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ajora - [Spirit Class 8] Saint Ajora Left_bar_bleue0/0ajora - [Spirit Class 8] Saint Ajora Empty_bar_bleue  (0/0)

ajora - [Spirit Class 8] Saint Ajora Empty [Spirit Class 8] Saint Ajora

Sun Sep 04, 2022 7:01 pm
The Saint of Desperation

There is no Alone

I. Basic Information

» Name: Saint Ajora
» Age: Late 20s(Appears)/4,560(Actual)
» Gender: Female-Presenting

» Association:

» Appearance:
ajora - [Spirit Class 8] Saint Ajora APP_cchw2v2gv2

A dark shadow of ashen hair in the toneless pale white sands forever shrouded in the night. Accented in the fine clothings she makes or acquires for herself. Saint Ajora is a woman who if nothing else can be described as striking. Standing at a 5'5" in height and with a slim build she does not stand out as particularly thick or lascivous, but rather strikes the word 'sultry' with the flash of aesthetic that fate saw fit to lace into every ontological stroke of her existence, and especially painted into that lopsided smile she so often wears. With the marring of her left side this has only grown more pronounced.

Her eyes seem to change color as the light around her shifts but she is in actuality gifted a pale yellow irise that wields a dull yawning serenity that can so often strike one as haunting. The majority of her physical weight is situated about her hips as she has a slightly less thin curve to her along her thighs and waist. Her chest is nothing obtuse, but something compact and subtle that garners the thought that this creature was not built for the life of idle grazing or luxury. She is slim, light, and fast, and though there are some exceptions she is built for combat.

The left side of Ajora's body is heavily scarred, as though burned horribly and her left arm has turned black and monstrous, sporting a skeletal look and clawed fingers. Additionally her left sclera is stained black. Because of these features, she often wraps her left arm in bandages or otherwise wears a long sleeve to conceal it. Her hair can often be seen obscuring her left eye, though at times she will also utilize a eyepatch to keep it covered up.

II. Personality

» Personality:

Saint Ajora. A name that is old and to some: unnerving. Born thousands of years ago cursed with the Aspect of Death: Desperation. However, unlike Santa, whose aspect remained generally aimless and only situationally succinct: Ajora's Desperation was affixed to the desperate collection of knowledge. The feral and unyielding desire to understand and know everything about her. Unlike so many other hollows, Ajora was unable to simply express this fixation through hapless violence. Culminating her personality into something almost unnatural for a hollow.

To most that would ever run into Ajora, she is a warm and gentle woman. Calm, understanding, and generally caring. Often going out of her way to offer her advice and understanding to the woes of others. However this is merely sheer instinct, a willingness to gather information and further expand her own knowledge. To that end, she has cultivated a friendly and well-meaning mask that over the thousands of years shaped her.

While she originally was an unfeeling and vicious observer, thanks to her connection to Santa, Ajora's personality has become somewhat infected by Santa, causing much of that previously-feigned sincerity and interest in the well-being of others to become genuine, especially seeing what dividends it has paved for Santa,she has allowed herself to grow attached to others, having previously seen them as nothing more as data points.

III. History

» History:

"There is no truth. No Goal. This is the reward: Survival. To Exist. To scrape the world and so break yourself. But every fissure is a lesson on your soul. Break yourself a thousand times. Cut yourself a million more. Only the weakness will shave away. Destroy yourself until there is only the one, singular, unbreakable truth, that one indivisible You.

This is the Final Shape.
And Mine is a Scalpel

Is there any greater beginning than nothing? Before the first smoldering dregs of the present had the time to sink in slow and cloying thoughts that sparked the complexity in our faces there were the pits. Souls of the damned, humans who did not transgress, who did not abandon, who did not sin.

When the world first sighed a mistaken groan that was life it did not flourish at first. It exploded. It Sagged. Under it's own gross, voracious weight the world had it's first life and it was marvelous, simple, and incredible. But when life bloomed it overgrew it's seedbed, the fruitful earth that had once been nothing but a playground soon became crowded and cramped, and life first learned to struggle, and amidst that struggle the first microbes discovered that the most abundant source of food was NOT the soft loamy soil that the others fought over: but the fat and simple neighbor. The first killer was born, and suddenly everything changed. Life could not afford a stagnant mindless sup of it's endless food when something hunted it. Life learned to hunt, and life learned to run, but not all of it succeeded.

