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First Impressions [Junichiro / Erica ] Empty First Impressions [Junichiro / Erica ]

Sun Sep 08, 2024 1:50 pm
Finally made it, it seems. Staring up at the building towering overhead, a billowing banner hanging high above brandishing proof that he had made it to the right place. Two simple lines that held meaning and pride to the many who were beyond these doors. The Second Division. He had made it all the way here with his own two legs, yet standing now at the bottom of these stairs, they seemed to fail him in the final hour. His fists clenched tight as he gripped at his shihakusho, closing his eyes and drawing in a deep breath in a desperate attempt to calm his nerves. He could feel the building growing taller and taller, further out of his reach as he shrank, heart racing in his chest.

The trajectory of his recent life had been moving a bit to quick for his liking, and the stress leading up to this transition to a new life was proving to wear on the poor boy, fragile as he was. His sleep was turbulent, his nerves were shot, cheeks drawn and eyes dark with exhaustion. Not only did he feel terrible but he knew he looked terrible, which was worse than any sickness that he could be afflicted with. The moment the Second would see him, they would send him on his way, as slovenly as he was right now. He had only managed to brush his hair with 90 strokes instead of his usual 100 because of how strapped for time he was, he had even noticed a wrinkle on his freshly ironed shihakusho. He was doomed. He might as well drop to his knees right here and now and grovel if he ever wanted an inkling of a chance to sweep the floors. The Silverwhite Snowflake Rukia Kuchiki herself was the Captain of this Squad, and her elegance was a monument towering over him, the lowly beast that he was. Not only a warrior as stunning as she was strong, but a member of one of the 4 Noble houses.

This was a mistake, he shouldn't have come here. A worm belongs in the dirt, no place in the crystal palace. Turning sharply on his heels, with a dejected sigh, Junichiro Kitagawa had been defeated before he even started, shoulders slumped as he began his first shameful step back home.

First Impressions [Junichiro / Erica ] QKPkSTJ
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First Impressions [Junichiro / Erica ] Empty Re: First Impressions [Junichiro / Erica ]

Mon Sep 09, 2024 7:25 am
First Impressions [Junichiro / Erica ] VTEZeJL

“Are you alright?” A rather cheerful figure asked, approaching the man at a steady pace. He’d been standing there for a bit and the pink haired healer was slightly bemused by his actions. From what she could tell, he didn’t have any ill intentions but one look at his face told the woman that he wasn’t in the best place. There was tiredness in his features and he definitely looked like he needed a good night's sleep. That being said, the woman didn’t let her concern cross her features, the smile remaining on her face instead.

“My name is Erica Tolvan, one of the healers of Squad 2.” She went on, bowing her head politely. “If you require assistance then I’d be happy to help you if I can.”

Her zanpakuto would choose that moment to release a sweet smelling scent, as usual choosing precisely the right moment to do so. Erica wished that she could do it at will but it seemed that her link with her blade was strong enough that her sword knew when it needed to lend a hand. With any luck, the sweetness would help calm the man.


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Mon Sep 09, 2024 4:37 pm
Like a light cast across the gloom that brewed inside the man's head, her voice snapped him back into reality like a splash of cold water. His slouched shoulders snapped ridged, eyes widening briefly before turning to face her abruptly, still clutching at his clothes like a child before releasing his grip slowly and offering her an embarrassed bow of his own head in return. Another bright face, the second he had seen today. It was no wonder he was such a long shadow when he was surrounded by these glittering lights. A fragrance radiated from her that matched her delicate features, a flower freshly plucked from the garden.

With a sheepish smile, Junichiro put up both hands to wave away any worries she may have had, realizing he had shown up to the medic barracks looking like a corpse, it was a miracle they hadn't rushed him to the urgent care. "Oh no no, thank you thank you! I actually..." As he spoke, he could feel his mouth dry up, lips chap, tongue seize and throat cling tightly onto whatever words he had almost dared to utter. Glancing back up to the banner high above, his mouth hung open for a brief moment, before shutting tightly, brow furrowing as his internal conflict made manifest on his expression once again. Then, returning his attention to this sweet smelling Shinigami, he quietly introduced himself. "I'm Junichiro Kitagawa, a pleasure to meet you Erica."
So much for first impressions.

