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Ye Olde Guarde
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This Isn't Lupus [Noharu/Retsu] - Page 2 Empty Re: This Isn't Lupus [Noharu/Retsu]

Mon Oct 21, 2024 10:12 pm

"A mistake brought about by hubris." A simple answer to a complicated question. There was nothing to explain other than that. She did not wish to explain the details. Those did not matter in this context. "And it is something of the same reason you just gave. That mistake is part of me and my past." Retsu's hand moved and the energy followed. She would not be able to heal these wounds fully, but they were far cleaner and less tender than they were going to be.

Retsu moved to the missing arm. She wouldn't be able to heal that either. But now she knew it still needed to be cleaned of Hollow Reiryoku. She began that process. "I mostly hid the scar out of consideration for others. It is not flattering and others might find it to be disturbing to look at. People whose opinions I respected stated that I was scaring new entrants to the Division. Covering it with a braid was the solution I chose. Now, the only people I have to consider are, frankly, spoiled brats. They need to be reminded that reality isn't always pretty—especially if I have to do something as drastic as amputate."

"Are you going to try to return to active service after this? I imagine they will be more lenient on medical conditions following such a drastic loss of personnel."

Hope is a Disease

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Mon Oct 21, 2024 10:38 pm
This Isn't Lupus [Noharu/Retsu] - Page 2 Wye3cbmprk4

Noharu smirked just a little at that. "Hm, never took you as the Hubrey type. But I guess getting bitten makes you a lot more careful. At least you learned, plenty don't." She hummed thoughtfully, sighing softly to herself as she laid her head back. She tensed slightly as the woman continued cleaning her out, though she paused when they moved to her stump, Ngh, that smarted a bit more. But well, she kept herself focused. She knew there were MUCH worse spots on her body.

"I have a feeling that a fair few will hardly take it as such a reminder." She chimed, lightly canting her head to the side until her neck cracked softly. She considered the words, and wondered vaguely if she would have ever ... well. IF her scars were even feasible to hide, if she would have. Probably. But then again she'd never been asked. Funny thing to think about. That last question however had her snorting softly. "Of course. Even if they didn't allow me, then I have every intention of getting back to my duties. Whatever form that may take. If its the Gotei. The Shino Academy again. Or If I have to find some place out in the rukongai to work." She noted firmly, a brief glow in her eyes as her spiritual energy flowed through her, briefly riled, but only in a flicker.

"I have students to think of. Even if I'm not a teacher anymore, I have younguns looking up to me. Heh, wouldn't you believe it, one of our seated burst into here sobbing and making a fuss to see if I was okay." She smirked, thinking to the sight of Ranma being dragged off by his ear by a nurse after. "even if I have to figure out a way to create makeshift lungs with Kido, or use my Zanpaku'to to create a fake arm and hip. Or if gotta train my ass off to fight with this shit anyway. It's kinda like havin kids. Sure it sucks shit through a dick. But I got the rugrats to think of."
Ye Olde Guarde
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This Isn't Lupus [Noharu/Retsu] - Page 2 Empty Re: This Isn't Lupus [Noharu/Retsu]

Today at 4:25 pm

Retsu couldn't help but smiling lightly for a moment. That kind of dedication... Perhaps some of Yamamoto's spirit lived on within the newer generation. Noharu and Mizu both had some of the traits that once made the Gotei strong. Noharu's unwillingness to give up and Mizu's willingness to sacrifice. Those were traits that the Soul Society would need in the future.

And from what Noharu said, it would seem that she had made an impression on someone. Hopefully that seated officer would take the trait Noharu had to heart. Unfortunately, there was a bubble that needed to be burst—a hope that needed to be snuffed out before it could cause future problems. "You will not be able to create a replacement lung with Kidō." Retsu was very matter-of-fact. It was the same tone she gave a terminal diagnosis with. There was no need for sadness or anger. It needed to be said without emotion, for it was a fact and not a feeling.

"There was a prior attempt at doing such an operation on someone who had lung damage. The result was unsuccessful, and I was lucky to get him back to how he was before. Perhaps the Shinigami Research and Development Institute could grow a replacement organ, but they are butchers and not trained surgeons." There was a light, chuckling exhale from her nose as an amusing thought crossed her mind. "If you go with that option, at least you would not have to risk being one of Mayuri Kurotsuchi's experiments."

