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Fix it, Fix it, Fix it, Fix it [Joshua, Hana, Koga, Kaminari] - Page 2 Left_bar_bleue0/0Fix it, Fix it, Fix it, Fix it [Joshua, Hana, Koga, Kaminari] - Page 2 Empty_bar_bleue  (0/0)

Fix it, Fix it, Fix it, Fix it [Joshua, Hana, Koga, Kaminari] - Page 2 Empty Re: Fix it, Fix it, Fix it, Fix it [Joshua, Hana, Koga, Kaminari]

Sun Sep 15, 2024 1:33 am

Joshua gave a half shrug, with the side Kaminari wasn’t working on, at her comment that it might take a while. At a guess, there wasn’t much that wasn’t going to take a while with everything going on. Hana continued to be a peanut gallery in the background, which was comforting in a way. Hana might have seemed soft to most, and she was in a lot of ways. That girl had a steel core though; it might have been wrapped up in a lot of cloth, but it was there. At-least that was what Joshua felt.

Kaminari turned her gaze out to the Seireitei at large, and Joshua followed her gaze. Yeah, the warzone raged on alright.

“Might be tricky, but I know a few people. If I can get outside the walls, might be able to bring back some basics at least. Know a few inside that might be able to help. I’ll see what I can muster up,” he said, that seriousness creeping back into his voice. His gaze rolled back to Hana, and he seemed to consider something for a few moments.
“It alright if Hana sticks around here for a while? I don’t know the new guy here, but I get the feelin’ she does,” he asked. It seemed like Kaminari might have been the highest ranking member of the Second present, so best to go to the top.

~We trip and stumble only so that we may stand back up...~

Genpaku's Cast of Misfits and Titans
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The Gotei 13 Advocate
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Fix it, Fix it, Fix it, Fix it [Joshua, Hana, Koga, Kaminari] - Page 2 Left_bar_bleue1570/100Fix it, Fix it, Fix it, Fix it [Joshua, Hana, Koga, Kaminari] - Page 2 Empty_bar_bleue  (1570/100)

Fix it, Fix it, Fix it, Fix it [Joshua, Hana, Koga, Kaminari] - Page 2 Empty Re: Fix it, Fix it, Fix it, Fix it [Joshua, Hana, Koga, Kaminari]

Sun Sep 15, 2024 1:52 am
Fix it, Fix it, Fix it, Fix it [Joshua, Hana, Koga, Kaminari] - Page 2 Kaminari_and_Hana_2
One Mends, One Rends

Kaminari and her group would appreciate any help they could get at this point. They weren’t sure when it would be coming otherwise, and the healers of this place definitely needed to stay as healthy as possible. Kaminari glanced back at Hana and then nodded at Joshua. She finally dropped her hands and stopped using her kaido. Plopping down a bit, she wiped some sweat from her brow.

“Y-Yeah, she can stay. I-…” “Aunt Kaminari…” a voice suddenly came out of absolute nowhere. Kaminari blinked and looked over to a young girl, no older than eight or nine. “When’s Dad coming back?” “He will come for you the moment he can, Mayumi. For now, you have to stay within the barrier, alright?” “I know… Who’re you?” Mayumi asked Joshua, “My name is Mayumi Shirazumi.”

Hana took a moment to look up to the child that spoke, blinking in surprise at her presence. Of course, she must have been a kid rescued from the chaos out there. Good… Who knew how many children suffered in this… That thought brought Hana’s mind back to Reida… That was another person she tried to help and failed.

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Fix it, Fix it, Fix it, Fix it [Joshua, Hana, Koga, Kaminari] - Page 2 Left_bar_bleue0/0Fix it, Fix it, Fix it, Fix it [Joshua, Hana, Koga, Kaminari] - Page 2 Empty_bar_bleue  (0/0)

Fix it, Fix it, Fix it, Fix it [Joshua, Hana, Koga, Kaminari] - Page 2 Empty Re: Fix it, Fix it, Fix it, Fix it [Joshua, Hana, Koga, Kaminari]

Sun Sep 15, 2024 2:12 am

Joshua’s attention was pulled away by the child’s voice intruding onto the conversation, and he turned his attention over to the little miss as she spoke to Kaminari. Her referring to Kaminari as ‘aunt’ didn’t raise any questions other than how she’d gotten in here; people formed makeshift families all the time in the Rukongai, and Kaminari had mentioned spending a lot of time out there. A few assumptions could be made from that. Then Mayumi turned her attention to Joshua and introduced herself, a several alarm bells went off in his head. He blinked once, before giving the little girl a gentle smile and offering his right hand.
“Hello there, I’m Joshua. A pleasure to meet you Mayumi,” he said, his tone only slightly on edge. He looked over to Kaminari, pointedly.

