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The Gotei 13 Advocate
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Restoring Order, The Aftermath [Byakuya, Yuuto, Unohana] Left_bar_bleue1570/100Restoring Order, The Aftermath [Byakuya, Yuuto, Unohana] Empty_bar_bleue  (1570/100)

Restoring Order, The Aftermath [Byakuya, Yuuto, Unohana] Empty Restoring Order, The Aftermath [Byakuya, Yuuto, Unohana]

Yesterday at 2:20 pm
The decisions made today were impulsive, reckless, and selfish in many ways. Yet, Byakuya remained confident in his ability to handle the aftermath, particularly with the cooperation of key individuals. Less than ten minutes after Masamune’s departure, he sent messages to two specific people: Hisakawa Yuuto and Unohana Retsu. At this moment, they were the only ones he trusted to aid him, each offering a distinct wisdom necessary for the situation. While awaiting their arrival, Byakuya turned his focus to the paperwork and other documents left behind in the former Captain Commander’s office, meticulously reviewing them to uncover any additional issues requiring his attention.
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Restoring Order, The Aftermath [Byakuya, Yuuto, Unohana] Left_bar_bleue419100/999999Restoring Order, The Aftermath [Byakuya, Yuuto, Unohana] Empty_bar_bleue  (419100/999999)

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Yesterday at 3:42 pm
Restoring Order, The Aftermath [Byakuya, Yuuto, Unohana] 1VUZAtK


What an absolute nightmare. Right as he was preparing to head out for what he had been assigned to do, he had received what would be Erika's final orders. The Gotei United was no more, and all Shinigami were relieved of duty. He had spent the entire rest of the night after the meeting and the morning after getting everything he would need ready; from briefing his squad on what to do in his absence, writing up drafts of plans, reviewing them, finding their flaws, scrapping them, and doing it all over again.

Now, it was all a waste of time. His orders were null, and now the Seireitei had been thrown into chaos by her final petulant act as the Acting Commander. With everything that had happened, he needed to be certain of what was going on, and what was next. It was concerning, but more than anything, it was suspicious. So, as he received the message from Byakuya, he was off. It took him little time at all between receiving the message and arriving at the former Head Captain's office.

"I would hope that you have further context and clarification as to what has just transpired, Lord Kuchiki. It has not even been a full day, and yet we've gone from wounded and recovering to the Gotei being disbanded."

Ye Olde Guarde
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Restoring Order, The Aftermath [Byakuya, Yuuto, Unohana] Left_bar_bleue7380/100Restoring Order, The Aftermath [Byakuya, Yuuto, Unohana] Empty_bar_bleue  (7380/100)

Restoring Order, The Aftermath [Byakuya, Yuuto, Unohana] Empty Re: Restoring Order, The Aftermath [Byakuya, Yuuto, Unohana]

Yesterday at 3:48 pm

Retsu Unohana did not appreciate being summoned. No one really had that authority over her. Not Central 46. Not the Gotei United. And certainly not the Kuchiki. Perhaps maybe Zero Division, but that was more of "I'm not fighting them" rather than a respect for authority. Curiosity was perhaps the biggest reason she even stepped foot into the vaunted halls of the First Division. Long ago, she had decided not to step foot in there again. But that was before.

The halls were empty. Not barren, but empty. The few staff members Retsu noticed walking about were even more dejected. Lost didn't begin to describe them. She was not met with any attendants. She was not announced. Worse, she was not stopped. Minazuki rested comfortably over her shoulder while she entered the open-air office. Only two people were there. One was expected. The other was not. The one that was missing was truly the most concerning.

Retsu glanced at the office and saw no signs of thousands of tiny cuts that would have indicated Senbonzakura's release. She did not bow before shutting the door behind her. "Lord Kuchiki. Captain Hisakawa. Where is the Captain-Commander and why are you in this office?"
Hope is a Disease

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The Gotei 13 Advocate
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Restoring Order, The Aftermath [Byakuya, Yuuto, Unohana] Left_bar_bleue1570/100Restoring Order, The Aftermath [Byakuya, Yuuto, Unohana] Empty_bar_bleue  (1570/100)

Restoring Order, The Aftermath [Byakuya, Yuuto, Unohana] Empty Re: Restoring Order, The Aftermath [Byakuya, Yuuto, Unohana]

Yesterday at 4:40 pm
As expected, Yuuto was the first to arrive. Byakuya set down the paperwork he had been reviewing and looked up, offering a curt nod. "I do," he said, his tone firm, "but rather than repeat myself, we will wait for Lady Unohana." His brow furrowed slightly, a subtle indication of an incoming headache. Fortunately, it wasn’t long before Unohana arrived in the office. Though the nobleman's expression remained unreadable, Byakuya was mildly surprised she had accepted his request—and so swiftly. Time to get to the point.