As the swampy mush began to grow and diversify into truth, into sentience, there lay the mud and the dead. The pits of souls that had never had the chance to grow or be anything, who had not even the chance to be anything but sustenance. And when those first hollows died, before the Shinigami could learn to sieve out their stomach, the dead and the consumed simply fell into these anguished pits. Tarry baths of failures and the weak.

This is where Ajora was born. In that suffering muck of soul that knew nothing in life but pain, suffering, and a swift end she crawled out of that dark suffering along with countless others from the corpse of a failed Gillian. An entire herd of deerlike hollows who cast their dark and screaming eyes to the endless night and saw the moon. And all at once, they were united within a single fixation, but with a scattered chorus of thoughts.

Some looked upon the moon and felt warmth and comfort. Others found a cold uncaring evil that threatened them from above. Others found a mirror of themselves in pale nothingness. But Ajora did not inflect anything upon that white vision in the sky. Her feelings did not imprint, her heart took in the sight of pale beauty and felt nothing but a single notion:

Curiosity. And that was a feeling that would never again leave her soul. As a group, the herd began to move away from the corpse of their previous shell. They moved together, and their souls sang together. With every potential threat that intruded upon the herd was set upon quickly and ripped to pieces. In some cases, members of the herd would fall to the violent tendencies of one another, but the corpse would be eaten by the herd and so as the group was slowly shaved down, nobody was left behind. The souls of those cut down never left, and the herd felt solidarity in their persisting presence in their cores. Ajora was fascinated by the process, able to palpably be immersed in the interconnected web of the herd. Separate, and still inexplicably connected. It was then that an idea occurred to her, her first Experiment: What if she slew and ate the lot of them?

The first few that she skewered on her horns and began to devour didn't seem to quite register among the rest of the herd. After all, nobody was being lost, and so in it's simple state, the herd was incapable of mustering a response to Ajora's suddenly virulent behavior. And once the last of her herd was consumed, Ajora found herself fascinated still that she could FEEL them within her. Unlike the random rabble that the herd had consumed of interlopers and intruders, those within her kin that she consumed seemed....present and conscious within her. And so began Ajora's long and insatiable exploration of herself.

At first she began to hunt down other hollows. Namely in an effort to see if other hollows operated on the same principle. Maiming them, restraining them, and then dissecting them. Shaving their body down and studying the responsiveness of these separated parts. After a number of various techniques were tested and abandoned, Ajora ultimately began to discover her own spiritual powers: The ability to spin the souls within her into almost ethereal threads. She found that by altering the composition of these strands, she could effect herself and other beings in various ways. But most important in this ability was it's ability to gather information. Like the roots of a plant, these threads were empty, but their properties would change as they came into contact with things as they would resonate with the movement of spiritual energy around them, picking up on what were otherwise incredibly intimate shifts in a target's spiritual composition, like a string vibrating in response to a sound.

In this manner she was able to intimately study the hollows that she would capture and then ultimately consume. Learning more about how she, and most hollows function. Developing new ways to utilize her abilities, all in an effort to expedite the acquisition of information. Within her first four hundred years of existence, she managed to learn almost everything she could about herself and other hollows, even the process by which the masks which protected their faces could be altered or broken and it's effects on her kin, until ultimately she broke her own mask and became an arrancar.

Once she had exhausted her studies, for the time being, on her own kind, she then set her sights on other realms and species. She ventured out into the garganta and began to survey the worlds of the Living and the Dead. However she encountered an issue. Her threads allowed her to stretch across vast spaces and collect information, but by stretching her soul she made herselv vulnerable and thinned out, and she began to feel concern for the structural integrity of her soul. What good would it do to pull herself to pieces? She wouldn't be able to learn more if she were dead.

And so she developed an alteration to her abilities. By bundling pockets of her soul in cocoons of thread and then releasing them into her environment, she was able to seed herself into the environment itself. IN much the same way that some hollows learned ways to generate or produce smaller sentient extensions of themselves in the form of minions or young, Ajora learned to saturate environments with seeds of her own soul, seeds which would then sap spiritual energy from the environment and grow. Intially she had intended for these seeds to grow into smaller, interconnected versions of herself that could proliferate across the numerous realms collecting information while remaining connected to one another. However, this frankensteining of her own powers yielded imperfect, but interesting results.

