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The Gotei 13 Advocate
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Tue Jul 30, 2024 3:02 am
We're Friends [Isamu, Vanyel, Violet] - Page 4 VIoletNew_Header20
Enter: Violet Gardner | The Rebellious Runaway

This man was large, definitely above six foot. He was built like a damn titan, so when he approached her, Violet had a brief moment of terror come onto her features. Another quick, and desperate, glance to Vanyel was made, but she was suddenly turned to fully face him. The jerking gesture was starling, unexpected, and she looked back to Isamu confused. Isamu had decided that was just not allowed. His big ass hand grabbed her head and turned her right back to Vanyel and she stayed like that, still and watching the man in front of her.

As Isamu went on, a knot welled in Violet’s stomach. She went to turn to Isamu again, about to say something, but the man continued explaining his point of view and turned her head right back to face Vanyel again. When Isamu mentioned this “unbreakable oath” over his mother, that was something Violet couldn’t relate too, but she wasn’t stupid enough to not get the point being made. Isamu stepped back and gave Violet her space, but she still kept eye contact with Vanyel while Isamu explained the end of their friendship and all of that made the guilt worse.

‘I was hurting Vanyel…’

Everything Isamu was saying made Violet’s heart ache, and it wasn’t just in guilt or shame. Isamu was right; Vanyel had done more for her since they met than her own parents had ever done for her in her entire life. He stopped her from hurting herself, even took a crystal to the head and didn’t get mad at her. He bought her food, healed her, taught her to cook, and hopefully still planned on keeping her as his student, but Violet’s heart got heavier when she realized that in all of her mess ups, he not once hit her or even yelled at her. He never even called her a bad name. He has only believed in her, supported her, and helped her get better. If their friendship ended like this, because of her blind idiocy, Violet would never forgive herself.

‘He’s right… I can’t stand the thought…’

“Please… S-Stop. I get it. I understand,” Violet said, her head lowered. Tears began to fall as she admitted her stupidity and selfishness. She brought her hands up to cover her eyes, trembling over the guilt and shame she felt. “I’m so sorry, Vanyel.”

‘I don’t want to lose him.’

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We're Friends [Isamu, Vanyel, Violet] - Page 4 Empty Re: We're Friends [Isamu, Vanyel, Violet]

Tue Jul 30, 2024 3:25 pm
We're Friends [Isamu, Vanyel, Violet] - Page 4 VQTyaoJ


As he watched Isamu talk to her from across the room, Vanyel found it hard to suppress the lingering anxiety. His leg bounced up and down rapidly in place, his eyes were locked on Violet with nothing but concern. As he started to force her to look at him, Vanyel felt it spike immediately, and the fingers interlocked in front of his face made their way to the table and back of the chair, ready to make his way across the room the instant he felt he needed to intervene.

But, the more he listened, his own head lowered in shame. Even now, he had regrets about how their friendship had fallen out. Part of him still wished he had done more, said more, used the research he'd found to try and help him. But, right now at least, he couldn't wallow on the past. His attention turned back to Violet, and his eyes widened as he watched her tear up, and her hands covered her head.

He was quick to get up from his chair and sprint over to her. As he reached her, ever so gently, his arms slipped around her, cradling her head to his shoulder.

"Hey, hey, it's's okay. I'm sorry for telling him, I just...I wanted him to know to be careful. I didn't want him to end up hurtin' you, even if by accident."

The Gotei 13 Advocate
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We're Friends [Isamu, Vanyel, Violet] - Page 4 Empty Re: We're Friends [Isamu, Vanyel, Violet]

Tue Jul 30, 2024 4:32 pm
We're Friends [Isamu, Vanyel, Violet] - Page 4 VioletNew_Header25
Enter: Violet Gardner | The Rebellious Runaway

Feeling Vanyel’s arms suddenly wrap around her, Violet’s breath got caught up in her throat. She froze, standing still in that moment, eyes widened in surprise. Soon enough, she relaxed and the surprise faded. Violet curled her arms around him Vanyel, resting her head on his shoulder as he cradled it there.

‘I won’t do it again…’

“I’m glad you told him…” Violet whispered. If Vanyel hadn’t let that part of her past come out, then she wouldn’t have gotten the advice she needed, or this moment of clarity and security. Violet felt safe right where she was, and that was a gift she never received before. Not from her parents, other so-called friends… anyone except Vanyel. For once, Violet wasn’t scared of what was coming next.

