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Unintended Consequences [ Tento | Armina ] - Page 3 Empty Re: Unintended Consequences [ Tento | Armina ]

Fri Sep 13, 2024 9:56 pm
Unintended Consequences [ Tento | Armina ] - Page 3 Cc273a97c03c9b2e584353292e339435

Tentō Zefā | The Unrefined Paragon

Now this was quite the unexpected thing to experience today of all things. Tento normally quite loved being grabbed a hot lady. Buttt, this was a bit out of the way of any excitement he would-. Ah who the hell was he kidding. Armina was tough as nails and this was getting EXCITING.

The tug of war against their blades as they went back and forth was enough to draw memories of intense spars. The spirit within him loved the test of dominance and death. The twisted view of power opposite of Tento's world that shun bright with glee to the path layers by its pursuit. All in all, despite his own remarks that the hollow words were mo reflection of his own. One thing was true. Both had the reality of being thrilled when blood ran and pumped from his vains.

His tall frame quickly found himself put off balance. His once stable footing YANKED as Arimna spun him first in a whimsical pop of oh shit before being up in the air. A knee meeting the destination as a puff of air was forced out. The tale of her berserker strength failed to describe the reality, bolstered by her control of hakudo. Tento body dazzled back before he stiffed up in a quick gathered, leaning back as he gritted and pushed himself forward, slamming his head into Armina to meet her attempted headbutt.

If she wanted to play rough she found a match that was not afraid to do this dance. With a quick drop to the ground Tento slide his left foot in a quick leg sweep towards the ankles, his left hand moving to the sheath of his zanpakuto before pulling it out, drawing it in a raised arms stance before slamming them down towards Armina un a double slash before hoping back. If he was successful or not he would smirk, a drop of blood dripping from his bruised forehead. “First blood's yours, Willsaam”, Tento said with quite an overjoyed smirk on his face.

Light in the Dark | End Post

Unintended Consequences [ Tento | Armina ] - Page 3 Tentos10
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Unintended Consequences [ Tento | Armina ] - Page 3 Empty Re: Unintended Consequences [ Tento | Armina ]

Sat Sep 14, 2024 8:00 am
Unintended Consequences [ Tento | Armina ] - Page 3 Esdese.full.1832053

He certainly had quite the hard head and there was an unpleasant crunch as he met hers with his own. Well, turnabout's fair play and all that and Armina was certainly not going to bitch about it, simply absorbing the pain as best she could. Tento was tough and most certainly not afraid, traits that the 4th Seat could appreciate. Her knee strike had also been successful but he’d once again proved his hardness by taking it well. Good. She’d spared none of her strength in delivering it, expecting that he had a good amount of durability and stamina.

He would strike again, aiming low in order to try and take her legs out from under her. Not being the most graceful, the blue haired woman’s leap to avoid the strike wasn’t exactly like an acrobat and she landed firmly on the ground, enough that there was the slightest divot in the ground beneath her. No, she wasn’t known for speed but she made up for it in other ways. Tento would resume his attack with a double armed slash with his Zanpakuto, forcing Armina to quickly draw her own blade once more to block the strikes. They were firm blows but she handled it well and managed to push him back to break the lock.

It was then her turn to strike again, which she would initiate by charging in towards his midsection, attempting to strike him hard with another powerful Hakuda infused blow to the chest with her left fist. The idea was simply to keep him guessing as she pivoted between her two preferred forms of combat, knowing that they were the only real methods she had.


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Unintended Consequences [ Tento | Armina ] - Page 3 Empty Re: Unintended Consequences [ Tento | Armina ]

Sun Sep 15, 2024 10:26 pm
Unintended Consequences [ Tento | Armina ] - Page 3 Cc273a97c03c9b2e584353292e339435

Tentō Zefā | The Unrefined Paragon

She most certainly did better taking that then him. Scratch the fact that he had a small bit of blood on his forehead while her's was still smooth. He had a quake of a shake but each blow from her was adding up. Only his own durability and willpower helped absorb it all. But how long would this game of trades go on? And should he really even push the fight in such a way? The blue haired warrioress lepted. His leg sweep missing is mark due to her timely action. It was not fast but given the dazed telegraph she had him there. His eyes quickly went to the divot in the ground before quickly returning to her after making a note. With her reposition the pressure of his death and sword slash came with a BOOM. The air cracked in a short burst of sound as they once again clashed. A grunt came once again as he was forced back.

With his feet sliding against the ground Tento quickly brought his sword and sheath up in a X as Armina made her charge, his spiritual pressure bubbling up to the surface as the air and the zanpatuko embolden its durability. Its spirit roared as Tento began to concentrate his energy out against the Hakuda fused strike, his arms went back as he was forced to lower his stance in an attempt to ground himself. His arms shook from the full force of impact of her physical strength and spiritual pressure. With a short hop, Tento threw down his grip in hops of knocking Armina’s strike away to the side. With a huff Tento slid his body forward towards her.

In a fluid motion he shifted his weight onto his back leg as he lifted his long front leg off the group. Knee rising high in a swiftness that tickled the wind. With a sudden burst of energy that gave a soft shine to his body. The leg swung outward in a wide sweeping arc, the foot tracing a still crescent shape pattern through the air. Slicing the space with precision and power. The inside edge of his foot leading the way before with a quick pivot, his foot turned, changing the flying path of trajectory slightly from her chin to her shoulder holding her blade. As soon as Tento’s foot touched the ground, he spun in a wide assault, the hard sheath of his zanpatuko as well of his blade, another double slash moving to challenge her as the blade traveled towards her lower leg and the sheathe tilted towards her torso.

