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The Gotei 13 Advocate
Joined : 2012-05-29
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Silence in Suspicion [Ryoichi/Jiyan] Left_bar_bleue1570/100Silence in Suspicion [Ryoichi/Jiyan] Empty_bar_bleue  (1570/100)

Silence in Suspicion [Ryoichi/Jiyan] Empty Silence in Suspicion [Ryoichi/Jiyan]

Mon Sep 30, 2024 2:04 am
Being locked away on an island for years did very little for Jiyan’s social skills, but it did not lessen his knowledge about certain parts of the world, specifically those areas basked under red lights. Boredom, curiosity, and a primal desire led him to this street, where some of the lowest, scummiest, and wealthiest people in the area gathered for a good time. The area was filled with the scent of booze, sweat, and way too much bad cologne, but that wasn't going to deter him this night. He wanted a drink and a show.

Jiyan had a decent bit of cash on him, so he decided to spend it looking at one of the treasures of the world: women. He knew he was close to the establishment he was seeking, seeing the neon sign he was looking for about one hundred feet down the street, when he felt a strange sensation. He looked over his shoulder for a just a moment, noticing a man walking behind him, closer than he'd like. He had no interest in fighting and had places to be, so he chose to ignore him for the time being.

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Silence in Suspicion [Ryoichi/Jiyan] Left_bar_bleue419100/999999Silence in Suspicion [Ryoichi/Jiyan] Empty_bar_bleue  (419100/999999)

Silence in Suspicion [Ryoichi/Jiyan] Empty Re: Silence in Suspicion [Ryoichi/Jiyan]

Mon Sep 30, 2024 2:35 am
Silence in Suspicion [Ryoichi/Jiyan] MzSNPlb


The moment he touched down in China, Ryoichi had been asking about his daughter. Whether it be in official locations like asking police stations or general populace, he was trying to narrow down the area he needed to be searching in to find leads on her. But, time had flown by faster than he thought. So, as the evening sun began to wane, Ryoichi found himself heading to the red-light district.

On his way there, he noticed a man also heading there. He was as tall as Ryoichi, but, even while tailing him, he could tell that this guy seemed a lot more...poised. That impression only furthered as he looked over his shoulder toward Ryoichi. He didn't want to start a fight, and, given the direction they were going in, the guy could easily just need something to take the edge off after a long day.

So, Ryoichi didn't say anything as he followed him, eventually tailing him as he went inside the lecherous establishment. He walked over to the bar, ordered a shot, and drank it as he stretched and made his way over to the viewing area.

The Gotei 13 Advocate
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Silence in Suspicion [Ryoichi/Jiyan] Empty Re: Silence in Suspicion [Ryoichi/Jiyan]

Mon Sep 30, 2024 2:49 am
The inside was different than he’d imagined. His eyes cased the place, examining every nook and cranny, specifically making note of exits, other doors, the different patrons, and then the bar itself. He noticed that guy had come in after him. He watched him make a purchase and go to the viewing area, so Jiyan narrowed his eyes at him and mimicked the behavior. He had no idea what to order, so he asked for something that most liked and dealt with whatever drink that ended up being.

At the viewing area, he intentionally sat across from his follower, but chose not to make eye contact just yet. The music began playing, people began clapping, and a new woman made her way onto the stage. This was not like it was on TV or in movies. The woman on stage was a underweight and barely had a chest to want to look at. Her dance was okay, she had a nice smile, her hair was okay, but clearly a wig... And frankly, she had skill on that pole, but her body was not much to look at.

'Disappointing...' For some reason, he found himself glancing to the man, gauging his reaction to what he was seeing. He also took a look around, wondering what the other women looked like. Maybe the next show would be... more to his tastes? This one certainly wasn't even close...

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Silence in Suspicion [Ryoichi/Jiyan] Left_bar_bleue419100/999999Silence in Suspicion [Ryoichi/Jiyan] Empty_bar_bleue  (419100/999999)

Silence in Suspicion [Ryoichi/Jiyan] Empty Re: Silence in Suspicion [Ryoichi/Jiyan]

Mon Sep 30, 2024 11:17 pm
Silence in Suspicion [Ryoichi/Jiyan] MzSNPlb


Upon sitting down, he propped his leg up on the other, waiting for the show to start. He noticed that the guy he'd been tailing had sat down across from him. Guess he was keepin' an eye on him like he had been with him outside. Well, at least the show was starting, so he wouldn't have to worry too much about it. However, as the woman made her way onto the stage, Ryoichi's expression went from calm and relaxed to...visibly unimpressed.

The girl wasn't all that nice to look at, and there were only some aspects of the performance that were relatively nice. He'd gone in with the intent of just having a bit of mindless fun and look at some eye-candy for the night, but now...he just kinda felt bad for the woman. Taking a cursory look around, it seemed like the not-too-attractive-ness was a widespread thing in this club.

Guess they'd picked out a below average place. Unlucky, and Ryoichi was already kinda regretting this. He didn't doubt that the ladies were fine as people, but as strip club models? Yeah, no. But, hey, maybe they had a nicer looking one that was getting ready to come out. He had his doubts about that, but, it wasn't too big of a time-waste in the end, now was it?

