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AfriCatastrophe: Ringo D - Page 2 Empty Re: AfriCatastrophe: Ringo D

Fri Dec 23, 2022 7:35 pm
AfriCatastrophe: Ringo D - Page 2 Nc14v0I


Pandemonium. An accurate word to describe the scene unfolding around the three warriors. Ringo D's self-replication was proving to be quite a troublesome ability, one that would work to their disadvantage if left unfettered. Solomon had confronted his fair share of hollows before, but none of them were nearly as unpredictable as this. For every strike, another miniature version formed in its place. Solomon had entrusted the main beast to Igen and Tento, but would they truly be able to contend with the beast as it stood now? No, it would be unbecoming of him to doubt his teammates.

His faith in them was crucial. He had to fulfill his role. To err from that course of action would only leave a bitter taste in his mouth. His azure gaze observed the actions of Igen and Tento. Tento had held the Honcho in place, while Igen was viciously throwing rail after rail toward the entrapped target. Out of the corner of his eye, he noticed two of those miniature hollows trying to attach themselves against the main core.

Solomon shifted his body around, maintaining his mobility as ambient reishi gathered around him in the shapes of electrified pillars. Solomon thrust his sword forward through a few of those pillars, swinging each arc of lightning toward the lumbering group of Ringos. Even if they evaded it, Solomon's aim was ever to make sure those strikes landed against the superior threat. If they could remove the head of the beast, they could certainly handle the lesser hollows, right? Wishful thinking, he supposed, but he remained ambitious.

If things seemed to get out of hand and he was required to act beyond his current station, he'd simply have to endure that aura through his Blut's defensive function. If it truly got out of hand? Well, then, his Letz Stil was more or less his trump card. Of course, considering the repercussions, he sincerely hoped it wouldn't have to escalate to that point. At the very least, he had been training to maintain it a little longer.

The Oncoming Storm | End Post

Last edited by Iori on Sun Jan 15, 2023 5:25 pm; edited 2 times in total
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AfriCatastrophe: Ringo D - Page 2 Empty Re: AfriCatastrophe: Ringo D

Sun Dec 25, 2022 11:42 pm
AfriCatastrophe: Ringo D - Page 2 Cc273a97c03c9b2e584353292e339435

Tentō Zefā | The Unrefined Paragon

As more blows landed at the large body of the Hollow, a flicker of satisfaction with Tento was formed before quickly being shifted. The electric current shocking and stunning, the physical blows from Igen. It was all chaos in the end. A repeated of events seemed to follow, the body of Ringo D happening once again as the base form of the Hollow plopped another blob of material into existence before it began to shift and form. Growing to the size with the original. A concern fact but one that made less but the burning feeling Tento felt as the trio of same unioned Hollows moved. Layering their acidic air space as it let out another shriek. Well, at least all three of them were trapped and stopped in those seconds. But those echoing layered shrieks of laughter did wonders in the 'I hate this thing' project. Skin burning in a light HIIIIISSSSSSSS to send that emotion home. It hurt but thankfully had not corroded his body or clothes, a thing he was not sure of how long would be the case and thus he eagerly moved back with a flash step above to create space out of the damaging air. Thoughts went in Tento's mind as he focused his mind and his spiritual observation on this un-peculiar foe.

Solomon moved and continued to work as well. His gathered reishi aura around him, the electric pillars crackling with power as sparks flew within the pillars in a fireworks show back and forth. Tento had successfully held the Honcho in place, while Igen was viciously throwing rail after rail toward the entrapped target. But how long would this last? Regardless, the two other miniature versions of the hollows moving towards its core was a serious threat. The tingles of pain was already present, if Tento stayed longer it would be an issue, if he got trapped with all three covering an area, that would be trouble. With each split of the Hollow, did its energy get weaker? Did its abilities? Or was this a stable steady separate of new body with new energy matching that of its creator?