"Kisuke Urahara is reported to be the traitor responsible for Murasaki's disappearance," Byakuya stated, his tone even. "I am here as a result of Central 46's decision to elect a new Captain Commander. Rather than cooperate, and clearly anticipating such a move from nobility, Erika Masamune has chosen to plunge the Soul Society into further chaos by completely disbanding the Gotei United. With the Senkaimon destroyed, apparently, the Gotei United had no ability to fund itself and that was used as a justification for the dismantling."

"Without a swift response, both the Soul Society and the Cycle are in jeopardy. I have called upon you due to your individual expertise and proven dedication to the duty of a Shinigami."
Ye Olde Guarde
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Restoring Order, The Aftermath [Byakuya, Yuuto, Unohana] Left_bar_bleue7380/100Restoring Order, The Aftermath [Byakuya, Yuuto, Unohana] Empty_bar_bleue  (7380/100)

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Yesterday at 5:16 pm

Many thoughts ran through the former Captain's head. Kisuke Urahara likely would find some way of justifying his actions. He was always a man who could wring out a good angle. What that angle was... well, there weren't enough pieces to put that together yet. Though perhaps that Reiatsu signature that she didn't believe... Ah, that would make sense. That would make too much sense almost. Her thoughts on this matter were complicated, but she almost found the idea to be a joke. There was something absurd about the scale of what was proposed. "What is the swift response you propose? Unless either of you two are Arrancar in disguise, I fail to see how we can perform those duties. Even with my skill in Kidō, a Senkaimon or Garganta is beyond me. It requires an understanding of the Dangai that most lack."

"And why, pray tell, are you approaching us? I left the Gotei of my own volition. Captain Hisakawa was relieved of service and was later allowed back in." Retsu might have left before this happened, but she knew. It wasn't the best-kept secret, and gossip was a common past-time of nobles. "And you, Lord Kuchiki, left not unlike myself. It is not like the three of us are paragons of what it is meant to put the duty above all else."

Hope is a Disease

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Restoring Order, The Aftermath [Byakuya, Yuuto, Unohana] Left_bar_bleue419100/999999Restoring Order, The Aftermath [Byakuya, Yuuto, Unohana] Empty_bar_bleue  (419100/999999)

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Yesterday at 6:40 pm
Restoring Order, The Aftermath [Byakuya, Yuuto, Unohana] 1VUZAtK


Yuuto's eye twitched at the confirmation. Was this decision just to spite the nobility one last time? Rather than try and work with them and actually try to keep the Gotei from collapsing, she willingly let it all burn? Yuuto took in a deep breath, letting out a quiet, irritated sigh. How unbelievably selfish and childish. But, given the suddenness of the disbandment, he couldn't say it was entirely surprising.

A swift response, however, was necessary. Currently, they had no way of getting to the Living World beyond Hisana, an Arrancar, and with the divisions dissolved, there was no guarantee that she would even be around for long, much less that she would aid them willingly. However, he was not expecting Unohana to start speaking out in the manner that she did. Though, despite his momentary look of surprise, especially toward the revelation of her knowledge toward his prior dismissal, Yuuto would then be the one to speak up.

"It doesn't matter whether or not we are paragons of the idea. This realm needs us. There will no doubt be many Shinigami who look toward us, toward the now former Captains, for guidance and support."

Ye Olde Guarde
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Restoring Order, The Aftermath [Byakuya, Yuuto, Unohana] Left_bar_bleue7380/100Restoring Order, The Aftermath [Byakuya, Yuuto, Unohana] Empty_bar_bleue  (7380/100)

Restoring Order, The Aftermath [Byakuya, Yuuto, Unohana] Empty Re: Restoring Order, The Aftermath [Byakuya, Yuuto, Unohana]

Yesterday at 8:50 pm

Retsu had had a very long day. She had only mild rests—not even naps. The only reason she answered this was that she hoped there would still be a concealed relief station hidden in one of the closets. She had no idea if it was still there from when the building was constructed. She would actually be able to rest without interruption if it was. Her exhaustion was likely part of why she came off so harshly. It only helped her case.

