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Sun Jan 15, 2023 10:54 am
AfriCatastrophe: Ringo D - Page 3 Ringo_header

Seems they were catching on. Well that was problematic for the leopard don as the new honcho was felled by the trap with all the feriocity of a leaping tiger and his body was torn apart before the new Ringo D could form. No sooner had the new honcho been fallen, there was already a gross mass forming on the Ringo that had turned tail and began to try to make distance between the lot of them with a sword of lightning swiftly following behind it.

It left just one RIngo D to try and distract the group as its acidic aura stretched around it and the beast roared in a rage. These little mutts were proving do be a bit of a problem for the top dog, this wouldn't do! So a tactical retreat was in order for the hunter king as its other self was before Solomon's strength tore through the decoy with enough ferocity to cause it to fall onto the ground with a thud.

With great work did the dark shinigami, blessed by tiger's ferocity in tandem with his own the distance is closed in a flash and the lumbering hollow turns around for one more act of defiance as it readies its radial balas once more. Too little too late as the shinigami's zanpakuto fells him in a pillar of flame and reiatsu before it dissipates.

With victory in sight the last cancerous creature tries to break off, a pathetic copy which has yet to properly reach maturity no bigger than Tento itself.


The Leopard Don | END POST

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Sun Jan 15, 2023 11:27 am
AfriCatastrophe: Ringo D - Page 3 HEAD_98550034_p9_master1200

Exhaustion hit Igen like a truck. UNder normal circumstances, he would have faceplanted. HE would have rejoiced and been satisfied with their work. Been proud of Solomon and Tento cracking down on the remaining creatures. His body hurt. His muscles hurt. Hell even his TEETH hurt somehow. Every inch of him was aching from strain and energy use as he tried to muster up what he had left. And his eyes focused on that one last creature. HE had nothing, almost. No energy left. HE could barely stand. Panting there with those pale blue flames already extinguished. And watching as that one last, tiny little creature attempted to escape.

He raised a hand, pointing a finger at the creature and narrowed his eyes. Trying to muster the energy for a Sho spell to, if nothing else, knock the creature onto it's face so that the others could gank it. A small crackle of energy formed at his fingertip, but it got no further. Igen had well and truly exhausted every resource available to him. His world spun, and he promptly collapsed facefirst into the rubble beneath him. Completely wiped out. He wasn't in danger, with the nearby relief squad, or really anyone with any skill in Kaido got to him and got his spirit energy replenished he'd be right as rain. But in that moment, he was down and out.

And just as he did, Tento would feel those stripes peeling away from his body. Clearly seeming to react to the downing of it's wielder. And for just an instant, a Tiger would form beside Tento. Flashing a look over it's shoulder, as a feminine voice would sound around him. "Pleasure working with you, kiddo~" Before it vanished, it's energy returning to Igen. Though of course, Tento would STILL feel that buzz of energy inside of him, already healing the burning sensation from being around those acidic auras. He still had a few more moments left of that energy. Hopefully just enough to ensure that last little fucker died.

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Sun Jan 15, 2023 5:38 pm
AfriCatastrophe: Ringo D - Page 3 Nc14v0I


Solomon's composed expression belied the excitement brimming within his spirit. Their concerted efforts were being rewarded, Igen's ambitious sacrifice had not been in vain. The trio had been felled in their entirety. Now, only cancerous creature remained, and Solomon had no intention of letting that copy escape with it's life. Solomon would focus a portion of electrified reishi at the tip of his spirit weapon, pinpointing the remaining Ringo with unmatched accuracy. Thrusting the blade forward, Solomon unleashed a thunderous spear-shaped arrow in tandem with Igen's Sho.

He trusted that even if the pathetic creature happened to avoid it by some miracle, Tento would flash forward and execute the finishing strike in his ideal condition. A sigh of relief escaped his lips as he approached his teammates, propping Igen's body up with his hand. He was proud of their respective efforts; Solomon was likewise impressed that they were able to handle this threat as well as they did, without being pushed to their absolute limit---excluding Igen's calculated risk, of course. Even so, he only celebrated it inwardly, keeping his eyes peeled even till the very end. It was a momentary victory, but a victory nonetheless. Offering a warm smile, he gazed at Igen and Tento.

"Great work, you two. For this to be our first time together, I couldn't have imagined a better result. I commend you in particular, Igen. That was pretty brave of you to throw yourself into the fray like that, inspiring even."

The Oncoming Storm | End Post

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Sun Jan 15, 2023 8:31 pm

The Unrefined Paragon

Tentō Zefā

AfriCatastrophe: Ringo D - Page 3 6EdIfMt

One. Just one stubborn. Tiny squirming Hollow trying to flee from the chasing jaws of defeat and purification. Its acid aura acting like a fog painful wall of threat as it stretched out all around it as it made its retreat. In the aims of survive to fight another day. Or another way of combat planning to bid time to grow its physical form once again. The spiritual energy recovery of this would be interesting if it did escape. Would it be able to immediately recover its power, or would it have to devour and start from a lower base?

Feeling the large shake of his body, the well of energy leaving his body and a bit of his own as he used his boon to take down one of the trio Hollows. Burning and healing bur ing and healing during the process. He was well off energy wise and health thanks to Igen. And so he moved taking a defensive stance in front of Igen after her body fell to the ground in the aftermath of he failed kido spell.

As Solomon focued his electrified reishi at the tip of his spirit weapon, pinpointing the remaining Ringo with steadfast accuracy. Thrusting the blade forward, Solomon unleashed a thunderous spear-shaped arrow that aimed to finish this today in one fell swoop.

As this occurred Tento felt it. A shift of power leaving his vessel that only gave a wave of concern. Not for him but his comrade. A Shinigami's ability phasing out without their command was a sign of serious harm. How much had Igen sacrifice in her energy? How much pain did she endure leading the charge to that opening? The stripes loved away, and in that moment of doubt that made him want to turn around. He was given something to look forward from. In a moment of time, brief, aTiger would form beside Tento. Flashing a look over it's shoulder, as a feminine voice would sound around him. "Pleasure working with you, kiddo~".

It was calm. Confident and happy even. A piece of energy there. Igen was fine. Returning to Igrn as he still felt the buzzing flicker of energy in him. Igen was still fighting. Solomon was still fighting. The others were, and he couldn't stop here where it was all at the door of victory. Body healing from the burning sensation from being around those acidic auras.

He moved, if Solomon's strike proved to miss or fail to.end this Hollow. He would charge ahead and appear overhead without a shred of doubt in his movements. Bringing his sword down in a overhead slash to clean the small Hollow un twain if needed.

Either way, hopefully, it would be over. Tento would.hustle to return to Igen's and Solomon's side. Igen's body being propped up by Solomon. It seemed she was fine. Just very very tired. And she deserved a well earned rest.

Sword sheath he spoke, q tired but happy voice rining out in a light warm voice as he gazed at the two of them. "I do have to admit. The synergy was a lot better than I could ever hope. Igen, thank you. That was brave and a bit dangerous though. I'm glad you are fine. And Solomon...thanks, had my back a few times earlier".

Coding Altered From: [The Frost]

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