With each split of the Hollow, did its energy get weaker? Did its abilities? Or was this a stable steady separate of new body with new energy matching that of its creator? As Tento flashed stepped and attempted to get a good angle for his next action, traveling back to the ground level. Believing in Solomon's aim and ability to handle the growing smaller Hollows. But a little help wouldn't hurt right? He words came out as Igen promptly vanished, using Shunpo to rapidly circle around the group of hollows grabbing an armful of railings along the way. The metals flew, rail after rail in a barrage of aerial attacks that continued to play their role in the grand scheme of the team effort against this divided Hollow.

As Tento flashed stepped and attempted to get a good angle for his next action, traveling back to the ground level. Believing in Solomon's aim and ability to handle the growing smaller Hollows. But a little help wouldn't hurt right? He words came out as Igen promptly vanished, using Shunpo to rapidly circle around the group of hollows grabbing an armful of railings along the way. The metals flew, rail after rail in a barrage of aerial attacks that continued to play their role in the grand scheme of the team effort against this divided Hollow. "Rain from above. Corner and smite them. The lord of my spirit, shepard tho I am sheep, Hadō #43, Gaki Rekkō!!". Above the three hollows several meters in the air, Tento pointed the tip of his sword towards them. A circle of energy forming in a green lush shield like appearance but Tento thrusted downward. Making the green shield of reishi sparkle and splash. The appearance of the shield rippling like a lake surface against curved peddles. Multiple shots of green light firing down in an unrelenting wave of blasts from its center in a cage-like formation. With great care Tento used this kido spell, modifying the spell where that instead of short beams, the blasts fire were long beams that acted as lasers as well as long strings to cage or hinder the three Hollow's movements if he was able to strike them. Among the blasts, he attempted to aim some towards the smaller creatures within the Hollow's mouths. Hopping that those parts of the Hollow was easier to deal with than the larger mass of it. With this happening after Igen's rail tossing attacks, and Solomon's lightening arc pillars, hopefully something at least would trip this Hollows up.

Light in the Dark | End Post

AfriCatastrophe: Ringo D - Page 2 Tentos10
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AfriCatastrophe: Ringo D - Page 2 Empty Re: AfriCatastrophe: Ringo D

Wed Dec 28, 2022 11:16 am
AfriCatastrophe: Ringo D - Page 2 Ringo_header

They got him. Good on the boys and their hard work. As their combined efforts rained down on him though the Honcho's mouth closed with a gulp and the two figures disappeared from view. He looked a lot more 'normal' if you could even describe this hollow's physiology as resembling it in anyway. Having bunkered down he gave his retaliation with a barking cackle.

Balas everywhere as they appeared around him from all sides. Hundreds of them shooting out in all directions like light that had hit a disco ball. The sky, the ground, the circumference of his being was giving them a barrage of bala. While the individual threat that these balas posed was low, their power output not incredible, the sheer number of them made it an overwhelming parry to reduce the effectiveness of their attacks and destroy the nearby surroundings.

Even the lesser hollows surrounding Honcho were afflicted, his clones suffered some damage from the attack, Igen's platform became destabilised and it was certainly a mess while the dust settled.

The RIngos' reiatsu had decreased a bit. It was certainly a bit taxing on the hollow to perform the omnidirectional disco of balas to keep the party on their toes. He let out another deafening roar as the two-story beast expunged another Ringo D but had aimed it towards Tento. It had recognised the threat that his variety of kido was compared to the projectiles that the other two had used. It was a nuissance and a problem for the predator so the Ringo D that was careening through the air towards Tento would try to catch the shinigami in its jaws and bite in him half with its retaliation.

The Leopard Don | END POST

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AfriCatastrophe: Ringo D - Page 2 Empty Re: AfriCatastrophe: Ringo D

Wed Dec 28, 2022 9:17 pm
AfriCatastrophe: Ringo D - Page 2 HEADER___astolfo_fate_and_2_more_drawn_by_kawacy__cd425d3c1cef15e03f578c9334fe19c9

SCORE! The ringing stopped suddenly as those lengths of metal struck home! A triumphant smile flashing across Igen's features right up until those bala started to fly out! He honestly really didn't have to dodge. He had plenty of cover. But there were actually still things he had to worry about! Hissing slightly, as those balas SLAMMED into the structure he was settled on, he let out a slight yelp as soon the building started to tilt! Crashing toward the monster as its foundations were blown to pieces! The building tilted forward before crashing down, a huge plume of dust coursing up as Igen and the building hit the ground!

