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The Gotei 13 Advocate
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A Gentleman's Failure [Tsubine/J] Empty A Gentleman's Failure [Tsubine/J]

Fri May 31, 2024 3:26 pm
A Gentleman's Failure [Tsubine/J] J_PostingHeader4
Enter: J. Saionji

In an attempt to be a gentlemen, J tried to let the lie go, but he had been fooled so easily. He couldn’t get his mind off the whole situation. Having rescued an attractive young woman in the Rukongai, J decided to make a bold move and ask her out on a date. When she said yes, he went so far that he asked his sister for advice on how to make sure the date was a success. He made many notes, practiced coming up with questions, and planned out this perfect day. It wasn’t a game to him, it wasn’t ‘for fun.’ He definitely planned to have fun, and to show his date a good time, but J was in search of a wife and family, not a fling.

This was where everything went wrong…

Out in the Rukongai, he returned to a familiar District, one controlled by a specific organization that he let slide due to the lack of crime and reports that came from the area. It was in the territory of the Shirazumi-Rengokai. As he approved a certain manor, he knocked on the door and let himself be known to whoever answered. He was here, as usual, to see Tsubine Shirazumi. He very much needed to talk…

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Ye Olde Guarde
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A Gentleman's Failure [Tsubine/J] Empty Re: A Gentleman's Failure [Tsubine/J]

Fri May 31, 2024 9:21 pm

"Boss, your 'friend' from the Gotei is at the front door." Tsubine was in what some might call the parlor. It overlooked the small pond in the backyard of his manor with an open wall that let in all the sounds and smells of nature. It was the only room that was quite that open, and he liked relaxing in there. It was also the room where he held any private meetings or functions involving the Rengokai or his own personal business. Today, he was using it to polish both of his important swords—Kōgin Reimei and Konkankyō.

Tsubine raised his eyebrow to the comment from his attendant. "Do you have any idea how little that narrows it down now?" It's true. Tsubine had multiple people he knew in the Gotei now. He had made a few new acquaintances and had even rekindled an old friendship. Of course, he had new enemies as well... But he doubted that was the situation at the gate.

The attendant thought for a moment. "It's the one with the expensive hair." Tsubine knew exactly who that meant. "Oh, J. Is it just him?" The attendant dashed the sliver of hope he felt with a nod. "Well, send him in—and don't keep him waiting." The attendant rushed out the door to escort J in.

Tsubine took the time between the attendant leaving and returning to put the finishing polish on his swords. J walked in as Tsubine slid them both back in their respective scabbards. "Been a minute since you've made the trek to Shōjin, J. Can I get you something to drink?" Tsubine always offered, and J never accepted. It was more of a ritual—a sort-of secret handshake between the two friends.

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The Gotei 13 Advocate
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A Gentleman's Failure [Tsubine/J] Empty Re: A Gentleman's Failure [Tsubine/J]

Fri May 31, 2024 11:00 pm
A Gentleman's Failure [Tsubine/J] J_PostingHeader4
Enter: J. Saionji

When J entered, he looked much less “grand” than he normally did. His hair was still perfect, but his shoulders slouched and his brow was furrowed. He went over and took his usual spot, and as Tsubine offered the usual, his answer was almost instinctual ‘No,’ but he hesitated. He rarely partook in alcohol. He did not like his senses being dulled and his reaction times being slowed. Since he was off-duty and not on call, there was no reason to continue that, especially with…

“Yes. I would appreciate that.” J said and put his head over his forehead. The man leaned over and sighed, also an uncharacteristic action. There were only two people in all the realms that he would lower his guard like this around: his sister and Tsubine. “Before you ask… Mayumi is fine. I would really appreciate that drink.”

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Ye Olde Guarde
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A Gentleman's Failure [Tsubine/J] Empty Re: A Gentleman's Failure [Tsubine/J]

Sat Jun 01, 2024 3:26 pm

Tsubine had already made his way over to the ceramic jug of sake he was planning on drinking from. He had one cup down from the shelf and was about to turn around when J agreed to the drink. He raised an eyebrow and grabbed a second cup. J read his mind it seemed and clarified that Mayumi was okay. Tsubine knew that if something was really wrong, J wouldn't have waited for the door guards to let him through.