"Your hip should be easier to mend with a combination of Kaidō and tissue growth from the Shinigami Research and Development Institute." Retsu finished cleaning the arm and moved to the woman's waist. It was bad—but not as bad as it could have been. In fact, further inspection revealed something that furrowed her brow. She lightened the amount of energy she surveyed the wound with, The healers seemed to have done just the bare minimum to close the wound. Amateurs. "I stand corrected. This wound is something I can heal on my own. It will hurt quite a bit, so you may wish to prepare yourself." Retsu glanced at the morphine drip. Once she was given the OK to start, the torturetreatment would start.
Hope is a Disease

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Today at 4:37 pm
This Isn't Lupus [Noharu/Retsu] - Page 2 Wye3cbmprk4

A brow raised slightly at that as she glanced at the woman. "Tch. All the damn hocus pocus shit and it cant do that? Fucking can tear a hole in spacetime but it can't regulate my ogygen levels., fucking useless... Alright well, what are the other options then?" She ventured. And surely enough, Unohana seemed to have an idea in mind. Hm. Growing her new lungs? That sounded like something theyd do. "Yea. But if it came down to it, I wouldn't be opposed to that if it meant getting back on my feet." She murmured to herself. "If thats my doctor's suggested treatment, then I'm all for it." She noted with a nod of her head.

However, when Unoahana shifted down to her lower body and that expression changed, she raised a brow. Shit she wasn't getting infected was she? But to her own pleasant surprise, the woman explained that her hip would be able to be healed. Her eyes widened at that and instantly her mind was racing. If her hip could be better... then she'd be able to at least get to physical tyraining. Hell, even IF the lung thing turned out to be a dud, surely she could train her body. Maybe not back to full, but something workable until she found another solution. "Holy fuck you for real? Whatever you gotta do go right ahead Doc, make yourself at home down there!" She practically hooted in excitement, promptly coughing a bit as she caught her breath. Okay, fuck, but too much excitement. "Right right... I know.. calm down... slow breaths." She wheezed, the nurses had alreadyc hided her enough and she promptly began taking slow, deep breaths to settle herself back down.

She paused and ... considered for a moment. She looked to the morphine drip... and then promptly pushed the button. She had her pride, but if she struggled even involuntarily, that would make the captain's job harder. She sighed softly as she felt that flow of relief. "Alright Doc. I'm all yours." Were she not bracing herself she would have winked.
Ye Olde Guarde
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This Isn't Lupus [Noharu/Retsu] - Page 2 Empty Re: This Isn't Lupus [Noharu/Retsu]

Today at 6:20 pm

It quickly became evident when the drugs began to affect Noharu even without the suggestive comment. Retsu closed her eyes to visualize the area. She visualized what it should be—what it once was. That was the start to the procedure. She had to know what she was aiming towards.

This was not a soothing pain like aloe. This was a sharp, tearing pain. Hastily-healed flesh was torn away. The wound was technically re-opened while she operated, but that was the best way to fix a botched job. She had to undo everything that was done wrong. She would not be angry at the doctors. She could not be angry. Noharu might have been one of the more critical patients, but she survived thanks to their work. Retsu would fix Noharu much like she had fixed her own arm after the battle with that Hollow. She has used Minazuki's handle and a rock to break those once-broken bones just to heal them properly this time. The only difference was that Retsu did not have morphine.

The flesh and muscle seemed to grow back. It was not a complicated procedure in truth. Even though it was nothing more than a large cut, there were still connections that needed to be re-made. It wasn't regeneration, but rapid generation and overall repair. Kaidō was being mostly used to facilitate the connection of tissues, nerves, and blood vessels underneath the skin while it was held together. The bone was perhaps the worst aspect of the procedure. If Noharu hadn't taken the morphine, she would have felt cold energy moving along the bone like a scalpel. That was never a pleasant feeling.

As Retsu finished, she let out a breath. More time had passed than she realized as she glanced to the clock. "The treatment should be complete. How do you feel? It may be sensitive to touch because of the fresh flesh. And at the same time it may itch. Please do not scratch it."

Hope is a Disease

Last edited by Tsubine on Wed Oct 23, 2024 6:33 pm; edited 1 time in total

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This Isn't Lupus [Noharu/Retsu] - Page 2 Empty Re: This Isn't Lupus [Noharu/Retsu]

Today at 6:32 pm
This Isn't Lupus [Noharu/Retsu] - Page 2 Wye3cbmprk4

If Unohana thought that shit was the morphine boy was she gonna be in for a surprise later. ut all the same, Noharu kept a steady breathing as the woman destroyed her wound in order to repair it properly. The morphine did quite a fair ammount, such that Noharu's breathing didn't even hitch as she stared up at the ceiling.

