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The Gotei 13 Advocate
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Silence in Suspicion [Ryoichi/Jiyan] - Page 3 Left_bar_bleue1570/100Silence in Suspicion [Ryoichi/Jiyan] - Page 3 Empty_bar_bleue  (1570/100)

Silence in Suspicion [Ryoichi/Jiyan] - Page 3 Empty Re: Silence in Suspicion [Ryoichi/Jiyan]

Sat Oct 12, 2024 11:36 pm
Jiyan’s jaw dropped and a look of shock struck his face. He was frozen for a moment before turning away and pinching the bridge of his nose. “By my last name… Xiaoyang… Worth a try.” That was something he should have thought about before. Surely there were places in this massive country that could look up his last name. Maybe he could even find his mother, if she were still alive. Of course, Jiyan feared the worst there since the world had gotten more chaotic. “Where do I go for that?”

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Silence in Suspicion [Ryoichi/Jiyan] - Page 3 Empty Re: Silence in Suspicion [Ryoichi/Jiyan]

Sun Oct 13, 2024 8:57 pm
Silence in Suspicion [Ryoichi/Jiyan] - Page 3 MzSNPlb


Ryoichi felt a sense of relief wash over him as he heard Jiyan repeat his surname. Good, he remembered that. If he hadn't, then this entire situation would get a lot more complicated. But, it wasn't something that he was entirely unfamiliar with. If nothing else, he'd have to start wandering around to try and see what places felt familiar and if they were around long enough to recognize the kid in the picture.

"Well, I ain't familiar with any of the places here, but, there's gotta be more than a few public records offices you can check. Should be able to find something with your last name, especially birth records, and probably an address too."

He just hoped that there weren't any legal judgements or anything, he knew that the last thing someone trying to remember and search for lost family wanted was to find out that they got thrown in jail. It was even worse for him, since his daughter's birth name was associated with nothing but missing person reports. It made looking for her a lot harder before he got the leads he did.

"Though, dependin' on how common a last name 'Xiaoyang' is, you might end up lookin' through a lot of stuff."

The Gotei 13 Advocate
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Silence in Suspicion [Ryoichi/Jiyan] - Page 3 Empty Re: Silence in Suspicion [Ryoichi/Jiyan]

Sun Oct 13, 2024 9:36 pm
“I have no clue how common it is,” Jiyan said and then pointed toward Ryoichi’s pockets. “You have a cell phone, right? Would you use it to find one of those offices?” Jiyan did not have a cell phone. He did not have enough money to afford one, yet. That would likely change when he took on another job. For now, he would try and utilize this man’s phone for his own purposes. An office like that was the first strong lead he had gotten.
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Silence in Suspicion [Ryoichi/Jiyan] - Page 3 Empty Re: Silence in Suspicion [Ryoichi/Jiyan]

Sun Oct 13, 2024 11:15 pm
Silence in Suspicion [Ryoichi/Jiyan] - Page 3 MzSNPlb


Ryoichi blinked, before slowly starting to reach into his pocket for his phone. The guy didn't have one, but he thought it was a good idea to throw some money at some D-grade strippers? Hopefully, after that experience, the guy would shift his priorities. Nevertheless, Ryoichi quietly tapped away at a search, opening up a note-taking app to write down the details of his interaction.

With how dark it'd been in the club, and the fact that he hadn't been able to sit down somewhere quiet, comfortable, and with a good amount of light, this was the first chance he'd gotten. So, it took him a bit longer than normal to search for a public records office. Mumbling to himself about what he was typing, he scanned the results, their opening and closing times, and finally, the amount of time it'd take to get to each of them.

"Seems like there's a couple in this city. They don't close for another few hours, so, even if you walk, you should still get there with time to spare."

He held out the phone for Jiyan to examine and analyze, hands slipping into his pockets. He knew that he could always just fly there himself or get a taxi, but, he didn't know what this guy was capable of. So, the possibility of him needing to walk was still a real one.

"If you'd like, I can accompany you. Might see if I can get some info about my lead."

The Gotei 13 Advocate
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Silence in Suspicion [Ryoichi/Jiyan] - Page 3 Empty Re: Silence in Suspicion [Ryoichi/Jiyan]

Sun Oct 13, 2024 11:42 pm
Jiyan eagerly took the phone and tried to memorize the information. He had no writing utensils or anything to record the information, so when Ryoichi asked to accompany him, he handed the phone back and nodded. Of course, Ryoichi had to lead the way and the time heading that direction was not the most talkative, but it was certainly intimidating to passers by.

Unfortunately, even with the phone map, it was difficult to find their way around town, and of course, Ryoichi's phone died thirty minutes into the walk. Jiyan had a difficult time holding back his frustration when that happened, but he did not try and drown Ryoichi with sewer water. Mild frustration did not need to be met with that level of violence. After asking a few people and charging his phone at a restaurant, where they both also grabbed a few snacks, they were back on track to the records office.

When they arrived, Jiyan's jaw dropped. They... were closed.