Tsubine led J to the railing that overlooked the pond. An attendant brought over two cushions for the two of them. Tsubine dismissed the attendant and the singular guard that insisted on being near him. Such was the price of being important. Tsubine poured J a cup and then accepted J's offer. Finally alone, Tsubine took a good look at J's face—he almost had bags under his eyes. That was unusual. Combined with everything else, Tsubine knew something was definitely up with his friend. "Well, I'll get right to it. What's wrong, J? You look... not so good. Is it Gotei stuff or Noble stuff? ...or is it both?"

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The Gotei 13 Advocate
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A Gentleman's Failure [Tsubine/J] Empty Re: A Gentleman's Failure [Tsubine/J]

Sat Jun 01, 2024 7:47 pm
A Gentleman's Failure [Tsubine/J] J_PostingHeader4
Enter: J. Saionji

The longer the formalities took, the more tense J became. Once they were finally alone, J drank his sake and sighed. He lowered his head, thought for a moment, and then looked up to Tsubine. He went to speak, hesitated, and then poured himself another drink. He consumed it, wanting the alcohol to hit faster than it was.

“I was subject to the manipulative lies of a young woman and completely humiliated,” J spat out quickly, looking away. The explanation was likely not enough to sate Tsubine’s curiosity, but J sat in silence, hoping the point would get across.

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Ye Olde Guarde
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A Gentleman's Failure [Tsubine/J] Empty Re: A Gentleman's Failure [Tsubine/J]

Sat Jun 01, 2024 8:26 pm

Tsubine hadn't seen J this rattled since his mother died. Even then, it was grief-rattling. This? This was personal-rattling. He didn't like seeing J like this. J was meant to be the one that he could poke with a stick and barely get a response. Hell, the most emotion he'd seen from J was with his request to track down a couple of people. He needed to know how that was going to be going, but that was not a conversation for now. It was J time.

Tsubine took the second sip by the time J was halfway done with his second cup. He'd either have to walk J home or J'd have to crash here if this continued. "...It wasn't your sister, was it?" After getting the confirmation it wasn't Kei, Tsubine reached over and topped J's drink off. He stared more at the sake than he did his friend as he spoke. "Well, J, I hate to say it, but welcome to the club of being a guy." Tsubine looked up with a pitying smile. "You're just like the rest of us after all." After chuckling at his own joke, Tsubine continued. "So what exactly happened?"

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The Gotei 13 Advocate
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A Gentleman's Failure [Tsubine/J] Empty Re: A Gentleman's Failure [Tsubine/J]

Sat Jun 01, 2024 8:43 pm
A Gentleman's Failure [Tsubine/J] J_PostingHeader4
Enter: J. Saionji

J wanted a third cup so bad, but he was self-aware enough to remember he was a lightweight, and it was coming. The man took a deep breath and shook his head. “No, if it were a family matter, I would not come here,” J said, running tense fingers over his head. J shot Tsubine a mild glare with the ‘welcome to the club’ message. If women were just manipulative liars, he had a long road ahead of him.

“I was working in the Rukongai on one of my patrols, ran into a beautiful, well-dressed, and well-mannered woman,” J said, staring out at the pond. “I took the chance and asked her on a date. We get to the date and half-way through, she admits she was putting on an act just to acquire the date. She was not serious about finding a stable relationship. She wanted a fling, or one of those one-night stands. I am uncertain. The situation was embarrassing; I am deeply ashamed.”

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Ye Olde Guarde
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A Gentleman's Failure [Tsubine/J] Empty Re: A Gentleman's Failure [Tsubine/J]

Tue Jun 04, 2024 3:10 pm

Tsubine stayed silent for a moment. He had to be very careful with this. As far back as he could remember, he hadn't seen nor heard of J being with anyone. He didn't want to just say "wow, that's rough buddy." He also didn't want J to think this was common enough with an "I understand." That might leave the Saionji without an heir.

