Bleach Platinum Hearts RP
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Before The Summit Empty Before The Summit

Wed Oct 09, 2024 6:07 pm

I. Upgrade Information

» Character Name: Alastair Eisfluch

» Character Application: Application

» Upgrade Details:

Spirit Class: 3 -> 2

Quincy Skills
Gebet: Advanced -> Elite

EXPANDED Quincy Skills:

Infernal Spellblade: Alastair has trained extensively to pair his innate affinity for fire and weaponry with his Quincy abilities. A culmination of this has been the ability to infuse this divine flame that resides within his soul into his every action, more than just his Spirit Weapon. Whilst there is now a fiery accent to his Blut or Hirenkyaku, this ability is far more profound in Alastair's spellcraft than in any other field. By temporarily sacrificing the boost afforded to his Spirit Weapon attacks based on his Kreuzen skill, Alastair can apply that boost to attacks that scale with his Gebet skill instead. As an additional side effect, this can allow his spells to take on properties that another Quincy would struggle to replicate with the same efficacy, such as bestowing a restorative element to a Ransōtengai that might repair damaged limbs even as they are being willed into movement or causing the constructs summoned by a Qualkreis spell to take flight as birds and surround a target before raining down a barrage of hellfire from every direction at once.

This can only be activated once per post so only one of Alastair's Spirit Weapon attacks or spells will benefit from this boost, never both. As an additional caveat, the process of shifting the boost back from spells to Spirit Weapon requires a post where neither of them will receive any amplification to represent Alastair having to refocus his soul mid-combat.

» Supporting Material: Alastair has been at the forefront of site events ever since I joined PH, and this has certainly continued in the past eighteen months since his last upgrade. He has risen to become the Grandmaster of the Vandenreich and overcome no small amount of trials on the road to get there and even after his ascension. A constant in every serious challenge Alastair has been involved in during this time has been his spellcraft, primarily through the medium of his Vollstandig but also applying the skill in other means where appropriate. These challenges are the pillars this upgrade is built upon and depict Alastair struggling with and overcoming other powerful individuals to achieve his goals and protect those under his command, and establish both his own growth and mastery as a Quincy.

Alongside a fellow Administrator, Alastair engaged the powerful combination of a disguised Safira and Kizuna. Though outmatched in firepower, and on the back foot given the surprise attack, Alastair and Johan were able to endure a lot of punishment from the enemy pair. Alastair utilised his spellcraft several times throughout the thread, from a prolonged engagement with his Vollstandig to individual spells amplified by Ginto to do what he could to limit the wanton destruction that was being inflicted on the Vandenreich base camp.

Returning to Africa at the climax of the Hollow Earth crisis, Alastair fought the monstrous Uroboros in a battle reminiscent of his other clashes with the kaiju. Aided by a surprising ally, Klein, Alastair was able to overcome this powerful foe aided primarily by his Vollstandig and its regeneration factor.

Having been forced into action by Lukas' provocation, Alastair led a task force to bring the criminal back to prison to continue to serve his sentence. After diplomacy failed, Lukas' attempt to flee was impeded by Ulquiorra and Alastair was forced into an airborne duel. An equal match for the assassin in skill at arms, it was Alastair's Vollstandig that once again proved to be the decisive factor. Recovering from the damage suffered at the hand of his opponent's Letzt Stil whilst keeping him active and in the fight long enough to wear them down.

Though the first chronologically, I have listed this thread last as it depicts a clash between Alastair and a less-powerful opponent compared to the others. It still exhibits Alastair acting in an unrestrained manner, pouring his soul into each attack to ensure that his opponent is rendered immobile before eventually delivering a finishing blow, and utilises his Vollstandig to achieve this effect by deploying it for only a single devastating moment. I have listed this as I believe it exemplifies the versatile but overpowering style of combat that Alastair went on to use in later threads against more powerful opponents.

Narratively, he continues to act as a champion of goodwill and hope even as he climbs closer to the apex of power. So here are several threads that indirectly attest to the strength of character that is required to continue this climb, a trait that I believe Alastair demonstrates time and again.

I. Additional Information

I will also be making some minor edits to Alastair's app that reflect how his abilities have changed and grown since writing some of those over three years ago. Nothing intended to be actual upgrade-worthy.

Ichigo better watch out.


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Yesterday at 9:28 pm
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