First Impressions [Junichiro / Erica ] QKPkSTJ
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First Impressions [Junichiro / Erica ] Empty Re: First Impressions [Junichiro / Erica ]

Tue Sep 10, 2024 8:13 am
First Impressions [Junichiro / Erica ] VTEZeJL

He was awfully nervous and Erica felt her curiosity rise as she watched him. There was clearly something going on and the healer would be negligent if she didn’t at least try and alleviate whatever issues he was having. Yet, he didn’t seem physically injured and other than looking rather tired, he seemed alright in himself. So, all she could do was make him feel welcome and maybe then she’d get somewhere.

“So what brings you here then if you’re in no need of medicine?” She asked cheerfully, her green eyes brimming with intrigue. There must have been a reason for him turning up so suddenly.

There was some movement behind them but for today at least, it seemed relatively quiet compared to normal, giving the barracks a rather quaint and gentle feel. Erica had to admit that she rather liked the vibe of her division and it always made her feel right at home.


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First Impressions [Junichiro / Erica ] Empty Re: First Impressions [Junichiro / Erica ]

Tue Sep 10, 2024 5:06 pm
June's attention seemed to trail off as he racked his brain for the right words, clasping his hands together and feigning a grin as if some unconscious distraction to buy him time. But as he stared at these barracks, taking in the atmosphere, his smile seemed to melt away, the brightness in his eyes returning to their unsure glumness. Then before he knew it, the words seemed to come out of his mouth on their own, "What do you think about the 2nd Division, Erica...?" His eyes seemed fixated on the ebb and flow of the building, his hands once again wringing at his clothes as the nerves built up once again, the honest question having flown out past his lips against his will. Forcing himself to snap out of it, he offered a nod of his head and another handsome grin, "Y'know, how are you finding it here I mean? What are the people like...?" There was a tender pleading to his lilac gaze, his expression honest even if his words seemed to beat around the bush.

His tension was seeming to slowly melt away in the presence of this woman, between the floral fragrance and the gentle approach, it was like a breath of fresh air compared to the sweat-sodden cesspit he had just experienced at the 4th barracks. Every moment more he stood here, he felt more and more silly to feel as nervous as he had been when leaving the house this morning. Maybe things were looking up after all.

First Impressions [Junichiro / Erica ] QKPkSTJ
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First Impressions [Junichiro / Erica ] Empty Re: First Impressions [Junichiro / Erica ]

Wed Sep 11, 2024 7:12 am
First Impressions [Junichiro / Erica ] VTEZeJL

She had not expected to receive questions in return but Erica had no problem with answering them although the healer had to ponder for a few moments to come up with the right response. There was a different vibe to every Division and the 2nd was no different although Erica had to admit that only her own was where she felt truly at home. There was a tenderness, a gentleness in the hearts of many who walked the hall although that didn’t mind that when needed, her teammates couldn’t fight.

“I couldn’t have found a more dependable group of squadmates and I’d trust them with my life. I spend most of my time in the infirmary, healing those in need and the teamwork that we all display together is quite beautiful to watch. That being said, we’ve got some powerhouses too when it comes to combat as well and we are just as capable on the frontlines as the back.” She eventually said with a smile. “In fairness though, I always prefer to think of us as the healing division, where saving lives is more important than anything else.”