“Now I resent how that date went; I think there is a fascinating story here that you deprived me of and I will have you know I am hurt,” he said, with all together too much mock seriousness to be taken in any way seriously. He cracked a smile after only a heartbeat later, emphasizing that he was making fun of it here. There was, however, underlying questions; is this who he thought this was, and if so how the hell did she not only end up here but end up calling Kaminari’s ‘aunt.’ Welp, today was anything and everything except boring it seemed.

~We trip and stumble only so that we may stand back up...~

Genpaku's Cast of Misfits and Titans
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The Gotei 13 Advocate
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Fix it, Fix it, Fix it, Fix it [Joshua, Hana, Koga, Kaminari] - Page 2 Left_bar_bleue1570/100Fix it, Fix it, Fix it, Fix it [Joshua, Hana, Koga, Kaminari] - Page 2 Empty_bar_bleue  (1570/100)

Fix it, Fix it, Fix it, Fix it [Joshua, Hana, Koga, Kaminari] - Page 2 Empty Re: Fix it, Fix it, Fix it, Fix it [Joshua, Hana, Koga, Kaminari]

Sun Sep 15, 2024 2:27 am
Fix it, Fix it, Fix it, Fix it [Joshua, Hana, Koga, Kaminari] - Page 2 Kaminari_and_Hana_2
One Mends, One Rends

Mayumi happily reached out and took Joshua’s hand, “Nice to meet you too.” Even with the chaos going on around her, Mayumi seemed just fine. She was smiling, even if not the biggest, and she didn’t have a scratch on her, so she had been made safe. She sat down near them, a child wanting to join the rest of the adults.

“Huh?” Kaminari raised an eyebrow. “What do you mean?” After a moment, a look of realization came on her face and she accepted that mocking tone as his clown side. “Well, uh… I guess you’ll have to be hurt then?” she said, a rather strained attempt at projecting humor back at Joshua. She was always so tense.

“How did you get hurt so bad? She healed you, so you owe Aunt Kaminari your life.” Mayumi said, the final sentence accompanied by the smuggest goblin grin.

"Uh, uh, uh... Miss Kaminari," Hana called, her voice panicking. Kaminari looked over to see Koga's chest rising and falling too quickly to be stable. She scooted over and held both hands over the man's chest and began her work. It took a few seconds, but Koga began calming down. Now only using one hand for normal kaido, she cast another separately, reapplying the durability kido to help numb the pain again, and then continued like normal. She could feel her energy getting low, and she did not want to have to pull out her second wind on this, but she might... "He's okay..."

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Fix it, Fix it, Fix it, Fix it [Joshua, Hana, Koga, Kaminari] - Page 2 Left_bar_bleue0/0Fix it, Fix it, Fix it, Fix it [Joshua, Hana, Koga, Kaminari] - Page 2 Empty_bar_bleue  (0/0)

Fix it, Fix it, Fix it, Fix it [Joshua, Hana, Koga, Kaminari] - Page 2 Empty Re: Fix it, Fix it, Fix it, Fix it [Joshua, Hana, Koga, Kaminari]

Sun Sep 15, 2024 2:44 am

Joshua chuckled at Kaminari’s response, before turning his attention back to Mayumi as she came valliantly to Kaminari’s defense.
“There’s some truth to that; everyone is very lucky to have ‘Aunt Kaminari’ watching out for them, aren’t they?” he asked. Hana’s voice broke back into the conversation, dragging Joshua’s attention back over to her and the prone form of Koga. It seemed like he was not as out of the woods as they had previously thought, though Joshua didn’t say anything about that. Kaminari got back to work, but it was clear she was taxed. Everyone here was. It would have been weird if they weren’t, then again. Things were going to get rougher before they got better, and the enemy hadn’t retreated yet. There were still plenty of Hollows crawling around the place to be a problem. They’d seemed largely contained to the Seireitei at first, but Joshua had already seen them starting to spread outwards.

Joshua turned back to Mayumi.

“How’d you end up all the way in here, Miss Mayumi?” he asked, trying to grab the child’s attention as Kaminari got back to work. Kids loved to talk, and if kept her distracted from the worst of what was going on he’d count it as a small kindness.