Though, through that dust, a pink blur ultimately shot out! Though te building had fallen. Igen still remained up in the air, standing on platforms of reishi as he shot up higher into the air! Putting a bit more distance so that those random radial balas flew wider and wider, an occassional one flying somewhat close, but once he was high up enough, they were practically a non-issue! Panting just a little, the Shinigami peered back down to the ground, narrowingh is eyes. Tch. Tento was getting attacked. But Solomon was nearby, and it was his job to deal with the small fry. At the very least, slow them down so that Tento wasn't swarmed. The rails weren't gonna crack that thing's outter shell. Igen would have to be a bit more direct it seemed.

"Alright. I can do this." He huffed, focusing on the hollow down below.

His body shifted in the direction of the monster before a loud BOOM echoed as he shot down toward the hollow, flying down towards the gigantic hollow. There was a loud. BANG as he moved in like a missile, focusing his reiryoku through his body. Hardening the skin along his fist, turning his whole body into the move as he came down with full force, using Hakuda to compress his spiritual energy and momentum into the point of contact, striking with the intent to try and punch a hole clean through it's tough exterior and make an opening for Tento to get at it's insides!
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AfriCatastrophe: Ringo D - Page 2 Empty Re: AfriCatastrophe: Ringo D

Sat Dec 31, 2022 5:34 pm
AfriCatastrophe: Ringo D - Page 2 Nc14v0I


To a certain degree, their respective techniques seemed to bear fruit. As opposed to before, where Ringo was madly thrashing about, heedless of those in his path, their combined efforts had forced the grotesque beast into shifting his attention wholly onto them. Two of the the lesser versions of the honcho seemed to disappear from view, but Solomon kept his poise about him as he shifted his feet surveying his surroundings, his hawklike gaze seeking out the slightest irregularity.

Like ceaseless gunfire, the abnormal hollow unleashed a multitude of Bala, shrouding nearby surrounding within a countless wave of blasts. Compared to Igen, who was protected and held aloft by the large building, Solomon was relatively defenseless, a sitting duck primed for the hunt. Of course, defense wasn't his forte. He would meet the assault with the only countermeasure he knew - simultaneously defending himself through his own offense.

Shifting his feet forward, Solomon thrust his spirit weapon further, using the remaining set of electrified pillars of as arrows, firing them off in an omnidirectional wave of azure lightning. The likelihood of deflecting an all out wave of balas with such a strike was low. As if acknowledging that fact, Solomon kept himself in perpetual motion, evading as many of those small blasts of energy as he was physically able, carried forth by his own platforms of reishi, amplifying his evasive charge through Hirenkyaku. Moving off of his initial spot was less than ideal, but he could recover quickly.

He was still nearby to keep his attention at the ready. For the first time, Ringo had acknowledged one of them as a target that could not be overlooked. Solomon shifted his gaze upward to see another self-replicated ringo careening towards the air in pursuit of Tento. He slashed his blade upward, channeling an arc of electrified reishi as he swung it towards the lesser Ringo, aiming to intercept it's path with that single strike. In the midst of that attack, Solomon called out towards him, to remind him of his position, his worth in this battle.

"Be careful, Tento! This monster is acknowledging you as a target! Keep pressing on with your assault, but be mindful of your defense!"

Solomon was far from bold enough to assume he could read minds, but he certainly understood battlefield strategy. This beast either viewed Tento as the weakest link or the most troublesome foe among the three of them. That could work to their advantage, but Solomon had to maintain his attention on Tento now as well maintaining his role as the interceptor, to keep these replicants from spreading outward to endanger the remaining survivors. Tch... he almost wished the beast was as mindless as he appeared.

