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When the Siren Came [Vanyel, Violet] Left_bar_bleue419100/999999When the Siren Came [Vanyel, Violet] Empty_bar_bleue  (419100/999999)

When the Siren Came [Vanyel, Violet] Empty When the Siren Came [Vanyel, Violet]

Thu Oct 17, 2024 3:18 am
When the Siren Came [Vanyel, Violet] Z2q6v3M


When they had come to Japan on a work assignment, he hadn't expected Violet to wander off like she had. He had spent the last half hour or so looking for her in a panic, only to find her wandering around in a panic of her own...walking right into traffic. Quick to act, Vanyel dashed toward her, snatching her up just in time from an incoming car.

Without a care as to how he was holding her, Vanyel continued to carry her bridal style back to the hotel room they were using while they were there. He tried to get her to talk and figure out why she had been in a panic, but, wasn't able to get her to speak. So, instead, he focused on getting her to their hotel room. He was still worried, but, he knew that he needed to stay calm.

Panicking himself in this situation wasn't going to help either of them. He needed to be someone that she could always feel comfortable talking to.

"Vi, deep breaths, okay? Tell me what happened."

The Gotei 13 Advocate
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When the Siren Came [Vanyel, Violet] Empty Re: When the Siren Came [Vanyel, Violet]

Thu Oct 17, 2024 6:31 am

Vanyel may have not been able to get her to talk just yet, but Violet wasn’t unresponsive. When she realized who was holding her, she clung to him tightly, resting her head on his shoulder as she tried to shake this horrible feeling she had. She couldn’t calm down though, so her breathing stayed heavy, her body trembled, and the occasional whimper escaped her throat. It wasn't until they were back at the hotel room that Violet finally loosened her constricting grip on him.

"I, um..." she tried to talk, but the feeling just sent chills down her spine. She shook her head. "I'm not ready to talk about it, yet..." Violet whispered and moved over to the bed to sit on the end. "Can... Can we just... sit... or sleep. I can't..." Violet hugged herself, rubbing her upper arms. "I can't shake this feeling... I just want to rest for a while."

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When the Siren Came [Vanyel, Violet] Empty Re: When the Siren Came [Vanyel, Violet]

Fri Oct 18, 2024 6:12 pm
When the Siren Came [Vanyel, Violet] Z2q6v3M


Vanyel didn't waste any time. The moment Violet asked if they could sit, he gently set her down on the bed, laying down next to her, before taking her back into his arms again, gently rubbing her back. As far as he could tell, she hadn't been hurt physically, besides almost stumbling into traffic from whatever had happened. So, in all likelihood, it was some kind of psychological thing.

"Course we can, hun. Whenever you're ready. Whatever happened...I won't let anyone hurt you while I'm here."

He hadn't been directly there when it happened, so, there was only so much information that he could work with in trying to figure out what had been done. Presumably, she had been hit with some kind of power or something that would have done this. She had been just fine before, during, and after the flight, and even during the job itself, she didn't seem to have any issues that would have led to this.

But, he wasn't going to force her to say anything yet. He had faith that she would have the confidence and strength to speak when she was ready. He trusted her, and he hoped that she trusted him as well.

The Gotei 13 Advocate
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When the Siren Came [Vanyel, Violet] Empty Re: When the Siren Came [Vanyel, Violet]

Fri Oct 18, 2024 7:09 pm

It took a shower, pajamas, cookies, and a cute romance movie for Violet to finally feel more like herself. Once she stopped shaking, and not wanting to keep Vanyel waiting any longer, she looked to him and just spat the words out. “I almost shot myself in the head today. I wanted to die,” Violet said and then looked at her hands. “I don’t know why… The feeling came over me so suddenly, but in that moment I knew that this world would be better off without me in it. It was so strong, and then suddenly… it was gone, like it had never existed. I haven't felt like that in... I was so shaken up, I just ran. I didn’t even call her out on it…”

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When the Siren Came [Vanyel, Violet] Empty Re: When the Siren Came [Vanyel, Violet]

Sat Oct 19, 2024 10:48 pm
When the Siren Came [Vanyel, Violet] Z2q6v3M


Waiting for her to get a shower, get changed, and watching that movie with her allowed Vanyel a small amount of time to calm himself down. Throughout her time in the shower, his head was already wondering what could have possibly happened. But, as his mind eventually was able to force its focus onto something else when they started the movie, he took a moment to breathe, though he kept an arm around Violet the entire time, holding her close.

Then, she finally told him. Of all the words that he expected to come from her that would make her so virulently scared to the point of nearly inadvertently stumbling into traffic, what she said to him rendered him speechless. She nearly shot herself? And...she had wanted to do it? For a moment, Vanyel's eyes lit up in fear, worried that it had been something that brought out some kind of deep-rooted desire in her. Was there something she hadn't been telling him?