~We trip and stumble only so that we may stand back up...~

Genpaku's Cast of Misfits and Titans
[Character Thread]

The Gotei 13 Advocate
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Fix it, Fix it, Fix it, Fix it [Joshua, Hana, Koga, Kaminari] - Page 2 Left_bar_bleue1570/100Fix it, Fix it, Fix it, Fix it [Joshua, Hana, Koga, Kaminari] - Page 2 Empty_bar_bleue  (1570/100)

Fix it, Fix it, Fix it, Fix it [Joshua, Hana, Koga, Kaminari] - Page 2 Empty Re: Fix it, Fix it, Fix it, Fix it [Joshua, Hana, Koga, Kaminari]

Sun Sep 15, 2024 2:53 am
Fix it, Fix it, Fix it, Fix it [Joshua, Hana, Koga, Kaminari] - Page 2 Kaminari_and_Hana_2
One Mends, One Rends

“Yep,” Mayumi stated like her word was law, but when things got scary, she scooted away from the injured man. Sitting back in a corner, she curled her legs up and hugged them, wishing her Dad were hurry up and beat the bad guys so she could go home. Of course, there was always that fear that her father wasn’t coming…

While Kaminari worked, Hana moved to the other side of Koga, now facing the rest of the group, and held onto his hand. Even though she was horribly worried about him, she was calming down enough to at least listen to the conversation.

“Aunt Kaminari brought me here right before my house blew up,” Mayumi explained sadly, staring at the floor. “Well, not my real house, but my Uncle J’s house. We were running… and she put up a barrier that protected us from a big ball of fire…”

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Fix it, Fix it, Fix it, Fix it [Joshua, Hana, Koga, Kaminari] - Page 2 Left_bar_bleue0/0Fix it, Fix it, Fix it, Fix it [Joshua, Hana, Koga, Kaminari] - Page 2 Empty_bar_bleue  (0/0)

Fix it, Fix it, Fix it, Fix it [Joshua, Hana, Koga, Kaminari] - Page 2 Empty Re: Fix it, Fix it, Fix it, Fix it [Joshua, Hana, Koga, Kaminari]

Sun Sep 15, 2024 4:24 pm

Joshua’s eyebrows raised as Mayumi responded, giving her account of how she got here.
“Well, I’d bet that was quite scary. You’re being very brave then, handlin’ it as well as ya are,” he said gently. He didn’t know who this Uncle Jay was, but in general a house exploding wasn’t exactly a soothing event. Considering where he was pretty sure the girl was from, that meant the attack had spread out further than he’d thought. He would have to rethink where he was gonna go check for supplies. He still had a couple leads though, a couple places he could think of to check out. He also knew a few people he might be able to reach out to ta set up something for them a little further out than the next couple hours. All of that would take time though; as usual, time was the chip they were all lowest on it felt like.

“Yeah, Miss Kaminari is pretty amazing ain’t she? Protectin ya from that big ol’ ball of fire and then helpin’ all these people. I think you just might be lucky, cause you ended up in one of the best places to wait for all this to blow over,” Joshua said, giving a grin with as much warmth as he could muster up to the little girl. Things were gonna be bleak, but that didn’t mean ya had to expose kids to it quite so harshly.

They’d learn on their own, eventually.

~We trip and stumble only so that we may stand back up...~

Genpaku's Cast of Misfits and Titans
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The Gotei 13 Advocate
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Fix it, Fix it, Fix it, Fix it [Joshua, Hana, Koga, Kaminari] - Page 2 Left_bar_bleue1570/100Fix it, Fix it, Fix it, Fix it [Joshua, Hana, Koga, Kaminari] - Page 2 Empty_bar_bleue  (1570/100)

Fix it, Fix it, Fix it, Fix it [Joshua, Hana, Koga, Kaminari] - Page 2 Empty Re: Fix it, Fix it, Fix it, Fix it [Joshua, Hana, Koga, Kaminari]

Sun Sep 15, 2024 5:00 pm
Fix it, Fix it, Fix it, Fix it [Joshua, Hana, Koga, Kaminari] - Page 2 Kaminari_and_Hana_2
One Mends, One Rends

In hearing Joshua compliment her, Kaminari actually blushed. Flustered, the woman turned away from Joshua, hiding the fact that the compliment had actually done anything. Mayumi kept on talking, distracting herself from the chaos around, “It’s boring over here and watching people get healed is sad.”