"Whoever that woman was, I think she hit you in a weak spot. Well, maybe not a weak spot... I guess the best way to put is that you and the Rukongai don't mix well. You're used to the schemes and politcking of nobles. That's the kind of trickery you'd be ready for." Tsubine finished his first cup and poured a second. "What you described isn't that uncommon for, well, common folk. Sometimes they just want to experience something once. They'll use underhanded techniques to get it because they don't have either the time or money to do it the way you would."

"It's part of why I'm still in business. I make sure that they don't get too underhanded... and I also make sure they don't get an excess." Tsubine joined J in staring out over the pond. "I'm not trying to defend her when I say this, but it's just a fact of life out here. The noble will almost always outlive the commoner. People do stupid things because they don't know when their time will come."

"So as for you, chalk it up to her youth and your inexperience. It'll sting for a while, but hey, it doesn't really matter in the long run now does it?" Tsubine raised his cup. "For a night, let this burn the pain and shame away."

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A Gentleman's Failure [Tsubine/J] Empty Re: A Gentleman's Failure [Tsubine/J]

Tue Jun 04, 2024 10:34 pm
A Gentleman's Failure [Tsubine/J] J_PostingHeader4
Enter: J. Saionji

J shot a quick glare at Tsubine when he mentioned a ‘weak spot,’ but then calmed when he corrected himself. Realizing there was a different kind of trickery in the Rukongai was not exactly new; J was merely unfamiliar with it and forgot it existed. He was old enough to know the citizens of the Rukongai adapted their crimes and manipulation in different ways. He had not expected fake nobility.

As Tsubine went on, J took another drink. As the sake went down his throat, he felt the first bit hit his liver. It was that first bit of dizziness that hit strong and all at once. There was no slow increase. “The fact that one needs an ample amount of experience in dating in this era is pitiful,” J said, that wobbliness coming through his voice just a bit. “It doesn’t sting; it’s embarrassing! I, J. Saionji, Head of the Saionji Family, should not fall for such trickery. It is shameful! Sip, sip...

End Post
Ye Olde Guarde
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A Gentleman's Failure [Tsubine/J] Empty Re: A Gentleman's Failure [Tsubine/J]

Wed Jun 05, 2024 12:06 pm

Tsubine chuckled. He had been unfortunate to fall for a similar ruse a long time ago. In a lot of ways, he did understand why it hurt J so much. In others, he couldn't understand. Unlike J, Tsubine had more experience with women. He was rusty as hell now, but before Kanna? Let's just say he had "game" as the kids say. Tsubine straightened his back and stuck out his chin. He held his cup high. "What is embarrassment if not the stinging ache of one's pride?" He waxed poetic for a moment before chuckling again. His brief put-on air of superiority vanished.

"I don't think I ever told you the full story on how Kanna and I got together." Tsubine wasn't a lightweight like J. However, any sake after the first cup tend to make him get a bit nostalgic. "I had asked her out, she said no. The next day, she accepted one of my random challenges. It was kind of a blind date for fighters. Well, neither of us were expecting one another. And I engaged in a bit of, well, 'trickery.' You see, I didn't want to hurt her. She was beautiful, and I couldn't see a single scar on her body. I relished in being able to go 'man, I gave this big, tough guy that's famous out here a scar when I beat him.' Her? I couldn't bring myself to do it."

"She beat me over and over because I couldn't bring myself to swinging at her in earnest. Kanna figured it out and slapped me for it. I deserved it. I wasn't being honest in a sense. She wanted a challenge, not someone to coddle her. So I said that if I won the next match, I'd get to have that date I asked for. If she won, I'd give her enough money to do whatever she wanted. Of course, I was basically broke at the time, though she never knew that." Tsubine chuckled again and finished his cup. He didn't pour another. "I won, and we hit it off on that date. The rest, well, you know."

"J, what I'm trying to say is that sometimes people will lie in order not to hurt the other person. It's selfish and stupid most of the time, like what happened with you. But also realize that she probably didn't want to embarrass you. The only shame you should feel..." Tsubine poured his third cup. " if you did something wrong. I feel ashamed for what I did to Kanna back then. If she's a good person, she'll feel shame for what she did. But you? You did nothing to be ashamed of."

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