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Jefferson City 3: Alpha - The Sentinal - Page 3 Empty Re: Jefferson City 3: Alpha - The Sentinal

Fri May 24, 2024 7:08 pm
Jefferson City 3: Alpha - The Sentinal - Page 3 K739c623j27

"Don't fire any arrows!" A grin spread out across her features as a fire burned in her eyes, pleased as she noticed the distinct shift in how the enemy took the attacks. It seemed entirely unbothered by the reiatsu based attacks, it was only pure physical violence that had caused an effect. Seeing the creature being all but obliterated. There wa sa loud whirring noise as Beeps flew down and promptly clamped onto Ehefra's shoulder, going inert as Ehefra narrowed her eyes at the sudden influx of spiritual energy from the canisters.

Before a loud rushing howl filled the air as she promptly began sucking the reishi clean out of the air, the energy billowing inward, trying to promptly shred the fog of energy that had been spilled into the air, and protneitally partially shred the clouds before some of the creatures could fully form. Compressing the reishi into a single blade, continuing to draw in reishi. She was hesitant to take this reishi into her body, Not all of it at least. A very small pertion she pulled into herself, anticipating the possibility that it might somehow be tainted. But the majority of it, she dragged in and compressed into that blade, intent on robbing it from being utilized to create these creatures.

"They're using the Reishi to form these things. Don't use any spiritual attacks, start taking reishi out of the air. USe physical attacks!" She instructed, tensing as she noticed the armed combatants. Shit. For a fraction of a second, she considered sending that sword through the lot of them, at least to cut down a few of them. But No, she wanted to keep the sword on her person so she could focus on it , to keep it from being scattered back into the environment.


She clamped her fingers into a nearby vehicle, and with a loud woosh, the car was promptly thrown across the street with full force, aiming to plow the vehicle through some of those spectral enemies and hopefully startle some of the men with the helmets. At them?

She flung a chunk of the car door that had been ripped from the vehicle when she'd swung the thing, aiming to pelt the soldier in the helmet with enough force to break it. But not full force to the point where it would simply pop the individul's head. Curious what was beneath. But this wasn't a great position. She had to stay with the company now, she wouldn't have the benefit of simply circling the enemies or pincering with Beeps. Her blut switched from Vene to Arterie as those reishi bullets fired at them. Hopefully that would be sufficient for this very moment. There was still that ship to contend with, perhaps she should have thrown the car up at that thing. Shit. But no, for now she needed to focus on taking out these wraiths, and continuing to suck reishi from their immediate surroundings. ONce those wraiths were dealt with, then she could mow down the masked men and potentially deal with that ship. But she had to be careful.
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Jefferson City 3: Alpha - The Sentinal - Page 3 Empty Re: Jefferson City 3: Alpha - The Sentinal

Sat May 25, 2024 6:52 am
Stella wouldn't summon her axe at the moment. She needed to get down to assist with the other Soldat. As she would steigen down onto the ground she didn't summon her axe right away. Before the door would slide open she would attempt to use blut arterie as her venes would glow a pale red as she would grab one of the zombie type of creatures and slam it into the car she was standing next to. Attempting to just amplify her strength with her reishi to avoid using any outsources of it.

Then she heard the door slide open of a canister as she would look seeing the guys. She would quickly move behind the car she had just used as a weapon provided the ghoul had properly been killed. She would try to relay the message to the other soldat down here as she was sure they noticed, but you couldn't be too safe.

"Guys! Listen to efehra. The things coming out of the ground are sucking up the reishi. Try to use the vehicles as cover from the gun fire. I'll try to deal with those guys."

Last edited by Frost_Rei on Thu May 30, 2024 6:23 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Jefferson City 3: Alpha - The Sentinal - Page 3 Empty Re: Jefferson City 3: Alpha - The Sentinal

Mon May 27, 2024 5:11 pm
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It did not seem to interfere with Kido? Good. The vessel above manifesting yet nobody managed to see it?! What is that thing? Who are these? None of this made alot of sense, though he watched those canister like missiles deliver their payload across the city. There was a sudden rush of orders from Ehefra, though Akira was inclined to continue using his Kido, something did not add up and the manifestation of reishi was curious.

It would seem like Stella was safe, good yet it was difficult to ignore the droning gnawing of malnourished looking monstrosities that resembled zombie-like depictions from alot of literature. Curious Those below unloading into Ehefra and Stella could be handled, this horde though would need thinning out.

."Hadō 33: Sokatsui..

The left hand shifted drastically, though did not unleash the burning blue energy just yet as the free hand moved his zanpakuto to bisect one clean across the cranium, following it up with a snap of finger and thumb as the attention was diverted to another segment. Then did unleash. A wave of crashing blue flame ignited to thin the horde, though a burst of steam was unleashed around it, causing scolding injury to the enemies on the perimeter to keep them from being encircled.


