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Forward March [Ehefra, Alastair] Empty Forward March [Ehefra, Alastair]

Mon May 20, 2024 6:15 pm
Forward March [Ehefra, Alastair] P7bwcokjna7

How long had it been since she'd met with Alastair? Before he was grandmaster certainly. Still, at the very least, she was glad she'd cemented an appointment. She certainly had a number of things she wanted to speak with him in regards to. And well, having had meetings with two other directors already, she figured she may as well maintain her Roll.

She sighed lightly as she walked up to the doors of the man's office and gently knocked, informing him of her arrival, though frankly the secretary would have already done that, before stepping through the doors and offering slight inlcine of her head to the man.

"Grandmaster. Thank you for seeing me,"
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Forward March [Ehefra, Alastair] Empty Re: Forward March [Ehefra, Alastair]

Tue May 21, 2024 10:11 am
Forward March [Ehefra, Alastair] NrZiWZE

The Grandmaster's office was just as austere as it had been when it was Cyrus', a long room that offered much time for contemplation as one crossed the length of it to arrive at the solitary desk. Maybe it was Alastair's choice to keep the same style as his predecessor, or perhaps the notion of changing the decorations was lost on him. Still, it gave them both a moment of quiet observation as Ehefra approached.

Quite some time had passed since their first encounter - when Alastair had handled her enlistment into the Vandenreich. They had both come a long way since then and not only within the organisation, though they had scarcely crossed paths since then. He had been surprised once to hear of her joining the Albedochiffren, but it seemed like a natural fit for her and - as he mused over her personnel file - he found himself in agreement.

He rose from his chair to meet her as she spoke her greeting, a thin smile spreading across his lips though he refrained from giving any further emotion.

“Administrator, it is good to see you again. Please, take a seat if you wish."

It was the duty of a leader to make time for his subordinates to hear their concerns and offer his counsel and opinion. What exactly was on Ehefra's mind was something he hoped that she would elucidate in time, but for now he offered her a chair and made to sit himself down once more.

The Crowned Star | END POST
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Forward March [Ehefra, Alastair] Empty Re: Forward March [Ehefra, Alastair]

Tue May 21, 2024 11:10 am
Forward March [Ehefra, Alastair] 3yrgcon5db4

Ehefra couldn't help but smile a little despite herself. Being called Administrator by Alastair of all people. The same man who had welcomed her into the place as a Soldat. They both certainly had come a ways since they'd first met. "Thank you, there's been quite a bit of change since last time." She noted, just a hint of fondness in her voice. True, she'd long since gotten over her crush on the man. Seeing him now made that more apparent than ever. He was.....well...still attractive. But she had grown enough to know that it had only ever been that. Seeing the ...solemn.... entity he was now. He hardly seemed like a person.

The kind of boss she worked very hard not to become with her own Steingruft. But she also understood that it was necessary, perhaps, for the position he now held.

Stepping into the man's office, she opened her labcoat, and Beeps promptly floated out. soemthing that alastair had interacted with perhaps indirectly. The sub-cubes that had been deployed during the Anaconda mission, and a number of times since then in other fields, would ring familiar, but this one was much more distinct. and Alastair would likely be able to tell why. This was her primary bow. Such an enigma from most quincy that her primary weapon was so often deployed not as a weapon, but as a tool. The companion beeping happily as it spotted Alastair and swiveling in a sort of greeting before promptly spitting out a holographic projection over the man's desk. A list of points.

"I know your time is valuable, so uh, let's get started. A copy of this presentation will be getting sent to your Personal Console once our discussion is over. So that you can review it later, as well as distribute it to other leaders in the vandenreich as necessary. Normally I'd have asked for a full meeting, but well. We still are a bit busy with the Africa situation, so I felt this format would work better." She stated calmly, promptly shifting to the first bullet points.

"Before we proceed, would you like me to have Beeps record this meeting?" She asked. NAturally, she wanted to get permission before recording the man's office. But also, she wanted to offer it. She was sure any other parties Alastair deemed need to know for this information might appreciate such a thing.

In the meantime however, Alastair would get a Preview of the topics she had in mind.

