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The Hybrid King
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A Familial Visit [Natasha/Eiji] - Page 2 Empty Re: A Familial Visit [Natasha/Eiji]

Sun Aug 13, 2023 12:12 am
A Familial Visit [Natasha/Eiji] - Page 2 TxMkKTL

Neighborhood Brat

Eiji had hit a homerun as far as he was concerned. Natasha's spirits seemed to be lifting despite the awful condition she was in, her worries slipping away thanks to his boyish undertones. Giggling to himself, the boy flashed a pose left and right, goofily smoldering at her in order to elicit a response. A jester played his part in front of the king, that's what the books he read as a kid said at least. Shouldering her concerns was nothing, it was the least he could do for someone willing to change his entire world.

"I ain't who they call 'That Guy' for nothin'. 'Sides, how could I not take you up on a once and a lifetime offer like that? I've been through hell and back doin' stuff to keep myself afloat. Like I said before, I wasn't the greatest kid to be around. Gotta make up for the problems I caused, even if atonin' could take years."

Though his smile was genuine, a look if desperation could be read on the boy's face with ease. Eiji really did want to make amends for all the wrong he did growing up, so much so that it consumed it, eating at his very core. Life was a struggle, something he felt was necessary for what he had done. Those who do wrong are met with wrong in return, that was clear. It was easy to see, in fact.

"Anyways, how long're you planin' on bein' here?"

Shuffling around in her bed, Eiji continued to hold firm to her hand, like a boy attaching himself to his mother. Comforting her, he sat crisscross opposite her now, fiddling around with his shirt sleeve.

"I haven't done much with you bein' gone and all, could barely dress myself if it wasn't thanks to you. I'm doin' my best to keep the house clean at least, though. Workin' my way around the city here and there. Are there gonna be any complications goin' for you in the near future? I don't really got any idea what's happened, so. Feel free to explain away."

His red eyes glimmered with a shine that some would discern as expressionless. If anything, Eiji was doing his best to put up a front. An upstanding kid, despite his bratty attitude. No point in trying to look tough in front of someone with so much struggle in their life.

Ain't No Place For A Rat

A Familial Visit [Natasha/Eiji] - Page 2 FXpoQxJ
A Familial Visit [Natasha/Eiji] - Page 2 2Y9rqGk

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A Familial Visit [Natasha/Eiji] - Page 2 Empty Re: A Familial Visit [Natasha/Eiji]

Sun Aug 13, 2023 2:25 am
A Familial Visit [Natasha/Eiji] - Page 2 GErtDg6


"Maintainin' things in my absence, eh? Earnin' brownie points across the board, are we? Gotta reward ya' one day."

Homerun was definitely a way of describing what he had achieved here. Her mood had certainly shifted from somber misery to a pleasant optimism. Whether it would persist after he left was an entirely different story altogether, though she remained fairly confident that they would. What else was she going to do? Moping likely wouldn't change a damn thing. It was bigger than her.

There were was much she needed to do, a city to protect, and eventually two individuals under her household to take care of and look over. Lamenting her shortcomings would have been easy. Reflect on the positives and move forward. That would be the approach. Of course, the decision was additionally made easy enough by the brat occupying a spot comforting her on her hospital bed. Come to think of it, she really needed to think of a way to assist him in getting accustomed, especially if she was going to be staying here long-term. Reaching up to pinch his cheek like a proud mother satisfied by their kid's efforts, Natasha propped herself against the bed.

"Honestly? I'm hopin' they'll release me as soon as possible. I ain't tryna to stay here for any more than a week or two at most. I got banged up pretty bad, certainly, but I've been through worse. One of my friends took the worst of it---in more ways than one. In the meantime, though, I think you should get out of the house more. Pretty lonely to just spend your days in the house alone. I've got some resources I can give ya so you can navigate fairly well, and still visit this injured old lady' while she's nursin' er' wounds."

The Hybrid King
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A Familial Visit [Natasha/Eiji] - Page 2 Empty Re: A Familial Visit [Natasha/Eiji]

Tue Aug 15, 2023 7:03 pm
A Familial Visit [Natasha/Eiji] - Page 2 TxMkKTL

Neighborhood Brat

"I guess that works for me, then. I've been meanin' to find my way around while I can. You know, not bein' held down by an old lady and all."

