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This Isn't Lupus [Noharu/Retsu] - Page 3 Empty Re: This Isn't Lupus [Noharu/Retsu]

Yesterday at 11:39 pm

Unohana would have remained by Noharu's side until she awoke anyway. Not only did she need the rest, but the treatment was not something just any other healer could do. If Retsu was not as successful as she thought she was, she wanted to be there to stop the next phase. "That is correct." Retsu nodded deeply once.

"The Reiryoku attached to your lung was far more active and aggressive than the healers here determined. Perhaps it was in a dormant state, perhaps they lacked the knowledge on how to detect it properly, or perhaps it was deemed non-critical. It is not my hospital, so it is not my responsibility to find out the reason behind the choice in treatment. It is good fortune that I happened to check in when I did. If I had not, you would have been rampaging about as your body underwent Hollowfication within the hour."

Retsu sighed and sat atop a lone stool. It was likely there for a doctor to sit for a long period of time, but she needed to take a break. Hours upon hours of healing wore someone out. "As for the actual damage, it is as I predicted. I will not be able to assist you with your lung damage. The actual damage done during the attack is simply too great for Kaidō alone." She let that sink in. Whatever was gone was beyond her. There would need to be a Kaidō savant out there to heal it. The other option, the SRDI, was in an unknown state from what Retsu was able to gleam. There might not even be an SRDI anymore...

The good news about the wound was that it was gone. It wasn't damaged. If the SRDI was still around, they could probably help with developing a new lung. After that, it was just a matter of the surgeon. "If you choose the route of the Shinigami Research and Development Institute, if they require a surgeon for the operation I will attempt to make myself available. There are few that could possibly do such a thing. I do not claim to know you well, Noharu Asahina, but I can say that the Gotei would lose someone valuable if you were to die due to medical negligence."

Hope is a Disease

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This Isn't Lupus [Noharu/Retsu] - Page 3 Empty Re: This Isn't Lupus [Noharu/Retsu]

Today at 12:06 am
This Isn't Lupus [Noharu/Retsu] - Page 3 D7ogckz9o6y

Noharu blinked several times as she took in the information and narrowed her eyes. "Well uh.. thanks for handling... that." She panted softly, slumping back onto the bed for a moment and sighing as she slowly returned to a more regular breathing. Oh... huh.. she actually felt a bit less tired, she took some deeper breaths, wincing a bit, but it definitely felt a bit better than before. Unaware that a portion of her difficulties had been more construction than damage. All the same, she turned her attention back to Unohana. "That right? Whatever, we'll see what they gotta say about it. If there's no cure for it, my lungs'll just have to be one of the things I train" She murmured, well aware that likely had a pretty concrete ceiling to its benefits. But that was fine. Whatever level she'd be able to return herself to was fine by her. If she had to train in such a way that she could only handle short bursts of action, then that'd be fine. Huh, she wondered if that wasw hy Byakuya was always so stiff. Well, that or a broom up his asshole.

"Heh, that right? I'll take that as a very high praise." She chuckled softly, lightly flexing her fingers for a moment before looking up to the woman calmly. "Heard that you worked for the Noble Hospital these days. So then I guess you're probably gonna be throwing your lot in with Kuchiki." She observed simply. It wasn't a question. And as Noharu glanced the woamn's way, she tensed ever so slightly. As every so briefly, in the woman's shadow. She saw a familiar sight. The shadowy form dyed crimson. It was brief, but she still recognized it immediately, and she got a brief chill up her spine as her Zanpaku'to... oh so politely, reminded her of her tongue. A rare thing.

"Ah, nevermind. That aint none of my business. Thank you, and I'll be sure to ask about ya if SRDI pulls through." She noted with a fond smile and a nod of her head as she slipped her gown back on. Much as she might have wanted to say. She knew damn well that no matter how impressive she was. She was still not shit in the eyes of the nobility. No doubt any number of them would have their sights down their own noses if they saw her how she was now. A Rukongai Mutt. She had a feeling that at some point, her, and this very woman who had saved her, may very well cross swords.

She might even have to kill them.
But there was no point dawdling on thoughts like that.
"When I get back on my feet, I'll buy you lunch sometime." She chimed, as she laid back down and settled onto her bed. Holy fuck that had been a lot. And as excited as she was, as much as she wanted to get up off that thicc, 10/10 keister and start walking around the room. The last thing she wanted was to stress her body before it had settled. she'd rest. And then she'd get to figuring out what was going to happen.
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