turns it will cause temporary blindness, and if used 6 turns will cause permanent blindness that cannot be fixed, from over stimulating the nerve cells that receive and pass on the visual information.

Shadow Clones: By sacrificing her blood and distributing evenly a small amount of her energy amongst clones, it becomes possible to generate two clones that are a tier lower than she is, these clones are able to fight independently from the original although they do generally have a limit for how long they can generally be in use, because while they are clones and have energy, they do need more energy to keep the shadows in the general shape to mimic her own shape. Which is why she can only use these for a max of 5 turns at a time, and after that they would take the rest of the thread to recharge, because the fact is while they are weaker than her, clones do take a lot of focus, time and concentration not to mention also energy to produce, as the clones will drain combined around a 4th her total energy, in short meaning that they certainly drain a lot. generally the clones are of a 2-1 tier.

Shadow Drop: Unlike Shadow Crusher what happens here is when there is cloud cover the user manipulates the shadows above, causing for in the 100foot radius around the caster for needles generated from shadows to pour down for the period of a single turn. After this is used though it does take a general amount of time to cool down, 2 -3 posts generally due to the fact that it is a draining and exhausting attack to keep up, as needless continuously bombard that general area for the entire turn striking indiscriminately the things or foe’s and possibly the allies that are inhabiting that general area.

Shadow Blade: By reaching into the shadows, a blade is generated as the user says “Shadow Blade” . From there the general blade is around 6 feet in length and 2 feet in width, and when swung it will then shoot off into a rapidly growing blade which when done is the size of a average modern day sky scraper, it will then plow through around a mile distance maximum before it dissipates. This energy presented through this does actually for the most part drain around 2 cero’s worth of energy, and it does as well take around roughly a 4 turn cool down phase before it can be used again. This is because the energy drained from the attack is pretty substantial given the mass, the size and the potential scale of destruction that the blade itself could inflict. To reflect that it is a no brainer that this attack would be generally exhausting and at the same time take time to recoup before it could be used again. This technique however doesn’t have a limit to how many times it can be used, until energy runs out as long as the cool down phase has been present there really is not going to be any additional problems.

Umbra State Appearance:

Eyes: Arabella’s eyes in umbra state change, because of the general fact that more often than not they change from their normal pigment to a kind of reddish hue in the iris with black whites of the eyes. This change comes from the merging with the shadows and naturally becoming more like a Sueki in general, and more honestly is the reason that she tends to have an eerie look about her when it comes to her umbra state, these eyes have a strange steely sheen to them, which suggests that they are more unsettling the eyes of someone who is not afraid to kill someone if that’s quite literally what it happens to come down too, and has no qualms with it because of the simple matter being that, she doesn’t really have anything she can do about it, her eyes are how her eyes look, and that’s just simply all there is too it for the most part. This is also partially why she dislikes her umbra state, as her eyes look kind of digusting and menacing when she has ascended to this state just from those main featured color changes themselves.

Skin: Her skin changes from the pure white to a glowing black, her skin merging you could honestly say with the shadows around her, and in general taking on the specific hue of the shadows, and the base line color scheme that they have. However the difference is the shadows seem to have a white- glow underneath suggesting that only the top layers of the skin become so immersed in the shadows in the first place, and this makes it as well that she is pretty well able to disappear or just plain hide in the shadows at large, just from the fact that of course she is able to kind of more or less blend in with the texture and the colors of the shadows, as her skin is pretty much the matching shade or the exact pitch black shade that is the color of the shadows around her, which means that she is kind of hard to spot in the middle of the night, blending in to the background and becoming kind of just like a phantom feature for the most part, and this is also another reason why she hates this form, as she becomes just way to hard to see.

Horns: Her horns are something peculiar as they are too of a alabaster white, which peeks up over her black hair. The horns have a kind of striking and slender figure to them, something that is not going to be too showy but at the same time most certainly is going to draw some ones attention as a whole, of course it is for this reason that generally the horns are able to draw some ones eye to them and allow them to be kind of entranced by the raw white beauty of the horns that is present in the first place. It is also because of this that the snowy white, or mother of pear white coloring of the horns tends to add subtle beauty to her skin and the rest of her feature perhaps, you could also say that they are highlighted by these features, generating the stark difference that allows for a at least striking kind of beauty. The horns are basically the size of daggers and gently slope upwards in a katana gradient curve purely round, and without chips or cracks, that is basically how the horns look. Captivating and at the same time generally you could say stunningly beautiful.

Teeth: Her teeth kind of grow when she goes into her umbra state turning from the natural and snowy white enameled teeth that only have slightly sharp canines in their possession, and rather regrettably they change and become what you could consider to be razor sharp and long, and quite formidable in any meaning of the word in general you could say that, these teeth are able to peek marginally out from her upper lip and brush against the bottom of her lower lip, showing off those teeth is kind of just how things are. It’s not that generally she feels the urge to show them off, it’s just that visibly she becomes more in tune with both herself and the shadows around her, causing for this strange growth in her teeth to occur, and this is why for the most part she tends to , dislike this form and hides those fangs. As she finds her fangs slightly disturbing and would rather not have them in the first place, so her aversion to her actual umbra state is partially because of this , and also partially because of other reasons in general, however the fangs are kind of freaky to look at.

Wings: Her wings look roughly of bone, and tend to have a shadow-mesh that is encompassing them, although it is rather hard to figure out why generally the wings are how they are , the general make up and appearance having drastically changed between the normal state and her umbra state, as they seem to almost look more ratty in appearance, and have more of a sense of destruction and general ranges of death and morbid decay to them which is both fascinating and at the same time to some people probably sickening to behold, simply put anyways, its gross.

