Bleach Platinum Hearts RP
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Boxed Lunch (Hono/Rangiku) Empty Boxed Lunch (Hono/Rangiku)

Thu Sep 26, 2024 12:06 am
Boxed Lunch (Hono/Rangiku) AqynZKs
"Hono Kaen" | Passionate Flame

The eighth was a place Hono found herself in a surprising amount of time. Usually, it was the sixth and the seventh mainly, but the eighth was a place she’d find herself delivering food to more often. Rei and Koga were some of her friends while Yuri and her had… a complicated relationship. Hono couldn’t find a word for it, friends was weird, and rivals didn’t make a whole lot of sense. Let’s just say complicated.

Today was no exception. She felt like Koga and Rei deserved a little something special. Sandwiches! Nothing grand but Hono made sure to make them to their preferences which she felt like she had a solid understanding of, after bringing them food she got a feel for the flavors and toppings they liked.

Dropping them off, in the common area, they were wrapped in two small little lunch bags labeled. “Rei” and “Koga” respectively. However, there was also a part of the note that read. “Only for them. Eat it and I’ll kill you, <3 Hono” Normally she’d just bring it to them directly, but it seemed they were both out, so she decided to leave them in their common area. They’d get it eventually. So there Hono would stand, placing both of the bags on a small table, where they would hopefully be collected.

Though her reputation wasn't doing her any favors, a few random members who seemed to be chatting amongst themselves were staring at the pink-haired woman, knowing of her violent tendencies.

Breakthrough! | END POST
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Boxed Lunch (Hono/Rangiku) Empty Re: Boxed Lunch (Hono/Rangiku)

Sat Oct 12, 2024 10:00 am
Rangiku spotted a pink haired menace in her barracks and wanted to make sure that she wasn't doing anything nefarious. A few of the new shinigami had spoken of being a little scared of this one. She made her way over as she spoke out to the pinkette.

"Whats up?"

She spoke casually as she just wanted to make sure thst everything was okay. She knew that Hono dropped off food for some of her squad mates on occasion. She figured it'd be a good introduce herself as well.
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Boxed Lunch (Hono/Rangiku) Empty Re: Boxed Lunch (Hono/Rangiku)

Tue Oct 15, 2024 12:57 am
Boxed Lunch (Hono/Rangiku) AqynZKs
"Hono Kaen" | Passionate Flame

Hono did have a reputation… what kind depended on who you asked. She was brash, and a little crude, but if you knew her, she was friendly and extremely motherly. After placing down the food, she would let out a sigh that she wouldn’t be able to see how Rei and Koga were doing. Though she knew they were probably busy with their work.

Hearing a feminine voice Hono turned towards the busty woman, eye level with them for just a moment before looking up. “Food delivery…? Make sure Rei and Koga get this. Kay?” This was her first time speaking with Rangiku, she had seen her in passing a couple of times when dropping things off for the two, but they hadn’t spoken.

Breakthrough! | END POST
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Boxed Lunch (Hono/Rangiku) Empty Re: Boxed Lunch (Hono/Rangiku)

Tue Oct 15, 2024 3:18 pm
Rangiku listened to the pinkette, but she wasn't sure why they were dropping off food? Couldn't she just go find the others that she was looking for? She felt it wasn't exactly friendly to just drop food and expect people to not take it. She sighed as she nodded gently to the woman. No point in starting an argument or anything with her. So she wasn't going to.

"Do you cook for them often?"

It wasn't super often to find someone who will cook for other squads. It was really friendly of her to do so, and Rangiku would at least like to know how often this ends up happening. Maybe they could just set up a day where Hono could drop off the food, or a day where the people she wants to feed can go over and collect it from her. It was just a little worrying that the food could be eaten, and it could potentially lead to issues.

"Is there anyway you guys could set up a day where you drop it off and they take it directly? I don't want this to end up causing trouble if someone doesn't pay mind to the note."
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Boxed Lunch (Hono/Rangiku) Empty Re: Boxed Lunch (Hono/Rangiku)

Yesterday at 11:39 pm
Boxed Lunch (Hono/Rangiku) AqynZKs
"Hono Kaen" | Passionate Flame

“Well. Yeah, I try” She tapped her chin and thought about how much she really did cook. Not just those two, but in general. “I actually owe Koga a lot, he helped me out with some criminals out in the Rukongai, and helped me lock them up. So I repay the favor with some free lunch every so often” Next was Rei. “And Rei is a woman I’ve seen grow, and she's a good friend of mine. So I like to show some love! Has she talked about little ol me?” Deciding to mess with Rangiku a bit she leaned forward. “Did you want some food? All you need to do is ask nicely~”

“I’d have to ask them. But my note SHOULD get the point across. Plus… I doubt any of them would wanna mess with Koga’s stuff” Hono decided to keep it simple, if people had manners, they wouldn’t take food. “If they don’t pay mind to the note well… they’re just a big dumbass who can’t read! I know my food is amazing and all, but shouldn’t the eighth know better than to take what’s not there?” She didn’t exactly mean this as a jab against Rangiku or anything, thought it could come across that way.

Breakthrough! | END POST
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