The Oncoming Storm | End Post

Last edited by Iori on Tue Jun 20, 2023 6:48 pm; edited 4 times in total
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AfriCatastrophe: Ringo D - Page 2 Empty Re: AfriCatastrophe: Ringo D

Tue Jan 03, 2023 1:10 am
AfriCatastrophe: Ringo D - Page 2 Cc273a97c03c9b2e584353292e339435

Tentō Zefā | The Unrefined Paragon

For people who had never fought together before. Igen, Solomon, and Tento were fighting well off of each other. Or st least that was what Tento felt as he witnessed their combined attacks rain down on Ringo D. Metal railings slamming into the Hollow's body, blasts of electricity slashing and stabbing at the small hindrances its body produced, and reishi energy working as a cage and probing lasers.

They could do this! And with Ringo D closing its mouth after the two smaller Hollows. Attachments? Were hidden, Tento was certain that they found its weak spot. Things were about to go overdrive in a sense now. The Honocho buckering down with an eerie cackle.


Balas everywhere, forming up as if they were a layer of skin. The sight of such a thing causing Tentō's eyes to grow wide. Hundreds. And with that many it didn't matter how strong they were, it was going to hurt and be tough to avoid. As the Balas were unleashed Tento once again began to chant and cast kido. He needed some defense, not just for him but for the people fighting behind him in the distance that could potentially get hit! "Bakudō #39. Enkōsen!", Tento roared extending one of his arms out. Generatinga dull yellow energy, which takes the form of a large spinning disk of condensed Reiatsu, in front of themselves. Energy overcharged in this casting to increase the defensive ability and the size in hopes to withstand the onslaught of rapid fired Balas to cover himself and others.

Whether this worked fully or not, a dust cloak would come from the clash of energy, with Tento placing a layer of energy under his feet to act as a platform. A massive boom was heard, Igen decending from above closing in to aim at an attack at Ringo D' shell.

Yet another Ringo D was made though during this. At least the beasts energy was dropping. But it was coming for him!


Went Solomon's blade as it swung upward channeled with his electrified reishi. Going towards the lesser Ringo D aiming to intercept it's path to Tento. Hopefully that would stop it but even if not, it would give time for Tento to move. 8n a flash he moved again, changing his position to be an behind overhead angle after Solomon's attack passed to the same Ringo D Igen was attacking. Listening to Solomon's words, Tento gripped his blade tight, focusing his reshi as a layer of energy over his skin and letting it flow and empower. With a roar he slashed, hoping to take advantage of Igen's action and put the original down for good. If possible, the external shield would be down and he cut would slash the two beings in its mouth apart. If not, he would just have to use his strength and energy to break through and attack alongside Igen!

Light in the Dark | End Post

AfriCatastrophe: Ringo D - Page 2 Tentos10
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AfriCatastrophe: Ringo D - Page 2 Empty Re: AfriCatastrophe: Ringo D

Sun Jan 08, 2023 12:38 am
AfriCatastrophe: Ringo D - Page 2 Ringo_header

Score, a hit, a shot. The combined effort of the gang successfully repelled the attacking beast that wanted to bite the dark-skinned shinigami in half. A pitiful groan as the beast sank down and its aura disappeared with the attack from Igen opening up its body like butter for them to attack its insides. The honcho's form dissipated as it dissolved into dust but the others remained around staring at the trio that proved a threat.


They screeched in unison while lumbering towards the opponents. Three hollows but a bulge beginning to form on one of them which was in the lead, the grotesque mouth grinning as it was like a cancerous tumour ready to break free of its host and continue. The dogs were out and they weren't about to give up while shooting a couple of balas at the foes.

Their new alpha, the new honcho was ready to put an end to this farce but the anger at the other Ringo's death had only fueled its rage to make it ready to gather its boys and burn these pesky mutts to goop with their acidic auras.