Umbra State Abilities:

Shadow Snare: By using the shadows at ones feet it allows for in essence a binding technique, which is not technically striking the first turn, instead the user drips some blood into the shadows and makes direct contact with the target, and then waits, nothing is going to happen the first turn because the shadow snare is delayed by the need to devour and consume the tribute aka, her blood that has been put in place to allow it to begin working in the first place, so this is precisely the reason that at first it may look like absolutely nothing is happening. However the following turn the foe that was targeted if they don’t avoid it, will be wrapped around and ensnared by tendrils of pitch black shadow, these are able to not neccisarily stop someone outright but slow them down and increase the general strain that is on their body. This technique doesn’t work however if there is no shadows around the foe’s vicinity, because it relies on the shadows themselves In general to be able to function and work properly, which is the reason that while it is useful it’s not always going to work, regardless it drains around a half of a cero’s worth of energy to use.

Shadow Reaper: She can change the shape of her sword, by manipulating the shadow content around it, technically giving it versatility and strength. This means that it can double in size, or weight or change the composition of the blade.

Enhanced Control Of shadows: When she Ascends to her umbra state, the control and generally the proficiency that she can use her shadows becomes increased. This is because her umbra state is actually as most Sueki have it intended for her real “Combat state” while that is not saying her other forms are not formidable it does mean that her shadow control is going to increase, substantially after she actually is released into this state as a general fact nothing more or less than that, as like many sueki she gets a general increase in power from this, something that is substantial and easy to see, but not quite something enough that is to be called home about. Roughly all its doing is boosting shadow control by 150% meaning that while it’s not twice as powerful it is going to be noticeably stronger than what it previously was able to function at., something that is noticeable is that the shadow techniques are 20% quicker than what they used to be and also, it seems that for the most part they are as well slightly stronger, slightly meaning the shadow techniques over all in general find themselves to be 10-15% stronger than what they previously where in general, compared to her lower state at least.

Release Of Power: While she does release a large portion of her powers when she draws her blade, once she ascends into her umbra state the power spikes again, as when she has her sword drawn and not in a umbra state, the power roughly in general is only at 80% of what it should be instead of actually the normal hundred percent that others might find themselves to be at, and this is particularly the reason that once it is being used, both the strength of her techniques and her over all presence on a field is going to spike or in general just increase by some degree, because of the fact for the most part being that, her energy has increased, once ascending to this form , and her power is directly going to be reflecting that increase, even though it’s not going to generally be much, it just means that she does get a boost in her strength when in umbra state, that’s typically normal for most sueki, or any released or ascended state, and most certainly without a doubt is the case here. As she does get a slight boost in her umbra state.

General Skills
  • Durability: Master/Advanced/Adept/Beginner
  • General Speed: Master/Advanced/Adept/Beginner
  • Strength: Master/Advanced/Adept/Beginner
  • Weapon Skill: Master/Advanced/Adept/Beginner

Sueki Skills
  • Shadow Affinity: Master/Advanced/Adept/Beginner
  • Umbra Control: Master/Advanced/Adept/Beginner
  • Dependencies: Master/Advanced/Adept/Beginner
  • Sexual Amplifications: Master/Advanced/Adept/Beginner

Last edited by Shizuo on Wed Jul 10, 2013 1:50 pm; edited 18 times in total

arabella - Arabella Levivanthan Gremory [SEMI-APPROVED, 2-2] LzZCuy7
arabella - Arabella Levivanthan Gremory [SEMI-APPROVED, 2-2] BtXe12b
Joined : 2011-09-01
Posts : 2813
Age : 27
Location : Google Maps

Member Info
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arabella - Arabella Levivanthan Gremory [SEMI-APPROVED, 2-2] Left_bar_bleue59000/99999arabella - Arabella Levivanthan Gremory [SEMI-APPROVED, 2-2] Empty_bar_bleue  (59000/99999)

arabella - Arabella Levivanthan Gremory [SEMI-APPROVED, 2-2] Empty Re: Arabella Levivanthan Gremory [SEMI-APPROVED, 2-2]

Thu Jul 04, 2013 6:00 pm

Word Count:n/a
Posting music: N/A
Power Type: N/A
Power Tier: N/A
Favorite Lyrics:"N/A" - N/A


Physical Attributes/Knowledge

Mastery Of The Sword: Arabella is a Master of the art of the sword, and is able to use it with supreme ease and has an extremely vast knowledge of both the art of how to swing a sword and the characteristics of a sword itself, the sharpness how to swing it, and even what it means to use a sword in battle, at some point down the line of her life she had descended beyond the threshold of awareness and this truly then became something so hammered into her mind that swinging a sword and the knowledge of how to use a sword had become second nature to her as a whole, so yes you could say that she is so used to swinging and living by the blade’s keening bloody edge that of course she herself has had the ways of the sword hammered directly into her subconscious mind, and the action of swinging hardwired into her body. So Arabella is without a doubt a woman, or practitioner of this art who is prodigious in some ways, and this is because of generally the fact that her training has been harsh enough to ingrain that knowledge into her in the first place.

Enhanced Night Vision: As a denizen of the night Arabella does posses excellent vision when it comes to the night time as a whole, thanks to the fact she has gotten so entirely used to her own perpetual night itself that seeing and moving in the night has really begun to become more then second nature, it’s more like an instinct that she just goes off of now, not really having much thought put into what is happening or why she can do the things she can do, as being she is a Sueki she is highly in-tune with both shadows and darkness, you could say that they are for the most part able to be considered as her ally. So it’s a rather a given that she could be able to see as well in the night as human and normal beings can actually see in the day. From the simple fact that for the most part as a Sueki she is a child of the night.

