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Let's Talk About You[Lilith, Solomon]  - Page 2 Empty Re: Let's Talk About You[Lilith, Solomon]

Sun Sep 08, 2024 12:22 am
Let's Talk About You[Lilith, Solomon]  - Page 2 JldLRzK


"You're not wrong, and for the most part, I feel I have moved on, but I feel like I might make the same mistake in the future. I might say something wrong and risk ruining the friendship we've built for good."

Even without much strength behind it, he was still impressed by the way this woman's form was structured. She had the body of a warrior, that much was apparent. The gut punch was firm, enough to stun him for a small moment, but not to a degree that would take him out of the spar early. With movements reminiscent of a boxer, he expected her movements to be unpredictable and difficult to read. Thus, he remained on the defensive for now, shifting from side to side to get a feeling for her movements and observe her rhythm.

"After all, I might as well have told her she was worthless when it concerned the battlefield. In my attempt to ask her if she was equipped for the battlefield, I came across far too harshly. I just don't want to repeat that behavior with someone else I consider a close friend."


The Gotei 13 Advocate
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Let's Talk About You[Lilith, Solomon]  - Page 2 Empty Re: Let's Talk About You[Lilith, Solomon]

Sun Sep 08, 2024 12:46 am
Let's Talk About You[Lilith, Solomon]  - Page 2 LilithB_Header4
Lilith Blake | EDEN FOUNDER

Lilith watched with a smirk as this young man adapted to her fighting style. Good, she could appreciate that, and it gave her an idea to help him as he continued explaining things to her. She threw a few new punches, aiming for his shoulder, head, and chest. Then suddenly she repeated the first punch she made, aiming for his gut. Immediately side stepping, she also repeated the punch toward his side. Both were with the previous force made. Because he was clearly a trained man, she figured he would be able to dodge it, and once he did, she smiled.

“See, you learned,” Lilith said and then continued a few more jabs at him, and then suddenly threw in a quick round-house kick to the side of his head. She still kept a mild strength behind it, no intention of harming him at all. “Certain types of women are… Let’s call it soft. Think of them like, uh… Like a pillow. Think with their hearts, and find self-worth in their ability to provide comfort and peace to the one that lays their head down. This Violet... She one of these softer women?”

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Let's Talk About You[Lilith, Solomon]  - Page 2 Empty Re: Let's Talk About You[Lilith, Solomon]

Sun Sep 08, 2024 1:24 am
Let's Talk About You[Lilith, Solomon]  - Page 2 JldLRzK


"Let's just say, as much as I hate to admit it, I'd be hard-pressed to call her thick-skinned."

Since she was aiming to assist him from a place of genuine care for his well-being, he thought it ill-mannered to approach the subject with any measure of falsity. He sincerely cared for Violet's wellbeing, but he didn't particularly think his advice that day was meant as a slight against her ability. He simply wanted to know if she was truly prepared to approach any mission with the thought of dying.

His duty in the Vandenreich was always one of action and duty. No one was asking him to die for their sake, but there was always a possibility that he'd be tasked to approach a mission that could potentially place him at death's door. That was simply the life of a soldier.

It wasn't exactly the burden he wanted to fall on her shoulders. The pattern came again. Punch to the stomach, side-step, and then a punch to his side. In return, he attempted to achieve those same patterns, reversing the order.

Adding a feint in there to seize a small advantage. Punch to the chest, sidestep, and then a punch to her shoulder. He didn't exactly think they were engaging in a boxing match, but he maintained a similar stance to her own as a measure of respect.

"I do think there is something fragile about her. I wouldn't exactly say I'm walking on eggshells whenever I speak with her, but I fear the thought of ever saying anything wrong again. When I said something out of place before - those harsh words - she went into a downward spiral... and it became exceedingly difficult to drag her out of it. For the first time, when I saw her like that, even with the assistance of someone else, I felt so useless. So out of place..."


The Gotei 13 Advocate
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Let's Talk About You[Lilith, Solomon]  - Page 2 Empty Re: Let's Talk About You[Lilith, Solomon]

Sun Sep 08, 2024 1:46 am
Let's Talk About You[Lilith, Solomon]  - Page 2 LilithB_Header10
Lilith Blake

As Solomon attacked back, Lilith maneuvered in a way that her training allowed. She dedicated centuries to fighting those who focused on speed, so her prediction capabilities for how combatants moved were highly elite. She was out of the way of each of his jabs rather simply, as if not thinking anything of it, and then she suddenly took a step back, putting her hands in a “T” formation to stop the spar.

“Wait, wait… Roll back,” she said, spinning her fingers back toward her, symbolizing a return to something he said. “You sound like saying something wrong is terrifying you… You can’t have a friendship like that; you either have to trust yourself not to hurt her like that again, or trust that she would forgive you if you did because she knows you well enough that, even if it hurt, she’d see it as a mistake. Why would you be friends with someone you weren't allowed to make a mistake around? I would say that sounds like way too much pressure, don't it?”