The Leopard Don | END POST

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AfriCatastrophe: Ringo D - Page 2 Empty Re: AfriCatastrophe: Ringo D

Sun Jan 08, 2023 9:20 am
AfriCatastrophe: Ringo D - Page 2 HEAD_98550034_p9_master1200

It caved. The massive creature's body Yielded like paper beneath the force of Igen's attack, cleaving cleanly through it's body and emerging through the other side, an attack which was followed up by both of the other fighters in the area, drowning the beast in a sudden torrent of violence and aggression from the trio as it promptly crumpled and dissolved on the spot. That burning sensation brief and vanishing seemingly almost instantly after the monster was slain, a few holes burned into Igen's uniform, but it was a brief enough exchange that all of them had gone off without much issue! A Big grin spreading across Igen's face.

That is. Until he saw the remaining hollows start charging toward them.

And he saw that bulge swelling at the top of one of their heads. And for just an instant, his stomach sank. Was it going to try and regenerate another of the big ones? No, he was NOT going to allow that. Reasonably speaking, the group of hollows had lost a tremendous amount of energy by losing their main body. It stood to reason that even if they regenerated that big thing, it would be weaker.

But hollows did not always follow reason. And the threat alone wasa enough for Igen's expression to turn cold and murderous. As black markings crawled into existence along his frame. Black tiger stripes that slowly spread and covered his entire body as his spiritual pressure welled up inside of him. And promptly the back and shoulders of his kosode began burning away as kido energy started to wrap around his body violently. So hard was his focus on those charging hollows that he barely even felt the lack of slow burning blister of his skin as the energy being poured through his body. How many times had he done this before? There was a tingling sting along his back and his shoulders, but his skin refused to burn and char this time.

As the cloth along his back and shoulders burned away, both Solomon and Tento would be treated to the sight of where those black stripes originated. Black kanji between his shoulder blades, marking him with a '王'.

"Solomon. Fifteenth Seat Zefa. I'm going to try and cripple the one in the lead. If not kill it. We have to wipe all of them out. I'm worried one of them might grow the big one back." He almost charged right in then and there. But in that moment, he realized that he was going to exhaust himself. He didn't have limitless energy, and if he did this, then his allies would be left without an immediate healer. They'd have to rely on the nearby relief unit to heal them. And so, Igen made a decision.

Turning, he promptly reached out, and so long as Tento allowed him to. He would place his hand onto the man's shoulder. And promptly, Tento would feel a sudden surge of energy pouring into him. Not volatile energy, but healing energy. Kaido flowing into the man's body. Of course, he hadn't sustained any injuries to heal, but he'd feel a low buzzing sensation. Igen's Jinjashō kaido. As well as those black stripes would crawl away from Igen's own body and winad around Tento's frame. A marking forming on the Fifteenth seat's shoulder. "竜王". Imparting a good chunk of his energy to the man. Not only in the form of that healing energy. So that if that pack of hollows charged in, he'd heal just as quickly as he was injured or burned by those horrid auras. Not only that, but those black stripes would work as protection, keeping him intact and keeping him protected.

It was a hefty price. And it left Igen without his own Shikai's protection. But he wasn't thinking about that. even as he made these preparations his eyes were still locked onto that one suspiciously tumoring hollow. Without giving an opportunity to receive thanks, he glanced only briefly toward Solomon. An expression just as stern offered. A nod of trust given to the quincy before Igen shot off toward the pack of charging Hollows like a thunderbolt. Bright blue flames TEARING up the rubble between himself and that rushing hollow as that kido energy wrapped around him. He'd given a sizeable chunk of his energy to Tento, to ensure the man would be alright. So that if Igen failed, he'd have all the protection he needed to follow up and slaughter the rest of these monsters.

Those blue flames twisted and ROARED along his frame. That combination of Hakuda and Kido twisting around his body. Even if he HAD managed to not burn himself this time around. It was still just a flimsy, twisted fascimile of what he was actually trying to do. He'd struggled. He'd burned himself. HE'd healed himself. And then burned himself all over again these past several months trying to get it right. But even if he couldn't produce a true shunko, he'd still put everything he had into this attack.