Enduring Strength: Arabella has a high level of strength although it’s not precisely what you would gather from normal strength. Instead of the high level of strength it is more focused specifically on what you would consider to generally be the actual endurance of the muscles and the body as a whole when executing that strength, so her strength is comparable to actually being partially natural due to her race but as well, entirely a byproduct of rigorous training with the sword, from the weight that is swung from a sword constantly building up muscle resistance, of course though while the muscles in themselves are not what you would probably consider to be generally “Buff” as her muscles are rather slender. This is why it’s not actually immense or above natural levels of strength, as she is not bulking up on muscle in the slightest, instead for the most part her own body has a very sparsely muscled build, which leads to needing a entirely separate approach to getting stronger in the first place.

This is why you could consider this to be different than actually what someone considers to be “Strength” as instead of the amount of force that can be pressured onto something, or in this case rather someone or random miscellaneous objects and whatnot. So you might be wondering with enduring strength is not actually an extremely significant boost in what would be considered to be ones strength levels, then what the hell does it actually do? Well in this case you could consider this strength to probably be enduring meaning while it is not full on strength all the time, it is going to probably outlast other people’s strength and makes it so that she doesn’t really need to watch herself or hold back in fear of tiring herself out from the after affects. So of course Enduring strength as you have guessed is something that is entirely different then the regular types of strength in general, as it means that her strength is able to Endure instead of actually overpower things from the get-go.

Overwhelming Speed: Arabella, is the kind of girl that does have overbearing speed, she is fast, and is able to for the most part not only move and or travel great distances but, also is able to move rather adeptly when it comes to both precision and accuracy, for this reason of course you could gather that Arabella’s speed is rather high and so is her execution of it in general showing both a mastery of her own control and the speed needed to generally keep her out of the line of fire, or the line of generally getting injured in the grand scheme of things.

Japanese name: 黒刀 (Kuro-gatana)
Translation: The Black Katana

Appearance: Check the header.


Keen Edge: Kuro Gatana has a very keen and sharp edge, being able to cut through a general level of defense that is considered to be high when in comparison to most objects, this is because the blade itself has but one purpose, which is the maiming and injury of others, it goes without general saying that because of this intention behind its actual uses the blade is not only sharp but perhaps you could also gather that it is just generally highly tailored to cutting through things cleanly without really having much resistance pitted against it. So Kuro-Gatana is what you would consider to be a fairly sharp blade, that does for the most part have superior cutting capacities to other kindred swords. Kuro-Gatana is because of this dangerous.

Keen edge has more to do then just Sharpness though, as the edge of the katana is able to keep cutting through both spiritual and physical obstructions with precision accuracy and a good deal of ease. So this katana in a sense is not really as weak as what you would consider to be the average katana as a whole, instead it really is what you could consider to be a superior work of art, and craftsman ship which has then in turn created something both that’s amazing, and that’s functional ,able to slay without much problems itself, and generally making it so that the blade as a whole is not something that is going to be easy to damage, due to the fact that the blade is generally going to cause damage and at the same time leave clean cuts that are medically precise in general due to the actual sharpness and sterility of the blade, making it so that keen edge is as said before more than just the example and over all explanation of how sharp he is perhaps.

This edge above those two things, seems to be keen and able to generally slice true, this is because of the kind of sharp style that it was fashioned in, slipstreamed and aerodynamically resistance reducing frame manner, so the keenness of the blade also is not actually just what you would consider to be kind of a physical thing as the blade itself has been rather skillfully designed for the intended purpose of being able to cut and do these general kind of things.

Manslayer: Peculiarly Manslayer, as the name suggests is a kind of aspect of the blade when it comes to the actual field of battle, bringing about peculiar affects to the blade when it directly involves slicing and dicing objects and obstructions that seem to find themselves in the path of the blade itself. So Manslayer is something as you know that would involve injury and maiming because that is what a literal manslayer does, however the fact is that the way that it takes place is entirely different in most ways then what traditionally you would think a manslayer would mean for the most part, as this blade does not really have a peculiarity that kills things outright, however instead it does something entirely different.

So anyways what man-slayer does is completely to do with the injuries that take place on the body, and basically what it does is on cutting the body that wound that generally is inflicted is going to have the rate of bleeding and pain increased by up to 2.5x the original amount, and it also makes it that many times harder to actually heal. So in general what that means is that when this is taking place or she cuts something with this blade, it sustains a great deal more damage than what the attack naturally would be inflicting on the person or what-ever is actually being attacked in general, making it for this reason so that in the general scheme of things injury takes place much quicker when struck by the blade, and the consequences of injury are much higher than actually what normally the injury that is inflicted would for most of the time be. This is the reason that it is called manslayer because of the fact it increases damage, and makes it harder for generally people to actually be able to cause or generate damage to the blade itself.

When someone is wounded by Man-slayer, it increases the speed the blade is traveling and quickens maneuverability so in general it means that while in the actual heat of battle, when the fighting is taking place for the most part, what will happen is Manslayer is going to drastically increase for the most part the actual effectiveness of the blade.

