Bleach Platinum Hearts RP
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Thu Jul 11, 2024 6:32 pm
 Break a Blade, Cut a God [Yuuto, Byakuya] 1VUZAtK


A thundering song of clashing steel echoed in the furthest distances of the Soul Society, one that would never reach anyone's ears. Yuuto's feet rarely seemed to touch the ground for even a quarter of a second as he continued to blink around the environment with steps like thunder, a white-gold sword in his hand, and afterimages all around the large, several-mile long stretch of dark clouds and pouring rain, far past the horizon of the Seireitei and Rukongai.

They had done this many, many times before, to such an extent that even the journey toward such an isolated grounds was now practice itself. Yuuto had far from expected the noble to come to him with an offer to spar, but, he was far from one to turn it down. Even after a threat on the level of Asher was slain, Yuuto was never satisfied. There was an eternal flame to continue growing, to be ready, to ensure that he wasn't unprepared.

Hope for the best, prepare for the worst.

With all of these factors, Yuuto held little back, seeking to not only to aid in pushing the nobleman to greater heights, but to look for ways to improve himself. Regardless of how long it would take, or how much it sought to break him.

The Gotei 13 Advocate
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Sat Jul 13, 2024 7:46 pm
 Break a Blade, Cut a God [Yuuto, Byakuya] Byakuya_PostingHeader5
Byakuya Kuchiki

The thundering echo was much more familiar these days, since this training had become partly routine. It was where the insane natural speed of the Stealth Captain met the perfection of the Former Captain of the Sixth Division’s shunpo. Byakuya rarely stood in a single place for more than a fraction of a second before he was forced to move again. His eyes were hyper focused, as his mind reached out to the surrounding area, his reikaku scanning for the precise, lighting-fast movements of his sparring partner. It was proving slightly difficult to keep up with Yuuto, but Byakuya’s goal here was the increase of his sensory abilities and reaction times.

And so they fought…

With his shikai active, Byakuya moved and tracked Yuuto’s movements to the best of his abilities. Neither of these men had any plan of holding back against each other. Byakuya's reiatsu washed over the land no differently than Yuuto's, both energies clashing over the battlefield. They likely were sensed into the Rukongai, even though they had put much distance between themselves and the city.

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 Break a Blade, Cut a God [Yuuto, Byakuya] Left_bar_bleue419100/999999 Break a Blade, Cut a God [Yuuto, Byakuya] Empty_bar_bleue  (419100/999999)

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Sat Jul 13, 2024 8:24 pm
 Break a Blade, Cut a God [Yuuto, Byakuya] 1VUZAtK


The four rings seemed to groan as the wind flew through them, surging to follow their master as he continued a relentless attack. Even if Byakuya returned the assault in kind with those infamous bladed petals, he charged through, umber eyes blazing with resolve. He intended to test every possible facet of the nobleman's reactions and sensory capabilities.

To that end, a hand suddenly tossed out a handful of smoke bombs, obscuring the area with smog and returning his Shikai to its sealed form as the large rings dissipated -- Yuuto himself disappearing from view and sense. His voice came from all around the nobleman, afterimages all speaking in brief stints, a sentence from one, one from another, as he never ceased moving.

"Don't rely on your Reikaku. Refine your other senses as well -- there's always the potential of an enemy suppressing their power."

Suddenly, countless throwing needles whistled loudly as they tore through the air. As they did, Yuuto carefully adjusting his footwork and suppression, small sounds being heard as he flashed around the nobleman. The fluttering of clothes, the gentle tap of foot to ground as he sped around. To most, it would be extraordinarily difficult to pick up on those small, subtle noises.

Suddenly, the sound of thin metal cutting through the air rung out as, held with the back end facing his opponent, Yuuto swung for the noble's head. Despite him holding nothing back, there was adequate restraint to ensure that nothing he did was properly lethal. He would push the lord to his limits with every intent of watching him soar far beyond.