The Gotei 13 Advocate
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Silence in Suspicion [Ryoichi/Jiyan] Left_bar_bleue1570/100Silence in Suspicion [Ryoichi/Jiyan] Empty_bar_bleue  (1570/100)

Silence in Suspicion [Ryoichi/Jiyan] Empty Re: Silence in Suspicion [Ryoichi/Jiyan]

Mon Sep 30, 2024 11:55 pm
While staring directly at Ryoichi, Jiyan’s eyes completely unfocused on the man. He began calculating the exact amount of cash he should give the unimpressive woman. He rated her performance, hair, make-up, dance, and the place she worked… This wasn’t the nicest of places and he was judging her harshly on it. And when two other men sat down and acted like they were enjoying what they saw, Jiyan watched them. They threw some cash in, cheered her on, and enjoyed their drinks. He didn't get it.

Jiyan glanced over to his stalker, wondering his opinion of this... In order to be nice, Jiyan tossed some cash that just matched what the new men threw and then stared back at the floor. A minute later, the two men got up to go flirt with a couple of other average women, leaving Jiyan alone with his stalker. The stripper stopped and cleaned up her cash... giving both men a quick smile as she walked off stage to the back.
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Silence in Suspicion [Ryoichi/Jiyan] Left_bar_bleue419100/999999Silence in Suspicion [Ryoichi/Jiyan] Empty_bar_bleue  (419100/999999)

Silence in Suspicion [Ryoichi/Jiyan] Empty Re: Silence in Suspicion [Ryoichi/Jiyan]

Fri Oct 04, 2024 1:23 am
Silence in Suspicion [Ryoichi/Jiyan] MzSNPlb


Man, some of the people here really didn't have the best standards. His gaze flicked over to the other, much noisier patrons that were throwing cash and cheering the girl on. Ryoichi tossed a small amount in with the rest, offering the girl a small, but still warm smile. She wasn't the most attractive lady in the world, but the performance wasn't the worst he'd seen.

As the girl cleaned up the discarded cash and gave a smile, Ryoichi gave a light nod and smile in return, one that was quick to fade as she walked off stage, out of sight. The man sighed as he took a look around, making sure to be subtle as he glanced at the guy he'd been tracking. He didn't seem any more impressed than he was, but, he also just seemed confused in general.

Just then, he found himself being tapped on the shoulder. His head turned, and a group of men with drinks in their hands had asked for his seat, under the guise of wanting a closer look at the women. Chuckling softly, Ryoichi shrugged and stood up, gesturing to the seat for them as he walked back to the bar, ordering two glasses of what he had prior, before making his way over to where the other man was, offering him one as he sat down.

Really, there wasn't a whole lot of places to sit. This place was filling up pretty quickly with all sorts of seedy and less than savory individuals, so, Ryoichi was ultimately forced to sit down next to the person he had tailed in here. Maybe he'd make first contact, ask about why Ryoichi had been following him, or maybe something else relating to the establishment in general.

The Gotei 13 Advocate
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Silence in Suspicion [Ryoichi/Jiyan] Empty Re: Silence in Suspicion [Ryoichi/Jiyan]

Yesterday at 3:33 pm
Jiyan saw the man sit down and turned to face him with a raised eyebrow and an expression mixed with shock and ‘The audacity of this fucker.’ As Ryoichi still sat down, Jiyan stared at him with the intensity of a wrathful dragon, like the man was ready to go right here and now. Even as a new woman got on stage, Jiyan didn’t even look, he just tossed some cash in before the performance even got going and kept eyeing this bold man.

“Explain yourself," Jiyan spoke plainly, holding strength in his tone. "You followed me from down the street, I demand to know why."

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Silence in Suspicion [Ryoichi/Jiyan] Empty Re: Silence in Suspicion [Ryoichi/Jiyan]

Today at 12:37 am
Silence in Suspicion [Ryoichi/Jiyan] MzSNPlb


Whoa, guy had a pretty intense stare. Eyebrows raised in surprise as Ryoichi turned to face him. Though he was surprised, he maintained an air of cool calm. He was wondering why the guy looked so intense when he was walking toward the place, and, frankly, this reaction didn't really give him any pointers as to what kind of person he was. His eyes flicked to his peripheral, seeing the sudden flutter of cash that the man threw, before raising his hands slowly as he went to look back at him.

"You looked pretty intense when you were walkin' down the street, y'know. Looked like you were on a mission to get here. I just followed you in 'cause I wanted to have some eye-candy for the night. But, uh..."

He turned to look at the new performer, his eyebrows raising as his face contorted into an expression that basically said "yikes," before turning back to face Jiyan. Thankfully, she'd been facing away from him when he did that.

"...Not really the best place. Seems like you've got better standards than the other guys in here, though."

He gestured to where he had just been sitting, the group of men cheering and tossing cash like they were nothing more than leaves in the wind.

"So, what brings you to a place like this, huh?"

The Gotei 13 Advocate
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Silence in Suspicion [Ryoichi/Jiyan] Empty Re: Silence in Suspicion [Ryoichi/Jiyan]

Today at 1:20 am
”That makes no sense… One, unless you can read minds, you had no idea I was coming here, so you did not follow me because you ‘wanted to have a good time.’ Two…” he stopped, thought for a moment, then continued. “I don’t have a number two, but that first one still makes no sense. Did you think I was a male stripper or something? Are you homosexual? If so, then why did you come into this mediocre establishment.” Jiyan was talking a bit too loud. He didn't seem to care, however, and continued.

"If you find the standards here to be as inferior to other establishments as I do, then leave. Are you going to follow me out too?"

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Silence in Suspicion [Ryoichi/Jiyan] Empty Re: Silence in Suspicion [Ryoichi/Jiyan]

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