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First Impressions [Junichiro / Erica ] Empty Re: First Impressions [Junichiro / Erica ]

Thu Sep 12, 2024 4:08 pm

Rather it was Erica's warm words or her sweet scent, June wasn't sure, but he felt the tension slowly melt from his shoulders as she talked about the kind of people that she was proud to be working with everyday. Junichiro was putting some faith in the Second Division, hoping it would be the bastion of comfort for him when trying make the impossible decision on where to stake his claim when he wasn't even fully sure if he was supposed to be a Shinigami in the first place. Everywhere up until now that he had poked his head into seemed like somewhere he wouldn't belong, but the concept of the Second piqued his interest like none of the other squads seemed to, some level of beauty in the arts of Kido and some form of honorable meaning in tending to wounded. He never could see himself rushing in on the front line, but knowing he could potentially do his part to add to the greater whole in this way stirred up something he could almost imagine might be passion in him. Passion in being a Shinigami, passion for being a part of Gotei United.

Finding himself smiling and almost day dreaming to her simple but effective words, he took a deep breath and nodded to her again, taking her hands and shaking them in thanks. "Thank you Erica... truly! You've stoked a flame in this tender heart..." Stepping back, he bowed slightly at the waist and cleared his throat, taking a deep breath and closing his eyes, taking the leap that albeit minor, was a major step for him.

"I would like to officially apply to the Second Division, if you would be willing to assist me in the process."

First Impressions [Junichiro / Erica ] QKPkSTJ
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First Impressions [Junichiro / Erica ] Empty Re: First Impressions [Junichiro / Erica ]

Fri Sep 13, 2024 11:19 am
First Impressions [Junichiro / Erica ] VTEZeJL

Ah, so that was his reason for joining and Erica smiled brightly as she listened. It was always nice to hear that another Shinigami wished to join the 2nd and she hoped that he would one day come to feel the same way about the Division as she did. The healer had never had any other choice when she’d succeeded at the academy but not because she was incapable but instead due to the fact she knew where she wanted to be. Her hands were for healing and there was no better place for her then where she was now.

“I’m glad that you’ve decided to join us in the 2nd and I’m sure that all of our members will say the same when you get to know them.” She replied with a wide smile. “You’ll need to fill out some paperwork I reckon but the process shouldn’t be too arduous.”


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First Impressions [Junichiro / Erica ] Empty Re: First Impressions [Junichiro / Erica ]

Sat Sep 14, 2024 4:44 pm

June offered a broad pearly grin in return, turning to the doorway above the stairs that laid before them, then back to her. "Admittedly... I do not know the way, since the rebuild... would you mind showing me around, Erica..? Assuming you are not on your way somewhere already!" He said, smile fading into a sheepish wave of his hand, "I'm sure I can find my way, no need to worry about me." He offered, already imagining himself a burden on this Squad and he hasn't even started the paperwork to join it yet.

"Before I forget, I must know where you get your perfume from! The scent is captivating, my mother would love it. Is it locally sourced or do you import it..?" Her floral aroma was so lovely and calming, it was no wonder that he broke out of his shell so easily around her, her lavender presence and orchid appearance was enchanting.

First Impressions [Junichiro / Erica ] QKPkSTJ
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First Impressions [Junichiro / Erica ] Empty Re: First Impressions [Junichiro / Erica ]

Sun Sep 15, 2024 8:40 am
First Impressions [Junichiro / Erica ] VTEZeJL

“I’ll be happy to show you around.” The healer replied with a smile. “It seems that today is rather quiet in the barracks and my shift in the infirmary hasn't begun. I can probably give you a brief tour at least to make sure you know where you’re going.” There was no reason for her to just shrug him off and if he truly wanted to become a member of the 2nd, he’d need to get the lay of the land so why shouldn’t she step up and lend a hand? He was a nice guy and already she was fond of him.

Leading him away from the entrance and starting the tour, she’d laugh gently at his last pair of questions, placing a hand on her sealed zanpakuto. “Actually, that particular fragrance comes from my sword, a sealed ability that seems to be able to calm those around it. I haven’t mastered Shikai yet. My blade seems to have an inkling as to when it's needed though and whenever I’m in an anxious spot, it releases its fragrance. I find it incredibly useful while working in the hospital.”


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