Light in the Dark | End Post

Unintended Consequences [ Tento | Armina ] - Page 3 Tentos10
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Unintended Consequences [ Tento | Armina ] - Page 3 Empty Re: Unintended Consequences [ Tento | Armina ]

Mon Sep 16, 2024 7:45 am
Unintended Consequences [ Tento | Armina ] - Page 3 Esdese.full.1832053

It appeared that he was as good with his feet as his blade and the best she could do was bring her arms up and block his sweeping kick, knocking her back a touch due to the force. He was strong as well as swift. The anger that she’d felt towards him was fading away somewhat at this stage and honestly, she was rather enjoying the contest that was taking place between them. He wasted no time and continued his assault by aiming his blade low to try to strike at her muscular legs. She couldn’t quite manoeuvre fast enough and there was a flicker of pain in the eyes of the 4th Seat as blood began to run down her leg.

“Not bad.”
She complemented with a slight smile, glancing down at her slightly wounded limb. The cut wasn’t deep and certainly not useless but it would hinder her already limited speed somewhat, much to her annoyance. Yet, she wasn’t done yet and by channelling her spiritual energy into her body, she’d externalise her Hakuda in order to release a pulse of energy from her form, attempting to knock Tento back, before she’d move forward with her blade, attempting to deliver a pair of strikes across his torso. The first from left to right and second vice versa.

It was quite an enjoyable fight.


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Unintended Consequences [ Tento | Armina ] - Page 3 Empty Re: Unintended Consequences [ Tento | Armina ]

Mon Sep 16, 2024 2:41 pm
Unintended Consequences [ Tento | Armina ] - Page 3 Cc273a97c03c9b2e584353292e339435

Tentō Zefā | The Unrefined Paragon

Versatility was the game of a true Shinigami and its player was Tento. As much of an innate bond he seemed to have with the art of the sword when he became a student at Shino. Ever the competitive worker, Tento studied and practiced day in and night out to be solid in his foundations. He would challenge himself and his comrades at any chance he got!

The agile kick managed to land. Thankfully. The slight speed advantage he had over her was the only thing he had to work with after all. The knock back created distance between the two, a contrast as it seemed the distance between the two of them was shrinking. Armina was a veteran of the Gotei 13, not the early Gotei but she may as well have been. Brutality and a bloodlust state was her home. The name of defenders of the world was a tough paint for the viking. Peace was normal for Tento. It was what things should be like. For Armina, violence seemed to be the desired norm. But in combat, in the end they could enjoy that adrenaline rush!

Swipe of his blade to clean the tip from blood and mith a shift Tento brought his hands up his blade over his head, its point tilting towards Armina, while the sheath was held in a short outstretched grip towards the sky. A little cut and a whack was far from enough to get victory here. In an unexpected turn of events, Armina seemed pleased by Tento's efforts. A smile and comment holding a slight complement.

With a swell of power, Armina released a pulse of energy from her body. The sudden shock wave pushed Tento back. The quick build up and action catching him off guard and off balance. His blade came in reaction as he saw her body move. He was faster but not fast enough to completely defend himself. Resulting in one of the paired strikes to land at his hard torso. The blade crashed and dragged against his spiritual pressure, digging into his flesh as sparks flew.

With a twist Tento quickly put his feet down to ground himself. Sliding his body with the movement of momentum as he countered. Moving with a tremendous speed, Tento let his sheath fly as it came as a singular horizontal slash aimed at her neck. Whether or not he managed to give a good whack, Tento would stop on his heels and throw a 3 ways pressure of vertical slashes as he stepped forward, attacking with his blade, sheath, and blade again.

Light in the Dark | End Post

Unintended Consequences [ Tento | Armina ] - Page 3 Tentos10
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Unintended Consequences [ Tento | Armina ] - Page 3 Empty Re: Unintended Consequences [ Tento | Armina ]

Yesterday at 7:19 am
Unintended Consequences [ Tento | Armina ] - Page 3 Esdese.full.1832053

Yeah. This was what she’d been looking for and Armina was thoroughly enjoying herself at this point, pleased to be able to not have to hold back too much for a change. What was equally intriguing was that Tento seemed to be fighting with the same ferocity, which only made the encounter more pleasurable. Nothing annoyed her more than a spar where both sides held back and it was rather nice to just cut loose.

Her rather broad use of Hakuda seemed to have made its mark, a fact that Armina took note of. It was an ability that she’d only been experimenting with just recently, one where she could actually use her powers in a way more than simply hardening her body. The result was good enough for her to consider continuing with her training and was most certainly more useful than another form of combat, one that she’d never been assed to learn properly.

Tento was swiftly back on the attack once more and Armina had to lean back quickly in order to evade his first strike with his sheathe, feeling the power of the blow as it flew past her neck. She felt the intent behind it, which only caused her blood to boil, her berserker rage beginning to fuel. Still, it was more a pleasant sensation at this point than a hindrance. He moved so quickly considering his size and soon enough he was attacking again, attacking with blade and sheath as she brought her blade up to block the blows.

When he was done, she’d push him back again and take on a slightly different stance, moving forwards and delivering a trio of piercing strikes towards his centre mass, in a manoeuvre that a fencer would probably be proud of. It was not her usual style but she was in the mood to experiment a little, now that she had a worthy foe.


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