Despite where they stood with one another, Yuuto couldn't not take pride in watching another climb the mountain he spent centuries clawing to the summit.

The Gotei 13 Advocate
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Sat Jul 13, 2024 8:53 pm
 Break a Blade, Cut a God [Yuuto, Byakuya] Byakuya_PostingHeader5
Byakuya Kuchiki

There was a sound, a low roar that proved difficult to track the path of, but Byakuya noted that its path followed where his reikaku sensed his opponent. That groan was something to keep in mind with each movement that Yuuto made.

The smoke bombs had been used before, a great tool for obscuring oneself. As Yuuto’s shikai was sealed, that shift in energy could not be ignored; it lessened. Byakuya immediately followed suit, the scattered blades of his Senbonzakura returning to their original form. His eyes traced the path of the original Yuuto through the afterimages, but were always behind him. The natural speed of the stealth Captain was constantly beyond his general reaction times: ‘… Fix that.’

Considering Yuuto’s words, he understood what the Captain meant, but when your general opponent utilized any form beyond normal, it was exceedingly difficult to hide energy while it was in use. ‘He sealed shikai to render reikaku useless… Good.’

‘Precision.’ Byakuya was careful with his own footwork as a barrage of needles came flying from the afterimages. In previous matches, Byakuya had been given hints of what to listen to. When someone was this fast, sound was a giveaway. The fluttering of Yuuto’s clothing, the sound of his footsteps… The stealth Captain was giving him hints. A small twitch formed at the side of Byakuya’s lips.

Byakuya darted forward along the thrown path of the needles, staying in front of them by only a few inches. It was similar to those movies where something was being shot at, but barely missed because they aimed where the person was, not where they would be… He utilized a single shunpo to keep in front of the needles as well. This kept on until there was a sudden shift, a new sound. A sword, not needle.

Byakuya’s stoic face broke for a moment, a look of surprise was proof of a mental acknowledgment of Yuuto’s prowess. ‘Precision. Moving mostly only his head, Byakuya swung his head down and around in a low arch, the blade missing by too little for the nobleman’s personal standards. Byakuya shunpo’d. He appeared at a lower angle and at Yuuto’s side. With the blunt edge of Senbonzakura, Byakuya swung up and around toward Yuuto’s gut, utilizing the higher end of his own speed in this strike. Byakuya knew to keep up with Yuuto, shunpo was his best bet.

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 Break a Blade, Cut a God [Yuuto, Byakuya] Left_bar_bleue419100/999999 Break a Blade, Cut a God [Yuuto, Byakuya] Empty_bar_bleue  (419100/999999)

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Sun Jul 14, 2024 8:11 pm
 Break a Blade, Cut a God [Yuuto, Byakuya] 1VUZAtK


He was getting better, and quickly at that -- good, and he was paying attention to the hints he gave him. While these were ones he would never willingly give an enemy, they were still aspects that he knew would ultimately be important when it came to discerning location.

However, by all metrics, he had expected the attack to continue forcing Byakuya on the defense. As he responded to his attack in kind, it was his turn for the calm, calculating expression of the Stealth Force Captain to shift toward one of surprise. He hadn't been prepared for an immediate counterattack, but, he still remained calm as he went to turn, only to feel the blunt steel slam into his stomach, earning a grunt from shock, as well as causing him to stagger and force the Captain back a few steps.

It didn't take him long to correct his footwork. But, rather than continue with the sword, he suddenly lashed out with a swift, precise strike aimed between the ribs with his hand, two fingers slightly curled, intending on knocking the wind out of him and very briefly halting his ability to breathe. It was far from anything that would potentially cause lasting damage, but the strength laid in its suddenness.

It wasn't enough to just test incoming attacks like that, quick movements from a closer, more enclosed area were another threat to be prepared for, and he had faith that Byakuya would respond appropriately.