"Well... That sucks," Jiyan said, taking a deeeeep breath and then looking dully at Ryoichi. "I'm going to wait here until they open in the morning."
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Silence in Suspicion [Ryoichi/Jiyan] - Page 3 Empty Re: Silence in Suspicion [Ryoichi/Jiyan]

Mon Oct 14, 2024 12:18 am
Silence in Suspicion [Ryoichi/Jiyan] - Page 3 MzSNPlb


When he had mentioned "a few hours," he hadn't figured that they would get lost and the trip would take so long. Doubly so when his phone died not long into the walk, causing a groan of frustration from the man. They were, however, able to get some tips from locals, charge his phone and refuel with some snacks at a restaurant. Thankfully, that let them get back on track, but, the time that they ended up taking yielded some more annoying results.

The damn place was closed. Ryoichi groaned again, putting his head in his hands and rubbing the sides of his nose as he took a few paces away, before turning back around. Ryoichi raised an eyebrow, matching Jiyan's dull gaze, though his was more of a "Seriously?" expression as he looked at the paper inside the door, listing their opening and close times based on the days.

"I hope that means you plan on sleeping, and not in front of the door. People aren't gonna like someone loitering outside their place of business regardless."

The Gotei 13 Advocate
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Silence in Suspicion [Ryoichi/Jiyan] - Page 3 Empty Re: Silence in Suspicion [Ryoichi/Jiyan]

Mon Oct 14, 2024 12:43 am
“It is not a business, but a government service. I will be first in line tomorrow,” Jiyan said and stepped up to the front door. With no lights on inside, there was no hint of someone lingering. And since this was in a less crowded area, Jiyan and Ryoichi were pretty much alone on the street. The weirdest part, the man was very serious. He just stood there like a statue, staring into the record office’s glass doors, as if at any time someone would just open the door. Besides, he had nowhere else to go.

"Will you be returning here tomorrow for your lost daughter?"
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Silence in Suspicion [Ryoichi/Jiyan] - Page 3 Empty Re: Silence in Suspicion [Ryoichi/Jiyan]

Mon Oct 14, 2024 1:53 am
Silence in Suspicion [Ryoichi/Jiyan] - Page 3 MzSNPlb


"A government service is still technically a business by definition. Besides, stop starin' through the window, you look like a creep."

Ryoichi sighed and shook his head. It wasn't as if places like these were popular enough to warrant a long line. Either he was really stubborn and insistent on getting that information, or, the more depressing answer...the guy didn't have anywhere to stay. It could also very well be both.

"That's the plan, yeah. Dunno what I'll find, if anythin', but, worth a shot."

Ryoichi took a minute to look at Jiyan, then take some time to consider his options. Eventually, he walked up to Jiyan and tapped him on the shoulder.

"If ya want, you can stay at the hotel I'm at. It's not that far. Plus, it ain't gettin' any warmer out here, and you won't be able to find your brother if you can't move from sickness. Or worse, dead from hypothermia."

His voice had become notably gentler whilst still being concerned. Even if the guy was very evidently an adult, he wasn't going to let someone do something stupid like that. He could relate to the guy's goal, but he was far from heartless.

The Gotei 13 Advocate
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Silence in Suspicion [Ryoichi/Jiyan] - Page 3 Empty Re: Silence in Suspicion [Ryoichi/Jiyan]

Mon Oct 14, 2024 2:02 am
Jiyan was a bit surprised when his shoulder was tapped, but he turned to Ryoichi with an eyebrow raised in curiosity. He understood the man’s concerns for others, but Jiyan had very little to worry about that. The man could travel the freezing depths of the ocean without succumbing to cold, so he knew he’d be fine. However, the idea of staying in a hotel intrigued him. He had been sleeping on ceiling and in alleys since he made it to China. Until this offer from Ryoichi, a bed seemed out of his reach.

“Sure, though I have no money to spare. Anything that I considered spare was wasted on the ugly women at the strip club,” Jiyan said, his distaste for that experience worn clearly on his face. “I normally sleep where I drop, but if you’re really okay with it, I’d be in your debt.”
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Silence in Suspicion [Ryoichi/Jiyan] - Page 3 Empty Re: Silence in Suspicion [Ryoichi/Jiyan]

Mon Oct 14, 2024 3:30 am
Silence in Suspicion [Ryoichi/Jiyan] - Page 3 MzSNPlb


Ryoichi couldn't help but chuckle at Jiyan's bluntness. The guy really just had zero filter at all. What kind of environment did he grow up in? God help however the brother turned out. Though, he did mention going with his father. Maybe the parents divorced? Made him wonder what kind of parent the dad turned out to be. Questions for maybe another time.

"None o' that debt crap. Especially since I think you're the type to take that really literally. Get a good night's rest, and we'll call it even."

Ryoichi smiled, before turning around and gesturing for Jiyan to follow him. Truth be told, the "sleep where I drop" line sealed the deal even further. The guy was a strange case, but, seemed to have decently well intentions. Plus, he could relate to the struggle he faced, and hoped that he was able to find something of note in the records office come morning.

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