Bleach Platinum Hearts RP
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First Response...Hopefully[Mikomi] - Page 2 Empty Re: First Response...Hopefully[Mikomi]

Thu Jun 20, 2013 8:23 pm

Giriko had trouble placing it. He genuinely enjoyed holding her hand. He couldn't even begin to explain why such a thing was so very enjoyable to him. He had known nothing but violence and studies for so, so very long and he couldn't even begin to empathize with something else. He knew a little something about inter-sex relations, the human he met in the human world had, well, sufficed to say taught him plenty, but this was different. It wasn't him being used as food stock, being used to fill a need. This was a completely different sense of kinship and connectivity and Giriko well, was struggling with it. Mikomi couldn't see it as he dragged her along by the hand, but the boy's face was blushed quite red at the thought. Did he...really have those kind of feelings for a girl? They were a strange pair, Mikomi was about as oblivious and weird, bordering on retarded, as possible and Giriko was unable to really handle any emotions that weren't anger or...more anger. Being compassionate, caring, and vulnerable was about as far out of his wheelhouse as possible. He had managed to calm his flushed face by the time they stopped at the creek, but that didn't really last long.

"I'm glad you like it, it was kinda hard to find since there wasn't much w..."

Before he had a chance to catch himself, Mikomi had dragged him face first in to the creek, she naturally landed on her feet while Giriko's red face landed straight in to the water, which despite the now throbbing headache worked out rather well for him, she couldn't see how red his face looked. Dragging himself to his feet, assuring her that he was fine as she let go of his hand, her touch lingering for a moment, Giriko turned away for a moment to rub the heat away. By the time he turned back, Mikomi had already removed most of her, let's call them fringe clothing, and her stockings were already hanging up. Before Giriko really had opportunity to protest, Mikomi proclaimed her intentions and quickly started shedding off some articles of clothing that, let's say, weren't fringe. The boy could only watch in a dumbfounded stupor as she quickly shed, washed, and hung her clothes in record time, establishing that she'd make a great housewife. A comical stream of blood trickled out his nose, whether it was from falling face first in to the stream or watching the person of his affection discard her clothing would forever be unknown, as he watched and by the time her underwear was completely removed, Giriko had lost his balance and fallen over, smacking the back of his head on the bottom of the stream and leaving him in a daze to slowly start floating down the river, a bloody and stupid smile on his dazed face.

Template By: [THEFROST]

First Response...Hopefully[Mikomi] - Page 2 Empty Re: First Response...Hopefully[Mikomi]

Sat Jun 22, 2013 3:19 pm


First Response...Hopefully[Mikomi] - Page 2 MikomiBar

Mikomi was confused, when Giriko's face hit the water; had he been saying something? She was a bit confused, tilting her head this way and that, wondering if she had done something wrong; but she went ahead with whatever she had to do anyways. The girl did notice him start to float away; apparently there was enough water to do that with. ''W-wait! Giriko don't leave me!'' she said, her steps splashing in the water, before some ill-fated placed root found her foot. Due to the speed she was putting behind her running, she tripped, and just flew like a shot gun; her body sailed into the air. She was going to land on the water, but then a dazed Giriko drifted; and severed as a cushion for the soft, voluptuous and naked girl. Due to this improvised body flop, the water splashed around them; and he was probably clean as her chin rested against his; and they were floating for a moment, as Mikomi had felt her senses poof for a second. The girl felt her body shiver due to the coldness of the water, and then the warmth of the air, and then sat up, wondering why she was floating for a second. ''.. eh? eh? Eh?'' she said, tilting her head this way and that; actually, just before running after the male, the girl had taken off her glasses and hair ties, allowing the long strands of black run over her body, hiding the naughty bits pretty conveniently.

''Am I forget- GIRIKO! DON'T LEAVE ME!'' she began, feeling lost, and then her memory came back as a flash, her shout scaring a few birds. But she felt so warm and so comfy down towards her hips. Her gaze blinked and she looked down; and proceeded to blush, as she was straddling a floating Giriko. ''AH! GIRIKO GET A HANG OF YOURSELF!'' she shouted, panic in her voice as she grabbed the male's collar, and shook him. Rather violently at that. The girl however, fell over; and into the water herself with a gurgle and a flail. Breaching her head above the surface, she suddenly clung to the male's foot. ''Uwaaa! Stop drifting off!'' she said, her face making an adorable pout. She felt a bit insecure; her sight wasn't perfect, hence the glasses, but her hearing, and her sense of smell was good. She could smell the copper of the blood, and she could still hear him breathing; but she was still afraid; Giriko was the first and only person she had wanted to run into the Soul Society. Because he had her blade for one, but second, he was a good person, as she had left the blade over at the river bank. Realizing this with a pale face, she took the male's foot, and began to run back to the bank, dragging the floating male. ''Come on I left my clothes over there! We can go swim later!'' she said, light panic in her voice. But yet, she didn't even notice the happy smile she had on her face; or the fact that her voice sounded worried, and yet she was content.

The slow tears that were slipping from her eyes were also something she didn't even notice either.