Sueki Inheritance: When this blade is actually in her hands and out of its sheath what it does is that it allows for her to use her powers to the best of their abilities, causing for the energy that is present to be released in a explosion of raw power, and for the most part as well of raw strength, meaning that she will be able to use her powers to the general maximum of her abilities, and it should be noted that without the sword drawn she generally has very little spiritual signature for the reason that this place, in some ways could be considered as the compilation of her actual energy, and as such it means that the blade itself holds the energy signature that is inside her allowing it to stay in a state of actual kind of slumber until the blade itself is actually drawn .

So the blade because of this is extremely strong, allowing for her body to until then naturally unlike most sueki stay in a completely humanoid state being able to age, and at the same time being able to go without the urges of sex or blood for long periods of time, however both needs must be generally sated when the blade is drawn, as for the reason being that for the most part when the blade has been drawn the transformation itself is immensely painful and at the same time holds the reason why she has such a potent sueki state, as her energy amasses while its stored, and then is completely released when it actually becomes drawn from the blade, allowing in general for a pretty substantial energy release that is within the blade itself.

More then this though Inheritance means that this is something that she naturally has held birthright too, as generally when the blade is drawn “Inheritance” which is the nickname of her powerless state ,is replaced by Arabella which is the state in which her Sueki is dominate because once the blade is drawn she is assuming her Sueki origins and this awakens the deeply slumbering pure sueki blood that runs beneath her pulsing white skin, bringing it out of the suppressed state that it generally is in until the blade is drawn in the first place.

Of course because of the blade being such a concentration of her energies is mainly the reason if nothing but because of this attribute that the katana is held at her side no matter generally what the situation is , making it both the symbol of her power as a sueki and a weakness to be exploited, as the blood is activated when the blade is free. This blade basically is what you would consider to be her own kind of pedigree of a sueki, it’s the symbol of her pure blood and the strength that she has, it’s just that this blade is kind of quirky and unique.
Sword Techniques:

Sword Techniques:

Iaido: The art of the Quick Sword

Laido Commonly practiced in ancient and modern day japan, focuses on drawing the blade from the sheath as quickly as possible and striking the foe, two simple actions that are forced out at the max speed the person can go, stretching the capacity of their mind and body, by focusing one on the speed and technique of the slash itself, making it a highly dangerous skill to practice as it focuses on the user reacting as quickly as possible and drawing the sword in high speeds. For this reason though Laido is highly no extremely effective at killing and maiming for the reason that when it’s mostly in use, well the fact is that the blade is able to move with effective speed and blinding rates of movement behind the draw itself, as its using entirely the knowledge and experience of the user to determine how fast its actually going to go in the first place, generally making it something that is a kind of style of fighting that takes practice to perfect and gain a sense of competence in it in the first place, which is why its hard to learn.

Different than the normal though the blade is not sheathed when this is used, instead it is drawn back as if she is sheathing it and then swung out as fast as possible causing a blade such as a normal katana to literally vanish momentarily from sight as the speeds that are then exuded are more than what one would consider to be astounding, rather probably you could say that the rate of speed is actually kind of frightening, it is able to generate gusts, instead of the actual movement itself being just from speed of the draw, from knowledge Arabella is able to use the wind, the resistance she is able to use many things together to allow for the sword art itself to shine through at its maximum potential and this is why in a high frame rate of speed, the blade is scything around itself and forcing outwards to generally allow for both speed and striking time to be quick and precise , hard sure to avoid however though it does not mean that it is impossible, as this slash when drawn is near- instant but not quite as it is a short range slash itself, making it so that no matter really how useful it might be it does have its limits for the most part. One of those limits being of course what you would consider to be the fact that it is reliant of skill and knowledge of the blade itself, as one must know their blade to be able to for the most part actually be able to use this skill to its maximum potential , simple and to the point, that’s one of the main things about how this technique is used, it is based off of knowledge and its reflex.

Other than moving the blade and striking in a high frame of speed, there is not much other than that about the blade strike style in general, however though these simple actions which have been rigorously trained and generally brought to a peak performance through discipline and restraint constant vigilance and dedication to the skill, these things are really what makes the sword Style built entirely of course on the quick drawing of the blade, can turn from just a mere technique into something that is pretty dangerous, as the blade is moving again at the highest rate of speed you can make it go, so the difference with Laido can be rather intense from person to person, and for this reason it is very interesting if you have two practitioners of the same skill, that are of different experiences as generally the person that is better and more experienced in Laido is going to be the one that is able to actually or generally succeed the easiest, without a doubt that is just how things generally work when it comes to this type of fighting style. Mainly for the reason even though it is easy to just swing a blade with your brute force it is different to swing it with a kind of actual strength behind it, or experience as a whole behind it, for the reason that mainly while some people can swing a blade with a high amount of speed and force, if they have practiced laido they would definitively see a difference. Any person that has practiced laido knows that even if someone just naturally has the skill of swinging fast, laido is a good example of someone who trains just on one thing making it at the peak or maximum potential that it has.

Such is the reason that laido is seldom practiced, as if you practice it with other people you risk seriously injuring or killing the person you are practicing it with, making this a technique that is generally not going to be practiced against other people, even though that is the best way to learn , its just laido is just so dangerous that practicing it with other people, generally runs the risk for both parties to be seriously injured and or for them to literally for the most part have a chance of dying, or keeling over dead from reacting too late to the foe’s strike. Mainly this is the reason that laido is prized for killing in her mind above all else at least, as the style is built on high speed drawing and cutting, , or just high speed slashes in general it’s the main focus on the style or at least the version that she has of it, which she has perfected over a long period of time and gotten better at it, learning new ways to improve it, and make it better in general, for this reason this technique or style is pretty much what she has honed in the sword.