The Gotei 13 Advocate
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Tue Jul 16, 2024 3:22 am
 Break a Blade, Cut a God [Yuuto, Byakuya] Byakuya_PostingHeader5
Byakuya Kuchiki

Combining the momentum of Byakuya’s attack and the speed at which Yuuto had the capability of moving, dodging the sudden rib-strike was too difficult. Since both men agreed to give it their all, Byakuya’s attempted dodge was only a partial success. He was struck, but Yuuto made contact right as Byakuya shunpo’d backwards, lessening the blow just enough for Byakuya to more quickly catch his breath. The shunpo landed him about fifty feet backward, his hand on the spot he had been hit. ‘That speed is impressive…’ A calm breath, and he was ready again.

Byakuya took his stance as a sign he was ready to continue. The nobleman took a step forward and disappeared in a flash, pushing himself to move as quickly as his speed could carry him with shunpo. While he did not use them often, this was a perfect time to attempt to utilize the after images Yuuto was just doing a moment ago. As if they had switched spots, Byakuya darted so quickly around the area that images of himself remained while he had already moved on. Unlike Yuuto, however, Byakuya’s stealth capabilities were lacking, so he chose a more direct approach.

Occasionally, Byakuya shunpo’d in toward Yuuto to make an attack, aiming for his arms, sides, hands, and even head, but never attacked the legs. If by some stroke of luck and learned skill Byakuya struck Yuuto in the legs, that would halt their sparring session, so why take the chance? Coming in for another attack after the barrage, Byakuya appeared at Yuuto’s side, but at a higher angle, as if he had jumped. Utilizing reiryoku platforms, Byakuya pushed himself downward toward Yuuto for extra speed, his blade swinging swiftly at the Stealth Captain’s shoulder.

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Wed Jul 17, 2024 11:45 pm
 Break a Blade, Cut a God [Yuuto, Byakuya] 1VUZAtK


Byakuya's ability to utilize Shunpo was practically flawless. The Stealth Captain couldn't help but admire his ability to apply the technique within fractions of a second. But, even as Byakuya retreated, Yuuto would continue to try and press him. But, halfway through his step, he stopped, directing his attention toward the barrage of attacks from all sides by the nobleman.

With swift, precise movements, he sought to parry and deflect all that came his way, though there were many that slipped through the cracks, earning a light flinch as they made contact with skin. In addition, he noticed the afterimages that Byakuya now was using, causing Yuuto to smile lightly. As his eyes bounced rapidly between the brief dopplegangers, Yuuto unleashed brief waves of air pressure through quick, but powerful flicks of his wrist, seeking to test and see if Byakuya still was remaining within the crowd.

Yet, all of them vanished upon contact. It was only then that he sensed the tiniest gathering of Reiryoku that caused him to turn a moment too late as the blunt end of Senbonzakura bit into his shoulder. It stung and still did damage, but even as he flinched, Yuuto's free hand reached out to seize Byakuya's weapon, intent on pulling the man toward him and utilizing his sword to slam the pommel into Byakuya's forehead. But, even if his hand missed its mark, his body would quickly flicker as it vanished within the fading smoke and droplets of rain from the storm overhead.

However, curiously, his sword was left impaled in the dirt from where he stood. Utilizing a similar trick to his sparring partner, the quiet sound of fluttering clothes rapidly descending would be the tell as Yuuto came crashing down with a powerful, sudden kick, aimed at the lord's chest.

The Gotei 13 Advocate
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Fri Jul 19, 2024 7:22 pm
 Break a Blade, Cut a God [Yuuto, Byakuya] Byakuya_PostingHeader5
Byakuya Kuchiki

Grabbing another’s weapon was always a risky move; it was even riskier when your opponents sword was capable of turning into thousands of tiny blades at a single command. Luckily for Yuuto, Byakuya was not fast enough to release his shikai in such an intense moment, and against who Byakuya was sure was the fastest man in the Gotei United. So, the sudden shift brought Byakuya’s pommel toward his head. The nobleman leaned his head back and to the side and dodged the counter.

