Bleach Platinum Hearts RP
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Seasoned Member
Joined : 2023-09-03
Posts : 1228
Age : 24

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Platinum Points:
Rat and Coffee (Senna/Jaesa)  Left_bar_bleue0/0Rat and Coffee (Senna/Jaesa)  Empty_bar_bleue  (0/0)

Rat and Coffee (Senna/Jaesa)  Empty Rat and Coffee (Senna/Jaesa)

Today at 11:16 am
Senna found herself wandering through the Japanese country side. She had a few days off from Gracen Arms, and was using them thoughtfully. She had finally been making her own money, and she fully intended on using it. What good was a job if you couldn't enjoy your spoils. She was wearing jeans with a tank top as she made her way through the country side. Coming across a small village as she looked around. It had a convenient store as well as a what appears to be a Cafe. Senna took a deep inhale as she enjoyed the country air.

It was just something that she enjoyed. She had been couped up in the cities whenever she's on duty. So she just enjoyed her time alone as she made her way to the small Cafe. Taking her time walking quietly to herself.
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