1-handed Grip Laido: The one handed grip, is kind of the normal or standard way that laido is practiced as there is usually one hand on the sheath and the other hand gripping the sword as its drawn so it can be moved with quickness directly out of the sheath with no problem , however the problem is that this is also the way of laido that has a kind of strange lack of technique or form to it, in general it just means that with 1-handed Laido it is not going to be a noticeable technique but rather just looks like a standard drawing of the blade, although the speed for sure is going to be faster than that of a general drawing of the blade, as it is going to be also much harder to keep track of, and so forth. More than this you could particularly have a hard time following the edge of the blade which kind of vanishes in the sight of most, just because of as explained above laido is hard to actually visible watch in action, as it’s the training on honing the speed of the slash itself.

In one handed laido , watching the wind, reading the timing between attacks, the mind, honed into one sharp dominant weapon that can take the tides and turn them into a flat glassy river, to think without emotion, and to react without hesitation, in particular with Arabella her motto is, “Do not hesitate to strike, lest you be struck, do not hesitate to kill, lest you be killed. Do not hesitate for if you do, you will surely die, and to die is to be forgotten”
That is her motto and this is why Laido was her first choice in training, and is the true discipline around the single handed grip. As it might not be generally as strong as a two handed or some other grip variation, however the fact still remains that the blade in general is trained to move as fast as possible in the adept hands of the user themselves, the rest of it in the slash generally is going to rely on the speed and discipline of the user themselves, as if they don’t have the mind or the focus to pull it off laido will be greatly diminished it generally will, as for the most part laido is useless without concentration, and discipline.

To a skilled user of Laido the single handed strike will seem like the blade is teleporting as the speed it moves makes it so its nearly impossible to see in movement, in short it is a strike that’s not made to be easy to avoid, as it has no real other skills other than the speed of the draw and the follow through into the next actual strike itself, precisely why with this skill these strikes are not used for prolonged battles, they are specifically trademark to assassin and killers, as its made originally for the quick killing of the foe, and the ending of a fight in a short period of time, even though generally the average user of laido will not be ever able to draw fast enough to made it seem like the blade is teleporting, it still however is fast enough to be a problem to avoid, as the blade itself is able to travel at blinding speeds even to only a rookie or novice in laido , as they devote their skills to the art of drawing the blade quickly, to overpower and generally cause damage.

Thus Laido is something that while it does not have much variety it does however have the speed and technique for what its supposed to do, and because it trains this particular skill, it is noted that 1-handed laido is still very useful being able to function and get the purpose done, even though it does lack generally a higher level of strength, for the blade itself is drawn out using both reaction and technique, which is generally precisely why the blade as a whole travels so fast, and is rather not oh-so reliant on the actual brute strength that normal people are using to draw a blade quickly, as if you force the blade to draw in laido it causes drag and slows down the blade, instead you must learn the technique of drawing your blade while reducing the drag as a whole, for if you don’t know how to effortlessly draw the sword without causing friction then the laido itself will be greatly slowed down, actually it will for the most part be extremely slower than what it should be for the reason mainly of, without the blade being drawn properly the skill cannot be executed properly.

As such with the single handed grip, or any laido grip the technique is better than the actual strength of the person, as those with more technique and that better know how to actually use laido are going to for the most part do better with the skill then those that do not, in essence it’s the same concept that happens everywhere as those that know the technique behind doing it generally for the most part are better adapted to actually being able to fight better and are able to do the techniques better, in the general scheme of things in the whole outlook. So for the most part as said this is more focused on technique then the raw strength someone might have for the skill as a whole. As if they don’t know how to skillfully draw and slash the blade generally there is not a single reason for them to be practicing laido. As I said before this is because laido is reliant heavily on the knowledge discipline and the training behind drawing the blade quickly, rather than what you would consider to the the raw force and power behind a normal persons swing which is forced speed, not naturally technique given speed.

The Art Of Kenjustu : Note this is an actual fighting style So it has been pulled off Wikipedia.

Kenjutsu techniques can be compared to the strategies of warfare, while batto-jutsu or kendo can be compared to shooting range techniques. As in the "Book of Five Rings", by Miyamoto Musashi, a kenjutsuist relies on the conditions of the ground, light source, as well as the opponents' capabilities, before implementing a practical attack. The attack is not set on any particular weapon or move to capitulate. Nor is there a predisposed target trajectory - any exposed part of the opponents body is a possible target (as in Musashi's "Injuring the Corners").To be effective, a kenjutsu strike/or counter-strike is a composition of several techniques: feigning, cutting, jabbing, thrusting, parrying or binding, footwork, choice of weapon, and even knowing the opponents weapon. It was mentioned that, once Musashi realized the physics of the Chain-and-Sickle (kusarigama) he was then able to defeat it.

feigning techniques are effective movements of the weapon and are pivotal in kenjustu , footwork, center of gravity, and even the use of kiai. Applied effectively, causes the opponent to be set-back one move, while at the same time creating an opening elsewhere. This is why the feigning technique should be angled to allow a quick direct shot from this position. However only an sufficient amount of practice will perfect these techniques, and to convey the training of proper reflexes. As Regrettably there is generally not much time to think during a skirmish or battle. Which is of course why a fluent continuation of techniques must be deployed in order to manage even multiple opponents. One second per each opponent is too long much to long .which is why a practical understanding of the body and weapon is necessary in order to be able to dispatch a strike or counter strike whether standing, walking, or rolling around the ground, (or whether an army is attacking or retreating). There is no time-out or ready position in the art of war . It might even be a fight under minimum visibility or even total darkness. When striking range is reached, reflexes dictate the outcome.