City Safety
Area of Authority
Personnel Concerns.
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Forward March [Ehefra, Alastair] Empty Re: Forward March [Ehefra, Alastair]

Tue May 21, 2024 12:27 pm
Forward March [Ehefra, Alastair] NrZiWZE

Solemnity was perhaps a natural trait that came with Alastair's presence, his attention clearly focused on Ehefra and Beeps. That thin smile did widen for a moment as if matching her own, before matters turned to business and he settled into place. A sense of respect for order and sincerity would always go a long way with him, and it could certainly be said that Ehefra had started things off on the right foot. Her offer to record him, though, was met with a furrowing of that brow.

"Given the matters you wish to discuss, I believe it would be prudent to refrain from sharing any recordings of this meeting at this time. If other parties need to be involved then they can be briefed and caught up where necessary."

His rusty gaze levelled in her direction, not quite a refusal but a carefully worded rebuttal. If she wished to press him on the issue then there was a window to do so, but Alastair had little inclination to invite a potential security breach in without a thorough review. Not that he expected Ehefra to share such information intentionally, far from it in fact, but the risk remained.

The Crowned Star | END POST
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Forward March [Ehefra, Alastair] Empty Re: Forward March [Ehefra, Alastair]

Tue May 21, 2024 1:06 pm
Forward March [Ehefra, Alastair] P7bwcokjna7

Ehefra raised a brow slightly at that. "Understood." She noted. She could have given him assurances that insecurity of data wasn't really plausible. Her father, having been the cyber security officer and lead design of Karakura's cyber defenses had as of recent, been at work in the city. Ontop of that, Ehefra, as his daughter, had a number of security measures in place to ensure the integrity of information. However, she was not going to press into the matter. Ultimately, an individual concerned for security, would not generally be comforted by notions of security, and likely she'd get some shpiel about 'one shoudl not be too arrogant' or whatever. Not like she actually cared, it was just for the benefit of people who weren't presently here.

That said. It did give a bit of insight, as this particular avenue meant Alastair had much more control over what information got to the Directors. Something she kept in mind.

"We'll start with the primary topic. City Safety." She noted, as a display of the City's blueprints, barring more specific areas of the infrastructure which were blurred or obscured, was promptly put on the man's desk. Specifically, certain areas were highlighted in red. The zones that had sustained damage in the Kurosaki Incident.

"For the most part, damage from the Kurosaki Attack has been repaired, though a number of citizens are still somewhat displaced by the incident. Businesses and jobs that had been lost are stillon the rebound. However, the subject of protection is on the table. At present, the City of Lights has no real natural barriers for its defense. And in the event of the attack, unlike the disaster in Africa, had the damage been more extensive. There was still nowhere that citizens that we could have evacuated to. Had Kurosaki's intentions been destruction. He would have wiped out every living person in the City. And help would have been hours if not days from arriving had we been able to reach out for it." She noted, as the display zoomed out, and showed the vast ocean in every direction from the city itself.

It continued to Zoom out until it showed the City's position on the globe.

"Our position, however isolated, made at least a bit of sense for World War Four. When dealing with the Demons in America, we could transfer troops to the Americas. However, our operations have long since expanded considerably. With our troops in Africa, as you can see, we're almost on the entire other side of the world from where the majority of our forces are." She explained, showing how the Section of Africa was quite far from their beloved City.

"Our Sphere of influence has increased. It's not just the Americas we concern ourselves with. And so there are a number of things that need to be addressed. NAmely, our current location for the City is not prudent. However, even if we were to simply relocate, we would simply..adjust which areas are uncomfortably distant from our base of operations." She explained, with the icon for the City swiveling over to africa, the color of the Americas shifted to a more yellow, representing strained presence in the area.

"First and foremost, the City may need to be relocated to a more defensible location. Some place with natural barriers such as mountains. Not only will this be safer, but also getting supplies to the city will be much easier. I imagine our friends under the employ of Miss Arlette could feasibly assist with finding a tenable location. In regards to the motion of the city itself. I have also included a number of potential plans for how this might be accomplished. Which actually leads me to the next subject. That we may want to consider decentralization."

She gestured to the globe.

"Given most recent events. I think its abundantly clear that the Vandenreich intends to respond to any threat, be they local or global. As such, it would behoove us to produce bases of operations that also inhabit multple areas of the globe. As of right now, the most sensible areas would be here." She promptly showed three large circles on the map. One of which was over America, the other in the general region of Africa, and the other was a much larger circle, around Russia and China.