In that moment, Yuuto was gone. Byakuya’s senses instinctively reached out to find the man, even though he had just been told he shouldn’t rely on it. He saw the sword in the ground and before he could even start raising his head toward the fluttering of cloth, he felt the heavy strike of a foot hit his chest. Still, upon impact, Byakuya braced himself and was forced back along the ground, feet digging into the dirt beneath and creating two long indents before he finally slid to a stop.

Byakuya put up a hand, a signal to halt their current spar. The strike to the chest hurt, and he’d be foolish to lie to himself about it. The man stood silent for a few moments, taking a couple of deep breaths. “Your speed on the battlefield is more impressive than I initially thought.” Even though this had been a routine for them in the last few months, it wasn't often that Byakuya gave a compliment.

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Fri Jul 19, 2024 11:17 pm
 Break a Blade, Cut a God [Yuuto, Byakuya] 1VUZAtK


As Byakuya raised a hand, Yuuto's body immediately halted every motion. The entire time, the Captain's eyes burned with a fierce, otherworldly determination, a sharpened focus centered on the task at hand. It was a far cry from the usual cadence that he carried himself with.

The elegance, gentleness, all of it looked as if it never existed, and the only thing that was in its place was a fighter, a warrior, an assassin.

If looks could kill, the gaze Yuuto Hisakawa had through their spars could end a country. But, in the blink of an eye, his sword was sheathed, his body upright and posture returned to normal, and his eyes had softened. It was as if a switch had been flipped in his head, and the man that Byakuya -- the man that most saw -- had returned. With a quiet, but deep breath, Yuuto offered a smile to the nobleman.

"Your reaction time now is a far cry to what it had been when we first started, Lord Kuchiki. I'm glad to see you improving."

However, despite the compliment that Byakuya bore Yuuto, deep down, it seemed to only fuel that never-ending desire for more. No matter how fast he was, it was never enough. He thought back to what Noharu had said, that he wasn't a god, that he couldn't do everything, that it didn't matter how strong he became, that people would always die.

Those words had remained, even in the deepest recesses of his mind, and caused him to be thinking, all the time. The fire that had burned for over two centuries sought that oh-so tempting level of ascension. It was pure insanity -- but, he didn't care. The idea was had been in his head for so long, hearing someone else vocalize it only cemented it further.

Could he do it? Could he shed what remained of his humanity...

...To become a god?

The Gotei 13 Advocate
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Sat Jul 20, 2024 12:03 am
 Break a Blade, Cut a God [Yuuto, Byakuya] Byakuya_PostingHeader5
Byakuya Kuchiki

The fire in Yuuto’s eyes was evidence that their spar had really sparked something in the Stealth Captain. Byakuya was curious what caused such an expression. Was it something about the intensity of their spar? When Yuuto’s fire dwindled, Byakuya’s curiosity was only raised at the return of the man he occasionally shared tea with. ‘Interesting.’ He said nothing, of course, and only wanted to press that matter through another round between them. Could he inspire that change again?

“One has no choice but to improve in this circumstance,” Byakuya said, yet another compliment toward Yuuto’s skill, but this time vaguely hidden behind the challenge Byakuya put on himself in their spars. Byakuya took another breath and then raised his sword out in front of him, the tip pointed to the ground. Yuuto had seen this before, in previous spars. They were easily far enough away that it wouldn't be a problem; that was the entire reason they chose this spot. It was time to get serious.

"Bankai," Byakuya let loose the sword and it sunk into the ground. What seemed like two endless lines of blades formed around him, rising from the ground before shattering, releasing millions upon millions of blades, truly innumerable. The release of reitatsu was immense, but wouldn't likely be sensed in the Rukongai, which stood over a hundred few miles away, completely out of their reach. 'I will see that expression again,' Byakuya thought as he watched Yuuto. Without moving, the blades followed his eyes and millions of sakura petals rushed the Stealth Captain.

End Post
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