Cutting, jabbing, and thrusting techniques must be all preceded by a feint for the most part. The defender can easily parry a strong attack most of the time, due to the telegraphing momentum behind the attacker's weapon. Therefore, a strong cutting technique can easily receive a deadly cut across the sword hand or forearm. The feigning movement should complement both double-sword, two-handed sword, or any weapon.

There are some strikes that do not require a preceding subterfuge. These are referred to as "Quick strikes". They are done with two hands on the sword, or with a sword in each hand on another note these tend to be arabella’s favorite kind of strikes. As One of the hands is at the base of the tsuka (to provide longer reach) and the other hand is generally at the ridge of the blade, to of course provide the initial force to flick the sword as quick as possible to hit the target. Although Arabella does also practice this with the double sword style on occasion, by using one sword to be, providing the push for the dispatch and the other one to receive the push itself. These postures are mostly hidden and the ready positions are implemented for the most part while switching hands or while changing steps. It is of course because of these flicking strikes can be administered from any angle ( top, sides or below).

When parrying, Arabella will always try and direct the point of the sword to the target. This minimizes the step needed to be able to counter-attack. Thus the opponent is at an immediate disadvantage. Also, she will try using the quick strike at the opponent's sword hand or forearm so she immediately has a possibility to incapacitate the attack before having to parry it. A simple rule of thumb, as she has learned is to keep the point of the sword pointed to the opponent or at within the area of the gate, while attempting to parry in all angles, as this will provide a good foundation for appropriate counter-maneuver reflexes.

Musashi said that the footwork shall be adapted to whatever terrain or given purpose. And Arabella follows this, with discipline, but the correct stride is to be applied to whatever leverage is needed to effectively wield the weapon at hand. The choice of weapon and knowing the opponents' weapons is essential for the choice of right technique and strategy. Knowing the center of gravity of a particular weapon can help the assessment of its maneuverability and speed, as much as its effects on leverage and kinetic forces.

The use of the double-sword (one in each hand) can provide the ultimate control of the gate. The "Gate", as referred to by Miyamoto Musashi is the opening between two fighters at any given time. All attacks must go through this gate, in order to reach the target from any angle. To close or disrupt the gate at the right moment, is necessary to deflect incoming attacks. The double swords' ability to alternate and complement their trajectories, provides a strong continuous flowing barricade as well as trapping and striking repetitions. Timing is essential in the use of this technique and Musashi had advised that the double-sword technique should be learned early-on.

Laido Kenjustu:

A Custom style that Arabella has actually developed herself, which does cohere to the principles of kenjustu, however the difference is visible at sight, which is to say, this style to be useful does use the principles behind, slashing, japing, feigning parrying, binding and foot work, and knowledge of the surrounding environment. However the main difference between them is the skill that is behind it, as while the “Gate” as it’s called in kenjustu uses the disruption between the period of strikes or the gap, there lies the first different of Laido Kenjustu to Kenjustu, as the blade is brought around using discipline and holds a general speed, that is on par with laido, the only difference being that when external and multiple key variables have been introduced it becomes much more versatile in the realm of combat. Versatility is key in combat for dealing with multiple foe’s or enemies and fighting with rapid success and prowess, the extensive knowledge that is fused into this style of her own allows for the combination of those key traits.

Feigning is used in Laido Kenjustu however the strikes themselves are more unorthodox and have a harder time of being parried or even blocked from the fact that once the blade finds itself in motion its speed and strength are vastly superior to that of normal kenjustu and as such unlike the predecessors of this skill the gate is more commonly disrupted and greater openings are caused, by using foot work the terrain around the person, and the movements of the foe, the lights the shadow, mist, or snow everything conditions around and the concentration within are put together. This generates quirks in the strikes such quirks that make the natural form of either style become skewed but at the same time, allows for unique angles of punishing blows that are not possible in either laido, or kenjustu, instead making it so that not only is the new version more adept, but its harder to cope with.

The principle of the gate, using footwork to deal with foe’s strikes and recovering parries coupled with raining blows in rapid succession moving between japs, parries ,thrusts , reverse strikes, quarter strikes, hilt blows, crescent strikes, cleaving blows, bifurcating strikes, martial arts, basic combat and quick rapid motion. These are alternated with feigns and other movements, as when put together it generates a truly one of a kind means of battle being able to completely break into gaps in blows, no matter the distance, disruption perception, reading the form of the strike, checking the wind, the speed the trajectory . The complete understanding of the blade, its functions how its used, and the methods of how it is to be deployed in combat. Intensive knowledge of the strikes you inflict and the means to counter the blows that are being received. It is a dance of combat, that when together generally is all you can consider to be a kind of second nature skill.

When parrying the art of laido comes in to give the superior speed, however kenjustu gives the versatile nature to keep fighting when the strike is coming in, which is why the style is considered to have a complete radius of striking, through close maneuvering quick wits, superb reaction time, and the ability to keep a level head, allows for suddenly forward thrusts to turn within moments into a backwards slash, or a upward slash to turn into a hilt blow, this is the key when it comes to the art of Laido Kenjustu, it is the rapid drawing and versatile execution of the strikes that are present. The reading of your own limits your body its functions, its level of functionality, knowing the blade as well as you know your body, many things have gone into making this style what it is, as the art of war is something that is deadly, and something that generally must be respected because to disgrace the art of war is to disgrace many who have yet to come, and many that have set the road behind us.