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Jefferson City 3: Alpha - The Sentinal - Page 3 Empty Re: Jefferson City 3: Alpha - The Sentinal

Thu May 30, 2024 5:57 pm
Jefferson City 3: Alpha - The Sentinal - Page 3 3xsug6m

Ehefra's idea was smart, considering the information they've concluded about the situation, but it didn't help entirely, not with the Reishi-based energy being fired at them, fueling the zombies to continue their march onto the group. Akira's attempts, however, did help. The power of his Kido was enough to momentarily pause the advancing creatures, their forms unable to process the Kido entirely before they were dispatched into nothingness, but, as they were vanquished, they seemed to reform, the Reishi in the air enough to keep them ever-present.

Physical effort seemed powerful against them though, the creatures lacking any real strength to combat the Soldat. However, those who were touched found their inflicted limbs numb, as if something had been sucked out of them, leaving them weakened. And with the soldiers from afar peppering them with arrows, the situation seemed pressing. That is, until Jenkins took the lead.

Ehefra's attempt had made the enemy soldiers move, some dodging, while others were taken by surprise. The returned fire forced some to also move to cover, but those who were hit by the Vandenreich's efforts would showcase sudden sparks of blue from their outfits, revealing a strikingly similar function to Quincy being utilized, and much like with their weapons, a spike of energy would ping when they any trauma was inflicted upon the black soldiers.

Jenkins was quick however, "Soldiers who are best at range, enter the center and focus the black men. Those proficient at close combat, circle and protect our archers from these creatures."

His orders came out as the soldat moved, and he charged forward, a blazing blue blade in his hand before he rose his Quincy weapon with a sweep, creating a wave of Reishi between his men and the soldiers as everyone got into position.

"Akira! Fire another spell to our left. We're heading down that street. That'll lead us towards Bravo. Ehefra, air support!"

Everyone would sense the air above them spike with activity though, the ship above opening its hull to reveal a spherical device that had charged up before firing a massive laser down at another approaching beam from Charlie's location. The ship would then start to lean to the side as it began moving towards the center of the city, its lumbering mass a constant shadow over the group. Jenkins had let himself be momentarily distracted, but he quickly snapped back to his men as his makeshift barrier started to fade.

"Let's move men!"

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Jefferson City 3: Alpha - The Sentinal - Page 3 Empty Re: Jefferson City 3: Alpha - The Sentinal

Fri May 31, 2024 8:50 am
Jefferson City 3: Alpha - The Sentinal - Page 3 K739c623j27

Ehefra narrowed her eyes, watching as the ghosts seemed laid low well enough by sheer physical force, though she could see the effect it had on the men who struck them with their bare hands. She promptly ripped a nearby sign from the ground and twisted it into a short pointed spear. Upon Jenkin's orders she promptly joined the melee circle as Beeps popped out of her jacket and returned to its overwatch position just above the group. Tch.

It took her just an instant to assess the situation. As the missile docks popped open on either side of Beeps, there would not be the standard array of projectiles, but bundles of thin, needle like munitions. A sudden harsh hissing noise filling the air as they fired up into the air before promptly spiraling back down. Those vicious needles homing in on the black soldiers and aimed to plow clean through their shoulders or calves, the pointed missiles designed to puncture that defensive skin with the sheer overwhelming penetrating power her missiles were capable of, coming from the primary bow of a powerful quincy such as herself. And when the missiles detonated, the effect would be mostly concussive, a small, concentrated pang intended to break bones and tenderize the nearby muscle tissue.

The entire situation was rapidly shifting , she could sense the shifts going on around them, as well as the distant noises of attacks and the beams being fired from the ship itself. Their purpose was supposed to be drawing aggression away from the other groups after all. However, she held off from firing a volley at the ship. They were still dealing with the nearby soldiers and wraiths, and were already aiming to move. She'd wait on targeting the ship until they were in a better position, preferably out of line of sight from the ship itself. Then she could simply fire missiles around cover and harry the massive vehicle. But for right now, she focused on getting the group safely to it's next destination.

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Jefferson City 3: Alpha - The Sentinal - Page 3 Empty Re: Jefferson City 3: Alpha - The Sentinal

Fri May 31, 2024 10:46 am
Stella didn't get any direct demand, so she would make do with what she had been doing. She doesn't use ranged attacks really well, so she would focus on killing any of the zombies while the squad of soldat fired at the soldiers clad in black. She wanted to protect them as best she can as Akira and Efehra seemed to be infinitely more valuable at their current point in time.