“Mayumi, if you want to do something, you can help clean up the work areas,” Kaminari looked over to the child. The girl was spoiled and didn’t find “a point” in helping out around here. “We could use help getting up any trash; just put on these gloves,” Reiko held some sanitary gloves in front of the girl. Mayumi was appalled, and looked to Kaminari for help. “Get up and start helping.” Reluctantly, Mayumi stood up and walked off with Reiko. “That child… I swear; her father spoils her.”

"Is that so wrong? If anyone should spoil a child, should it not be their parents?" Hana asked, glancing up from Koga to Kaminari. "Not to the degree of not understanding how to interact with the real world." "A child should not have to interact with the real world." "Then how do you prepare them for it?" "...I do not know, but there is a reason she is being protected here... and not fighting out there."

Kaminari reinitiated another kaido spell, each one she added causing more strain on her at this point. She was using way too much energy. Between these three and the couple dozen she had worked on before they arrived, the fact that she had not passed out was a miracle, or pure adrenaline. Hana looked up over the Seireitei and closed her eyes, trying to focus her reikaku throughout the area she could reach. She wasn't finding anyone... No Hono, no Hiroe, No Kaito... No Tento... No Akira or Reida. Lowering her head, she tightened her grip on Koga's hand. 'This is horrible...'

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Fix it, Fix it, Fix it, Fix it [Joshua, Hana, Koga, Kaminari] - Page 2 Left_bar_bleue0/0Fix it, Fix it, Fix it, Fix it [Joshua, Hana, Koga, Kaminari] - Page 2 Empty_bar_bleue  (0/0)

Fix it, Fix it, Fix it, Fix it [Joshua, Hana, Koga, Kaminari] - Page 2 Empty Re: Fix it, Fix it, Fix it, Fix it [Joshua, Hana, Koga, Kaminari]

Sun Sep 15, 2024 6:05 pm

“Ah, yer both right,” Joshua spoke up, watching the little girl being led reluctantly away to start helping with some of the cleanup.
“Parents should take care of their kids, and a little spoiling is fine. There is a time and place for it though, and a time and place for when we all have to learn that we gotta pitch in and help out others. Doesn’t mean we can’t shield the innocent from the worst of it as long as we can though,” Joshua said, almost more talking to himself than either of the women. He turned back to both of them and looked them over for a heartbeat before nodding and standing up. He gave a stretch, which his body protested about. He was gonna be sore for a while, that was for sure, but there wasn’t much to be done about that. He’d worked through worse.

“Speakin’ of pitching in, I should probably see what I can do about them supplies I was talkin’ about. I got a few leads I’ll check up on, and if I can maybe drag a few people that can pitch in here back or at least send them on their way I’ll do that,” he said to Kaminari. He moved his left arm a little, testing to make sure it all felt right. He was almost certainly gonna end up in another fight or two with this little mission.

~We trip and stumble only so that we may stand back up...~

Genpaku's Cast of Misfits and Titans
[Character Thread]

The Gotei 13 Advocate
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Fix it, Fix it, Fix it, Fix it [Joshua, Hana, Koga, Kaminari] - Page 2 Left_bar_bleue1570/100Fix it, Fix it, Fix it, Fix it [Joshua, Hana, Koga, Kaminari] - Page 2 Empty_bar_bleue  (1570/100)

Fix it, Fix it, Fix it, Fix it [Joshua, Hana, Koga, Kaminari] - Page 2 Empty Re: Fix it, Fix it, Fix it, Fix it [Joshua, Hana, Koga, Kaminari]

Sun Sep 15, 2024 7:00 pm
Fix it, Fix it, Fix it, Fix it [Joshua, Hana, Koga, Kaminari] - Page 2 Kaminari_and_Hana_2
One Mends, One Rends

“You’d be a good dad…” Hana said, her voice close to a whisper.

Kaminari was not going to make any sort of comment there, but might have quietly agreed with Hana. She just kept focusing on Koga since he was close to being healed up. She wasn’t sure what sort of internal injuries he had, but she could tell he would be okay. His breathing was normal and his face had relaxed further.

"Alright, thanks, we could use it," Kaminari said.

However, someone else had a problem with this. Hana looked up from Koga to Joshua and shook her head. "Wait, no, no, no... Stay. It is too dangerous," she said, staring fearfully him, eyes wide, another sense of panic setting in.

End Post
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Fix it, Fix it, Fix it, Fix it [Joshua, Hana, Koga, Kaminari] - Page 2 Empty Re: Fix it, Fix it, Fix it, Fix it [Joshua, Hana, Koga, Kaminari]

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