Quick strikes are present in this style due to its innate functionality and intermediate marriage of both the laido’s quick and accurate reflex’s and speed, and the technique that takes time to be founded within the Kenjustu allow for the most part for the quick strikes to be more oriented on the laido side and allow for when used in succession the speed and the power present to be more like the quick draw that is oriented in laido , however without understanding of kenjustu the strikes would have no more interest in them then an generic laido technique however because of the background extensive knowledge kenjustu provides. It means that the strikes not only have more to them and are timed precisely but it generally for the most part is also going to mean that, generally speaking when the quick strikes are being used, the blows are going to for the most part become generally stronger and more adaptable then what the original laido strike would be, however conveying much more speed and battle prowess then the normal kenjustu quick strike. A mix of the two.

So this style is the merging of two others, however it is also a style that is quick and able to be used, with rapid succession and the ability rather then inability to function even in unforgiving environments as the reason behind this is that when a strike is executed you need to be able to generally parry and reduce the damage that is taken from that strike, and be able to quickly, effectively and reasonably be able to actually strike the person afterwards or shift into another strike without problems , such as worrying of being struck or hurt in any way.

シャドウ•ブレードの芸術 (Shadou• burēdo no geijutsu)
English Translation: The Art Of The Shadow Blade

The art of the shadow blade is a rather straight to the point style, It uses rather instead of pure strength or speed alone, it focuses on the footwork of the person, the terrain surrounding, the minute movements in the foe’s blade the changes in their stance. The knowledge of the winds, the trembles in the air and the earth, this style is one that is rather different than most styles out there it is a sub-class of kenjustu that she has developed however, the differences is that it is heavily focusing on certain aspects of Kenjustu bringing them to much higher levels than mainly what you would consider for the skill as a whole, as this rather simple style is working instead of the actual aspect of what you would consider to be “Skill” of the sword, it is working the skill of reading the persons actual movements and the technique that they can use to be able to actually fight, as the “Gate” that is in kenjustu is rather true everything has gaps in there movements, this style is best suited for that and long ranged combat, being able to defend being able to strike, versatility the comprehension of the sword while its moving, almost seeing like its predicting movements before they happen. That’s not the case but it’s thanks to extreme awareness and acute precision on picking up even the smallest of tremors that might actually give away or hint at a attack and even the direction of the attack. As everything gives away minute clues to where the attack is coming from, not much not enough to always avoid, but able to increase the block rate and countering precision , many important things happen in this way.

Particularly though this Style is reliant on feigning movements quick movements, precise awareness of your location, many things are super important about your surroundings, how bright it is out. What is at your disposal, what disadvantages you have presently and what advantages you have presently, all of these things are gleaned through the minute movements that are picked up, instead of focusing in one place the style calls for a very wide range of perception, pushing the mind to collect as much minute details that might give something away as possible, it allows for the quickness of response that may be generally hard to actually glean in the middle of a fight normally, deciphering and dissecting the means the foe is attacking the high comprehension of the way the sword drops how its swung, even the direction of the foot work, its puzzled together as this style is not as heavy on the strikes , rather you could say that she is more using openings not over pressing the foe, observing and countering is the suitable means that this particular skill works, and that it works actually quite well, making it confusing to deal with, due to the just meticulous and precise examination of the foe.

It’s not really powerful but instead by using all the information gained, it becomes quite possible to solve a means to succeeding that’s really the main purpose behind the skill when its used, this fighting style, switches from offense to elusively dodging and striking in untimed intervals, by just avoiding and gaining information this is most suited for collecting the data on foe’s and combatants because she is not fighting, with reckless abandon it means that she can react much faster and not through speed entirely but moving at the right moments in time, through her analysis means that she is able to avoid foe’s that might be faster than her by a good deal, making her seem just that much faster, however instead its kind of like she is reading there motions and then in that moment recognizing and coming up with a means of countering, such methodical reasoning gives this particular style structure and base, greatly this is attributable to the success of the actual skill itself, and how it works, the whole style would crumble if you didn’t have the skill to think rationally and with sensible decisions in general, so this is not for the easily enraged.

This style by using many influences many variables, the motions and reasoning is what you would consider almost like a kind of dancing mirror image, mirroring and then deviating from the info to avoid or dodge, and strike, not wasting movements nor wasting energy, striking and moving as neccisary not over moving or using more expended energy then needed to do what-ever needs to be generally done at the moment, so it’s not the lethality of it however it is the ability to adapt and reason the best means of survival amongst chaotic situations, that is prized when using this technique, by ignoring a clear sense of self, it allows for the person to become like a recording device, just taking everything in without the back burner of chatter that happens in the mind, thinking clearly and methodically working and reasoning, and reacting in the best computable manner to the particular situation, such methodical thinking takes time to develop however when its obtained finally this style is able to be a means of avoiding even foes of substantially higher power then the user of it themselves might find themselves to generally be at.

Exactly because of this the style itself, is considered to be optimal for reconnisance or scouting natured assignments as it may not be able to kill something quickly but it is going to be able to both avoid a majority of attacks and gain a lot of information at the same time, making it pretty useful when it comes to actually fighting those much stronger than her, for analysis purposes you could say that this is the same thing as a doctors job with science it thinks about the situation with no sense of self gain, or self at all just thinking clearly reasonably, and almost with a computer like mental reasoning, to find the most favorable outcome, and how to get it done, the problem is though this happens very quickly and the body moves inresponse near instantly after, so while she herself may be utterly out-classed she still will be able to dodge, not because perhaps she is better than her foe, but instead because she is clearly tracking their movements with a kind of perception that is rarely seen, and takes a long time to clearly get to the caliber needed to use this kind of technique.