While she was not able to fully generate copies of herself, she WAS able to grow bodily tissue based on her own. Initially this was a rampant and cancerous process which produced viscera without much rhyme or reason to them. Through the course of years of trial and error, she managed to garner a deeper understanding of how these tissues grew and how they could became manipulated. Until eventually, her 'Garden' was perfected. With this ability honed, she proceeded to begin collecting information about the worlds from the shadows, starting from the foundations. Each race that she encountered would be studied initially from afar. Determining their basic functions and survival needs as well as general behaviors. Then, she would advance to the stage of capturing subjects for study and experimentation. Infecting them with the seeds of her own soul in order to invade, violate, and explore them from the inside out.

In an effort to preserve samples, Ajora began testing a mechanism through which subjects could be consumed without simply being lost within the souls already inside of her. Forcefeeding creatures of varying types to other hollows with alterations to make note of the tolerance. Demons. Danava. Humans. Shinigami. even Quincy. Ultimately she developed a means of surrounding the souls of a subject within a membrane of blank souls based on Negación. While this prevented her from simply subsuming them and growing in strength, it allowed her to preserve subjects of particular intrigue after their death and consumption.She would even construct Altars and Cathedrals from her garden within which she could store these souls, and thus bypass the tendency of some souls to disperse or be moved through the realms after expiring.

And they were all so ...interesting! Shinigami with their little living blades subsisting off the energy and inner emotions of their wielders. Troublesome to contend with, and alarmingly well-ingrained into the worlds around them, especially with their mastery of molding their reiryoku into unpredictable spells and techniques. She pilfered their Zanpaku'to and tortured living specimen into performing small acts of this "kido" for her to study. She even began some experimentation with infusing her own Reiryoku into stolen Zanpaku'to in order to see how they would react, sometimes using Zanpaku'to upon whom a shinigami had already imprinted, and other times finding blank asauchi from hapless rookies who had yet to fully imprint on them. Each in an attempt to study how the abilities and powers of these blades developed over time. These experiments even went so far as to offering asauchi to other subjects and instructing them to imprint upon them in her stead. All whilst subjecting them to varying stimuli to see if she could guide the path of their powers. A study in which she wore many masks: Tormentor. Killer. Sadist. Queen. Lover. Friend. Rival. Family. All to understand these peculiar little tools.

The quincy were FAR more Difficult to study due to their strange incompatibility with her own energies. What few hollow ubjects she pushed into learning to manipulate Reishi would perforate and ultimately annihilate their own souls, much to her own chagrin. All the same, she studied their various arts, and kept a catalogue as best she could with what she could get her hands on.

Fullbringers were a fascinating can of worms. Rare, and also being based humans were much more fragile. Her efforts to study them often resulted in the death of the subject and she found herself struggling to properly preserve subjects over long periods of time. Even worse: there was little if any uniformity between their abilities. She was able to derive that some sort of universal 'essence' was at work, determining that something was manifesting these abilities which oddly seemed to stray into hollow territory. But ultimately, was never able to absolutely define what that Element was.

Demons and Iramasha were perhaps the most infuriating of subjects. Their strange and unique energies made study somewhat chaotic. She found considerable difficulty in making 'sense' of the chaos from which Demons were produced, and Iramasha's energy while less unpredictable, had such a way of being so wildly different from subject to subject and the subjects THEMSELVES were so annoying to obtain that she ultimately delayed study on both groups, even going so far as to consider them "Failures" in a scientific sense. Iramasha simply proved too annoying to study en masse, and Demons seemed more like a glitch more than its own proper species.

The Danava, at the very least, were more precise. While just as varied as the Iramasha, Danava seemed to have much more consolidated 'Rules' by which they operated. Even the creation of Danava hrough their rituals seemed so intentional that Ajora thus surmised that they were somehow artificial. She even found an ally. Perhaps the greatest one she could have asked for:

Solstice. A demon subject she had captured before her abandoning the race as subjects. Of all things, the maniac had grown attached to her and had even offered to help her in her studies by offering her information on how to perform a Danava ritual. An offer she wholly accepted before promptly using his life as a catalyst to create a Danava of her very own, one that she named Solstice, after the catalyst from which they were born. But...ultimately she would not be able to finish her experiments.

