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The Gotei 13 Advocate
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Checking the Eighth [Rei/Hana] - Page 4 Left_bar_bleue1570/100Checking the Eighth [Rei/Hana] - Page 4 Empty_bar_bleue  (1570/100)

Checking the Eighth [Rei/Hana] - Page 4 Empty Re: Checking the Eighth [Rei/Hana]

Tue Jun 18, 2024 3:15 am
Checking the Eighth [Rei/Hana] - Page 4 Hana_PostingHeader21
Enter: Hana Aoyama

“It was fun, and I appreciate your help as well. Thank you,” Hana said. She let her arms sprawl outwards and closed her eyes, taking the moment to rest in this rather undignified way. Laying on the ground was not something a noblewoman should do, but Hana recently found herself letting go of a few noble traditions and mannerisms. She opened her eyes and looked to Rei when the question was asked.

“Well…” Hana said, hesitating. In truth, she wasn’t sure what to answer that with. Her upbringing seemed odd to the other noble houses, and Hana wasn’t sure Rei would be interested in the nobility. Most people hated them… Hana sat up and stared at the wood floor. “My upbringing… was as many expect of a noble house, I guess…” Hana said, her tone a little choppy, as if she was unsure.

“What exactly are you wanting to compare?” Hana asked, sort of trying to change the subject to give herself some time to think. She just met Rei, and explaining her personal experience was not something she was willing to do yet.

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Checking the Eighth [Rei/Hana] - Page 4 Empty Re: Checking the Eighth [Rei/Hana]

Wed Jun 19, 2024 6:07 am
"Well, being born here seems to mean you also age the same as a normal spirit. Things like do you stay with your family until you can become the head, what do you eat, what do Soul Society children who were born here do for fun. Do you go to school or is the shinigami academy what replaces school here. I don't mean to pry, but I've always been interested that people are actually born here in the soul society."

Rei would admit as she noticed the woman's guard went up. She really didn't mean for it to come off as her trying to be nosy, but her interest was genuine. She also had someone who could answer these types of questions right in front of her, so why not roll the dice and see if she would or not.

"If ya don't want to share that's fine. I know that we just met and all."
The Gotei 13 Advocate
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Checking the Eighth [Rei/Hana] - Page 4 Empty Re: Checking the Eighth [Rei/Hana]

Wed Jun 19, 2024 12:36 pm
Checking the Eighth [Rei/Hana] - Page 4 Hana_PostingHeader21
Enter: Hana Aoyama

That was a lot of questions that Hana had to think about now. She took in a relaxing breath and tried collecting her answers. “Well, I can only speak for myself, but most noble families stick together unless something happens. For example, I was going to be sold off into marriage, but fought my parents on it, so I ended up here instead… As for what we eat, my family preferred traditional Japanese cuisine. I did not go to school; I had an instructor teach me at home. However, I am sure Shino Academy does not replace generalized education. There must be some schools, though smaller, in the Rukongai… Though, I do wonder…”

Hana might have a little project. Did the children in the Rukongai get a proper education? She honestly wasn’t sure. Maybe the wealthier and more protected sections did. That was something to look into… She looked over to Rei and smiled. “I am okay with sharing some things about myself. That is how you get to know each other and make friends, right? So, why not tell me something about yourself?”

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Checking the Eighth [Rei/Hana] - Page 4 Empty Re: Checking the Eighth [Rei/Hana]

Thu Jun 20, 2024 7:11 am
Rei would listen attentively to the answer as she would nod. She knew that some people in the rukongai would go out of their way to offer to teach some of the children running around, but as a majority the children weren't treated the best. Many were without family and had to get into groups with each other to make sure that they could eat. The best thing that could happen to them is getting scouted into the gotei by a shinigami who happened to be walking through. Or managing to get yourself into the academy.

"Well, I like to cook alot. Its one of my favorite things to do in my free time. I actually go out into the rukongai and cook giving some food to anyone who wants a bowl or plate. I suppose some would consider it work, but I love doing it."

She would speak about her cooking with a smile. She enjoyed cooking for shinigami as well, but to her that wasn't as satisfying as cooking for the people of the rukongai. The ones who are less fortunate. She even had a rule that children got their food first. Since sometimes it's hard to know how long it's been since they had a proper meal out their. The rukongai can be a rough place.
The Gotei 13 Advocate
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Checking the Eighth [Rei/Hana] - Page 4 Empty Re: Checking the Eighth [Rei/Hana]

Sat Jun 22, 2024 10:13 pm
Checking the Eighth [Rei/Hana] - Page 4 Hana_PostingHeader21
Enter: Hana Aoyama

A look of interest brightened on Hana’s face when Rei mentioned helping feed those in the Rukongai. She sat up, stretched, and turned to Rei in a traditional seiza. “I would love to try one of your meals one day,” Hana said with a smile. “But I am curious, do you go to the Rukongai to help feed them often? I have heard of, and started to witness, many of the troubles those of the outskirts get into… I…” Hana hesitated and looked sadly at the ground. She looked like she was trying to figure out what to say. “I never knew it was so bad… I have lived a privileged life.”