"This would allow us clear and present access to our current areas of deployment, and where, frankly, we will likely be handling issues in the foreseeable future. The Americas has been stained with the demons that once inhabited it, and as such, a number of irregular phenomena still pop up from time to time. Africa, despite recent victories, may very well be a present and ongoing hazard for the foreseeable future, and finally, this region here is the most geographically distant from these other two points. With a base of operations at these locations, The Vandenreich would be able to react quickly and promptly to any threat throughout the globe. Theres a number of possible ways to achieve this. But Two present the most Promise." She explained.

The city of lights Icon promptly shfited. Moving across the ocean towards the americas.

"The City of lights could be relocated to our initial sphere of influence in the Americas. Given island is already almost entirely artificial, conversion into a more mobile fortress won't be as hard. We don't have massive ammoutns of excavation to do or reinforcing. The structure itself is entirely stable and fortified. It woudl just be a matter of having it fitted to become mobile. The other locations would need to be built from the ground up. Essentially new bases of operations constructed. Now the ...third option. " She nodded to the display, and the position of the city reset and zoomed in. And promptly, the city was then shown to separate into three pieces. The larger of the two pieces would move with the central command areas of the Silbern, but smaller sections, mostly pieces of Vandenreich Headquarters, would be split off and then shown to spread over the map. One heading around south america to Africa, and the other moving the other direction to the third zone.

"Another option would be to split the city in three and move them to these locations. With this, we essentially have pre-built bases of operations. Not only this, but in the event of any further cataclysm, these new bases of operations would be ready to relocate so long as sufficient notice was given."

Following that, a table was promptly displayed on the screen. Outlining general costs and Time needed for these potential plans to be implemented.
As well as a third option. That the City be Abandoned, and they simply build new bases of operations on land. Technically speaking, it required the last work, but also had the steepest financial cost. Abandoning massive amounts of materials, relocating people, and of course, disrupting businesses that had taken root on the city.

She turned to the man himself and lightly let her hands rest behind her back in a firm and professional stance. This was, after all, her element. Presenting the fruits of her labor, planning, and analysis. Showing all the work she had put into not Just identifying this problem, but also the solution.

"There is, technically speaking, not a hard timeline for this incident. However, we don't exactly have forever. We've seen a considerable increase in traffic into the City as it were. We've always had a lot of immigration. The city is famous around the world, and wherever we go, people are inspire to move here, be that for safety, or to join the Vandenreich. However, due to the sheer number of people displaced by the Vastime Catastrophe, that number has gone up considerably. We are, for the time being, able to handle it. But as a very large number of refugees are now looking to the City as a place they can start a new life, our capacity to handle so many people is straining. even if we were to ignore these other plans and keep the city where it is. We would still need to look into expanding it, at the very least. But even making more space, that also means that we'd need to adjust the import of goods and materials to not just expand the city, but also support the lives of a larger population. Something thats already difficult given our present location." She noted, as a graph separated and moved off to the side. Showing the ebb and flow of people coming in and out of the city, as well as how that had changed since the Africa incident.
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Forward March [Ehefra, Alastair] Empty Re: Forward March [Ehefra, Alastair]

Sat May 25, 2024 3:12 pm
Forward March [Ehefra, Alastair] NrZiWZE

Alastair had been on the receiving end of countless presentations and briefings in his time at the Vandenreich, though only recently had they been delivered to him alone rather than a whole crowd. He sat patiently, occasionally asking for Ehefra to pause whilst he took down a note that he thought worthy of being addressed until all was said and done. Only then did he lean forward in his chair, enough to suggest politely that she had done enough speaking and that he wished to make a comment.

"Thank you for taking the time to collect all this data, and for delivering quite an insightful presentation. There is much that will need to be discussed on this matter, and with plenty of our sharpest minds involved, but know that I am interested in exploring these possibilities." His fingers drummed upon the desk for a moment, a habit that he found himself growing into as he spent his days in this office.

"If it is possible to move the City of Lights then I can only imagine the disruption this will cause to our infrastructure, let alone the civilian population that now inhabit the city along with us. Whilst all that we are currently standing upon might have once been artificial, no one with us today was involved in its inception. I trust that you are well aware of the risks that could be involved in the decision to move a whole city from point A to point B, and I will need significant evidence to support its feasibility before we can ever look at moving forward."

