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No Rest for Fate [Hisana, Elyss] Empty No Rest for Fate [Hisana, Elyss]

Yesterday at 4:32 pm
No Rest for Fate [Hisana, Elyss] D7ogc9xv9my

Africa was a place she'd wound up having to visit quite often these days, but even so there was an unprecedented weight in her chest. It wasn't long before a few of the stationed shinigami promptly rushed to her, her squadmates that looked to her for what was going on with Soul society. She met them with her same gentle smile, but it was still a struggle. She assured them she would speak with them shortly, but she had to see the Captain first. Elyss would need to decide how to distribute the news to them.

Making her way to the woman's tent, she spoke up as she approached the entrance.

"Captain." It felt weird to say, but once she got a response, she would step inside. "I have news from the Sereitei." She noted as she held up a copy of the notice that had been written up by Erika. As well as a consolidated summary of reports regarding the Arrancar attack. Just a small bunch of paper and ink that would spell quite a lot for these shinigami stuck on earth.
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No Rest for Fate [Hisana, Elyss] Empty Re: No Rest for Fate [Hisana, Elyss]

Yesterday at 6:18 pm
No Rest for Fate [Hisana, Elyss] Zhtk5n8

Elyss Kishimoto | Red

It wouldn't be too wise to run out without official word. The Gotei had went silent. That's not good. Communication didn't come back up for a while, but even then, static was in the way. What was understandable outlined that Soul Society had been attacked. She had relayed the news as she received it. Everyone's messed up. However, she assured them all that they should just continue what they're doing and wait.

It's hard to give orders you'd rather not listen to yourself.

She had wanted to run off, do her own thing, get back to Soul Society by any means possible, but she couldn't just abandon them. She's their Captain after all, but, lately, she's been thinking about her position. Then here comes Hisana, bringing of bad and good news.

"Come in," Elyss spoke, recognizing the voice.

"News?" She asked, looking at the Arrancar with steely eyes and an impassive expression.

She wasted little time to take the papers and read the letter.

"Prepare to take everyone back to Soul Society," She ordered, her voice even and calm as she began shuffling through the rest of the reports, learning about what exactly happened. "Guess I've got one last job as Captain, huh?"

Her nose twitched, a brief indication of frustration. Things are moving too fast. Much too fast.

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No Rest for Fate [Hisana, Elyss] Empty Re: No Rest for Fate [Hisana, Elyss]

Yesterday at 6:39 pm
No Rest for Fate [Hisana, Elyss] D7ogc9xv9my

She supposed it wasn't out of character. Elyss was a woman who more or less thrived on being unreadable. Perhaps it was that unwillingness to express whatever was going on in her head that was why some in the squad felt uneasy about her. In truth, Hisana imagined Elyss was about as cavalier as any other captain, just not in the usual way.

However, as elyss offered that order, Hisana paused and closed her eyes, recalling Erika's warning.

"There's... more information that goes with it, I'm afraid." She added in response to the woman's orders. Which... technically she supposed, she had no real reason to follow. But frankly, Elyss had never really given her much reason not to like her. She supposed this was the moment where she would make that decision.

"Just before these orders were distributed, Central 46 issued an order to establish Byakuya Kuchiki as the new Captain Commander. And as it were, the Nobles of the Central 46 will likely be in control of the Sereitei before long. Most, if not all of it. She ... advised that I take into consideration my position. And I admit, I'm not sure what will happen if I show up and begin delivering shinigami into the center of the Sereitei. I can see about taking the deployed to the Sereitei. Those that are willing to go, at least. But I may have to drop them off in the rukongai. To avoid unwanted attention." She noted. She of course, would still try to do her best. But the fact of the matter was that she was likely going to be on the noble's radar, and not in a good way.

"IN addition to that. The humans, especially those here, who are relying on Shinigami support. What .. exactly should we tell them?" She imagined that some of the deployed shinigami might not want to go to soul society, it was certainyl a division of soul reapers who had a fondness for the world of the living. With limited ability to traverse the worlds. Some of them may very well not WANT to go back. Would rather resume their duties on earth, or simpmly speaking, would not feel right being unable to return to earth in the foreseeable future. So no doubt, this information was GOING to likely get around. The question was whether Elyss felt it was something important to convey to those that had previously been relying on them.
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No Rest for Fate [Hisana, Elyss] Empty Re: No Rest for Fate [Hisana, Elyss]

Today at 5:20 am
No Rest for Fate [Hisana, Elyss] Zhtk5n8

Elyss Kishimoto | Red

"Talk to them. It's their choice. My only job is to tell them that their relieved of duty."

Curt, to the point, Elyss walked away from Hisana to the entrance of her tent and sighed. That was harsh of her, but this isn't exactly a situation that deserves anything but. You don't sugarcoat this, nor do you give people hope. There's a lot going on that she'll need to process and make her own decisions about, but first things first.

She stepped out and called everyone over.

"Squad Seven of the Gotei United. From this point on, the Gotei United has officially been disbanded."

Thus came the tirade of voices, drowning out her ability to think with their questions, disbeliefs, and expositions. However, Elyss only had to hold a hand up to silence the crowd.

"You have done the Gotei United proud, but from now on, you must make your own choice. Those who wish to stay, stay. Those who wish to leave, leave."

That is when Hisana will be shown to the crowd as their voices were brought back up, a chorus on disorder. Elyss, though, turned around and headed back into her tent, her desk now a support for her as she leaned over it, staring down.

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