Hopping off his side of the bed, Eiji dusted at his clothes and gave the woman a gentle sigh. It was getting to be that time, even though he was enjoying himself it was best that he gave Natasha some sort of privacy to recover. Turning away from her and picking up the bag he originally came with, he did a quick little turn and gave her a small bow.

"So what's the plan? I can't just tackle it all on my own so if you could give me some pointers with The City, that'd help quite a'bit ya'know."

Digging at the recesses of his bag, Eiji produced a small notebook and pen, something he kept on him just for the sake of it. You never knew when things like this would come in handy, moments like these proving his point pretty easily. Tossing them towards Natasha, he prodded at the notebook like it was a pen pad, scribbling little lines before pointing the end of the pen at her. As if inviting her to continue where he left off, Eiji shrugged his head towards the paper and smiled.

"What'd you recommend?"

Ain't No Place For A Rat

A Familial Visit [Natasha/Eiji] - Page 2 FXpoQxJ
A Familial Visit [Natasha/Eiji] - Page 2 2Y9rqGk

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A Familial Visit [Natasha/Eiji] - Page 2 Empty Re: A Familial Visit [Natasha/Eiji]

Wed Aug 23, 2023 10:53 pm
A Familial Visit [Natasha/Eiji] - Page 2 GErtDg6


"Don't worry, sweetheart. Once I recover, this old lady'll go right back to being the same nuisance you've grown oh so fond of."

Natasha took his playful quip in stride. Moving forward, she understood the necessity of providing him with the resources that would allow him to properly operate in the City without her presence. That should have been her first order of business when she brought him here, truth be told, but so much had been thrown on her plate within a month that the thought genuinely slipped her mind. Now that he was here, though, there was ample opportunity to right the ship and amend that oversight.

Notebook and pen in hand, Natasha silently tasked herself with writing a detailed layout of resources. Mapping out areas of interest attached to anything ranging from a place to train to a place to relax with others outside the household. There were even suggestions of peers he could meet who would guide him in the right direction.

By the end, Natasha wrote enough for him to operate properly. That was the intention, hopefully, at least. A gentle sigh accompanied the pause of her hands. Turning to face him again, she placed the notebook in his bag. She would have gladly welcomed him spending the rest of the day here putting her mind at ease, but he was a young man who deserved the opportunity to explore his newfound life in this city. Who was she to hold him down?

"I recommend glancin' over everything in that notepad. I mapped out all the reasonable places you can explore and who you should go to if you find yourself confused by anything ya don't understand. The City of Lights is a pretty peaceful place, so it isn't likely you'll run into much danger. Now, hug this ol' lady before we part. I'm certainly gon' miss ya for a minute, but don't get accustomed to me bein' gone too long, now, alright? I'll be good as new in no time."

The Hybrid King
Joined : 2011-06-06
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A Familial Visit [Natasha/Eiji] - Page 2 Left_bar_bleue10015/100000A Familial Visit [Natasha/Eiji] - Page 2 Empty_bar_bleue  (10015/100000)

A Familial Visit [Natasha/Eiji] - Page 2 Empty Re: A Familial Visit [Natasha/Eiji]

Sun Aug 27, 2023 7:53 pm
A Familial Visit [Natasha/Eiji] - Page 2 TxMkKTL

Neighborhood Brat

"Yeah well, I'm sure Natsumi and I will be waiting for you at home."

The same cheeky smile that Eiji was so accustomed to seemed to fade, replaced by one of genuine sincerity. He had hoped his relationship with Natsumi would improve, not just for himself but also for Natasha. Eiji doubted she enjoyed seeing Natsumi the way she was, he didn't like being the cause either. That was out of his hands, unfortunately.

Fiddling around with his clothes, the boy waited for his time with his caretaker to come to a close. Jotting back and forth across his notebook, leaving little notes here and there, it seemed like Natasha had quite a grip on the city. How could he be so lucky to find himself in great company? If anything, was this what it felt like to have a 'mother', he thought. It didn't matter, his childhood was the way it was because of him and his actions. Can't really blame his parents after everything he's done. Whatever.

Before long, Natasha finished off with her little spree across the pages of his notebook and beckoned him to her side for a final time.