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Tue Jul 30, 2024 11:02 pm
We're Friends [Isamu, Vanyel, Violet] - Page 4 VQTyaoJ


As she said that she was glad that he told Isamu, Vanyel didn't say anything immediately. He just continued to hold onto her, letting them both soak in the moment. She needed this. He knew that she did, yet, deep down, he still felt like he had done something wrong. It was such a violation of her privacy, despite her needing it to be able to get that shock, that reality check, to make her understand what she had been doing.

Despite no words being said at that moment, there was an inkling of thought, one knowing that, after this, she wouldn't do something like this again. Taking in a deep breath, with a shaky exhale, he slowly released her, resting a hand on her head as he smiled warmly at her.

"Everything I've done to this point has been to help you. Okay? If you ever relapse, or find yourself strugglin' with somethin' else...I'll be there to help. I'm sure Isamu would be willin' to help too."

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We're Friends [Isamu, Vanyel, Violet] - Page 4 Empty Re: We're Friends [Isamu, Vanyel, Violet]

Wed Jul 31, 2024 12:25 am
We're Friends [Isamu, Vanyel, Violet] - Page 4 ZxpAPHq


"Aw, you two look so cute right now. Ah, to be young and in love."

Isamu spoke in a flamboyant tone that betrayed his appearance, grinning from ear to ear as he leaned forward to pat them on their shoulders. It was nice to see them smiling like this. He humored them with words about being a couple, partly because he knew Vanyel would find it annoying. Whatever bond they shared, he knew it meant something to Vanyel. Even if they grew apart over the years, he couldn't bear watching the guy lose another bond to the past. Now that they had gotten that squared out of the way, Isamu pulled the phone from his pocket as he maintained that upbeat expression, flicking digits against his phone. Enough with the sadness. It was time for this house to be filled with joy.

"At any rate, I think we've solved the core of her issues here, and I think I'd like to see her smilin' before I leave this place---so, what do you two say to pizza and some alcohol? I'm somethin' of a bettin' man, and I get the feelin' you two could use somethin' to unwind. Might seem hypocritical after tellin' ya to kick the drug habit, but hey... it's less dangerous and somethin' ya can use to feel good without killin' yerself. Whaddya say, Van and Vi? You two down for gettin' sloshed?"

END POST | Help me, help you

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We're Friends [Isamu, Vanyel, Violet] - Page 4 Empty Re: We're Friends [Isamu, Vanyel, Violet]

Wed Jul 31, 2024 1:26 am
We're Friends [Isamu, Vanyel, Violet] - Page 4 TX0vSNm


Vanyel's face immediately lit up with more red than a lantern on Chinese New Year at hearing that comment. His first instinct was to either punch him, or find some other implement to throw at him. The old habit of letting himself lash out at Isamu for stupid comments like that was hard to kill. But, ultimately, he refrained, instead choosing to mumble through clenched, gritted teeth:

"Shut. The fuck. Up."

But, at the suggestion of pizza and drink, Vanyel hesitated. Normally, he'd just make something himself. But, with everything that had happened...

"You know what? Fuck it. Let's do it, have some...safer fun tonight. me an excuse not to cook for tonight."


Last edited by Henrex on Wed Jul 31, 2024 2:22 am; edited 1 time in total
The Gotei 13 Advocate
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We're Friends [Isamu, Vanyel, Violet] - Page 4 Empty Re: We're Friends [Isamu, Vanyel, Violet]

Wed Jul 31, 2024 1:48 am
We're Friends [Isamu, Vanyel, Violet] - Page 4 VioletNew_Header27
Enter: Violet Gardner | The Rebellious Runaway

Violet missed that warmth the moment it was taken from her, but she wouldn’t hold onto him longer than he liked. She gave a soft smile and a nod before glancing to Isamu, whose entire reaction was… surprising. ‘In love?’ Violet kept a straight face, not because she was hiding anything, but because her expression didn’t need to change. For some reason, that brought out no shyness or embarrassment at all. She just blinked and watched Vanyel’s face shift from flesh to tomato.

