Bleach Platinum Hearts RP
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Joined : 2016-01-20
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A Seed of Hope [Kaede, Violet] Left_bar_bleue419100/999999A Seed of Hope [Kaede, Violet] Empty_bar_bleue  (419100/999999)

A Seed of Hope [Kaede, Violet] Empty A Seed of Hope [Kaede, Violet]

Thu Oct 17, 2024 2:35 am
A Seed of Hope [Kaede, Violet] EekbLtM


After months of being either rejected or ignored, Kaede had finally managed to get accepted for a job as a server. It wasn't the best work, nor was it something she had any real sense of passion for, but, it was something. She was getting paid, she was able to feed herself, but most importantly...she wasn't useless. She wasn't just some deadweight in Ehefra's place. She finally had a job, she was finally able to properly try and get back on her feet.

But, server work was far from sunshine and rainbows. People yelled at her, insulted her, gave her nasty looks on a daily basis. She was always the one to blame for whatever went wrong. But, she was used to it. She gave her best customer service smile, no matter how much she wanted to flip the table, break off a leg, and bash someone snobby asshole's head in with it.

One day, however, she was waiting a table, and...

"Hey, you look familiar..."

"S-Sorry, you probably have just...mistaken me for someone else."

Kaede's fingers tightly laced around the tray, praying that they would buy it.

"Nah, nah, I'd recognize that cuttin' board look anywhere. As well as..."

All of a sudden, Kaede's skin crawled and her blood run cold, feeling a hand reach up to smack, then squeeze her ass.

"That ass. The one thing that was actually kinda nice about you. Well, outside of you being pretty cheap for a whore. Then again, couldn't charge much with that skin-and-bones look."

Kaede quickly brushed his hand away, taking a few steps back and huffed quietly.

"I'm sorry, sir, but you're mistaken."

The man gave her a smug, knowing expression, despite how firm she tried to be, but, she tried her best to shrug it off. Throughout the rest of her shift, she noticed the man leering at her whenever she walked by, but, he didn't say anything else. Like he was some kind of bad luck charm, her tips ended up being as shit as they usually were, made worse by her boss requiring all the servers pool their tips together and having everyone take a percentage of the total.

But, she couldn't complain about it. She needed this job. So, walking outside through the back as she untucked her uniform shirt, having half a mind to kick the dumpster, but refrained. As she was about to start walking home, suddenly, she was grabbed from behind, then shoved against the wall. The guy from before had followed her out.

"Get the fuck away from me, you-"

She didn't get to finish before she was slapped across the face. Then, the guy said something in her ear that made her freeze -- that she should go along with it, if she didn't want her boss to find out that they hired a whore. She tried to fight back, but the guy was taller and bigger than her, and no amount of thrashing she tried did her any good. Her attempts to get free only got more and more panicked as she heard the rustling of clothes and felt a hand go up her skirt, before the guy just gave up and started pulling it all down.

The Gotei 13 Advocate
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A Seed of Hope [Kaede, Violet] Empty Re: A Seed of Hope [Kaede, Violet]

Thu Oct 17, 2024 3:13 am

Violet just got off her own shift and was planning on picking something up from this restaurant for her and Vanyel. She was too tired to cook dinner and he wasn’t off for another hours or two, so she didn’t want him to have to wait long when he got home. So, she made her way there, passing through the back way in order to get to the front, but something caught her attention. Violet stopped, looked to the side, and saw a young woman in a clearly assault-level position. And something broke…

Violet wasn’t sure when she ended up on top of the man, but by the time things slowed down, both of her fists were pulsing, bloody, and might have been broken. The man was whimpering and begging her to stop, with a crooked nose and missing teeth. Sweat dripped from her face, her jaw was clenched, and she was completely out of breath. Pushing herself up, Violet stepped back and looked around for the girl.

