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Spiritual Frustrations [Quinn/Hono, Open] - Page 2 Empty Re: Spiritual Frustrations [Quinn/Hono, Open]

Yesterday at 10:17 pm
It was certainly a lovely day to be alive. One to not squander being holed up in the barracks, a day to capture. The breeze rustled its way through the leaves, the branches whispering their secrets amongst themselves, the sun stretched dancing shadows across the underbrush, the world was alive. With a contented sigh, Junichiro stood alone by a canvas, alone with the world around him brimming with serenity. This was his solitude, brush strokes imprinting his emotions and feelings onto the canvas, collecting his muse in its colorful droplets and casting them across the blank page to capture this moment forever on a painting. In a sea of stresses, he was currently on an island of peace, this canvas his bastion atop it all.

Although like all good things, that peace was fleeting. Nearby, a startling yell sounded off over the landscape that sent Junichiro's hand shuddering off to one side, leaving a stray streak of crimson across his canvas. Eyes wide from the jump, they soon narrowed as he collected himself, gripping his brush and gritting his teeth. Lovely. Just lovely.

After a few moments, the dejected shinigami had began making his way back toward home, his easel folded up under one arm, his ruined panting dangling from his fingertip, nearly dragging it behind him as he grumbled to himself, paint supplies jingling in a bag over his shoulder. Even today he wasn't allowed to enjoy himself, why should he be able to have one day? This was a fitting punishment, eternity with no peace.

As he sulked, carrying back his supplies, it seemed he had stumbled upon the source of the yelling from earlier, his brow furrowing briefly in anticipated rage, but his expression softened as his lilac gaze fell onto a surprisingly familiar face. His shuffling feet came to a halt, letting out a sigh, he approached from the path, standing on the edge of the clearing nearby, calling out to his friend.

"Ah... Quinn. I can presume it was you making all that noise earlier then...?" His tone was flat and unhappy, but his expression betrayed him, leaving his comment as little more than banter between friends. Then his attention fell upon an unfamiliar face, casting a soft smile and a shallow bow. "Yelling at strangers, perhaps the 4th truly has beaten the brains out of your head?" He teased, casting a sideways glance at his friend, even if he might not see him do it.

"I'm Junichiro, by the way. Don't let me bother you two, wouldn't want to go about disturbing anyone on a day as nice as this." He offered one final jab, preparing himself to leave as quickly as he came.

Spiritual Frustrations [Quinn/Hono, Open] - Page 2 QKPkSTJ

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