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Rat and Coffee (Senna/Jaesa)  - Page 3 Empty Re: Rat and Coffee (Senna/Jaesa)

Tue Oct 08, 2024 7:28 pm
Senna realized the advances but didn't do anything to fight it off. Shed go with the flow with things. Also despite her condition of not really caring about her own life, she really didn't like to let other people down. That's why she felt like she had to get stronger for Rita and Vanyel. She didn't want to let them down whenever it comes to it.

"I'm not sure. At that point I'd be okay with dying."
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Wed Oct 09, 2024 7:50 am
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The finality in Senna’s tone was rather startling and a frown crossed the Arrancar’s face. Such talk wasn’t something that Jaesa thought much of and the mouse was somewhat alarmed at just how ready the woman appeared to be in terms of her death. It’d been quite some time since she’d come across someone so eager to end things and there was a slight hardening of the jade eyes of the Arrancar, a plan forming in her mind although one that the woman beside probably wouldn’t like. Still, what was most important was that her new friend didn’t give up the ghost, so to speak.

“There must be more that you want to achieve in life, right?” Jaesa continued, again trying to pry into the woman’s mind. “Don’t you want to help people in need like a lot of humans seem to want to do? You know, play the hero and slay the villain kind of deal? You’ve got powers, don’t you want to use them for the greater good or something like that?”

Honestly, Jaesa didn’t actually think much of what she’d just said, considering she spent a lot of her time on the wrong side of the law but still.


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Sat Oct 12, 2024 8:35 am
Senna shrugged the question off. She wasn't one of those people who wanted to be a hero. There were more than enough of those types of people in the world. There was nothing she could really do that other people couldn't already. Obviously she wasn't just going to let kids die or something, but the way she sees it. Adults should be able to rwke care of themselves. If they are in a situation where they need rescued then they probably deserve it.

"The world has enough heroes. They got it."

She said simply to answer the question. She wasn't sure how much she could actually do even if she wanted to. Usually unless her own life was in danger, she didn't kill hollows unless there was some monetary gain from it. However, that doesn't mean she hurt people for fun. She just didn't care.
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Sat Oct 12, 2024 8:59 am
Rat and Coffee (Senna/Jaesa)  - Page 3 Zenless-zone-zero-1-1-teaser-jane-doe-new-character-mystery-faction-zzz-hoyoverse-550x309

“You wouldn’t think so judging from all the damage that’s been done in this realm lately.” Jaesa answered with a shrug. “It seems that every day more creeps are coming out of the woodwork to make a mess of this lovely world.” She was rather fond of the human world although the Arrancar wasn’t a woman who’d go out of her own way to defend it. The mouse visited the place only to amuse herself, whether that be by causing some trouble or as was the case today, to talk to a lovely woman.

The longer she spoke to Senna, the more tempting it was becoming for Jaesa to do something rather rash. She most certainly didn’t want to think about the dark haired woman taking her own life and if Senna actually planned on doing such a thing then the mouse would have to stop her, unwilling to just let her do so.

Taking a sip of her coffee, she’d pretty much sum up her own thoughts verbally. “I think this world would be a far darker place with you not in it, you know. Taking your own life would be such a waste.”


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Rat and Coffee (Senna/Jaesa)  - Page 3 Empty Re: Rat and Coffee (Senna/Jaesa)

Sat Oct 12, 2024 10:09 am
"You're misunderstanding me. I'm not going to kill myself. I wouldn't do that. I just wouldn't really have anything to live for. I'd probably just sit back into a mundane life."

She spoke as she explained what she had meant. Killing herself would go against what her grandmother had raised her for. She wasn't suicidal. She just simply didn't care about living the mundane life once she finishes with grace arms. She has no greater purpose, no one to fight for. Nothing.
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Sat Oct 12, 2024 10:30 am
Rat and Coffee (Senna/Jaesa)  - Page 3 Zenless-zone-zero-1-1-teaser-jane-doe-new-character-mystery-faction-zzz-hoyoverse-550x309

“Oh, I see. Forgive me for coming to the wrong conclusion. You just sounded so forlorn that I thought you were going to do something drastic. I thought I was going to have to step in for a second.” The mouse replied with a small smile, her tail briefly toying with Senna a second time fondly. “I do despise seeing such a lovely woman as you in such a state but surely it can’t be as bad as what you’re saying. Why not continue to train your powers and find a role for yourself? A woman with your gifts could surely find a place for herself among other spiritual beings, right?”

