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We're Friends [Isamu, Vanyel, Violet] - Page 5 Empty Re: We're Friends [Isamu, Vanyel, Violet]

Thu Aug 01, 2024 3:42 am
We're Friends [Isamu, Vanyel, Violet] - Page 5 ZxpAPHq



Isamu experienced whiplash hearing these two speak in different languages. For Vanyel, he was wholly familiar with his mother tongue, so that didn't really hit him all that hard. If anything, it was mainly admiring how happy he sounded compared to when he entered the house. Violet, on the other hand, spoke in a language he didn't expect to leave her mouth. What the hell? Was that spanish? Playing the words back in her head, he grinned from ear to ear as a devilish little thought creeped into existence. One more way to fluster his sworn brother from the past. Perfect.

"What did she say? I don't even know if that's pg. And that expression too? Looks like she's makin' moves on you already, Vanny. I'm so proud."

END POST | Help me, help you

The Gotei 13 Advocate
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We're Friends [Isamu, Vanyel, Violet] - Page 5 Empty Re: We're Friends [Isamu, Vanyel, Violet]

Thu Aug 01, 2024 3:46 am
We're Friends [Isamu, Vanyel, Violet] - Page 5 VioletNew_Header27
Enter: Violet Gardner | The Recovering Runaway


Violet’s face turned apple read with the implications that Isamu just threw out there. Glancing to Vanyel, she covered her face in embarrassment for a moment and then waved her hands in front of her, shaking her head.

“No, no, no! I promise, it wasn’t anything like that! I was just being silly! It was definitely PG! I mean, not even PG. It was G! I promise it was rated G! Or… Wait, was it?” Violet thought for a moment, face still red. “Okay… maybe PG…”

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Thu Aug 01, 2024 4:00 am
We're Friends [Isamu, Vanyel, Violet] - Page 5 ZxpAPHq



Isamu relished in the reaction his false claim elicited. Grinning from ear to ear, he continued to eat away at his slice as he tapped at his leg. By all accounts, he could've ended it there, but decided to add fuel to the fire by speaking in a flamboyant voice that felt like a parodied hispanic accent.

"I think she's tryin' to tell ya somethin' spicy, Ese. Next thing ya know, she'll be callin' ya papi, hehehehehe."

END POST | Help me, help you

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We're Friends [Isamu, Vanyel, Violet] - Page 5 Empty Re: We're Friends [Isamu, Vanyel, Violet]

Thu Aug 01, 2024 1:36 pm
We're Friends [Isamu, Vanyel, Violet] - Page 5 TX0vSNm


Vanyel found himself a bit dumbstruck at hearing Violet speak Spanish. He didn't understand it, but he could tell by the pronunciation and certain words what language it was. He did, however, pick up the words "sexy," "French," and "Italian." He didn't understand the context, but, the sentence including the word "sexy" in it, plus his sudden reflection of him spouting out a bunch of Chinese, made his face turn a bit red. Maybe he'd have to ask Violet for lessons at some point in the future.

"I-I was just thinkin' of an old saying back home. The first part, at least. It means...when drinking with friends, a thousand cups is too little. After that, it was just...wishing for good health and longevity, and a promising future."

He looked to Violet in particular at the second part, a warm smile coming to his face, despite still blushing at the potential implications of whatever she had said. Isamu making a comment about it didn't help much either, causing his face to immediately deepen that scarlet shade. To escape the situation and change the topic, Vanyel took a long, deep drink of the jade cocktail, finishing the can and quickly going for another one.

"A-Anyways! New topic, literally anything else!"

The Gotei 13 Advocate
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We're Friends [Isamu, Vanyel, Violet] - Page 5 Empty Re: We're Friends [Isamu, Vanyel, Violet]

Thu Aug 01, 2024 1:47 pm
We're Friends [Isamu, Vanyel, Violet] - Page 5 VioletNew_Header27
Enter: Violet Gardner | The Recovering Runaway

Violet took a drink... She wasn't really able to enjoy the flavor as her mind was distracted with Isamu's teasing, but she didn't hate it.

Violet’s face deepened even further at the ‘papi’ comment and she wanted nothing more than a change of subject right now. She took the time to quickly eat some pizza, the first bite coming with a surprised look. Humming a soft “mmmm,” Violet decided to focus on eating instead of Isamu doing whatever he could to embarrass them both… even if it was kind of fun, and at the back of her mind now…

'A new subject...' Violet said and then pointed toward Isamu's bottle after a few seconds of thought. "Can I try some of that stuff you're drinking?" She probably would prefer the fruitier drink, but she was curious about the stuff they were drinking too. She could tell why alcohol was liked with that first drink.