"Can we?" Violet said excitedly, putting her hands together as if begging Vanyel before he got a chance to say no. When he said yes, Violet's eyes brightened and she performed a victorious fist pump. "Can I have lots of pepperoni on mine?"

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We're Friends [Isamu, Vanyel, Violet] - Page 4 Empty Re: We're Friends [Isamu, Vanyel, Violet]

Thu Aug 01, 2024 2:24 am
We're Friends [Isamu, Vanyel, Violet] - Page 4 ZxpAPHq


"My man! Never hurts to relax every once and a while, yea? Judgin' by Vi's reaction over there, we would've won by majority vote."

Isamu quickly entered the number, requesting enough pizza to keep them all well-fed for the night along with an ice-cold beverage to wash it all down. Placing the order in, Isamu took that time to ask about what Vanyel and Violet might want in terms of alcohol. Since they were eating pizza, it'd be unwise to drink it with something like vodka or some other potential drink that would give them flavor whiplash.

Once the soda was gone, they were free to enjoy the drinks. With that in mind, he quickly left the house to go to a nearby shop, buying a jade cocktail per Vanyel's quest, and something sweet enough for the lady.

Naturally, for himself, Isamu defaulted to treating himself to whiskey. Drinks in hand, packaged neatly within a box, Isamu made an expedient return to Vanyel's household, a few minutes after the pizza arrived. Great. Everything was coming together now. Grinning from ear to ear, he set the box down and assumed a seat around the table as he grabbed a slice.

"Let's dig in, shall we?"

END POST | Help me, help you

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We're Friends [Isamu, Vanyel, Violet] - Page 4 Empty Re: We're Friends [Isamu, Vanyel, Violet]

Thu Aug 01, 2024 3:19 am
We're Friends [Isamu, Vanyel, Violet] - Page 4 TX0vSNm


Vanyel smiled, overjoyed to see Violet's enthusiasm toward the idea. This was what he missed -- seeing her happy, excited, acting like a normal girl. Given the last week, this was a breath of fresh air, and one he hoped would stick around for a while. Isamu didn't waste time getting the order in, and even less time in stepping out to grab alcohol for them. As they waited, Vanyel was quick to grab several paper towels for the three of them to make sure that none of them were wiping it on their clothes, or god forbid, the furniture.

Vanyel also made sure to answer the door to get the pizza, pay, and then get the box set on the table, just as Isamu got back. A pack of jade cocktails for him, whiskey for Isamu, and something sweet for Vi. Sitting down and taking in a deep breath, he picked up a slice to set on a paper plate, opened the can, and took a swig. Not as good as it would have been in a bar, but, still just as refreshing as he expected, not too sweet, and not too tart.

Looking at Isamu, then Violet, Vanyel found himself reciting a saying from home.

"Jiǔ féng zhījǐ qiān bēi shǎo. Zuò chángmángbǎisuì, zài iántú wúliàng!"

[TL: "When drinking with friends, a thousand cups is too little. To good health and longevity, and a promising future."]

The Gotei 13 Advocate
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We're Friends [Isamu, Vanyel, Violet] - Page 4 Empty Re: We're Friends [Isamu, Vanyel, Violet]

Thu Aug 01, 2024 3:31 am
We're Friends [Isamu, Vanyel, Violet] - Page 4 VioletNew_Header27
Enter: Violet Gardner | The Recovering Runaway

Violet spent her time waiting on the couch, deep in thought, but never seeming off or upset. She laid back, put her arms behind her head, and stared up at the ceiling. Occasionally, she could be heard giggling about something, but any time she was asked, she waved it off and say something like “Just day dreaming while we wait.”

Right before Isamu returned, Violet’s stomach growled. The pizza was here first, so she could smell it, but found it rude to start eating without him. When he was finally back, Violet cheered, clapped, and sat up. As they began drinking, Violet reached for a slice of pizza and her stomach made sure to announce itself again.

Before she could take a bit, Vanyel decided to show off. She remembered him mentioning that he spoke a different language, but she hadn't actually heard him. With a mischievous smile, she turned to him and said, “Si vas a hablar un idioma diferente, yo también. Sin embargo, encuentro el español más sexy que cualquier otro idioma, excepto tal vez el Italiano... y el Francés.”

[Translation: If you're going to speak a different language, so am I. However, I find Spanish sexier than any other language, except maybe Italian... and French.]

End Post
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