無謀ブレード (Mubō burēdo)
English translation: Reckless Blade

Reckless blade is a subclass of Laido Kenjustu, or a sub style that Along the road by Arabella it is quite arguably the most reckless and self-Endangering style that she has for a numerous amount of reasons however , this style should be noted because it is the style that is used for serious battles, or where she is pissed for the simple reason that its style is best suited for full out brawls against one opponent or many opponents it just generally behaves in a manner that for the most part is ideal for dealing with the situation, although this particular style leaves Arabella wide open for attacks and generally does not hold as much fear for self-preservation that might be apparent in her other fighting styles, and generally this is for a good reason. Because this particular style holds more ferocity then her other sword arts its just generally as simple as that, nothing more than that and generally nothing less then that, for the most part anyways, plain and simple no gimmicks and no other hidden knowledge its just simply as the name suggests a reckless fighting speed.

One of the examples is the movements, while they maybe for the most part considerably nimble and quick they are driven by the opposite intentions of shadow blade, because the fact is that this style IS meant to maim and injure others in a fairly short period of time, which is done by employing the gate and at the same time a diverse use of unorthodox slashes, jabs, parries, crippling blows, and punches . Not to mention the foot work being more oriented towards getting close and personal being able to then strike and still continue into injuring the person to the fullest of her capabilities, these reasons alone are why she has a kind of general killing intent in this style, the means of generating actual movements and succeeding blows comes from reading the foe’s moves unsettling those moves and then striking in the gap in the “gate” or the exchange of blows between two foe’s in the heat of battle, this is generally why the reckless blade is actually very useful for striking and fighting up close, and speed in this cage, doesn’t give as much of an edge either for many clear cut reasons.

The first reason being generally because she is able to analyze so much about the environment and minute movements in the foe in general it means of course that Arabella is more likely to intercept or less likely to be caught unawares. The only problem with this is with the reckless blade she purposefully puts herself in harm’s way as the style calls for unorthodox means of fighting and causing damage, and that’s precisely why this is such a dangerous style, as it causes her to be without reason in harm’s way purposefully increasing the risk of her own injury, however this almost increases her chances of seriously wounding any opponent in general because when she’s in the line of fire, she’s more likely within striking distance then out of striking distance. As the whole reason for getting in harm’s way is to unsettle the foe and then begin a harsh series of diverse and randomized strikes that are going to strike a wide area , indiscriminately, although within the random strikes select few organized strike techniques are present, aiming generally for vital organs or to cripple a foe. Simply the reason is that Arabella is trying to injure and cripple a foe.

Within combat This also is a waste of expended energy, and causes exhaustion the reason being that for the most part this style relies on very taxing and demanding vigilance in three things, no four, putting ones self in direct striking distance, striking, nimble foot work, and extreme analysis of the situation, all of these things tax the body and the mind making it so that this style is going to wear someone to exhaustion due to the actual demand it places on multiple aspects of the body, to execute it without problem. Or to execute it and succeed in surviving the body must be in optimal mindset and shape to actually pull it off, meaning that for the most part her whole body generally is going to be in a state of hurting like hell when she’s done with this or while fighting like this, reckless abandon and forcing the body to constantly for a extended period of time force itself to its limits to actually strike and injure and maim the opponent. These things are the reason partially it is just so dangerous as it literally is burning the user out as they are using it.

Precisely the reason this is one of the more dangerous Fighting styles that she generally has, the simple fact being that anyone no matter how good, when going through long periods of this level of strain will burn out, meaning that this style generally will fatigue a person if it’s used for too long, for any given period of time, as the user is focusing her or his will and in arabella’s case her will and mind on completing these individually taxing tasks but doing them at once, and forcing them to be maximized, ever for a skilled sword’s man or women that is going to be a difficult challenge, which is why this is not used quite that often, it is instead going to be used once and awhile when she absolutely needs to use it and has no other real choice then to actually be using it. That is just simply how it works, there is not much more that is to it other then because it is generally, so taxing after 12 posts eyes will begin to blur, and after that the user can pass out muscles giving out, from lactic acid build up and pain in general.

General Skills
  • Durability: Adept
  • General Speed: Advanced
  • Strength: Advanced
  • Weapon Skill: Master

Sueki Skills
  • Shadow Affinity: Advanced
  • Umbra Control: Adept
  • Dependencies: Adept
  • Sexual Amplifications: Adept

Last edited by Shizuo on Wed Jul 10, 2013 2:11 pm; edited 2 times in total

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Sun Jul 07, 2013 12:00 pm

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Wed Jul 10, 2013 1:37 pm
Unique Techniques/Powers:

Have been fixed and moderated.

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Wed Jul 10, 2013 1:58 pm
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Will Skills
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  • Mental Deduction: Adept
  • Pain Endurance: Advanced
  • Focus: Advanced

Comments/Notes: You owe me a cold one, Shiz.

Sword skill is Master.
General speed is Advanced.
Tier: 6-0 Sealed, 2-2 Unsealed, 2-1+ Umbra.

Believe nothing, no matter where you read it or who has said it, not even if I have said it, unless it agrees with your own reason and your own common sense.
- Buddha

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Sat Jul 13, 2013 5:52 am
arabella - Arabella Levivanthan Gremory [SEMI-APPROVED, 2-2] Creepy_Neko_Girl
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