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We're Friends [Isamu, Vanyel, Violet] - Page 5 Empty Re: We're Friends [Isamu, Vanyel, Violet]

Thu Aug 01, 2024 4:33 pm
We're Friends [Isamu, Vanyel, Violet] - Page 5 BACDviJ


"Have some of what I'm drinkin', eh?"

Isamu pondered the thought for a moment. He looked back to Vanyel then at Violet. He supposed part of getting drunk was taking the quickest route to the destination. As such, he neatly poured the woman a cup of whiskey, carefully sliding it over to her with a playful grin. After doing so, he continued to consume his cup, pouring another - and then another. This was routine for him, but rare to experience it with good friends. It felt nice, all things considered.


The Gotei 13 Advocate
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We're Friends [Isamu, Vanyel, Violet] - Page 5 Empty Re: We're Friends [Isamu, Vanyel, Violet]

Sat Aug 03, 2024 8:23 pm
We're Friends [Isamu, Vanyel, Violet] - Page 5 VioletNew_Header27
Enter: Violet Gardner | The Recovering Runaway

Violet enjoyed the fruity drink she had gotten, but in some ways it reminded her of soda. She thought that alcohol was supposed to be different. Of course, she wasn’t entirely aware that it took time for alcohol to hit your system. So, without much hesitation, she took the bottle from Isamu and gulped down a large drink, thinking it would be no different than what she had already tried. With eyes wide, and instant regret, she set the bottle down while coughing and taking a deep inhale. She turned away from both men, continuing to cough so they could not see her face.

“That was horrible! How do you drink something like that?”

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We're Friends [Isamu, Vanyel, Violet] - Page 5 Empty Re: We're Friends [Isamu, Vanyel, Violet]

Sat Aug 03, 2024 9:26 pm
We're Friends [Isamu, Vanyel, Violet] - Page 5 TX0vSNm


As he opened the next can, he reached for a paper plate on the table, setting the slice down as he took another long drink from the can. The subject, thankfully, was quick to switch as Violet asked if she could try some of the whiskey that Isamu was drinking. He raised an eyebrow in concern, but, didn't say anything in objection. If she wanted to try it, she had every right to.

'She's probably not gonna like it, th-'

Before he could properly finish the thought, the concerned expression became even more apparent as he watched her take a giant swig from it, only to see her quickly regret such a decision. As she turned away to cough, Vanyel couldn't help but snicker a bit, before finally breaking down into a quiet laugh as he slid his open can over to her, reaching for his slice of pizza, while also being ready to grab another can, if Violet decided she liked it.

"Easy there, don't go gulpin' it down like it's water. Here, give this a try. Dunno how much better it'll be, but, whiskey can be a hard sell for some, dependin' on what kind you're drinkin'. At least to me, a jade cocktail is pretty refreshing and tasty. Not as good as it'd be in bars, though."

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We're Friends [Isamu, Vanyel, Violet] - Page 5 Empty Re: We're Friends [Isamu, Vanyel, Violet]

Tue Aug 06, 2024 6:28 pm
We're Friends [Isamu, Vanyel, Violet] - Page 5 BACDviJ


"Hahaha! It's not really somethin' to be enjoyed. Most alcohol's meant to get ya loosened up, not taste good. I reckon you'll find more joy in consuming the Jade Cock or whatever that stuff is on Vanyel's side of the table."

Isamu chortled as he continued to pour cups of whiskey until the bottle was half-emptied. He was right and truly sloshed, but that was to be expected with what he was consuming. He simply looked back at Vanyel and Violet, grinning from ear to ear. He didn't really engage in eating the pizza too much now. It made for an odd mixture of flavors.


The Gotei 13 Advocate
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We're Friends [Isamu, Vanyel, Violet] - Page 5 Empty Re: We're Friends [Isamu, Vanyel, Violet]

Tue Aug 06, 2024 7:37 pm
We're Friends [Isamu, Vanyel, Violet] - Page 5 VioletNew_Header27
Enter: Violet Gardner | The Recovering Runaway

Violet was still coughing, but she took the green drink from Vanyel. As Isamu was explaining the use of alcohol, she smelled the drink to test the strength of its aroma and then took a more normal drink of it. Of course, that’s when Isamu decided to imply she was drinking a Jade Cock and Violet suddenly did a spit-take, green liquid just spraying all over both men. Coughing, AGAIN, she waved her hand in front of her, trying to catch her breath behind laughs. “Oh god. *cough* I’m sorry.”

End Post
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