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Let's Talk About You[Lilith, Solomon]  - Page 2 Empty Re: Let's Talk About You[Lilith, Solomon]

Sun Sep 08, 2024 3:22 am
Let's Talk About You[Lilith, Solomon]  - Page 2 JldLRzK



Solomon paused in his movement as Lilith called a timeout, leading to a pause in their battle. He reflected on her words as she explained how tense that sort of atmosphere was in a friendship and the pressure that accompanied it. Solomon certainly couldn't deny those words. He felt himself inclined to agree with them. Even so, it still bothered him. He didn't think he'd do anything wrong, or say anything that might cause her to falter again, but it was still a present fear, one not so easily shaken. Sighing softly, he nodded his head, acknowledging her words with little resistance. He couldn't deny them, much less tell her she was wrong.

"You're not wrong. I suppose it might very well be me overthinking things, reflecting too much on the regret instead of moving forward. As if I deserve some sort of... punishment, I suppose?"


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Let's Talk About You[Lilith, Solomon]  - Page 2 Empty Re: Let's Talk About You[Lilith, Solomon]

Sun Sep 08, 2024 12:50 pm
Let's Talk About You[Lilith, Solomon]  - Page 2 LilithB_Header10
Lilith Blake

"You deserve some sort of punishment?” Lilith questioned, raising an eyebrow at him. She then put her hands on her hips and began laughing, shoulder bouncing with her amusement. “Honey, ain’t being human enough punishment sometimes? Where life decides to take things easy on you, it’s best to allow it to. If Violet forgave you, it’s best to trust the forgiveness and move forward.”

Suddenly, Lilith burst forward and send another punch straight to his gut, but this time utilizing some actual strength and speed behind it. Her smile continued, knowing a punch to a relaxed stomach was brutal. “And if you need some sort of punishment, I did that for Violet,” Lilith said and then pat him on the back. “That cute little two-colored girl with the big tits and soft disposition… right?” Lilith’s smile grew brighter as she revealed she knew exactly who he spoke of.

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Let's Talk About You[Lilith, Solomon]  - Page 2 Empty Re: Let's Talk About You[Lilith, Solomon]

Tue Sep 10, 2024 4:05 pm
Let's Talk About You[Lilith, Solomon]  - Page 2 JldLRzK


"Guh...! Haha... that's certainly one way of describing her."

Solomon's body was momentarily stunned by her next strike. He recognized that she outclassed him in speed and reaction time, to say nothing of the physical impact behind her fists. Had he assumed Blut, perhaps he would've been able to maintain a proper defense. As it were, he took a moment to regain his composure. Light inhale, deep exhale. He was grateful she didn't resort to a strike to the kidney, a blow most boxers customarily rely on to end the match early. His expression grew curious as he gazed at her from his current posture.

"...What did you do?"


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Let's Talk About You[Lilith, Solomon]  - Page 2 Empty Re: Let's Talk About You[Lilith, Solomon]

Tue Sep 10, 2024 6:33 pm
Let's Talk About You[Lilith, Solomon]  - Page 2 LilithB_Header10
Lilith Blake | EDEN FOUNDER

Ah. He didn’t understand what she meant. The boy was a bit dense; he’s lucky he’s cute. “I met Violet on this beach about a week ago,” Lilith explained, a hand on her hip. “She’s a sweet girl, timid, clearly lived an abusive childhood, but sweet anyways… So, I punished you. If you made Violet feel so badly that you can’t accept her forgiveness and require punishment, a single punch in the gut should suffice, doncha think? Unless you think I should punch you again?” Lilith cracked her knuckles, a mischievous smile growing as she stood over Solomon.

"How much of a beating do you think you need to take in order to move on from something you've already been forgiven for?" Lilith said and was clearly serious.

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Let's Talk About You[Lilith, Solomon]  - Page 2 Empty Re: Let's Talk About You[Lilith, Solomon]

Thu Sep 12, 2024 2:54 am
Let's Talk About You[Lilith, Solomon]  - Page 2 JldLRzK


"I completely misunderstood that... Sorry. It must have been from how hard you hit."

He humored, clearly playing off of how dense he must have come across in front of this woman. His mind honed in her next words as he raised his head to gaze at her. He didn't necessarily think her words were incorrect, far from it. The direct approach simply caught him off guard. For a moment, he reflected on her words as he lifted his fist and nodded his head. Perhaps he truly was overthinking things. There was nothing to pay for and nothing to be gained in suffering punishment at what were arguably the destructive hands of a strong woman. A sheepish smile graced his features as he shook his head.

"When you hit like that? Not too many, I admit."


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Let's Talk About You[Lilith, Solomon]  - Page 2 Empty Re: Let's Talk About You[Lilith, Solomon]

Thu Sep 12, 2024 3:15 am
Let's Talk About You[Lilith, Solomon]  - Page 2 LilithB_Header10
Lilith Blake | EDEN FOUNDER

“Good! That’s what I like hearing!” Lilith said and threw her arm around his shoulder, leading him around toward the street, where there was a line of restaurants and stalls they could buy something from. “So, why don’t you and I pick up some lunch? You can tell me about yourself and I’ll learn what type of girl I need to hook you up with. Turns out, I’m pretty good at playin’ match maker. Whatcha say?”

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