She understood this, but she would continue to do her part as well as she could. Any of the zombie like creatures coming out of the ground she would either stop, slam their head into or slam her axe into their heads. Making sure that none of them interrupted the ranged soldats. Her uniform was slowly becoming more and more bloody as time goes on. She was definitely going to need a bath after this.
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Jefferson City 3: Alpha - The Sentinal - Page 3 Empty Re: Jefferson City 3: Alpha - The Sentinal

Sat Jun 01, 2024 7:44 pm
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They could seemingly reform without issue or qualm, though Kido interference was something Akira would continue to note going forward. It was then Jenkins barked out a request, one that was easily followed as the energy within his left palm, beginning to coalesce into the burning sapphire blue before a snap of finger and thumb launched enough stream of flame!

."Hadō 33: Sokatsui!

It was enough to cover the retreat, though that vessel was going to be an issue without a doubt or question. The reishi based weapons of his companions felt a little obsolete comparatively to the cruiser which came straight out of a Sci-Fi story, a moment of pondering following suit as he talked. The idle movement of a step technique saw him moving with Jenkins shortly after.

."I can launch my own assault against the cruiser if necessary, my Kido does not seem to be something they can engage with too easily. It might distort whatever boundaries are forming and exploit a weakness for everyone out to use.


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Jefferson City 3: Alpha - The Sentinal - Page 3 Empty Re: Jefferson City 3: Alpha - The Sentinal

Sun Jun 02, 2024 4:42 pm
Jefferson City 3: Alpha - The Sentinal - Page 3 3xsug6m

"That ship hasn't turned its sights on us yet. I doubt attacking it will lead us anywhere. It is most likely our plan of being the main focus is all but in shambles. Right now, we need to find a way to get back with everyone else."

They could all focus their attention on attacking the ship, but they know literally nothing about it. Attacking it could worsen their situation, and if that's the case, it is best to leave it alone until they've made sure the other squads haven't been besieged. That's easier said than done though. With zombies on one side and gunfire on the other, they're going to have to brute force their way to the rendezvous point.

However, a revelation was given thanks to Ehefra. It is a good thing to have a strong AoE fighter with them. Her needle attack worked just as intended, piercing the armor of their assailants as they escaped thanks to Akira, and as Ehefra's needles popped, the men did not make a sound as their arms ripped. That's when anyone paying attention would come to notice that some of their arms fell off, wiring popping and fizzling out, and if any of those needles had hit anywhere else, the same would be noticeable as any inflicted area did not spit out blood but oil and metal parts.

The reason why they're undetectable until they fire or their armor activates became clear just like that. They're not people. They have no energy besides whatever gives them the ability move. That's why the zombies ignore them, the soulless husks that they are.

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Jefferson City 3: Alpha - The Sentinal - Page 3 Empty Re: Jefferson City 3: Alpha - The Sentinal

Tue Jun 04, 2024 2:21 pm
Jefferson City 3: Alpha - The Sentinal - Page 3 K739c623j27

The forward advance was working well. Seeing the effect her volley was having, she felt her eyes widen. Machines? She had felt a bit of apprehension, after all, the city was empty, and with those ghosts, and one of them having attempted to pull Stella from her body, she had surmised it was possible that the civilians had been possessed and were being used as soldiers. That thankfully seemed not to be the case, but this seemed...advanced.

"Stella, Cut down any Soldiers or Ghosts that get too close to the group. And keep dragging in Reishi, we don't want too many more of those things spawning." She instructed to the Ritter that seemed to be sticking to her. Admittedly she was echoing Jenkins, but the girl's attention continuously seemed to shift in her direction and so she gave them directive as the group kept it's motion towards a bit of respite, continuing to drag in Reishi as she did so.

Beeps continued floating overhead, firing Needles towars the more distant mechanical soldiers in an effort to keep them from simply gunning them down from afar, and relying on Stella and the others to deal with those that came in close.
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Jefferson City 3: Alpha - The Sentinal - Page 3 Empty Re: Jefferson City 3: Alpha - The Sentinal

Tue Jun 04, 2024 2:45 pm
Stella would keep her eyes out for anymore zombies as she would try to go from cover to cover to dodge fire from the enemy soldiers. Obviously not wanting to get shot she was trying to move as fast and as safe as possible. She would stick close to the group of soldiers that way she can provide support for any of zombies. She didn't want them to have to take time to shoot the zombies, so she did what she could for them.

Trying to make sure that they had nothing to worry about when it came to that. She was hoping they were doing in the same in keeping her from getting shot if she goes in and out of cover. She would hear the call from Efehra as she would nod. She would make a call just to show that she heard the order before continuing to do what she had already been doing. Also she was trying to keep an eye out for any different types of enemies as she didn't want to get caught off guard like she had earlier with the hand.

"Yes mam."
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