The thought of a quiet life was rather baffling to the Arrancar in truth and she mused upon it with scorn. Where was the fun in such an existence? The blood pumping encounters that made it worth living? Her jade eyes briefly glinting, she wondered if perhaps she should try and get the beautiful woman’s own blood pumping a bit herself. Jaesa had no idea if Senna was interested in other women but to be perfectly honest, the mouse had never let that stop her when pursuing someone.


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Rat and Coffee (Senna/Jaesa)  - Page 3 Empty Re: Rat and Coffee (Senna/Jaesa)

Sat Oct 12, 2024 10:37 am
Senna thought about it and she wasn't sure shed like that type of life. Being strong enough to never have to be concerned about doing her job though? That was enticing. She thought about it for a couple of moments before shrugging it off and speaking out to the mouse. Noticing the tail playing with her clothes she wondered if it was purposeful or not.

"Well, being strong enough to not have to be concerned if I'm good enough for my Job nice. It's hard to tell how long im going to be doing this for, so we atleast have awhile."

She spoke as she took a drink of her coffee. Carefully making sure that she didn't spill it on herself as she did somewhat like the outfit she was wearing. The conversation had took a turn that she didn't think it would.
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Rat and Coffee (Senna/Jaesa)  - Page 3 Empty Re: Rat and Coffee (Senna/Jaesa)

Sat Oct 12, 2024 11:02 am
Rat and Coffee (Senna/Jaesa)  - Page 3 Zenless-zone-zero-1-1-teaser-jane-doe-new-character-mystery-faction-zzz-hoyoverse-550x309

“I think it would be a shame to give it all up after coming as far as you have. You’ve been blessed with gifts so why not harness them, hmm? If I were in your shoes, I’d be excited by the fact that I have my whole life in front of me, a life of adventure and training to experience. We’re lucky to be able to live our lives in such a way and I believe that we should make the most of it. Who knows? Maybe one day you’ll be your own boss, if that’s what you truly want.” The Arrancar answered encouragingly.

At that point, Jaesa found it hard not to mention her own growing instincts and so rather out of the blue, she’d add. “You’re beautiful, Senna, you know that don’t you?” Her tails movements had been perfectly genuine, a brief hint that what the Arrancar was looking for was something other than a training session.


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Rat and Coffee (Senna/Jaesa)  - Page 3 Empty Re: Rat and Coffee (Senna/Jaesa)

Sat Oct 12, 2024 11:10 am
Senna listened as she wondered if that could be possible? Would it even be something that she wants to do? Being her own boss doesn't even really seem that much different than what she's currently doing. Rita wasn't super strict on them or anything so unless she was actively guarding there wasn't much control over her.

"Well my current job is kind of like that already. Unless I'm actively working im allowed to do whatever I want really. As long as I don't make a fool of myself or cause trouble."

Which were two things that she had no issue avoiding. She stayed to herself alot as she didn't really like being the center of anything. She thought about the statement as she shrugged again.

"Never really thought much of it honestly."

She spoke as she wondered if she should go to the bar? Perhaps get a few drinks with her new acquaintance? She didn't want ro say friend as she tried not to get too close to anyone. She didn't want to see anymore people she cares about die.
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Sat Oct 12, 2024 11:26 am
Rat and Coffee (Senna/Jaesa)  - Page 3 Zenless-zone-zero-1-1-teaser-jane-doe-new-character-mystery-faction-zzz-hoyoverse-550x309

“Then you definitely would be mad to retire to some quiet suburb and get a more boring job. I never truly understood the idea of that kind of life myself. Been around a long time but even now, I still love the idea of not knowing what’s going to happen the next day. Never know who I’m going to meet or what trouble I’m going to get into. Retire to an office job when you’re old and no longer have the energy to get out there, Senna, not now. You’ll only come to regret it later if you let your young years pass you by.” Jaesa cheerfully responded, a glimmer in her green eyes.

When Senna gave a kind of neutral answer to the mouse’s complement, Jaesa would chuckle and move a little closer to the dark haired woman. “Well, you most definitely are and I certainly hope that we can become close friends. I must admit that I’m rather fond of you already.”

Whether that was a good or bad thing was up for interpretation when it came to the mouse.


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