Her efforts did not go unnoticed. As subtle as she had intended her actions to be, the sheer ferocity of her undying curiosity led her to be, at times, overzealous. Sometimes capturing not just individuals, but whole groups within her web and spiriting them away for experimentation and storage. Even without having consumed so many souls, there was always those that she wasn't simply able to trick and subdue with ease. Every experiment needed the strength and cunning with which she would acquire these subjects. Sometimes it was enough, sometimes subjects would escape no matter how prepared she tried to be when capturing them, and so knowledge of her existence slowly began to spread among the worlds. It wasn't long before squads of Shinigami, Demons, even other Arrancar were hunting for her. And she began to despair.

So much work. So much research, she wasn't NEARLY close enough to know everything, and yet she was being disrupted. Having to fight stronger and stronger groups, and some even managed to lure and almost trap her on several occasions. Her ability to continue in her pursuit of knowledge was threatened. She grew furious, anxious, and even murderous. She stopped simply collecting and studying targets and began to outright hunt and kill them instead. Surely some subjects could be sacrificed if it meant deterring these intrusions.

On one particularly clear night in the world of the living, after having fought for hours against a small group of shinigami. Tired, bloody, and exhausted, having pulled the shinigami to pieces throughout an entire forest in her rage, she looked up to the sky. And for once, stared at those stars up above for much longer than she ever had before.

She thought long and hard, and began to wonder what they might possibly be. Naturally there were bodies like the sun and the moon, but these little things which she had simply deemed a subject she would study later at length felt and looked different in the light of her rage. And in her heart she wondered if perhaps, they were other suns and moons. The notion that these few worlds she had spent so much time scouring and exploring, were nowhere near the end of it all. And she was crushed with a sudden fear. That she would NEVER get to know and understand these worlds in entirety, let alone those countless stars. A notion that everything she had thoughtlessly and instictually strived for was in fact: an empty and unattainable dream. One that grew further and further away.

It was then that she discovered the sounds of humans nearby. And she allowed herself to be ...distracted. Even though the forest through which they moved about was covered in the remains of the dead. These simple little animals acted as if nothing was going on. Entirely ignorant to the death of spirits about them, so ...ignorant. So unknowing. They celebrated and feasted. Even surrounded by such ...awful things.. these humans celebrated lives unknowing of what was going on around them. Celebrating some sort of hunt. some of them becoming 'men'. Their simple little rites of passage almost entirely tangent to her own fight with the shinigami.

And in that moment, she envied them. How lovely it would be.... to be so simple and stupid. And so she resigned herself to a final experiment. To store some vestige of what she was, a packet of her memories and experiences into a capsule within herself. And then? To damage herself so completely, that she would destroy her own mind. Obliterate the attachment that drove her pursuit of knowledge and damn herself to a plain....simple existence.

And so she did. The strength, the knowledge, it was all stored and hidden away within herself, before she obliterated her own mind, inviting eternal rest to her intellect. She mauled herself from head to toe, fearing that to see herself would only invite her to wake up too soon. Forcing herself back into a simple hollow, filling her mask into a new blank shape, and allowed her mind into a dark endless sleep within her new form.

Under no circumstances did she imagine such a simple creature would ever figure out how to 'unlock' the cage she had preserved herself in. IN truth... it was suicide, fully intending to rest within her own body, trapped until the new idiot she had become got herself killed.

And yet that was not the case.

It would be the work of a vile creature that ultimately tore her from her slumber. And all too soon, she suddenly found herself conscious once again.
And yet...she was happy. This simple little creature that was once herself had made an entire life for itself. Friends. Allies. Enemies. And one such ally had inadvertently allowed her to emerge from her slumber. But she was not able to simply assume control. By sheer instinct, this 'Santa' (having so hilariously named herself using Ajora's title rather than her first name), maintained utmost control over their soul. It was fascinating. Ajora was alive, and yet not truly her own being? Her connection to Santa keeping her ...subservient.

To an extent. She found herself more than able to simply take over, but for what? She had been miserable, and through her connection to this ...Santa woman. She felt a byproduct of As self-destructive as it had been, her experiment had been a complete success. Santa was seemingly incapable of the depression and desolation that had haunted Ajora in her previous life, and through the Garden connection, she was able to feel that joy and euphoria..that...innocent happiness. Ans so, Ajora asserted herself as a servant to Santa, and focused her efforts on maintaining Santa's happiness. To allow herself to enjoy the bliss of her stupid little heart.