"What I do not quite understand is the value of dividing the city into separate chunks. If one of our primary concerns is our inability to respond to issues in a timely manner then splitting our base of operations into multiple separate entities will only further exasperate this. It might be better to instead focus our efforts on improving our methods of transportation so that our operatives can cross the globe faster when it is required of them."

The Crowned Star | END POST
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Forward March [Ehefra, Alastair] Empty Re: Forward March [Ehefra, Alastair]

Mon May 27, 2024 6:10 am
Forward March [Ehefra, Alastair] P7bwcokjna7

Ehefra offered a gentle nod of her head, pleased to see that he was paying attention and was absorbing the presentation. "Correct. As it stands, there are no options, other than doing nothing, that will not have a significant disruptive effect on the city's populace. In regards to possibility? It exists most certainly. The Structure of the City's current design as well as potential avenues for mobilization are laid out in the extra files. Variations for well...just what sort of efficiency and speed we want it to be capable of, are all indexed for your viewing. In terms of Evidence of it's feasability, I would simply need authorization to begin constructing prototypes. Certainly, the ... lul we have between catastrophes would be the time to get to work on such things" She stated. Indeed they had no real way of knowing when the next incident might occur.

However, she did pause at the mention of what the value of dividing the city would be. Raising a brow slightly, she folded her hands. "Having multiple outposts means that we would have an established presence across the globe. As such, if any incident were to occur, response would be able to roll in from the nearest outpost, rather than having to fully rely on whatever the dfistance between the City and the incident would be. I admit, I'm not the fondest of the splitting option. However, giving you options is part of my job. It would be the most immediately actionable option. It would not be ideal, we would eventually have to expand these fragments of the city to proper size. But it's the most immediate option. Which, currently, is not an issue. But if our window of opportunity to do this sort of work unmolested where to change, then having this as a potential option isn't bad. In fact having the City be capable of separating into sections that can work independently would be considerably valuable regardless of what immediate action we take." She stated simply.

This was good. He was asking questions and not simply simmering on uncertainties. Not that he couldn't ask her later, but she was glad, at least, that the wheels were already turning in his head. It gave her the opportunity to lay out how far ahead she'd thought, and that this wasn't just some list of singular options. That she considered ALL of these options viable depending on how the future panned out. Certainly, some were far superior in the here and now, but adaptability was a good thing, and she'd kept that in mind when she'd put this whole thing together.
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Forward March [Ehefra, Alastair] Empty Re: Forward March [Ehefra, Alastair]

Sat Jul 06, 2024 2:30 pm
Forward March [Ehefra, Alastair] NrZiWZE

“If you are looking for authorisation to begin testing then consider it granted. Though it would be best to discuss with the Director of the Albedochiffren so that she can be kept appraised of these developments. I am only one man, who doesn’t not have a perfect understanding of the ancient spells that we are trying to alter. This project will not be a small undertaking, if your research proves fruitful then it could well shape the future of the Vandenreich moving forwards.”

Alastair was hardly a man to mince his words, yet these ones still came with more weight than before. What had only yesterday been a pipe dream was now a step closer to reality. Of course, it was still far too early to begin considering it a true possibility, but the knowledge that others were thinking along those same lines was comforting. There were moments when he thought that he would have to make every change himself, and he was prepared to, but they would all need to stand together for this to succeed in the end.

“Outposts are a different matter to portions of the city, though. If we equip every outpost with the means to handle every grade of threat then we would actually have to create the whole city again many times over and fill each with operatives of the calibre that are currently gathered here. With the personnel we have currently, if not the resources, such a notion is entirely beyond the realm of possibility. If we intend for outposts to handle more reasonable levels of threat, that is within the Vandenreich’s capabilities, then I think it would be more prudent to build those up from scratch than divide what we have now. Expansion, rather than division. But that is a conversation that I will look to have with the other directors in the near future.”

A shield that could reach across the globe, that was Alastair’s vision. A Vandenreich that sought to protect not only itself but all the inhabitants of Earth. But there was far more that needed to be done before he could simply declare it so, order restored to pockets of the planet that had long since been lost to anarchy. And to do all that, he needed results.

The Crowned Star | END POST
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