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Checking the Eighth [Rei/Hana] - Page 4 Empty Re: Checking the Eighth [Rei/Hana]

Mon Jun 24, 2024 4:59 am
"No reason to be ashamed of a privileged life, but yeah usually illl try to go once or twice a week to do it. Souls don't rely on food as much as living creatures in the world of the living do."

She'd speak letting the other shinigami know how often she tries to get out there. She wishes she could do more, but with her shinigami work and trying to spend time with her sister and help her prepare for the academy she was kind of spread thin. She also had to find time for her own training, but most of the time she would do that while she's figuratively on the clock.

"It is rougher in the rukongai for sure, but there's nothing we can really do but try to make it better individually. I like to think im doing my part, but I'm only one person unfortunately. However, I'd love some help if you wanna come with me one day? I could invite you out and introduce you to an old shop keep I know who let's me use his building for my cooking."

She would add as she would enjoy some help. Just having Bambietta the last time she was out helped her greatly. Just having someone to converse with was such a nice feeling it was hard to fight off.
The Gotei 13 Advocate
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Checking the Eighth [Rei/Hana] - Page 4 Empty Re: Checking the Eighth [Rei/Hana]

Mon Jun 24, 2024 10:09 pm
Checking the Eighth [Rei/Hana] - Page 4 Hana_PostingHeader21
Enter: Hana Aoyama

That is what Hana heard. ‘Weak souls don’t need it.’ Her mother taught her that less really young… Hana remembered wanting to play with some children during a visit to the Rukongai, but they approached and asked for something to eat. Hana was ready to give it to them, but her mother snatched it from her hand and yelled at her.

Hana snapped out of it, shaking her head to refocus her mind here. “I would love to go one day. I do fear how they will react to someone like myself. I entered the Rukongai with a friend at a different time and was not well received.” Hana never could understand how her clothing stood out so much. She put on her cheapest outfit, but her cheapest outfit was also clean, still expensive, and vibrant in color. She probably would have done better just dressing in her uniform.

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Checking the Eighth [Rei/Hana] - Page 4 Empty Re: Checking the Eighth [Rei/Hana]

Tue Jun 25, 2024 7:05 am
Rei would think about the issue she had as she landed on it. Had she not dresses like a shinigami it was easy to stand out in the rukongai. Many of them wore very old worn clothes that didn't exactly have much to them. Which would lead anyone wearing anything else to stick out like a sore thumb. Then they would become targeted by hatred or sometimes actually become targeted by violent people trying to make it. Rei would sigh as she would speak out.

"They won't fully trust you the first couple times if you go alone. Especially if you dress up a little but. Gotta remember out there colored clothing itself is rare. Forget anything very clean or that looks new. It's much easier to just go dressed in uniform."

Rei would explain to the other kind soul as she thought about it. She knew that they would give Hana a chance If she brought her out there with her though. She had already earned the reputation of some of the people who actually own bars and what not out there. Doing that helped her secure places for her to cook and allow people to eat.

"If you come with me though, you won't have any issues. Atleast we shouldn't. Occasionally I'll get some older soul who gets annoyed I'm feeding the kid first, but it's easy enough to explain away. The important thing is to not get mad at them. They didn't choose to live in the rukongai. Just like I didn't choose to die when I did, and you didn't choose to be born in a royal family."
The Gotei 13 Advocate
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Checking the Eighth [Rei/Hana] - Page 4 Empty Re: Checking the Eighth [Rei/Hana]

Tue Jun 25, 2024 9:38 pm
Checking the Eighth [Rei/Hana] - Page 4 Hana_PostingHeader21
Enter: Hana Aoyama

Hana had finally relaxed enough to stand up and dust herself off. She put away the wooden training sword and turned back to Rei. “I hope to join you one day, but for now, I am hungry and exhausted.” Hana said and held a hand out to Rei to shake.

"Thank you for the spar today; I learned a lot," Hana said, shaking Rei's hand if it was taken. If not, she would just put her hand back down. With a small wave, Hana walked to the exit, stretching as she planned on walking out. "Until next time!"

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Checking the Eighth [Rei/Hana] - Page 4 Empty Re: Checking the Eighth [Rei/Hana]

Thu Jun 27, 2024 8:02 am
Rei would nod as she would offer to take the wooden sword. Not minding cleaning back up since they got done. As she watched the woman leave she would sigh. Alone again huh? However she would go around making sure the training hall was clean for whoever was next. Making sure the wooden swords bin was straight, and there was no sweat left on the mat. Once she was done doing that she would find herself walking back towards the barracks. She was gonna make herself a lunch before she had to go on her duties.
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