A loud CRACK of compressed air as he would suddenly shunpo into the space directly above the charging hollows. His hands opened as flames condensed along his fingertips like claws, those blue flames wrapped around his body, and then coursing along his arms to collect into those claws. Pushing back the sudden nausea as he burned through his energy reserves like a wildfire. And there it was, at his fingertips. Everything he had. All of his remaining energy. And in that split second, even with the murderous look in his eyes. He feared it wouldn't be enough. And as if to answer, those flames SWELLED. Pulling up energy from deep inside of him. Like a pawn throwing itself infront of it's king. Igen put everything he had, and then some into those pale blue flames.

燃焼急流 Nenshō Kyūryū

Down came those burning claws and a cascade of blue flames followed in it's wake. Even with his skin hissing from the corrosive aura around those three hollows, Igen's body held up by his own sheer durability as he brought those hands down and unleashed everything he had on the group of hollows. But all of his effort centered on the one that was front and center, that twisting downpour of fire and physical force intent on erasing the hollow on the spot. As the combination of energy and the sheer strength behind the strike itself aimed to cleave a trench from the point of impact all the way toward the the edge of that vast hole itself, his own physical strength and martial prowess trying to fill in where his energy fell short. Whether he succeeded or not. The flames would almost instantly vanish from his back and shoulders, that brilliant flare of energy all but completely exhausting Igen's energy reserves on the spot.

Had this been training, he would have likely collapsed on the spot.

But he didn't. He managed to FORCE himself to stay on his feet. FORCING himself to stay on his feet. Fully expecting to be jumped by the remaining hollows, if they were still alive. If nothing else, to present himself as a target. Even if he didn't have the strength to fight back, if nothing else, he hoped that Tento and Solomon would be able to cut them down while they piled on him.
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AfriCatastrophe: Ringo D - Page 2 Empty Re: AfriCatastrophe: Ringo D

Wed Jan 11, 2023 9:43 pm
AfriCatastrophe: Ringo D - Page 2 Nc14v0I


A voiceless confirmation was registered the moment Solomon's gaze met those stern pair of eyes. There was no reason to deny her of her intention, especially when her eyes were radiating such a fiery determination. It was a calculated risk, to be certain, but Igen was placing her faith in them to adapt even if her plan faltered. His sword held upright, Solomon's own azure eyes burned with renewed vigor. His eyes locked onto Igen's charging form as she vanished and reappeared above the trio trio of hollows, displaying relentless aggression as she launched her ferocious assault.

A fierce hellfire of pale blue flame and martial prowess. Solomon would not let her performance be in vain as he turned towards Tento and firmly motioned for them to act where she could not. Regardless of Igen's condition, he was not going to allow them to overwhelm her in a moment of weakness. Since her target was the head honcho attempting to form another replicant, Solomon made turned his attention towards the remaining hollows as his spirit weapon rumbled.

A long reaching blade of electricity formed within Solomon's free hand as he charged into the fray as well. He hurled the initial blade towards one replicant, to throw off it's sense of direction as he slashed his blade forward, aiming to cut the other in half.

Even if it meant throwing himself directly into the lion's den, he would give it his all to ensure her plan was a success. They had to keep pressing the offensive here. If she was willing to offer her all and throw herself into danger, then he was of no exception.

The Oncoming Storm | End Post

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AfriCatastrophe: Ringo D - Page 2 Empty Re: AfriCatastrophe: Ringo D

Sat Jan 14, 2023 11:15 am

The Unrefined Paragon

Tentō Zefā

AfriCatastrophe: Ringo D - Page 2 6EdIfMt

Success! "YEEEES. NICE NOW WE JUST HAVE TO", Tento yelled in a sportsman like roar of adrenaline seeing the main body. It's body falling short of landing its attack onto Tento's body. Its mouth(s?) letting out a pitiful sorry groan of defeat as it sanked to the ground slowing disappearing physical and aura wise. It was great! The energy from that Hollow remained gone. It did not flow back or seem to become a stockpile for the others. It had annoying and deadly abilities, but a massive weakness! Once loss that energy was gone. Igen was awesome! Opening its body like butter to get that opening. He was so gonna raise her hand up and chant MVP after this was over and done. But there was more to be had. With the honcho's form dissipated as it dissolved into dust the others screeched in a sick song harmony before charging towards Igen, Solomon, and Tento.