But it would not be long until that happiness was threatened. With the death of Calypso, and Ajora's own ....advice toward Algos Asthavon, it came to pass that Santa felt despair. But Ajora could not allow that to stop her. She shaved away the memories and knowledge of her part in Algos' passing and promptly separated them from Santa as a whole. Santa, having no REAL mastery over the Garden was none the wiser, and so Ajora crafted a new being. The 'Truth' that she hid away from Santa: Verdada. And entrusted the woman with watching over the Remains of Algos as Ajora continued to try and help Santa in her endeavors.

But ultimately, it would not be a deception she maintained forever. When Santa acquired a piece of Mazda, an offshoot of the Quincy Grandmaster Cyrus she had begun to become more....dominant. Her understanding of her own soul began to expand, and before she knew it, Santa wrested control of the Garden from Ajora. And the jig was up. And it would have been entirely within Santa's power to simply destroy Ajora, or have her melt into the garden as a mindless husk among so many others in that well of souls.

But rather, Santa simply deigned to punish Ajora. Separating her from the Garden entirely and marring her body in the process, robbing Ajora from the ability to use Santa's powers and even stripping her of the ability to regenerate, keeping her marred as a sign of her punishment. If nothing else, Mazda had taught Santa a great deal about symbolism.

But Ajora did not allow this to deter her. even being cut off, she had not failed. IN the time that she had been allowed to exist within Santa, she had attempted to collect those small vestiges of value within the woman's soul: The knowledge she had spent thousands of years collecting. The souls of her subjects. All of it was lost and beyond use, deteriorated after thousands of years. But she would not let that keep her down. She had to figure out the next step. First and foremost: She needed to return to her research. But remaining an arrancar would hinder this process. This was a lesson she'd learned in her past life. True, there were some organizations that she might join to be able to conduct her research in circumstances.

But ultimately, there would always be eyes upon her. She needed to escape scrutiny. It was time for her to be cleansed. Ajora took the time to store the vestiges of her memories. In the only way that she could be sure they'd be retained. The life and tribulations of Santa. The creation of Verdada. All written down with as much detail as she could muster and hidden away. She knew that pluses had a tendency to lose their memories over time, sometimes acutely depending on the trauma. She could take no chances.

With her memories kept and locked away, Ajora took the very next step. It was a simple enough task to find a shinigami. She played the part of a villain well enough. An exchange of blows and blades. But ultimately, she made no true earnest attempt to kill them. No....she needed to lose. And at long last, she allowed herself a slip. The blade shined as it struck toward her face. And she smiled so very peacefully.

Ah....what lovely irony it would be ....if this were to end her insatiable curiosity?

Saint Ajora was cleansed, her soul rid of it's sins before she was cast into soul society. to begin a new life in the rukongai.

IV. Equipment

» Natural Attributes:

Survival Instincts -
Despite being cleansed, Ajora's instincts for combat are as visceral and vicious as ever. The brutality and merciless environment of Hueco Mundo has been forever etched into her soul such that even her natural fear response is overpronounced. She is incapable of freezing up, if she is pressed she will run or immediately attempt to eliminate the threat, making her a natural and effortless killer when the need arises. Along with this, she has a sharp sense of survival and identifying danger.

Reiryoku Natural:
Even with the loss of her Hollow powers, Ajora has a natural and instinctive draw toward the manipulation of her own Reiryoku.

Hoho Savant:
Ajora has taken exceptionally well to the art of Hoho. Having already garnered her own unique variation of a step technique from the vestiges of her life as an arrancar even as a plus in the rukongai, Ajora has not only picked up Shunpo immediately, but already begun the process of maximizing aspects between Shunpo and Parpadeo to begin developing her permutations. While this has not yet borne fruit, she has still garnered a tremendous advantage over her peers and shows skills well beyond a fresh student.

Kido Natural:
Given her natural talent with Reiryoku manipulation and her considerable intellect, Ajora has come to garner a considerable and decent showing in her ability to manipulate Kido, stirring memories of a past life. However, while she does not have the sheer raw talent that she has with Hoho, it is rather her fascination with Kido that has jumped her so immediately beyond her peers.

