Bleach Platinum Hearts RP
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Yesterday at 10:56 pm
Caged by Fangs [Lerna, Komamura] 84apcoz5k34

There certainly was a lot of people panicking. No, maybe fussing was a better word. Lerna herself just watched it all with a sort of ... passive fascination, feeling the sting in her chest as she looked down at the announcement in her hands. She had somewhat expected Murasaki to suddenly appear and things would work out.

She had no imagined that the one she had devoted herself to so completely would become just a memory. It was a biting sensation, and she could not help but feel.... a tremor in her at the thought. And an itch that she had been trying to ignore ever since that arrancar had stabbed her.

But thankfully, something caught her eye to distract herself from such thoughts. And for a moment, she almost didn't realize what she was seeing, but she DID recognize the his scent, and a calm smile formed as she approached the man, however briefly.

"Lord Komamura." She called out to the man, wondering if he even remembered her.
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Today at 3:22 am
Caged by Fangs [Lerna, Komamura] 49AV09y


Sajin's mind was consumed by the series of events since yesterday. Within the last thirty hours he had nearly been killed by a man once hailed as Soul Society's hero, had been a healed by a woman he barely remembered from a century ago, and now...the Gotei was gone. Whether it was Genryusai-dono's or Murasaki's Gotei, it did not matter, all that mattered was that it was gone. Dead. How could this happen?

Meeting back up with Lyza enlightened him to a few things, but he was loathe to go off what she said alone. He had to hear the story from Erika Masamune's mouth directly. Anything else was mere rumor or hearsay, both of which had spread like wildfire through the Rukongai and Seireitei alike. It was en route to the Koizumi estate that he suddenly heard his name called, and before he even turned to face the woman who the voice belonged to Sajin recognized her heart and Spiritual Pressure.

"Lerna." The woman he had met a while ago in the Rukongai, a member of the Gotei. Or at least, an ex-member now. Sajin hated thinking like that...but it was the truth. "I am no lord, you may call me Sajin. I must apologize for not telling you the truth last we met. I needed to keep my identity a secret...but now, after yesterday, it no longer matters."

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Caged by Fangs [Lerna, Komamura] Empty Re: Caged by Fangs [Lerna, Komamura]

Today at 3:32 am
Caged by Fangs [Lerna, Komamura] 84apcoz5k34

She blinked in surprise, he actually remembered her name? Well that certainly was a bit of a surprise. Then again, she supposed she had been in a bit of a mood whent hey last met. She really could talk when she was trying to relax and pry at something that made her curious. "Sajin? I'm honored. And probably undeserving." She noted with a pause as she let her gaze drop down. There was a weight in her chest, and more than that, she felt ... a tinge of fear. Soemthing she hadn't felt near the man, but it wasn't the logical sort, there was a sort of ... air around him that was bothering her. But it was easy to ignore. It was ... comforting, to see him.

"I'm....well...I .... Was.." She paused and then turned to look around her. Technically speaking, she was supposed to be on observation after what had happened during the invasion. Shishiyuki of course had insisted no such thing was necessary. But a shred of uncertainty still was in her heart, and she felt a shudder run up her spine. "under watch... But I wonder if the people assigned to keep an eye on me are even around." Her voice trailed as she turned to face the man once again, offering a rueful smile.

"I noticed your fight. You put a lot on the line for us, I heard you faced Kurosaki directly. I envy you." She noted, her voice soft and wistful, the shame of memory staining her thoughts. "I don't suppose you have a spare bucket?" She ventured, attempting to put a lighter spin on the situation with a joke.
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