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Slightly less Star Pupil | Ajora Update Empty Slightly less Star Pupil | Ajora Update

Today at 1:09 pm

I. Upgrade Information

» Character Name: Saint Ajora
» Character Application:

» Upgrade Details:

Spirit Class: 8 -> 7

Zanjutsu: Untrained -> Adept

New Natural Abilities

New Racial Abilities

New Zanpaku'to Information.

I. Supporting Material

» Summary:

Having thrust herself into the soul cycle from an arrancar state, Ajora came into the soul society already fucked up. With an instinctive ability to perform a sonido-like step tech, and a natural prodigal ability to manipulate her Reiryoku, she already established herself as a unique woman before she ever joined the Gotei. And her curiosity was already boiling over by the time she joined the academy. Brought into the Gotei by the Lieutenant of the research Division, as well as thanks to interactions with one Hiroe Miyashiro, Ajora entered the gotei with an insatiable hunger to learn. (1)(2).

Once she joined the Gotei, she hungrily began devouring knowledge and quickly became an absolute savant in her class, most notoriously her talent with Hoho and Kido. This became such an obvious point of contention between her and her other students that she had almost no social life, and even though she went out of her way to take Hiroe up as a friend to serve as a buffer to keep other people away from her (3) , even Hiroe herself briefly steeped into a slight depression as she felt outshined by Ajora. though this uncertainty was resolved (4)(7), it was abundantly clear she was exceptional, as she soon found that when deciding to ....interview a young man that had apparently gone on a date with her friend Hiroe, he was unable to handle even a light exercise in her applications of Kido and Hoho, and while she did manage to sustain an injury in the exchange, she found herself still hungering for more of a challenge.(5) This became even more abundant as she came to challenge her friend Hiroe after they had managed to develop a Shikai. without a release of her own, Ajora felt well and truly challenged to keep up with her friend. (7)

This talent was Something recognized by both the Captain of the fifth division Yuuto, as well as the Lieutenant of the Eighth division Matsumoto, though to very different capacities. Yuuto offered Ajora a position within the stealth division to operate more or less as an intern within the squad. This was in recognition of her potential as a shinigami, but also intended as a means of keeping an eye on the woman. An aspect that was not lost on the woman. (6) While Matsumoto rather recognized that her prodigal qualities similar to her once-captain of the tenth division might result in isolation. she made note of the concern and assured the woman that she would do her best to maintain her current friends and try to find new ones. (8) This however did not happen as smoothly as she might have hoped. In a skirmish between herself and one of the members of her Division Mirai, she found herself struggling to come off as friendly, and got carried away sparring against the woman rather than focusing on proper friend-making as she instead became fixated on the rush she got from fighting against someone competent enough to handle the full gambit of what she could employ. (9)

Finding herself further isolated, she pushed herself into her work, doing undercover ops on earth to track down and keep tabs on individuals of particular importance that had been identified during the Africa incident, to try and get information about enemies near the hole that still remained at large. This resulted in her encountering the Arrancar Amaranta, though the lioness would not have been her only tracked target. (10)

From these experiences, Ajora has developed not as a matter of being challenged, but as a matter of hungering for more knowledge, not just learning from others but from training herself extensively and exploring the limits of her own abilities. Rather than proper conflict, its her own determination and discipline that has pushed her to improve. While she attempted to discern a manner of dissecting the imprinting process of her zanpakuto and even attempting to reset it, this was not successful, but did still wind up in her learning the name of her Zanpaku'to in the process.

» Threads: (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10)

I. Additional Information

In comparison to the previous update, the more extreme aspects of the update have been removed. Additionally, the driving force of Ajora's progression has been more properly laid out in the summary. There are some portions of the old upgrade which weren't addressed, and so those are still present.

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