Joined : 2016-01-20
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A Seed of Hope [Kaede, Violet] Empty Re: A Seed of Hope [Kaede, Violet]

Fri Oct 18, 2024 5:59 pm
A Seed of Hope [Kaede, Violet] EekbLtM


Even if she kept getting smacked whenever she nearly got free, it didn't stop her from trying. Her cheeks were already red from being slapped, but, just as she started to feel something press against her, the weight of the man suddenly lifted. In the midst of thrashing to try and get him off, Kaede stumbled from the displaced wardrobe and fell down, quickly scrambling to get back up.

To her surprise, it was...another girl. She was just beating and brutalizing the guy...and it didn't seem like she was going to stop. She slowly found herself pressing against the wall, eyes wide, unsure of what to do. On one hand, the fucker deserved it, but, at the same time, seeing her just hit him over and scared her. Her voice only came out as a quiet whisper.

"'re gonna kill him..."

But, she didn't stop. Kaede doubted she could even hear what she was saying, and she was scared that talking any louder would just direct that anger to her. So, Kaede just kept her mouth shut, unable to pull herself away from the situation. Eventually, though, she finally stopped, and as Violet pushed herself up, Kaede's eyes went to her, managing to eventually get out something in response.

"...Thank you."

The Gotei 13 Advocate
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A Seed of Hope [Kaede, Violet] Empty Re: A Seed of Hope [Kaede, Violet]

Fri Oct 18, 2024 7:03 pm

When her eyes fell on Kaede, her shoulders slumped in a moment of relief. The man twitched and suddenly Violet kicked him in the ribs as hard as she could. Before saying anything else, Violet put an arm around Kaede and gently led her off. “Come on, let’s go…” she said softly, hurrying around to the front of the restaurant, hoping no one else saw that… beating. There was no way you could call it a fight.

“Are you okay?” Violet asked, genuinely concerned, as if she forgot about her bloodied hands. She looked worriedly at Kaede, giving her a quick glance-over to make sure nothing was wrong.

Joined : 2016-01-20
Posts : 5053
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A Seed of Hope [Kaede, Violet] Left_bar_bleue419100/999999A Seed of Hope [Kaede, Violet] Empty_bar_bleue  (419100/999999)

A Seed of Hope [Kaede, Violet] Empty Re: A Seed of Hope [Kaede, Violet]

Fri Oct 18, 2024 10:02 pm
A Seed of Hope [Kaede, Violet] EekbLtM


Kaede jumped at the girl's last act of violence, remaining as quiet as a church mouse as Violet put an arm around her. She went to stand and take a step forward, but stumbled, forgetting about her displaced clothes, and was quick to readjust them before wrapping her arms around herself. Nodding softly, she followed Violet around to the front of the restaurant.

"I'm...I'm okay."

She lifted a hand to quietly point at Violet's bloody knuckles, now sharing the other woman's expression of concern. She seemed weirdly fine for someone who just turned a guy's face into a pile of raw hamburg. That...was kinda scary. Either she had a really high tolerance for pain, didn't realize how fucked up her hands were, or...worse. She didn't want to imagine the worst.

"What did you hear, by the way...?"

As she fought, she had remembered him saying all sorts of nasty shit while he was tearing her uniform off. If she heard any of it, then, that was a whole new problem.

The Gotei 13 Advocate
Joined : 2012-05-29
Posts : 4352
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A Seed of Hope [Kaede, Violet] Empty Re: A Seed of Hope [Kaede, Violet]

Today at 12:17 am

Violet looked at the blood on her hands and was quiet, thinking for a few moments before this girl asked her a question. Continuing to ignore the blood, Violet tilted her head curiously. “What do you mean? What did he say?” Violet questioned. She wasn’t sure what she heard at this point. Violet had run from a decent distance away and tackled the guy, so there wasn’t much she could have “heard.” Besides that, she blacked out...

It was then that Violet got a better look at the girl. She was thin, unhealthily so. Her uniform was messed up thanks to that bastard, and frankly, she looked as meek and weak as Violet used to.

"You on drugs?" Violet asked bluntly, meaning no offense at all.

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A Seed of Hope [Kaede, Violet] Empty Re: A Seed of Hope [Kaede, Violet]

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