Oh it hurt. This was agony. But it wasn't unfamiliar. She'd been healed before. She'd cut her own arm and hip after all. This was not the first, nor would it be the last time. The thing was that this was so much... faster?? It was amazing really. She had had it done before. A long, arduous, agonizing treatment. In lesser healers, it would take hours, days in order to get this all done and done right. And thankfully, with the experience and prowess of the woman currently handling her lower body like a champ, she was actually... startled when she felt that agony subside, as the last of the healing took place, and finally, the woman said that it was finished.

She paused... as if ... expecting a sudden flash of pain again. But ...
"Wait.. really?"" She looked down and reached to the spot. An d was ... shocked. Smoothing her hand over her hip and ass, giving herself a little smack. The ripple that she knew and loved. No stab of pain that was strong enough to pierce the morphine. No wierdness or funky scarring. And just like that she had a big grin on her face.

"Holy fucking shit! I mean I didn't doubt you or anything but shit waffle that was AMAZING!" She panted, wheezing a bit, but too excited to be bothered by it as she continued to smooth and touch the area, amazed at the completeness of it.
Ye Olde Guarde
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This Isn't Lupus [Noharu/Retsu] - Page 2 Empty Re: This Isn't Lupus [Noharu/Retsu]

Today at 6:51 pm

Retsu expected success. She was still proud of herself when it was such an outcome, but it was still what she expected. Excitement was usually the response. Tears were also likely. She was just glad Noharu didn't try to hug her. Those were the responses she didn't care for. Though, it would have beat the one time a patient proposed to her... That was a funny story even to her nowadays.

Retsu was, however, caught off guard and blinked. The term of excitement was added to her dictionary of ever-growing colorful slang to watch out for. Regaining her composure, she covered the area back up. "I am just glad that I was able to heal it before it became more cemented in your being, if that makes sense. Kaidō is not a be-all, end-all. And even with its limitations, there are few that come close to matching my own skill." And only one who surpasses it. Retsu didn't want to bring that pompadoured man into this. Though, it was likely they might meet again depending on how bad the situation with the Soul Cycle ended up being...

"I believe the last thing to examine would be your lung. I can not guarantee that I will be able to treat them right now, but I would still like to take a look. With your hip being in far better condition than reported, there is a chance that the condition of your lungs may differ as well."

Hope is a Disease

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This Isn't Lupus [Noharu/Retsu] - Page 2 Empty Re: This Isn't Lupus [Noharu/Retsu]

Today at 7:03 pm
This Isn't Lupus [Noharu/Retsu] - Page 2 D7ogckz9o6y

Noharu was still grinning and playing with her own ass when Unohana brought up that she wanted to check out her lungs next. Her brows raised a bit and she nodded with a smile, promptly shrugging forward so that her gown slid off and exposed her chest. "Oh sure thing, inspect away!" She encouraged, still panting a bit as she laid back to let the woman do her thing. Her excitement was already welling, and she continued to take slow, steady breaths to handle that winding, but certainly, if Unohana prompted her, she'd make an effort to settle down so that she could get in nice and close to inspect the damage as thoroughly as she could.

As for the damage itself, it was pretty gnarly. There was a lot of caught up hollow reiryoku. The corrosive mess had burned not just outside, but had eaten the softer, vulnerable flesh in her alvioli pretty aggressively. Of course if Noharu had been a weaker shinigami she probably would have died, her own spirit energy had warded and so the damage was in thick patches where the effluvia had managed to clump the most. Chunk of her lungs missing, having been coughed out in bloody vomits during the actual conflict, as well as some patches eaten through the respiratory duct. Though frankly, THAT had already healed. The real issue was the chunks of missing lung. Almost 60% of her lungs were gone or damaged. And it was more of a mixed bag. About 40% of the damage was just not healing because of the reiryoku, but there was the other 60% that was just flat out gone, any hope of healing or reforming nulled by the mess in her chest. That was, currently, as Unohana was inspecting it. Actually starting to congeal. And just around the edges, feeding a bit off Noharu's spiritual energy.

It was anyones guess as to how often Unohana would have been able to see such a thing, but if she had, she may very well distinctly recognize that hollow energy attempting to take root and integrate itself into the woman.
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