But, as she continued, and at the mention of it going way so quickly, brought about a tiny amount of relief. It did seem to be some kind of power that had done this, something that...forced that kind of thought process onto someone, somehow. While Violet looked at her hands, Vanyel quietly held her in his arms.

"It was better for you to do that, to run. Whoever it was, however they did was better you didn't find out what else they could have forced you to do. You're not...actually suicidal, right? This just came on out of nowhere?"

The Gotei 13 Advocate
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When the Siren Came [Vanyel, Violet] Empty Re: When the Siren Came [Vanyel, Violet]

Sat Oct 19, 2024 11:13 pm

Violet leaned her head on Vanyel’s shoulder, letting out a calm sigh. He was right that running was the best course of action. She sat up and looked him in the eyes though, answering as quickly as she breathed. “Not anymore,” Violet said, knowing that needed more explanation. “I used to be… I think. I don’t know how serious about it I was and I was always too scared to try. I also am scared of going to another world without my memories, but… I thought about doing it a lot. Back home, I mean, in Texas, I bought a pack of those razors from the hardware store before Mom and Dad sent me to the City of Lights. I didn’t do it because I realized I could just run away and never see them again. So, I’m not anymore, but there was a time I was. I hate feeling like that.”

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When the Siren Came [Vanyel, Violet] Left_bar_bleue419100/999999When the Siren Came [Vanyel, Violet] Empty_bar_bleue  (419100/999999)

When the Siren Came [Vanyel, Violet] Empty Re: When the Siren Came [Vanyel, Violet]

Yesterday at 9:35 pm
When the Siren Came [Vanyel, Violet] Z2q6v3M


The first part of her answer was both unsurprising and worrying at the same time. That kind of response could mean that she had been recently, or that it was something she felt from a long time ago. But, he didn't let it show. He let her explain herself, and, eventually, he heard the mention of "back home," something that gave him tremendous relief. So, with a smile and a kiss, Vanyel tightened his embrace around her just a little bit more.

"Good. You look better with a smile. Cuter, too. As long as I'm around...I'll try my best not to ever make you feel like that. That...sounded a lot better in my head."

But, he still wondered how she had gotten hit by whatever power this was. He hadn't even been able to ask about the race name, though he certainly already had an idea. A power that drove its victims to suicide? With what he knew about them from interaction and general information...

"Did it come from an Arrancar? Did...they try and do anything to you? Besides, well, the stuff already mentioned. Like, did they want you to give them something?"

The Gotei 13 Advocate
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When the Siren Came [Vanyel, Violet] Empty Re: When the Siren Came [Vanyel, Violet]

Yesterday at 9:55 pm

As someone who experienced very little good in her life, what most would consider cheesy or cliche, Violet appreciated and saw as sweet and loving. “It sounded just as sweet out of your head too,” she said, giggling a little before applying a second quick kiss to his lips. She never went for the cheek. Sighing, Violet relaxed into Vanyel's embrace.

"I believe so," Violet said and gently pulled herself from his embrace, only to lay herself down on her side, an arm resting on her hip. "This is frustrating... I am not very good at this sensory thing. I'm sure you would have been able to tell if it was an Arrancar or not. I can only confirmed she called herself out as one, and I think it was her energy I sensed when this big accident happened... All these people drove themselves into crowds, onto sidewalks... Oh no. Fuck, what did I do?"

Violet searched her pockets for her cell phone until she remembered she dropped it when she ran. She facepalmed herself with both hands, running them down her face in frustration. "I dropped my phone..." Violet said, sighing. "It's biometric protected, but I bet that she picked it up."

Joined : 2016-01-20
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When the Siren Came [Vanyel, Violet] Empty Re: When the Siren Came [Vanyel, Violet]

Today at 3:27 am
When the Siren Came [Vanyel, Violet] TX0vSNm


Vanyel chuckled softly as she returned the affections. She wasn't someone who knew how cheesy and cliche that kind of crap sounded. He didn't want to make it a habit. As she laid down, Vanyel reached over and gently nudged her shoulder.

"We can always work on that. Besides, it's not always a sensory thing. When you've come across 'em enough, you start to notice some patterns."

An accident? His face turned more serious at the mention of it. He remembered a lot of commotion and an accident happening, but hadn't been able to figure out what caused it before noticing Violet almost stumbling into the road. People had been driving themselves into crowds and onto sidewalks? That could be anything from murderous thoughts to outright fits of insanity.

It didn't help narrow down an Aspect of Death either. It could be as vague as temptation, or something as specific as suicide itself. And that was just if she was behind the incident. As he thought, Violet checked herself, with the admission of losing her phone pulling him from his thoughts.

"Shit...if she was an Arrancar, and she headed back to Hueco Mundo, I doubt we'll be able to track it. Did you have anything important or sensitive on your phone?"

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When the Siren Came [Vanyel, Violet] Empty Re: When the Siren Came [Vanyel, Violet]

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