"The heck!?!?", Tento said seeing a bulge beginning to form on one of them which was in the lead, the grotesque mouth grinning as it was like a cancerous tumor ready to break free of its host and continue. Energy charging as balas were almost ready to rain upon them. Acidic auras raring to go once again in the narcotic reach. At that moment Tento mental mind felt a SPIKE. A swelling well nearby of energy that was on the verge to reach the surface. His eyes went to the source; Igen. Black markings crawled into existence along his frame. Black tiger stripes that slowly spread and covered Igen's entire body as a wonderful amount of spiritual pressure welled up inside. Up in the vanguard Igen stood, clothes melting in the acid a fearful shout almost coming from Tento before he pause. Igen...was fine? No wounds nor reduction in his energy. From behind, he saw those black stripes originated. Black kanji between her shoulder blades, marking her with a '王'.

Tento took a deep breath, letting his energy course around him as a brown wave of spiritual seeped out as he listened to Igen's words. "Right with ya", Tento said expecting Igen to charge forward. But instead, Igen made the motion as if she thought of it before turning around. Hand reaching out to touch Tento's shoulder. A WAVE of energy pushing into his body that he almost immediately trembled. The surge felt like there had been a sudden shock of electricity put into his body that was bouncing around within his vessel. Intense and yet, nurturing. The aches, scratches, blood. His wounds were all healing! Minor ones due to caution (and luck with his teammates watching his back), but still. This was a boon for sure. Then those black strikes would crawl away from Igen's own body and wind around Tento's frame. Not bad. If Tento did he would not mind getting these type of things as tattoos. Maybe he could look nice in them? Another unknown symbol was made, on his left shoulder. "竜王". "Huh? Igen?", Tento said in wonder as Igen looked at him and Solomon before shooting out towards the pack of charging Hollows. Bright vibrant blue flames charing up the ground in approach as that flaming energy wrapped itself around its wielder.

Tento's body tensed. The determination. The gable of risk that his Gotei United comrade was placing herself in. The faith in him and Solomon to be right there and ready. To take advantage of her rallying cry and gambit! The fire in Igen's soul yelled as it hit Tento. The focus. The will. And as the loud CRACK of compressed air came with the descent of blue hot flames streaking in a star light like follow through. Burning with energy, skill, and rage at the Hollow in the lead. Tento's energy glowed, the brown color of his spiritual pressure roaring a lion's might as it swallowed him. Empowered on by Igen's gift.

Solomon followed through, taking the focus of one Hollow as he hurled an electric created bl⅞lade towards one replicant, to throw off it's sense of direction as he slashed his blade forward, aiming to cut the other in half. Tento was right behind him his Zanpakuto behind them as he completed his shunpo to place himself in front of them after their strikes. Tolleing up the chain of assaults in a hopeful combo that would end this battle. His arms and torso twisted, energy flaring out like a sun as he put his everything into this strike. His energy, Igen's gifted power. Solomon's determination, and his own raging will as his spiritual energy quaker and shaked that of a rising inferno. Brown spiritual energy erupting as it swelled around his blade. "Ishi-ryoku no kokyū, First form- Unknowning Flame!", he ROARERED charging forward to his targeted Hollow. Aiming to start the single slash at its mask using all of his speed and strength to the fullest in addition to the quaking energy that would burst out from the blade of his sword. Streaking in an upward diagonal slash that would reach out and clean through the Hollow and reach the sky with a burst of spiritual and air pressure. The marks leaving Tento's body as he pushed and pushed. Hoping the marks would slash at the unguarded masks of any Hollow that possibly avoided Igen's or Solomon's attacks that held songs of combat within them.

Coding Altered From: [The Frost]

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