Retsu did not let Byakuya answer her questions. "There are also just as many that will look against us. Do you really expect ruffians that worship the ground Kenpachi Zaraki once stood upon will follow you?" This was a (correct) assumption. She had no doubt that the 11th Division's remnants would be similar to how they were. Retsu turned her gaze to Byakuya directly. "You will both earn the respect and ire of your fellow nobility. They will see this as a power grab, though I know that is not what this is. Even if you were voted as Captain-Commander, there is no Gotei. Whatever it is that is formed will be under your purview. Are you prepared to fight against their wishes and schemes?"

Then, Retsu turned to Yuuto. "When we met upon that mountain, you explained how you wished to escape. Are you going to be committed to this? Or, are you going to constantly have a single foot out of the door? Is this going to only be a path to the peaceful retirement you seek?" These were harsh realities they would have to face. But again, perhaps she was being too harsh...
Hope is a Disease

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The Gotei 13 Advocate
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Restoring Order, The Aftermath [Byakuya, Yuuto, Unohana] Left_bar_bleue1570/100Restoring Order, The Aftermath [Byakuya, Yuuto, Unohana] Empty_bar_bleue  (1570/100)

Restoring Order, The Aftermath [Byakuya, Yuuto, Unohana] Empty Re: Restoring Order, The Aftermath [Byakuya, Yuuto, Unohana]

Yesterday at 9:33 pm
Byakuya was preparing to address the initial issue when Lady Unohana pressed forward with more direct questions. Her concerns were valid, but he had already considered a few solutions—Unohana herself being one of them. If there was any legacy within the Eleventh Division that could rival, or even surpass, Kenpachi Zaraki, it was Unohana Retsu.

"That is where your enduring legacy gives us a decisive advantage, Lady Unohana," Byakuya explained, rising from his chair and stepping around the Captain Commander’s desk to stand with them. "I fully understand this will be an uphill battle, made unnecessarily more difficult by the reckless actions of those before us. My objective is simple: to restore order to the Soul Society and uphold the duty of a Shinigami—to protect the Soul Cycle. Anyone who shares these values should stand behind this effort. I trust that both of you are among them."

As Unohana turned her attention to Yuuto, even Byakuya cast a brief sideward glance at him, his stern expression silently questioning the 'retirement' Unohana had mentioned.
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Restoring Order, The Aftermath [Byakuya, Yuuto, Unohana] Left_bar_bleue419100/999999Restoring Order, The Aftermath [Byakuya, Yuuto, Unohana] Empty_bar_bleue  (419100/999999)

Restoring Order, The Aftermath [Byakuya, Yuuto, Unohana] Empty Re: Restoring Order, The Aftermath [Byakuya, Yuuto, Unohana]

Yesterday at 9:51 pm
Restoring Order, The Aftermath [Byakuya, Yuuto, Unohana] 1VUZAtK


Damn that woman's perception. His gaze turned from Byakuya to Unohana at the mention of the mountain, closing and letting out a quiet, irritated sigh. He knew deep down that there was a desire for the road he had walked to finally reach its end. Even if he never had mentioned explicitly the idea of retirement, she had managed to deduce the general idea just from small inklings. Just like before, impressive, yet also terrifying.

"That night, I wished to have a moment's reprieve. While the idea of finally reaching the end of this road is one that is admittedly tempting, I know that I am still needed, and that it is a far-off dream. I swore to protect these worlds and all their people. So long as I draw breath, I will fight for what I believe."

Ye Olde Guarde
Joined : 2010-07-09
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Restoring Order, The Aftermath [Byakuya, Yuuto, Unohana] Left_bar_bleue7380/100Restoring Order, The Aftermath [Byakuya, Yuuto, Unohana] Empty_bar_bleue  (7380/100)

Restoring Order, The Aftermath [Byakuya, Yuuto, Unohana] Empty Re: Restoring Order, The Aftermath [Byakuya, Yuuto, Unohana]

Yesterday at 10:25 pm

At least there was an answer from both. Byakuya seemed to understand what was going to happen. Yuuto, however, was young. Byakuya had served under Yamamoto. Yuuto... hadn't? Or had he? Hard to remember. All that Retsu did know was that he did not serve as Captain under such a man. He would not know the gravity of the orders once given. He did not fully understand what it meant to be a Captain like she thought he did. "And what is it that you believe, Yuuto Hisakawa?"

"Is it that Souls should live a peaceful life, or is it that the natural order should be maintained above all else? Idealists can argue that such things are not mutually exclusive. Time and time again, it has been proven that protecting everyone is a false promise that will only result in further, pointless bloodshed. If this idea is to succeed, we will need people who can shave away their 'humanity.' The duty that was so-lauded earlier is not protection. It is maintaining. If a conflict does not involve the Soul Cycle, we should not be involved. And therefore, we do not need to protect all the people."

Hope is a Disease

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