Parpadeo: (Flicker)
A high speed technique which has come naturally to Ajora. Unknowingly, it is an adaptation of Sonido to her new plus form, wrapping her body in an envelope of her reiryoku to mask her presence before propelling herself at high speeds toward a destination. Like most high-speed techniques, she needs to be braced against a surface to initiate the technique. Scales off of Speed. Targets with Mental Deduction superior to her Speed or Pesquisa will still be able to sense her Reiryoku during the motion.

La Izquierda del Pecador (The Sinner's Left)

Even with her cleansing, Ajora was unable to escape the punishment passed down on her by Santa. The left side of her body is riddled with scarring and dark flesh. Her left arm in particular is skeletal and clawed, marking her as a traitor and a sinner in Santa's eyes. This limb has a higher level of malleability by Ajora and she can stretch the hand in order to perform surprise attacks with the claws. Stretching her arm extends her reach an additional five meters.

Ventana Nublada por el Pecado: (The Window Clouded by Sin)

Ajora's left eye is similarly marked by Santa, turning the sclera permanently black, and her vision is actually quite poor on her left side. However, she also has the ability to see the flow of spiritual energy through her left Eye, giving her the ability to notice the flow of spiritual energy within 5 meters, 25 meters if she closes her other eye and relies solely on her left eye to focus on her surroundings. Visual acuity is reduced by about half when relying only on her left eye for non-spiritual stimuli, or when the stimuli is outside of her right eye's field of vision.

I. Skill Sheet

General Skills
  • Durability: Beginner
  • General Speed: Advanced
  • Strength: Advanced
  • Martial Skill: Adept

Shinigami Skills
  • Hoho: Advanced
  • Kidō: Advanced
  • Zanjutsu: Untrained
  • Hakuda: Beginner

Will Skills
  • Willpower/Determination: Advanced
  • Mental Deduction: Elite
  • Focus: Advanced

IX. Role Play Sample

» Roleplay Sample:



Last edited by ForgottenMercy on Fri May 26, 2023 8:39 pm; edited 7 times in total
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ajora - [Spirit Class 8] Saint Ajora Empty Re: [Spirit Class 8] Saint Ajora

Tue Sep 13, 2022 3:46 pm

Okay so overall it seems like this history completely overwrites Santa's current written history, which in a vacuum isn't an issue. However, the problem is that this functionally retcons the character into having been a secret chessmaster from the get-go, and establishes her as having been operating on a near-Urahara degree of intellectualism and high-level planning. This not only has impact on this character, but by extension Santa, and puts both characters into positions where they realistically have access to things that aren't especially approvable. Things like her extensive collection of souls in her research palaces realistically shouldn't be things simply grandfathered into a different character by way of alterations to history.

The perception of Ajora's work was that most of her significant research and creations had been relatively recent, whereas this seems to indicate she's simply been doing this for thousands of years. That's not really something we can simply slide into Santa's history to this degree.


In theory this is fine, though it shouldn't scale against Focus, nor would it be a Physical Augmentation skill given she's a plus.


As a Plus, she shouldn't have High Spec Human skills.[/adm]
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ajora - [Spirit Class 8] Saint Ajora Empty Re: [Spirit Class 8] Saint Ajora

Wed Sep 14, 2022 10:54 am
Removed her resources from her old life.

Removed High Spec Skills

Fixed her Not-Sonido
God of Love
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ajora - [Spirit Class 8] Saint Ajora Empty Re: [Spirit Class 8] Saint Ajora

Wed Sep 14, 2022 10:56 am
[adm]Hazard Ranks
Power: E
Influence: F
Resources: F

Comments/Notes: What that bone hand do tho
Tier: 5-1
Hazard Rating: E

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ajora - [Spirit Class 8] Saint Ajora Empty Re: [Spirit Class 8] Saint Ajora

Mon Oct 31, 2022 3:09 pm
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ajora - [Spirit Class 8] Saint Ajora Empty Re: [Spirit Class 8] Saint Ajora

Wed Nov 09, 2022 9:09 am

Shinigami skills added.
Hoho Savant and Kido Natural added.
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ajora - [Spirit Class 8] Saint Ajora Empty Re: [Spirit Class 8] Saint Ajora

Sat Feb 04, 2023 9:16 am
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ajora - [Spirit Class 8] Saint Ajora Empty Re: [Spirit Class 8] Saint Ajora

Fri May 26, 2023 8:39 pm

Speed: Adept -> Advanced
Hoho: Adept -> Advanced
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