"I'll be sure to take this time seriously. I know you aren't lookin' forward to sittin' in here all alone. Won't be long though, yeah?"

Without hesitation, Eiji took the initiative and pulled Natasha into a tight hold, wrapping his arms around in a comforting and familial way. Like a son thanking his mother, he took hold of Natasha and refused to let go until told to.

"Don't stick around here too long, might get a lot older a lot faster."

Ain't No Place For A Rat

A Familial Visit [Natasha/Eiji] - Page 2 FXpoQxJ
A Familial Visit [Natasha/Eiji] - Page 2 2Y9rqGk

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A Familial Visit [Natasha/Eiji] - Page 2 Empty Re: A Familial Visit [Natasha/Eiji]

Sun Aug 27, 2023 9:55 pm
A Familial Visit [Natasha/Eiji] - Page 2 GErtDg6


For a moment, Natasha wanted to act anything but her age. This young man was proving to be genuinely fine company to be around, an unexpected voice of reason. But they would be parting soon, and he would have to spend his weeks stepping out into the City of Lights to adapt to his new surroundings. Life really could be a cruel mistress sometimes, huh? Ah well. She supposed there was no use lamenting over anything silly. Sure, she was in rough condition now, but she was overwhelmingly confident in her ability to recover. Soldiers never did fall until they died, and she was still breathing.

His presence hadn't entirely washed away the stain on her soul regarding the midnight assault in Africa, certainly, but Eiji helped her view things in a bigger picture and reminded her of the importance she held in the lives of others. Who was she to make him think otherwise, right? His warm embrace only reminded her of the appreciation and faith he had in her. To say she was used to this form of familial affection would have been quite untrue. But that didn't make it any less heartwarming, and she winded her arms around him to reciprocate that same heartfelt gesture. Heh, this little brat sure did know how to make an old lady feel good about herself, huh? Despite his past, he was a good kid. And Natasha vowed to support his future just as much as Natsumi. Speaking of...

"Trust me, sweetheart. I ain't planning on being here for long. I'll be out of here in no time. And I'll be teasin' ya about all this genuine affection ya' showed me when I get back. One more thing, though, Eiji. I know I'm asking a lot. Heaven knows it might be a little unfair, in fact, but... if you can, please try and find Natsumi. And if you see her, tell her I'm sorry. I recognize I made a mistake in not tellin' her about you ahead of time. Even if she turns ya down... just let her know she don't gotta' fight about a thing in my household. Let her know... I love her like one of my own, alright?"

The Hybrid King
Joined : 2011-06-06
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A Familial Visit [Natasha/Eiji] - Page 2 Empty Re: A Familial Visit [Natasha/Eiji]

Tue Aug 29, 2023 7:57 pm
A Familial Visit [Natasha/Eiji] - Page 2 TxMkKTL

Neighborhood Brat

Things must be hard on Natasha right now, Eiji thought. Moments like these tended to define a person, who was he to worry about her when surely she was strong enough to come out the other side on her own. Call it a familial instinct, the way a son cares for a parent. Or, maybe it was simply the need to help others. Either way, it was clear that she'd be fine. That was a relief.

"Don't worry. I'll make sure she knows, even if she ain't a happy camper."

Grabbing his bag, Eiji took a deep breath and bowed abruptly. Though it may seem odd, the young man wanted it to be clear that Natasha was appreciated. Without her, he'd be out on his own. Continuing to try to keep himself afloat in the world. It wasn't his place to judge, let alone look down on others, not after everything he had done. Despite that, Natasha was willing to grant him his second chance. For that, he was grateful.

"Just keep yourself in check or you're gonna end up in here longer. Can't be havin' that, can we?"

Straightening himself out, he smiled and tucked his notebook into the depths of his bag. It was about time to finally get out of here it seemed. Turning away from the woman, Eiji made for the door, preparing himself for the moments to come. After all, what better to do than leave an impression on his caretaker? He'd be a different man once she left her cell, he'd make sure of that.


Ain't No Place For A Rat

A Familial Visit [Natasha/Eiji] - Page 2 FXpoQxJ
A Familial Visit [Natasha/Eiji] - Page 2 2Y9rqGk

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