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First Response...Hopefully[Mikomi] - Page 2 Empty Re: First Response...Hopefully[Mikomi]

Sat Jun 22, 2013 3:50 pm

Giriko was stuck playing victim to a series of both, simultaneously, fortunate and unfortunate events. The fortunates were, well, rather obvious. Giriko was being pounced on by an extremely attractive girl, one who HE VERY OBVIOUSLY had feelings for at this point and he was being pounced on by that very same girl while she had discarded the entirety of her clothing. Unfortunately, he was already rather dazed and confused before this happened and as soon as her body crashed on to his, the boy's head would inevitably thrash back and down under the water, the fluid obstructing his clear view of the interesting bits even if Mikomi's hair wasn't obstructing his view. It wasn't until she grabbed his collar and started shaking him out of his stupor that he even moderately recovered from the now repeated head injury and loss of blood. Before he could really regain his senses though, Mikomi lost her rather fragile water top balance and toppled over him, bumping his shoulder in the process and causing him to spin while continuing to drift downstream. Before he got far, a hand wrapped around his ankle and started dragging him back upstream. Giriko slowly dragged his head level just enough to get a completely open view of her unclothed buttocks as she dragged him back up to where they entered the stream. Blood was now trickling rather potently out of his other nostril at the sight of her rather adorable butt.

When they managed to reach the stream bed where they had originally landed, Giriko pulled himself out of her grasp before unhooking his sheathed Zanpakutō from his waist as he quickly made his way in to the woods beside them. He made sure to at least stay in sight of Mikomi so she wouldn't worry, her words replaying in his head with each step he took. The boy drew his weapon once he found what he was looking for and quickly sliced through a large tree branch, catching it on his shoulder before turning back and making his way back to the stream bed. Quickly and defiantly, Giriko slammed the recently severed end of the tree branch down in to the sand and quickly sat behind it, the leafy foliage obstructing their view of each other while they were not clothed as the boy started removing his now thoroughly soaked articles of clothing and stretched them out on the sand, hoping the overbearing sun would dry them out quickly so they could leave. At least with this method Giriko could avoid the impending hemorrhage induced from looking at Mikomi while she wasn't clothed. A few moments passed as the boy absent-mindedly stared at the clothes beside him before the first words since he fell in to the creak passed his lips.

"I'm not going to leave you, Mikomi. Never, I promise."

Template By: [THEFROST]

First Response...Hopefully[Mikomi] - Page 2 Empty Re: First Response...Hopefully[Mikomi]

Fri Jun 28, 2013 10:07 pm


First Response...Hopefully[Mikomi] - Page 2 MikomiBar

Mikomi was worried, and let out crooning noises here and there, making sure he was all right. But yet she was sure he would be alright; he was a strong, healthy young man! Not that Mikomi had much experience with males; she didn't necessarily interact with very many apart from her brothers, her father, and a classmate or two. The male just left her grasp, the girl falling to her knees in relatively shock, and just watched him walk away; and his wet clothes clung to him rather.. well.. the girl felt her face flush red. What was those thoughts? She has no idea, having ignored her own primal urges for the longest time, but she was still relatively close to when she had lost the blade, so they came back like an easy flash. But the girl watched him, as he stuffed a tree in between her and him, to hide himself. The girl blinked a few times, and then began to wash herself, humming a small shrine song to herself. Oddly, it was a hymn to the dead, that she had morphed into a cute little jitty. The girl stopped though, as she felt her heart constrict; it felt like Giriko was far away and she didn't understand why that had panicked her earlier. The girl felt her fingers curl, as she heard his voice, startling her suddenly. The girl tipped over and fell with a squeak, feeling her face thunk against the river. The girl stayed for a minute, unmoving as her face blushed red from the words.

And then she shot up, and shook her head. ''Y-yeah.'' she answer, feeling her face turn red more. Nobody had said those words to her; they had all said they would try.. but eventually everyone left. Why? Perhaps not out of greed, but out of need, and it made her sad. But she had understood and forgiven them, but a part of her was lonely still, as her fingers traced patterns on her laps. But soon she noticed she was all washed, apart from her back, and she had asked him to wash it.. had he forgotten? The girl wasn't sure if she should talk to him about it, but her lips put themselves together, as she stood up. She was going to do it! Her body dipped a cloth properly, and she walked up to the foliage, and then popped her head out of it, somewhere above Giriko's shoulder. ''Hrm.. you still have to wash my back remember?'' she said shyly before the girl dropped the cloth, cold and wet, on his lap, and went back to the river bank, adjusting her hair. She felt so nervous, but she wanted him to come back; after all.. she had wanted him to do it. And then she had to wash him too; it was only proper for her to do so. The girl would feel weird and awkward otherwise, as she played with the hairs on her lap. She felt so.. insecure. But she wanted to keep going.

After all, Giriko's trust in her made her entirely motivated to to keep going.

Sᵃ ᶥ ᶦ ˣ ♚
Sᵃ ᶥ ᶦ ˣ ♚
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First Response...Hopefully[Mikomi] - Page 2 Empty Re: First Response...Hopefully[Mikomi]

Sun Oct 04, 2015 5:03 pm

✖| Clean Up Time!! |✚
┣▇▇▇═─          ☠          ─═▇▇▇┥

It's been 2014 or even before that!
There for I will be locking this thread, feel free to revisit this and keep on reading!

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